View Full Version : Ralph Bakshi is mad at Jackson for new LOTR

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:47:48 PM
I read this on IMDB
The director of the first Lord Of The Rings film is furious with film-maker Peter Jackson for not talking with him before his Fellowship Of The Ring remake. Ralph Bakshi, who directed the animated Lord Of The Rings in 1978, is irate that neither Jackson, nor anyone else who worked on the new three-film series, thought to consult him about the production. Bakshi fumes, "For a start, the guys doing the picture really don't have the authority to - my contract reads that I have all sequel rights - but I think I'll let it go. And second, none of them have spoken to me, and I find that ungentlemanly. I think Jackson is a good director, but leaves a lot to be desired as a gentleman." The 63-year-old Bakshi, who has met with little success and significant critical drubbings in the past decade, may have some words about Sam Raimi next year as he also produced and directed the animated Spider-Man TV series in the late 1960s.

Now first off I have no clue what he is talking about sequel rights? I think the guy is wrong there (I think Miramax) had the rights or something at one time, and sold them to New Line) Second he gets pissed that Jackson never talked to him. Why would he want to? That film is terrible, I saw it once and it was the worse possible adaptation they could have made, besides the film bombed and I would think Jackson would want to avoid him like the plague.

Dec 19th, 2001, 02:38:51 PM
Miramax didnt exist back then.

I believe its one of those things where the rights changed, but he had a contract, a bit like how Dalton is still contracted to James Bond.

Second he gets pissed that Jackson never talked to him. Why would he want to? That film is terrible, I saw it once and it was the worse possible adaptation they could have made, besides the film bombed and I would think Jackson would want to avoid him like the plague.

I think it would be better that Jackson had, as he might get an idea or two. Now, as it happened, it sounds like he didn't need it, but another person might have suggested a great idea. The other director in theory would have many ideas. And besides, dont blame the director wholly, he isnt the only one involved in a film

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:44:05 PM
I think Miramax obtained the rights from someone else, I have no idea who. Also I think Jackson didn't go to him because the fans would have been mad, most of the fans hate that cartoon and would be really offeneded if Jackson had went to him for any advice. It was strickly a PR movie I bet.

Dec 19th, 2001, 03:28:27 PM
Does the director of the next James Bond film have to consult all the previous directors? Of course not, this is complete rubbish. Why would Jackson need to consult the director of the ANIMATED version of LOTR? Is this guy on crack? It would be one thing to not consult the CREATOR of a piece of work if you had the opportunity, but why would you need to consult someone who simply directed an animated version of something SOMEONE ELSE WROTE? Do future directors of Tolkien works now have to consult Jackson? Does RAmi have to consult him also? Does Rami have to consult the creators of the recent Spiderman series? Of course not, the only person Rami SHOULD consult is Stan Lee. If he was so INCLINED he could then talk to other artist who did notable Spidey work. With that line of reasoning Adam West should have been Tim Burton's FIRST choice for the role of Batman.

It sounds to me that Bakshi is simply trying to drum up some cheap publicity for himself. Or maybe he's flipped his lid and thinks that he's suddenly become Tolkien himself?

Champion of the Force
Dec 19th, 2001, 05:49:23 PM
I think this article is a fake.


Because I've read an interview with Bakshi before from sometime last year and he was quite calm and cool about Jackson directing without consulting him. He admitted that he would have liked to have been contacted about it, but he gave Jackson his well-wishes. I believed he summed it up as 'I made LOTR the way I saw it, and I'm sure Jackson will make it the way he sees it and obviously it will be different. I wish he good luck'.

So I have my doubts over this one. Either it's a fake, or the interviewer has skewed it out of context (kind of like how some reporters used to skew Alec Guiness's comments about SW into how he hated the films).

Dec 20th, 2001, 05:48:00 AM
he did hate them though :)

Dec 20th, 2001, 08:57:05 AM
did not:D

Dec 20th, 2001, 10:53:27 AM
I don't think he hated the movies, but he didn't like it that he became known only as Obi-Wan Kenobi, when he had so many other great credits to his name. I think it was the fans that got on his nerves...

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:05:48 AM
I think he went senile towards the end he start bad mouthing just about ever movie he was in , especially the movies with David Lean, Bridge on the River Kwai mostly.