Reysa Sashara
Dec 25th, 2001, 01:20:25 PM
The trade route on the outskirts of the Vortos system and the "Home World Region" was a steady going route, the constent bussel of ships comming and going ment that trade was going well, there new trade was high consentrations of smuggeld Bacta from Thyferra, The newly built space station in orbit of the planet of Ambria was serving as a adminitration point for all cargo vessels and military craft within the area.
150 or more capital ships were entering the area everyday with huge shipments of cargo, and of course the Confederations ships were performing there useral back and forth trips to the desternations at hand..the main was the Cizerack Pride which the Confederation held as there most important ally.
Reysa sat at his amber finished pine desk, papers scatterd from one end of the table to the next, a ink well to his left left small blothces of the blue substance on the desk, to the right was a lamp..his office on the space station was rather cosey, the doors closely gaurded by two BWC-RA Troopers stood outside both holding Bolters, the air ducts gaurded by driod guards both with twin Via lazers the grounds and corridors patroled by driod gaurds and soldiers...Reysa felt pretty safe...the whole station was patroled 24/7 by 15.000 active soldiers on and off shifts mind you...
Plans to take a small planet just outside the system was underway..the planets name was "Gahland" its trade factors very high...its main export was what they called Derhareler but only exporting it to there own army and fleet...basicly BACTA...but named under a diffrent name to keep it a secret....BWC Forces infiltrated the plant undercover and found the substance as bacta....the BWC was risking to much to smuggel anymore from was time we had some of our own...
The Planet was well know for its populus and Consurant type was a perfect place to have our "Bacta" plantations...
150 or more capital ships were entering the area everyday with huge shipments of cargo, and of course the Confederations ships were performing there useral back and forth trips to the desternations at hand..the main was the Cizerack Pride which the Confederation held as there most important ally.
Reysa sat at his amber finished pine desk, papers scatterd from one end of the table to the next, a ink well to his left left small blothces of the blue substance on the desk, to the right was a lamp..his office on the space station was rather cosey, the doors closely gaurded by two BWC-RA Troopers stood outside both holding Bolters, the air ducts gaurded by driod guards both with twin Via lazers the grounds and corridors patroled by driod gaurds and soldiers...Reysa felt pretty safe...the whole station was patroled 24/7 by 15.000 active soldiers on and off shifts mind you...
Plans to take a small planet just outside the system was underway..the planets name was "Gahland" its trade factors very high...its main export was what they called Derhareler but only exporting it to there own army and fleet...basicly BACTA...but named under a diffrent name to keep it a secret....BWC Forces infiltrated the plant undercover and found the substance as bacta....the BWC was risking to much to smuggel anymore from was time we had some of our own...
The Planet was well know for its populus and Consurant type was a perfect place to have our "Bacta" plantations...