View Full Version : Malkavian Nights: Prologue

Garrett Blade
Dec 19th, 2001, 06:58:20 PM
OOC: This is a rather large piece of fan fiction I've wanted to start for some time. And since I've got loads of time on my hands with it being My (Christmas) time, I thought I'd get it started. If you've got any ideas for it that you'd like to see incorporated, PM me and let me know. I assure you it will be quite a surreal, alternative view at the Star Wars Galaxy, as well as interesting :D


In a reality not to alternate to that which we know, something big is coming. Nobody can say for sure what exactly that something is. But some know that it is coming. When it is coming is unclear, but it will be soon. And when it does, the galaxy will be thrown into incomprehendible chaos.

It is nearly forty-three years after the destruction of the second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor. The Empire has since then lost and reclaimed Coruscant three times on two separate occasions. Having been based primarily on Coruscant for the last eight years without being attacked on a galactic scale, it has been able to maintain and strengthen its holdings of the Core Worlds, which resulted in several major conflicts with several factions of Sith. The most recent of these conflicts is coming to an end, and concerns a group of Sith who were, up until a year ago, based on Corellia...

*Somewhere inside an Imperial Military Base on Corellia*

The crawlspace was extremely small, and the Sith were not too happy about it in the slightest. It had taken them the best part of an hour to crawl from the entrance by the lake to where they wer enow, somewhere around the main generator room. The leader, Malthus "pessimist" Octavius, estimated that they had roughly eighteen more minutes crawl-time before they reached the ops room, since logic would suggest fatigue would continually slow them down. Their mission was a fairly simple one. Infiltrate an Imperial Military Facility and find out where the next shipment of fighters were headed. Fighters had been a big problem for this group of sith, since their primary fighter was not able to match that of the Empires. Their best option was to intercept the carriers before they arrived at the planet with the help of interdictor cruisers and destroy them with their heavy cruisers and frigates. So far the tactic seemed to be paying off, but the Empire had been increasingly cautious with its escort rosters, assigning heavier and heavier vessels to protect their cargoes.

Just recently, a carrier was intercepted in an asteroid belt a few days away from Duros. The battle lasted just eighteen minutes, with the Sith suffering no casualties and the Empire having no survivors. The Imperial Fleet had comprised of a Fighter escort carrier, a pair of Victory Star Destroyers and a Dreadnaught heavy cruiser. The Sith forces were comprised of two Supremacy Cruisers, a trio of Dreadnaugths and a standard fleet of six Carrack Cruisers, along with a wing of TIE/D Fighters. It was a crushing blow to the Empire, as the latest batch of TIE-Advanced fighters were aboard the escort carrier, destined for Duros. Nevertheless, the Empire returned three days later with a full fleet of Six Imperial Star Destroyers and devastated the Sith forces. A day later, Duros became Imperial territory.

After ten minutes, the group of Sith reached a grating in the ceiling. They were above the ops room, and a group of Imperial officers were gathered around a console screen. They were muttering something. The commander spoke...

"Whats the situation with the escort carrier Captain?"

Garrett Blade
Dec 21st, 2001, 09:33:32 PM
The reply came through with mild interference, as the Captain's voice was slightly crackly...

"The last squadron has just docked this very minute sir. We're ready to leave in the next ten minutes once the fighters have been secured and the magnetic field is activated. We've been having problems with it and have had to constantly re-calibrate before each hyperspace jump."

The Commander tapped the comms officer to give up his seat. He moved over and allowed the Commander to sit down, giving him his headset as well.

"What kind of problems Captian?"

There was a hint of concern in his voice. This was an important wing of fighters, and he didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Well sir, we haven't been able to determine the exact cause, but the magnetic field shuts down shortly after the ship exits hyperspace. So far, no damages have been suffered, but we're still worried in case something does happen. Any sudden movements with the field down could seriously damage the ship and cargo."

Well make sure the problem is fixed as soon as possible. There are still more fighter wings to be transported, and the Aldaris is the only capable vessel for three weeks. Carry on Captain!

His tone, at the end of the transmission, was very serious and almost threatening. His hand slammed down on the control panel and cut the connection. He cursed something between clentched teeth, stood up and left the room. He entered a long, grey corridor which led to a turbolift. he disappeared inside, and the turbolift ascended. Meanwhile, the Captain on board the Aldaris was pacing back and forth across the bridge. His eyes were bloodshot and his hands clapsed together. Any unobservant bystander would deduce that he was praying. Most likely with regards to this journey. He turned to an officer and enquired as to the status of the magnetic field. It was in place and holding, for now. Several minutes later, the hyperdrive engines powwred up and the escort carrier blasted off into hyperspace towards its destination. Back outside the Imperial Military facility, the group of Sith were just emerging from a sewage pipe which opened up on the south east side of the building, it's effluent flowing into a small lake which had a river that led into the forest to the east. They lowered themselves out of the pipe and into the murky, stinking water. A short swim led them to the edge of the forest where their speeders were hidden behing a large congregation of bushes. Seconds later, they were racing through the trees back to their transports, twelve kilometres away.

Garrett Blade
Dec 21st, 2001, 10:40:52 PM
The speeders' whining died down rapidly as the engines shut down. It was a low, groggy whine that was seen replaces by the calm whisperings of the wind against the green leaves, and the chorus of birds chirping singing to one another. The group of Sith came to a stop deep in the forest, where the tree density was very high. An area merely ten square metres could have contained up to thirty trees. They had somehow managed to land their Sith Infiltrator on the firest floor between the firs and pines. The trees were literally right up against the silver hull of the Infiltrator. it was a very tight squeeze, and the pilot must have been exceptional since there was no evidence of any fallen trees nearby.. They left the speeders at the foot of the boarding ramp and walked up into the ship.

Inside, the atmosphere was hot and clamy. The interior was illuminated red by the LEDs throughout the room.. It resembled that of a war room on board a starship or inside a military outpost. Near the entrance, a rack was located on either side of the opening, each with three probe droids attached to it. They were inactive, but would be required soon enough, and so for convenience, one of the Sith unlocked the rack as they passed. The Sith gathered around a black circular table in the next cabin. The room was lit by a single blue lamp in the centre of the table, as opposed to the red glow of the previous room. They each took a seat, four of them in total. Two Masters accompanied by their apprentices. They placed their lightsabers a few inches in front of their hands which were clasped on the table before them. Malthus spoke first...

"There is not much we can do about that next shipment of fighters except warn the others. However, perhaps we can use the information about the technical problems of the ship to our advantage."

Malthus was of course referring to the malfunctioning magnetic field locks on the escort carrier. He eyed his long-time friend and lover, Boserup, inquisitively. He wondered if she had been thinking as he was...

"I've already warned headquarters about the carrier en route. As for future shipments, it may be possible to sabotage the carrier further and maybe even destroy the fighters before they arrive at their destination."

Esther had indeed been thinking the same thing as Thomaas. And as if that wasn't good enough, their apprentices were also staying on their toes. Esther's apprentice, Katriona, voiced her views.

"If we continued to survey the facility, we would be able to inform headqyarters of the carriers next destination and exact cargo, so that headquarters could make the neccessary preparations to sabotage the shipment."

She looked to her Master for approval. Esther smiled at Katriona. She had grown so quicly in the Force, and was turning out to be an excellent student n the Dark Side. And across the table from her was Malkav. Ever since he laid eyes on her, he had desired her. Whether or not she knew this was unknown to Malkav. But he himself would not admit his feelings to her for some time to come. His gaze was locke don her hypnotic, dark, seductive eyes. Malthus was staring at Malkav, his visage turning angry at a snails pace. he cleared his throat rather loudly, which startled Malkav and resulted in him sharing his own thoughts about the situation...

I agree with Katriona. If we can find out the course that the ship is to take, then headquarters will vbe able to set up an ambush using an interdictor cruiser and a squadron of missile boats. Although they won't be enough to destroy the ship, they'll most certainly cause an explosion large enough to rock the ship. And with the magnetic field lock inopperable, the fighters inside will be severely damages by the quake..."

Malthus eyed Malkav wickedly.

Excellent Malkav. That sounds like an excellent plan. Be sure to relay it back to my terminal ready for when I contact headquarters!

Esther and also Katriona were impressed by Malkav's plan. And Katriona's smile at him added more to his already substantial ego. Even so, he wasn't very confident regarding Katriona. But he didn't have time to feel awkward as she stared at him, as Malthus asked him to join him outside. He stood to follow him outside, and as he did so, caught Esther staring at him suspiciously. Before the door slid shut behind him, he heard Esther saying to Katriona "Could I have a word with you...". He tried not to pay attention to it as he stepped outside with his Master.

"Time for a training spar, my young apprentice."

"But Master Malthus. I don't have my lightsaber..."

"I know!"