View Full Version : The Beginning

Masta Blasta y
Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:17:51 AM
Michael Gamma stepped lightly onto the hardpacked soil of the landing pad. This was a welcome feeling, as the transport he had ridden from Coruscant was notorious for a lack of carpet.

In close pursuit behind him was his brother, Jamick Beta. Their father, a former rebel commander, had sent them to the Jedi Academy on a whim.

Although very force sensitive, Michael preferred firefights and starbattles to controlled melee combat. Also, he was more of an indoor person, and therefore made an immediate dislike for the surrounding jungle.

Jamick quickly raced ahead toward the temple entrance, not caring that a senior Jedi was frowning upon him. Michael walked slowly through, politely saying "Good day" to the Jedi.

Meda Blasta b
Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:29:17 AM
Jamick quickly ran into the temple. He had been so excited about the getting there that he had disregarded anyone in his way.
Jamick ran around yet another corner and found himself slammed to the floor. He shook his head, and then looked up, only to feel dread enter his body. The man that he had just knocked down was Luke Skywalker himself!
"Luke! I'm sorry! I didn't know you were there! I didn't mean to! It was an acci-..."
"Alright, I can see you didn't mean it. Just settle down. Most newcomers are like that," Luke replied, letting a hint of a smile crawl onto his face.
"That's the problem. I wanted to impress you more than my brother, and now I've only messed things up!" Jamick tried to explain desparately.
Luke's smile disappeared in an instant. "You are your own person. Bitter rivalry with a person you have to be with all the time is a clouded path to the dark side."
Jamick muttered his apology and walked sullenly down the hall as his brother walked into the room to greet the great Jedi Knight.