View Full Version : Golden Globe Nominations

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 20th, 2001, 10:47:34 AM
Well Lord of the Rings got 4 nominations at the Golden Globes, best Picture and Best director, I was surprise thought that Mckellen didn't get a best supporting nod, I guess he still might get an Oscar, also Moulin Rouge and Beautiful Mind each got 6. Does anybody think LOTR has a chance of winning? I would love to see it win but I wonder if they will not do it because its a fantasy film.

Dec 20th, 2001, 01:04:12 PM
Fantasy normally doesn't fare that well at the Oscars, does it?

Dec 20th, 2001, 01:08:35 PM
Id rather Buscemi got a nommo. He doesn't get that many :)

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:12:37 PM
Fanasty type films have gotten nominated (ET, Star Wars) the problem is actually winning, I think it will get 10-13 nominations and probably win 7-8 (mostly technical stuff) but it could win either best adapted screen play, best supporting actor, best director, or possibly best director, it might be a long shot but its got a chance because of the critical reaction to it.

Dec 21st, 2001, 01:26:25 AM
I think FELLOWSHIP is a lock to be nominated. I'm not so sure about a win however. The Globes had some doozies for nominations this morning, thats for sure. I'm still trying to figure out the frontrunners(I love this time of year...the award season).

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 21st, 2001, 01:37:27 AM
I am not sure its going to win either, I am going to root for it though. I am surprised that Black Hawk Down was snubbed?? Do you think it won't get nominated at all for the Oscars? If thats the case then we will have one big movie FOTR and four idie films, if thats the case I will really start to root for FOTR. I could of lived with Black Hawk Down because it sounds like a pretty good film, the others (Mullholland Drive does not interest me at all the film sounds like a piece of junk, it was suppose to be TV pilot originally and I am not going into Moulin Rouge) Here's hoping FOTR wins it but I am not counting on it.

Dec 21st, 2001, 06:10:38 AM
You really should see them before criticizing.

My dad says Mulholland Drive is great and a real mind twister. My mom didn't like it as much but said it definitely is a thinking type movie, so I will be seeing that soon I hope.

I was happy that almost all of the movies I liked this year were nominated, at least, the ones that had a chance. Of course Swordwish was never in the running, haha, nor was Tomb Raider, Fast and the Furious, etc. Those are summer blockbusters, but among the more serious films or the less obviously blockbuster films, there were some good nominations!

Bandits with 2. I liked this film a lot, definitely good, but this is another one of those "hardly anyone saw this movie so we are going to nominate it instead of Ocean's 11" type of things. I mean, Ocean's 11 was better acted. I think bandits was in some ways a better film, but hello?! The Score?! That film was great, better than Bandits too I think. In my preliminary ranking, I am going to say the bandits movies go as so: Ocean's 11, The Score, Bandits, and Heist. Heist was STILL quite good, I really liked it, so they are all winners in my book but Bandits wasn't the best of them. Uh, still, I will settle for the nominations.

Legally Blonde with a couple, including Witherspoon for actress and the film for best comedy. Hehe, yes I saw this movie, it is pretty funny and Witherspoon is quite good, but she is exceptionally hot too. I probably wouldn't know if she was acting poorly, but really, yeah she did do a good job. I still think she's super hot, though, mmm... lol.

Vanilla Sky with 2. Thank you, this movie rules. One of the best of the year.

LOTR with 4. This is the best movie of the year probably.

Memento with a screenplay nod. Yup, this film rules.

Shrek for best film, comedy or musical. For sure, best animated film ever probably. Disney can suck it. DreamWorks rules.

Pearl Harbor -- Hans Zimmer. Zimmer is the man.

AI for director, Jude Law supporting, and musical score from John Williams. This is also awesome, thank you!

So of my five favorite films this last year, all five received Golden Globe nominations including best picture for two of them (Shrek and LOTR) and best director for another (AI) and best screenplay for yet another (Memento).

I think the Golden Globes made some great picks, of course I could complain about others, but I prefer to look at all of the great choices they made. Quite impressive.

Dec 21st, 2001, 06:48:47 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
Legally Blonde with a couple, including Witherspoon for actress and the film for best comedy. Hehe, yes I saw this movie, it is pretty funny and Witherspoon is quite good, but she is exceptionally hot too. I probably wouldn't know if she was acting poorly, but really, yeah she did do a good job. I still think she's super hot, though, mmm... lol.

Reese rules. Did you see her in Election? One of the best performances of 1999, IMHO. Great movie, too.