View Full Version : Chronicles of the Sith: Education of Light

Dec 21st, 2001, 04:11:07 PM
OOC: Contiuned from "Chronicles of the Sith"


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"And now we come to one the most important part of this whole story............When I first felt the Darkside." I said.

"What do you mean?" Tha man looked on.

" I was on my way to Courscant. All around where were the Jedi of what was now The Greater Jedi Order. These weren't the Jedi my mother had served under in the last days of the Old Republic.........but servents of the New. Spawned from the one called Skywalker. He wasn't here......he wasn't among the throngs crammed into this small crimson ship. I looked about seated next to my new master, planet slowly moveing away till it was only a dot in space. And then I sensed it for the first time. I didn't know what it was at the time......just something I had never felt before. I queer feeling in my gut. A looked about for where this new stabbing feeling was coming from. Then I saw the same brooding one that was at the funeral. The one known as Turbogeek.

I don't think he knew he was giving himself to the temptation of the Dark side. All he knew is that he wanted to lead.....that he wanted so to be the savior of the Jedi. His desire to take action on those who would destroy the Jedi. It was a noble though, but rooted in darkness. I felt it........deep down. And then he looked at me. I sat back quickly hide myself behind my master. Hoped his larger form would hide my small body. I thought the Jedi might come over and strike me down were I sat. But after a few momments passed I knew this wasn't going to happen. I peeked back out into the open and he was still looking at me. Then the Jedi next to him began to talk and he took his eyes off me and began to speak to the other. I leaned back again. I wanted to ask my master what I felt....what had put the fright in me but I dared not. I felt the ship jerk and I jumped suddenly. A calm hand came down on my shoulder, it was CMJ, He was explain to be calm that the ship was just jumping into Hypoerspace. He said all this to me without moveing his lips, his mind is what spoke to me. I had never been in Hyperspace and i wanted to look out the windows so much. But I stayed put.......in order to see out the view port. I'd have to venture past that Jedi.....Turbogeek, and I wasn't going to do that."

Dec 21st, 2001, 07:13:06 PM
"Your talking about the Turbogeek, I take it." The man probbed a little deeper.

"The Turbogeek.........I guess he finally got what he wanted. Yes, he and the one I speak about are one in the same."

"So your telling me that this Jedi was part of the Darkside?"

"No......not exactly, he never did anything he did for the right reasons.......but he never gave up the old ways of the jedi. A lot he did was for himself, and in a way was evil. Their are much greater evils out there then him, but still the thing he despised most was so much a part of him. But I don't wanna get side tracked.....Everything will be laid out in a proper order. "

:: The man nodded in agreement. ::

"My ealry years with the Jedi." Rama went on "We're not to differnt than any other Young Jedi you may have talked to. I trained, learned the old ways. Went from Jedi Master to Jedi master learning something different from each. I grew up like this day in and day out. Never leaveing the jedi Temple, unless under the watchful eye of CMJ. Oh my 16 birthday a special deliver came for me from home.......it was a Ship. A Small Vanguard AE-3 Scout Ship, they are reare now, but my father had bought a upwards of 12 of these ships. They were fast and small, very suited for the Courier work they and advanced scouting they were used for. This was one of those ships.......but it had never been used. It had been in a transport all the way here and had been delievered as such to Ord Mantell for the first time.

At first my Master was very unhappy about this. such things like this were just indulgences, and weren't really in the true Jedi path. But other Jedi had their own ships for Priavte use and so he could not keep it from me. Also there came with it two droid. A bright red Protcol droid named Tc-17 and a small White and green Astromech named R6-D7. I wanted to fly it....I wanted to play with this new toy I had been given. But i didn't know how to fly it. Like I said things like this were Indulgences. The New Repbulic took us where we were needed, and we had no need to learn to pilot a starship. But I knew that someone out there had to know how to fly and could teach me. I looked long and hard for this person. Some of the masters knew, but they were far to busy. And the now experinced Knight, who was just about to make that final step and become a master, Turbogeek knew, but I was still avoiding him. And I wondered if I would ever find anyone who could help me. And then someone decided to help. "

Dec 23rd, 2001, 03:54:46 AM

"'You're gonna blow up the cooling unit doing that' Was the first thing I heard from him. I had just Smashed my brand new ship into the hanger wall and the engines intakes were all weged inbetween sussport beams, in an attempt to "Teach" myself to fly. It was less then successful.

'Well at least im trying'I responded.

' You know....your going get yourself killed if you keep trying.'

I turned to look at the critic of my flying ability. He was a regular sized man, medium build and he wore the same uniform and had the same Padwan braid that I did. He looked Familar, but I couldn't place it.

'Names Obi-Wan Kenobi.'

I laughted at this...Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan had been dead for some time now, I figured this had to be a joke of some kind. That this fellow padawan was pulling some tom foolery on me. But his face showed me that I was the only one that got any joke that had been thrown out.

'Your Serious?' I said

'Yeah.......' He Replied 'My Full name is Obi Wan kenobi Clone 1. Everyone one just calls me Obi-Wan1, you know to set me apart from..............well me.'

'Your a clone?'

He nodded in reply

'But wait....I thought that cloneing was done away with in the clone wars?'

'Well the Dark times were rough on our kind......I was part of the grand experiment. To clone past Jedi to make Future Jedi. And so here I am.'

'Are you him?.........I mean.....do you know what he knew?'

'Sadly no.........I had to learn everything on my own. No mind imprint was ever taken from the first Obi-Wan'

This was all very intresting to me......Clone......mind prints. If done Properly someone could live forever using these methods. No one ever had to die.......just be Reborn over and over again. And then the fear of it all set in. What was to stop people from using this for the Benfit of the darkside. Who could stop them if they really wanted to do it? My train of thought was broken again by Young man.

' Well.....I better show you how to fly this thing before you trash the whole hanger.'

'You can fly.......you are a pilot?'


'And you can teach me to fly this?'

:: He nodded again ::

'What is she called.' He pointed at my small craft.

' I havn't named her yet.'

'You haven't named her?!?!?' this seemed almost a crime to him.'No wonder you could fly it........If I ship does have a name, it can't be flown.'

That sounded very silly to me, that the fact I hadn't named the ship was the source of all my problems, but I was willing to try anything anymore.

'Any sugestions?' I queried him since he seemed to know more about this stuff then I did.

'It's kinda something you have to do.......it's Personal. It's a nice ship.'

Obi-Wan1 moves up and ran his hand along the long nose of the ship.

'It's a miracle these got made. Vanguard went under right after the first run of these. Seeing this ship fly is like a Phoenix coming out of the ashes.'


This name grabbed me......I liked how it sounded, I liked what it stood for.....but this wasn't just a Mere Mythical bird, this was an advanced Star fighter/Scout ship. A Star fighter............"Star"

'How about Star Phoenix?' I said

'Hey, now that sound alright. Here.'

He reached into his back of his belt and threw me a bottle of water he had been carrying with him.

'Make it offical.'

I grined at this.....then drew back the bottle.

'I dub you......Star Phoenix' and then the smash of glass and the dripping of water.

'Now I can teach you to fly here.'

This made me very happy.

Jan 5th, 2002, 05:58:47 PM
" Soon I was inside my ship, Obi_wan showing me what this lever and this switch did. It was a lot to take in all at once. He spoke so fast in an almost hear-say manner that if I wasn't really focused I would have missed something very important about the 'Hyperdrive motivator' or the 'replusar lift generator'. Went on like this for hours it seemed, telling me what each and every lever did. And then came something that stopped his strain of teachings.

'Where is your astromech?'

I turned and looked over my shoulder from my spot in the pilot seats where I was praticeing useing the stick and pedals.

'You have to have an Astromech for this model......you can't do the caculations for a hypersapce jump without it' he explained.

'Well there is on in the hold...........I think. It's still in it's cargo container.'

'Well we need to free that little droid......Can't fly without it.'

I rasied myself from my spot and lead him back to the hold. I simply pointed at the box. Obi-Wan moved in and began unlocking the clamps as soon as he saw it.

'Here help me with his lid'

I grabed the right side of the container lid and he on the left and with one quick motion we had the lid off. Inside a small white and Green droid. I'd known a droid came with the ship as part of the gift, but I never opened it. I had no need of Droids. This was the first time I'd actually seen the little green droid.

'Hey this is a pretty nice model......R6 series if im not mistaken.'

I didn't know......i'd have to take his word for it I knew nothing about Droids at all. I had only seen them here and there, and I never used the service droid in Jedi temple I liked to do things for myself.

'Yep.......R6-D4, says right here.'

He pointed out the ID marking.

'So this is what I need to fly..........doesn't look like much.'

'Watch this.......'

Obi reached down a flicked a switch on the side of the droid. It sprung to life with endless array of beeps and whistles. I had to take a few steps back because of the excited state of the droid.

'What is he saying?'

'You think I know' Obi Answered, and then began to look around till his eyes meet another container. 'what's this?'

' I think it's a protocol droid.........TC something.'

'Well thats what we need then.'

Obi began to open the container...this one had doors on it and he didn't need my help to open it. Inside was a Red droid.

'TC series......Your dad went all out.'

'I guess'

Obi reached up and actiavted the droid. Which strang to life also, but not in such an excited state as the first.

'I am TC-17, human cyborg realtions and service droid. How may I be of service'

This droid voice remined me of the voice of a stuck up bulter that was in the service of the Ling Randor on his last vist with my father. Randor wanted to marry off one of his Daughthers to Trace.....but, my dad would have none of it.

' Can you tell us what he is saying?' Obi pointed at little Astro Droid.

'Oh course sir.....'

A few moments passed of TC listening to the beeps and whine and then he began to speak again.

'He said he was put into this container against his will.......he does not like to be closed up. '

Obi began to laugh at this, I didn't think it was funny.......I wouldn't want to be locked up like that either.

'And which one of you is Prince Rama......he keeps asking for Prince Rama. Are you him sir?' The Droid looked at Obi

'Over there.' He pointed me out to the droid.

'Oh...Hello Sir, R6 says that he has a message from your father.'

'A Message?'

But before I could get any more info a hologrpahic image of my father graced the floor of the hold, and Began to speak.

Jan 6th, 2002, 04:36:01 AM
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"What did it say?" The Man Emplored.

Rama hadn't moved or spoke in a few moment, as if he was going over the details in his mind before he spoke. The man would have swore he died had Rama's eyes not moved to him after he spoke. He still had made no moves, not even to breath.

"Well." He kept on.

Rama raised his hand and extended his index finger and the man swore he heard a whisper in his mind. "Patients"


"I didn't say anything."


"You'd think I wouldn't have to strain to remember these things. It wasn't that long ago...and it was such an important part of things to come. But yet I find myself haveing trouble remember ing all the words. Let me try to tell you want I can remember......perphaps the words wil come to me.

' Hello my son......I so wished I could have delievered this message to you in person, but things have grown worse here and I fear that if I live the planet the whole monarchy would fall in my absence.

I must tell you that I have taken another Queen, Your mother's sister Pendra, and I have to tell you that you have a Sister.'

Another child already............My father never wasted time.

'You've had a sister for the last 11 year.'

What.....That was impossible, I had only left some 7 years ago, and I knew my mother had no other children and it had only been the same 7 years since her death. 'How is this possible?' I wondered.

' I know what you are asking yourself......and I will tell you the answers. I will tell you what I could never bare to tell your mother, I will make my confession to you.

Your mother's sister Petra often visted us, to the point where she had her own room at the palace. And in a moment of wekaness we betrayed your mothers trust.....and child was the end result. The guilt ate me up inside......and I could not bare to break your mother's heart like that. So Petra returned home and had the child there....She named her Alisa.

After your mothers Death....Petra and Alisa came to live with us at the Palace, where all was revealed to Alisa and Trace, and Petra and I planned to marry. I feel it is the right thing to do with the way things are.

I just hope you can forgive what I have done to you.....and to your mother.'

And with that the image faded. He wanted me to forgive him........how could i do that. He lied to me.....he lied to my mother. How could I ever forgive him for what he had done.......I couldn't I HATED HIM!!!!!

And then I noticed Obi-Wan looking at me.......I reconized the look on his face. It was the the same look I had given Turbogeek the first time I had felt the darkside. The shock of what he may have felt from me.....and the news I just heard were to much. I fell back and down to the hard floor. I just looked up at him unable to speak.....I wanted to, I wanted to say "I just slipped, the moment had just come over me. I could control it. It wasn't what he thought." But I couldn't. I just stared at him. I knew that wasn't true......I had been trained to deal with these sorta things, I could have controled my emotions if I wanted too.

'You need some time alone' He finally broke the stalemate.

I simply nooded, Obi nodded back and patted me on the shoulder as he left the ship. I spent the next 6 hours on the floor of that ship, in that same spot still in my stunned state. "

"So your father cheated on your mother?"


"With your aunt.....and had a child?"


The Man worded the word "Whew" and began to take notes now.

"But about the look Obi Gave you.....did you mean he felt the darkside?"

" I believe so......but only he could tell you what was really going thru his mind in that moment. I do know he told no one...cause no one came to me about it, and those sorta things were addressed quickly."

" So you became Evil then.........you became a Sith."

"No.....not in that moment. I just began my long fall from Grace in that moment. I could have saved myself then, but I didn't really want to. Because in that one moment....the one moment I proclaimed my hate for my father I felt a surge of strength I had never felt before. It was an addictive feeling....and much of the time I spent in that ship was trying to get that feeling to return, but to no avail. I couldn't draw it back out of myself."

Jan 8th, 2002, 02:00:56 AM
" My Flying lesson went on from there........I became very good actually. Being able to sense danger, and have quicker relexs helped greatly in this. It came to me with a ease that seemed impossible yet it came none the less. Soon I was an ace pilot one of the best that Jedi had. I got to fly shuttles and so forth on missions leaveing the Republic pilots behind. The Freedom of it I enjpyed most of all."

"The freedom of it?"

"yes......that I could leave at anytime if I so choosed. That I wasn't bound to stay here if I choose not to."

"then you thought about leaveing?"

"Yes.....I had. The Jedi life didn't seem to have much to offer. Yes their were powers beyond that of any oridnary man......but also their came rules on how to use these powers. I stayed because i was looking for some great truth....and the more I looked the more i begin to think that there was no such thing. That even the Jedi didn't know what this was all about."

"This? You mean life?"


"And they didn't know?"

" I learned that no one knows."

" And how do you know that?"

"Well I have been both Jedi and Sith....Killer and Protector. And Neither held any answer. One was not more knowledgeable the others. Oh some think that know.....Im sure those ones claiming to be Dark Jedi think they know all the answers, but even they hold no great truth."

"Dark Jedi?"

"Yes......but you have made me stray yet again. There is order in which things will be revealed. Don't worry I will tell you all I know. Now back to my Jedi Training"

Jan 9th, 2002, 05:02:25 AM
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"And now I came to the part o my training where I was to learn dueling.......an anicent art that the Jedi had really had no need of any more until more recent time. But with all the Jedi had gone threw in the last Hunderd year it was now a needed part of your training to keep you alive. But I had one problem.........You have to build your own lightsaber. And it was for this reason Obi took me to see one of his close friends by the name of Chu Chaling. Chu was a master Saber builder, even though he only held the rank of Knight. We entered Chu's workshop.......Part were everywhere, in small boxes, in huge bins, and even lineing the walls and sitting on the floor. At first I didn't see the Small acolve, but the sound of electric circuits shorting out drew my attention to it.

'OWWWWWWWWWWW......by the force!!!!'

Obi chuckled and then yelled out and the voice.

'Hey Chu get out here......need some part for his young Padawan.'

The man moved out of his alcove and into more clear view. He was shorter then I...about 5 foot 7 inches, Human, with Dark black hair and Green eyes. He Came up to the two of us three the mess.....he was dressed in the typical Jedi manner as all of us were.

'Building your first saber huh?' He inquired of me.

I nodded yes in response.

'Names Chu Chaling, and you are?'

'Rama Sha sir.'

'This is CMJ's Appertince.' Obi Stepped in.

'Ord Mantell right?' He pointed at me. ' You mom was a Jedi too....'

Seems everyone knew my mother was a Jedi.

'I never knew her, but I heard..........Gave up the Jedi life for love.'

You see.....Jedi in those days were forbiden to love someone one....I mean in the way a man loves a woman, and a woman loves a man. You were married to the Jedi order, it was your love."

"So Jedi were celibate?"

"Yes......I don't think they pratice that anymore. The Jedi numbers are far to low, but some still hold to the old ways. Emotions are not really something a Jedi is suppose to have. "

"Isn't that rather cold?"

"Perhaps......but it is the only way to insure you stay true to the path. No emotions is the only way to ensure this. Now I had met Chu and I figured I was here for parts, and that's what I was here for.

Chu slapped a box on the counter. Inside were parts of all sort, Batteries, clips, lens, emittering houseing, just about everything you'd need.

'whoa, whoa, whoa....' Obi wan slide the box back across the counter. 'Don't give him the cheap stuff......that may work on the new ones, but I know better and im helping him out. You got any of the pre Empire stuff? '

'Yeah, but it'll cost ya.'

'Got any credits Rama?'

I looked over at him and then took out some of the credits that my father has sent along with the ship the droids.....i didn't know how much i had, i'd never had to "Pay" for anything in my life. I guessed by their reactions that it was a lot.

'For that kinda cash I'll build for you.' Chu said while looking at the credits.

'Just the parts please.' I said ' I have to build it on my own.'

'Figured as much.....I wouldn't be so lucky as to make some extra cash. Alright you want the good stuff, then the good stuff you'll get.'

Chu disappeared below the counter for a moment then came back up with a few metal cases. He laid each one out and opened them. These parts weren't just thrown into a box, they were neatly organized, by each part. Pushed into foam holders for display.

'Now you'll need each of one of these parts. These here are mostly cosmtic, to make your saber personal. As for the inner working I could just put together a package of the higher end inner workings if you like? "

I nodded to this.

'Alright.....then just pick and choose what you want your saber to look like, and put that together for you.'

Chu went off to do so.....and I was left with the cases in front of me. I looked over each part. I figured I should start with the main caseing, I picked on out quickly and from there I based everything else around that. Soon I had all the parts I needed.

' And now the most important part.....'

Chu took out a small thin black case more noble looking then the others, and opened it for me too see. Inside were hundreds of assorted color of cyrstals.

'.......pick one.'

I looked them over.......each one was different.....each one caught the light just a little differently. Then one caught my eye.....I picked it up and held up to the light.

'Green........good choice.'

The case was closed and I had what I needed. I gave him the credits and i took my parts back to my room to work.

Jan 17th, 2002, 12:09:24 PM
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"I looked over the part laided out on my table. Some glowed with relexed light, others where dull black. And I knew all of these went together some how. I picked up the emitter houseing a looked it over.........and then it just seems to fit. This part had to go here. I began working putting together this techlogical puzzle. It took me around 30 mins....and then I pressed the button. A green blade shot up from the hilt, the blade fly up and cut the hanging light over my desk.

'oops to long' I said to myself.

ANd I adjusted the length of the blade, I swung it around a few times, cutting the air.....makeing a sound I heard hundreds of times in the Training area as other hopeful knight trained with them. It was an amazeing site and I grinned to myself at this thing I had built, but my joy was interupted.

'Hey Rama, I brought you these books on building sabers Obi stepped thru the door way with a hand full of books. 'I thought you might need the h.....................help'

I noticed he was looking at green blade of the saber I just built. I quickly deactivated it and took the books from him.

'Thank you' I said.

I sat them down on the desk.

'You already built it........but how? I mena you don't know how.'

I shrugged.....

'The parts just seemed to fit.' I said.

He outstreched his hand.

'May I see?'

I nodded and handed him the saber, he exaimed it for a few momment then lite it. He renacted the same motions I had when i had first turned it on.

'Come on.....who helped you? Was it Chu? Did he go ahead and build this for you.'

'I built it.'

'Your serious?'


'Amazeing.......you may just become a Jedi knight after all.' He said, he handed it back to me and patted me on the shoulder. 'May yet indeed.'

And with that he left.

I didn't know it at the time, but some Jedi have that gift......they can fix things just by thinking about it, build things without really looking at plans. It was pretty common place, but I hadn't really shown anything but basic force skills up till that point. Which is why he said what he said. "

"So you can fix things huh?"

"It is one of my talnets.....I learned more, that was just my first."

"Wait......." The man began to search his persons for something then he pulled it out. A Small time piece, the hands stuck at 8:80. "Fix this" He said.

Rama picked up the watch, and looked it over.

"8:80......your not from the same planet as me mister."

Rama sat the clock down on the table.

"Watch" he said.

The Man starred at the clock as if it would at any moment jump and run away. He starred at the hands, still stuck at the same time, then suddenly the second hand moved.....it began to tick along as if it had never stopped. Then the Min hand made a lurch forward.

" WOW....." the man said with excitement. "How did you do that?"

"The same way a person who would reapir it would. I tightend the springs, reallighned the gears, I just did it with my mind rather then my hands."

The Man Held the clock up to the light......."Simply amazeing"

Feb 25th, 2002, 05:41:30 PM
"I trained for many months with my new weapon." Rama Continued "Spars, deflection, Different principles and techniques. I learned the all. This weapon held my intrest. The glowing blade, the sound it made as it cut thru the air. All of it was a source of great Joy to me. I would find any excuse to use my saber. One time I used my saber to open a thing as simple as a truck that's lock was stuck. I could have done it with my mind, Hell I could have even tried to fix the thing, but I wanted to use the saber. I Trained with all the other young Jedi Knight Hopeful, and I got very good at it. I learned to control the saber in flight, that is I could throw it and hit any target I wished and the then return the saber to my hand. It was a useful trick to say the least.

I practiced day in and day out.....waiting for the day when I would be called on to actually go out into the world as a Jedi. And that call came.....came after I had given up all hope of hearing it.

My Master had been assigned to settle a dispute on one of the many planets near the Outer rim territories. In the times of the Old Republic this had be ruled by the huts, Jabba the Hutt to be exact, but after his death and the Fall of the Empire the hutts had never moved in to claim Jabba's planets. They didn't want to risk it, the Empire just looked the other way, the NR would not. So the planet had went back to it's Monarchy ways.

We were suppose to convince them to stop waring between their tribes and to join the NR. It sounded easy, but such things are always harder then they sound. CMJ decided I should come along, he knew I did not like being locked away in the Temple and this was something I needed to learn. So I gathered my belonging and put them in small bag, as I did not own much, and I went off to meet my master at the main Entrance."