View Full Version : Will it ever end?

Dec 22nd, 2001, 11:24:37 PM
From Jedinet.com:

Some upstart fans have already started an insurrection forged in the fires of New Zealand. Read the following excerpt from The Calgary Sun:

Fans of the Star Wars movies are begging creator George Lucas to hand over the space-movie reins to Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson.

The fans indicate they want to see the next Star Wars instalment, after the upcoming Attack Of The Clones, be just as incredible as Lord of the Rings.

The petition reads, in part: "In light of recent George Lucas movies, more specifically The Phantom Menace and the soon-to-be-released Attack Of The Clones, we beg thee of Star Wars creation to pass all creative rights to Peter Jackson ...

When are people going to give up and let George make his movies in peace?

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 23rd, 2001, 12:23:09 AM
When they have the confidence he's goign to do something right in their eyes?

Dec 23rd, 2001, 12:34:20 AM
Yeah, it's pretty sad.

Especially considering how LOTR turned out.

IF the lightsaber fights in TPM looked like the swordfights in LOTR the fans would have tarred and feathered GL.

If the cgi in TPM looked as bad as some of the cgi in LOTR we'd be hearing about it even more than Jar Jar.

I say Let LOTR be LOTR and let Star Wars be Star Wars.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 23rd, 2001, 12:34:26 AM
Yeah but Jackson didn't really have to do anything but adapt Tokien's work he could never write his own material, he is no writer, these fans are just idiots they need to stop putting up petitions and begin to lead normal lives.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 23rd, 2001, 12:49:56 AM
ONLY had to adapt Tolkein's work???

ONLY?????? You make it sound like it was an easy job. If anyhting, getting the look ond feel of something like LOTR would be a far harder job than starting from scratch.

Actually, Jackson would probably do well with an EPIII. It's supposed to be dark, Jackson is at his best doing dark stuff.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:02:22 AM
but adapting is easier than writing a story from scratch that is one problem, second I think Jackson couldn't do it because he belongs to the directors guild and rumor has because Lucas does not they won't allow any of there memebers to direct a movie for him that is what I read on theforce.net. Finally I want to add its pointless for these guys to do this and also stupid. I mean it is these kind of fans that give us a bad name. Think about it instead of writing a petition to the PLO or Israel to stop the violence, they write to Lucas about a movie which is meaningless when it comes to the larger picture that is why I think they need to get a life.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:42:33 AM
I might point out, in Lucus' own words, Star Wars his his adaptation of things like Buck Rogers and Seven Samurai (Is that the right one?) It's a bit of a long draw of the bow to call it original. The presentation was quite original tho.

And your right about one thing - doing a book adaption is easy. Doing it WELL, now that's somewhat harder. And in LOTR's case, which was up to now considered unfilmable, it is likely to have been a job far beyond just about anyone. No, I dont think Adption is easier than original, not at all.

Dec 23rd, 2001, 11:34:44 AM
But it's a lot easier to rip off one story for your movie than to rip of 8 or 9 works and put them all together in a way that works.


(LOTR, Dune, Lensman, Foundation, Kurasawa films, Lawerence of Arabia, Forbidden Planet, and of course Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers.)

Dec 25th, 2001, 04:30:10 PM
When will people stop letting the media decide things for them? I've seen Dutchy's sentiment more than once, but I don't agree with it.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Lord of the Rings. It was a fine film, and so was Harry Potter. Were either of them Empire Strikes Back or A New Hope? No. Were Potter or LotR the greatest films ever? No. Did they suck? No. Some films can be good and fun without being all-time greats. As Lucas himself has said, why does everything need to be a competition?

Yes, I can rattle off how I'd have made TPM even better, but Lucas did a fine job with what he had. The DVD proved this. Jake did test the best of the kids they had, and Lucas was stuck with him after that. If he had fired Jake, then the headlines would have read "Lucas fires Star Kid: Pic in Trouble".

As for Ep2, I have high hopes based on what I saw at San Diego's Comic-Con this year, and in the trailer I saw with LotR. Since Ep2 is in the can, I think the idea of telling Lucas to give up the last installment of Star Wars for a flavor of the moment is absolute nerf poodoo.

Dec 25th, 2001, 06:00:41 PM
Originally posted by QuiGonJ
I've seen Dutchy's sentiment more than once, but I don't agree with it.

With what?

Dec 26th, 2001, 10:34:54 AM
Both are good directors, but they both have different styles and methods. I would hate to see Peter Jackson do a SW movie, and have the tone, effects, pacing, be totally incongruous with the rest of the movies. It bugs me that while certainly not a newcomer, Peter Jackson is just hot right now with LOTR coming out, and as the hot new kid on the block, people think he should be given the keys to Hollywood. There are plenty of good directors out there that could and should be allowed to do their job without the fans heckling them that "this guy could have done it better"

Dec 26th, 2001, 08:39:36 PM
Heckling is the national pastime. ;)

I can't wait to see The Two Towers And ROTK (;)). Other that EP 2 and 3, those are the movies I'm most looking forward too. X-men and THe Matrix too, I suppose. I'll see all the Marvel Comic movies, but I don't have any real expectation that they'll all be good.

Dec 28th, 2001, 11:34:33 PM
If anyone other than Lucas heads a Star Wars movie, it disqualifies it from being a Star Wars movie. Period.

Dec 28th, 2001, 11:37:23 PM
The Spiderman movie looks like it'll be pretty good. Not as good as the X-Men one, but good nonetheless.

Dec 28th, 2001, 11:51:51 PM
Agreed. I especially like the fact that they tried to stay close to the design of Spidey's original costume, unlike in X-Men

Dec 29th, 2001, 01:23:01 PM
If anyone other than Lucas heads a Star Wars movie, it disqualifies it from being a Star Wars movie. Period.

So ESB and ROTJ aren't SW movies? ;)

I don't see anything wrong with someone else directing EP3. But I don't think that's going to happen because Lucas is enjoying the directing process this time around much more than he did with ANH. Despite the problems I had with TPM, I think Lucas is the man for the job because it's his baby and he should be the one to decide who directs it. He made a great choice with Kershner and Empire. Unfortunately he couldn't bring Kershner back for ROTJ, but Marquand did a fine job. Another director for EP3 would work under the same circumstances that those two did. Although they'd probably have less freedom than those two, but Lucas would still be heavily involved. But if anyone starts calling for GL to remove himself completely from the process then they're really just spitting in the wind. They should join the losers who started the petition to change the title of AOTC and go have a circle jerk in a forest somewhere. Putzes.>D

I think Spidey looks more promising than X-Men and it has the potential to be a much bigger B.O. hit. Maybe I'm biased because I've always enjoyed Spiderman comics more than X-Men comics. The trailer that I saw has me really excited for the movie. It looks like they've kept the essence of the character's origin. From here there are so many stories for them to choose. I just hope they don't follow the Batman route and start piling up villians in each movie in an effort to outdo the previous films. What they did to the Bane character in B&R was sad. Oh, who am I kidding, the whole movie was sad.

Dec 29th, 2001, 01:51:58 PM
Lucas was completely in charge of ESB AND ROTJ, despite the fact that there were other directors. Those directors were just working for him.

Dec 29th, 2001, 01:54:49 PM
Well, Lucas waived his right to direct in ESB and ROTJ, but he was still the head honcho and I'm sure he influenced the filming considerably. It would be a tragedy if he sold the rights to someone else to be abused.

Dec 29th, 2001, 04:44:41 PM
Lucas was completely in charge of ESB AND ROTJ, despite the fact that there were other directors. Those directors were just working for him.

Yes, GL was in charge, but those movies were still being directed by someone else. In fact, there were times that GL was on ANOTHER continent while the movies were being shot. Empire had a slower pace and different feel to it because of Kershner. Lucas even tried to recut the film at one point, but then realized that Kershner had the right pace to the film. GL was still heavily involved in the editing process, but ESB looked the way it did because Kershner directed it, and the same goes for ROTJ. If GL had directed those movies they WOULD NOT looked exactly the same. I'm not saying they would have been better or worse, but they would not have looked exactly the same. Just one quick example, the famous "I love you." "I know" exchange took place because of an improvisation between Kershner and Ford. GL didn't like it at first but decided to keep it because it went over well at a test screening. It's little things like that happen when someone else directs. There's no telling how certain shots change and scenes get shot.

Again, I think GL should keep directing the next prequels. He's got the time and inspiration.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 29th, 2001, 10:18:31 PM
Wasn't Lucas on the set of ROTJ a lot? I read that he didn't like they way he was doing certain scenes (Luke vs Vader duel in particular) and directed those scenes himself, I'm not sure about the rest of the film though. As far as Spiderman goes sure it will do better than X-men but it will probably gross about 250 tops probably less, comic book films have limits and also AOTC debuts 2 weeks later which will defintely hurt it. I think it will make about 150 in the first two weeks and end up between 215-230 which is not bad but it will probably be 4 or 5 of that year. I think AOTC, HP 2 and TTT will all beat it out and maybe even MIB2.

Mu Satach
Dec 31st, 2001, 08:17:55 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
I think Spidey looks more promising than X-Men and it has the potential to be a much bigger B.O. hit. Maybe I'm biased because I've always enjoyed Spiderman comics more than X-Men comics. The trailer that I saw has me really excited for the movie. It looks like they've kept the essence of the character's origin.

According to Sam Raimi that was the top priority that it remain as true as possible to the origins of Spidey... he's even gonna try and wrestle!

And for the mega mondo Sammy fans out there... I think I spotted "The Classic" in the trailer. :D

From here there are so many stories for them to choose. I just hope they don't follow the Batman route and start piling up villians in each movie in an effort to outdo the previous films. What they did to the Bane character in B&R was sad. Oh, who am I kidding, the whole movie was sad.

Amen Brother... AAAAaaamen!

Dec 31st, 2001, 09:37:52 PM
Wasn't Lucas on the set of ROTJ a lot? I read that he didn't like they way he was doing certain scenes (Luke vs Vader duel in particular) and directed those scenes himself, I'm not sure about the rest of the film though.

I know that Lucas directed some of the battle scenes on Endor and I think most of the second unit stuff. I don't know if the same thing is true of ESB. I think it would be fair to say that Lucas had more input than your average producer, especially on ROTJ. But having another director gives you more ideas and influences than if you direct the picture yourself. Again, I'm not saying this would make AOTC or EP3 better. I'm just saying that under those circumstances it's inevitable for you to produce a different movie. Most of the diferences would be subtle, but there would be differences nonetheless.

[quote]According to Sam Raimi that was the top priority that it remain as true as possible to the origins of Spidey... he's even gonna try and wrestle! {/quote]
That's awesome! I just wonder if we're going to see characters like Flash Thompson or Gwen Stacy. I might be wrong, but it looks like they skipped Gwen as Peter's love interest and gone straight to Mary Jane. I can handle omissions like that, but they've got to keep major characters like Uncle Ben.

Mu Satach
Jan 2nd, 2002, 10:42:58 PM
Me thinks uncle ben is a maja playa...

yep... Gwen who? Heeeellooooo mary jane. :)

I'm tho exthited.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:32:16 AM
I'm not too crazy about Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane. Would've prefered a natural redhead. I was hoping they'd stick to the comic in the Gwen Stacy part. A traumatic part in Spidey's life was when she died, so taking that away is taking a whole storyline away.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:02:06 AM
I saw one part in LOTR that was blatantly computer animated. And the rest of it made Ep1 look like junk.