View Full Version : Just got back from seeing the 12:01am showing of LOTR...
Lady Vader
Dec 19th, 2001, 06:43:44 AM
And all I have to say is OH MY GAWD!
I don't think I can wait until December 2002 for the Twin Towers!! Let alone December 2003 for Return Of The King!! :x
Gav Mortis
Dec 19th, 2001, 06:47:59 AM
YAY!!! :)
I've been waiting for someones verdict - so it really is that amazing?
Lady Vader
Dec 19th, 2001, 06:50:16 AM
I think that warrents it being categorized as "that" amazing!
Gav Mortis
Dec 19th, 2001, 06:57:59 AM
:crack:crack :crack Woohoo!!! :crack :crack :crack
Varlon Konrad
Dec 19th, 2001, 07:55:42 AM
.______.; Hopefully I can go see it with tax season looming close... *whimper*
Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 19th, 2001, 07:58:01 AM
I don't get to see it until Sat |I
Dec 19th, 2001, 07:59:28 AM
I go in 7 hours. :)
Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 19th, 2001, 08:05:22 AM
**Shakes fist at the forum** Why you :mad (:p)
Dec 19th, 2001, 08:11:30 AM
In time the forum will be even more enlightened. :D
Dec 19th, 2001, 09:23:27 AM
I couldn't find a theater with a Midnight showing. Besides which, I wanted to go see it with a couple of friends. So I'm catching the 8:15pm showing tonight.
Sanis Prent
Dec 19th, 2001, 09:58:22 AM
I have no friends to see it with :(
Dec 19th, 2001, 10:03:17 AM
You can always take these people with you:
Anbira Hicchoru
Anbiraa Hicchoru
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sergeant Tyle
Milom Sargast
Wolfgang Schreiger
Captain Joachim Fena
Cizerack Soldiers
Marcus v4
Mr Wednesdaydale
Emperor Shimi
General Ceel
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Lando Calrissian
DESIGNATE Kavaal 792
Seactosa Vexter
Darth Bhaal
Darth Vader
Tom Servo
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:35:25 AM
I couldnt go to the cinema at midnight, too much sense :)
Anyway, from the seems of it, I now might not be going to see it, period
I have no friends to see it with
I haven't seen one film this year (Aside from Tomb Raider on me holibobs), because Ive noone go to with. Don't even TRY to play that sympathy card! :)
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:44:28 AM
I saw it last night too!!! Sorry LV I went to a different theatre! But it was cool cause I ran into some friends I havent seen for like two years and we had fun!
It is the best movie I've seen this year! Take that harry potter!!!!
Its sooooo goood! I had some issues with it cause of stuff that was different in the book but OMG the action! The suspence! The emotion and I finally got to see a hobbit hole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The whole audience was soooo into it. We were cheering during the fights and everyone left the theatre just stunned! It was amazing! The acting was good! The costumes were perfect! The music was great! And legolas is soooo hot!!!! *drool*
Its full of action and just wonderful storytelling. J R Tolkien would be proud I think. I cant wait for the next two movies!
I want to go see it again today but I may see it again thurs and then Im definately going friday to see it! If you dont have tickets for it get them now!!!! Its more then worth the price of admission and a large popcorn!
Amazing doesnt begin to describe it! Its just overwhelming and it takes you on this emotional rollercoaster that just leaves you weak in your seat by the end!
And again I have to say Legolas is sooooo hot!!!! *drool*
oh yeah and for anyone out there who's ever wanted to see Gollum as much as I have! You wont be disappointed! He looks just like Gollum should and I was sooooo excited about that! I've been wanting to see Gollum since I read the Hobbit like 10 years ago and I think that was so cool!
Im so glad I went to the midnight show! There are very few movies that deserve a midnight showing. (SW of course being one of them) But this deserved it! It more then deserved it!
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:53:16 AM
still waiting for someone who hasn't read the books to give a review here :)
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:54:49 AM
Don't know that what I say after seeing it will exactly be a review, but I haven't read the books, and I intend to speak my opinion afterwards. :)
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:56:44 AM
because Ive noone go to with.You can go to see movies by yourself, you know. :p Might even meet someone there.
And why do Brittish people not seperate "no" and "one"? At least hyphenate it. Otherwise it looks like a funny "noon".
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:00:06 PM
you know what. I only got halfway through before I saw the movie. So really 80% of the movie was new to me! The first half of the book goes by really fast! So in essence I basically didnt read the book before seeing it. And they left most of the first part out anyways. So if you've only read up to page 277 dont expect to know whats going on after oh...the first 30 minutes or so.
You dont need to in my opinion! Go in blind and then at least you wont say oh the movies better or worse then the book. I'll let you know if it was or not once I actually finish FotR.
So I think its a great movie with or without the book!
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:12:36 PM
Nup, you come from the land of Newsstands. We dont have this word. Pot, kettle, black :)
Gav Mortis
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:51:24 PM
Nup, Fett's a Midlander - the English language is new to their kind. :)
It actually is hyphenated; no-one. :p
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:02:30 PM
But "newsstand" isn't an everyday word. ^_^
Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:20:43 PM
Yeah, it's just Fett's part of the country that don't know how to talk properly :rolleyes
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:25:39 PM
Originally posted by Vega Van Derveld
Yeah, it's just Fett's part of the country that don't know how to talk properly :rolleyes That should be "doesn't know". ;)
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:25:39 PM
the thread starts off about LotR and somehow turns into a debate about how fett either cant talk or cant spell Im not sure which anymore.
This is sad out of all the forum people only me and LV were nutty enough to go to the movies at midnight......tsk tsk.....I expected more from you guys somehow.
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:27:31 PM
Not my fault that A) none of the theaters close to me had Midnight showings and B) I actually want to go see it with Morgan and my adoptive brother. :p
Actually, when I went to go buy my ticket, I went with the intention of getting it for the Midnight showing, but no go.
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:28:26 PM
Originally posted by Live Wire
......tsk tsk.....I expected more from you guys somehow. Decides not to say what he just thought of
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:55:53 PM
and what were you thinking about mr forum???
creepy forums!
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:23:32 PM
Isn’t it common for women to have high expectations, yet be let down frequently? :p
Darth Viscera
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:28:39 PM
Originally posted by Gav Mortis
Nup, Fett's a Midlander - the English language is new to their kind. :)
Dann, was sprache sprechen sie? O_o
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:30:25 PM
well I've always learned to expect less of people and movies so you wont be disappointed.
But of course I can't speak for my entire gender. Though I should say women are usualy only disappointed by men!
In this case I figured there had to be at least five insane people here who'd go to midnight!!!
Darth Vader
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:33:15 PM
1. Far too tired.
2. Nobody to go with.
Darth Viscera
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:34:02 PM
Though I should say women are usualy only disappointed by men!
heh. hehehehehe :lol
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:36:11 PM
1. Far too tired.
2. Nobody to go with.
I took a three hour nap!!! Naps are good!!
So go by yourself. I was going to but then I found someone to go with at the last minute. If you go on a day with a good crowd you dont need to go with someone!
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:41:51 PM
Vega, you come froma place most people cant understand. You don't speak ENglish, you speak Geordie, why aye :)
Master Yoghurt
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:41:48 PM
I have seen it as well!
In my not so humble opinion, this got to be the best movie ever (sorry SW). :)
Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:48:33 PM
if so...I will eat my hat.
Sorry, but no movie or movie franchise will ever have that power IMO.
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:54:48 PM
yog I almost share your opinion. Its a close call. However I do feel its better then Episode 1 hands down. As for saying its the best movie ever made.....well I'll reserve judgement till the other two are out as well as ep2 and3. But its a close race in my book. Tolkien was a genius and the movie reflects it.
Master Yoghurt
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:55:05 PM
Like salt and pepper added to that hat?
I need more tickets. :)
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:06:54 PM
damnit with all this talk I must see it again today..........
*goes to order tickets online*
Master Yoghurt
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:18:34 PM
lol, good idea LW. Would have done so myself, but everything is sold out until saturday. I got a ticket for the 5th row at 4.40 pm then.
Live Wire
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:24:46 PM
you guys have reserved seating?!?!?!? thats wierd!!!!!!!!!
with us you just have to get there three hours before it starts!
Master Yoghurt
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:41:26 PM
lol, people have booked tickets far into january allready. Usually, there is a two day pre order, but for this one there is no limit, except they dont allow sale by phone. There were a long queue and people sleeping in tents to get tickets that were 4 weeks ahead..
Lord DarkStar
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:56:55 PM
curse you all!! I don't get to see it till saturday but i can't wait, having never read the book but having heard it on tape/CD i hope this will make it even better than it already is...i started to read the book but it was very very very baddly writen IMO
Morgan Evanar
Dec 20th, 2001, 12:43:29 AM
er, I'm trying vainly to forumlate into words how truly amazing that film was.
I give up.
I r pwnz0rd. My box0rs are r0xord.
k, its uh, really, really stupendous or soemthing. I'll have to see it several more times before I can make up my mind.
Ep1 is this wonder's biatch.
ANH is an inch shorter right now, but ESB is still a smidgen taller, and Jedi is a quarter inch short.
So its squarely in the FSCKING KICKA.SS. zone.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:00:04 AM
*growls* can't see it till Monday, damn family tradition! honestly all the midnight showings were already sold out here........and there's nothing wrong with going alone, hell I do so all the time since most of my friends are busy during the day with work and I'm sure as hell not paying the night price.....:mneh
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:11:40 AM
I'm sorry, but I like FOTR far more than any SW movie. When the Balrog made it's appearance... that cinched it. Too bad we didn't get to hear Legolas screaming "Ai! Ai! A Balrog comes!!" :) That was by far my favorite part. It looked much cooler than any painting or picture based off the book I've ever seen. That, for the first time in book-to-movie history, looked precisely how I imagined it.
I sort of have mixed feelings about Arwen's presence in the movie, but it worked well. Any qualms I have are just because of inconsistancies. But hey... they even fixed my main nitpick - that being that, in the trailer, the Ring didn't have the fire-writing while on Sauron's hand.
I can't wait for the DVD version... supposedly, it's going to have 40 minutes of additional footage added back in.
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:11:46 AM
Okay, I have now seen the movie as well, and agree it was better than SW EP I, but I feel that if EP I were as long as this film in duration, there would be much more evenness in comparison, but I still wouldn’t say it was better than SW in general. Even though long, you could feel they skipped and made some changes to the original as some things seemed to be a little poorly explained or just a small feeling of not being quite complete. And this is from someone who never read the book, least not yet.
It was still an awesome film and was great with emotional swings on all sides of the spectrum. A definite must see for any Fantasy fan. Three hours oh coolness. :)
But for me, not the best movie ever, but definately up in the top three.
Master Yoghurt
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:17:39 AM
Pay the night price!!! It is worth it! Go see it right now! You will thank me later!! :D
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:19:42 AM
Even though long, you could feel they skipped and made some changes to the original as some things seemed to be a little poorly explained or just a small feeling of not being quite complete. And this is from someone who never read the book, least not yet.I think a lot of it was done assuming you've read the books. Unfortunate for people who haven't, but economical for those of us who have. For example... they really didn't explain Gollum much or how he got the ring. Or even why Bilbo was so special. It was just like "If you hadn't read the books before, you probably read them when you heard the movie was coming out, so we're not going to bother going into detail about this". Doesn't bother me in the least. :)
On a plus note: the DVD will supposedly have an extra 40 minutes of footage added back in, so that might not be an issue. :)
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:21:19 AM
People that have read the books have a different perspective so mneh. :p Though I do plan on reading them soon. I'm kind of glad that I got to see it the first time without.
Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:35:13 AM
Saw it.
Was good.
But there is better.
Was better than TPM :) hat remains uneaten.
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:38:15 AM
I'm obviously biased... I went into the movie knowing that I was going to love it.
Morgan had to go drain the lizard right at the Flight to the Ford... freaking bladder control, man!
Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:38:22 AM
Also...the "You need to read the book for the movie's full effect" argument does not make a good movie!
Remember David Lynch's Dune?
I rest my case.
So I will read LotR, and I will no doubt love it.
But the movie by itself still falls short of the best.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:38:46 AM
I SAW IT AT 12:30 pm, and it was SOOO awesome!
I love the books, and although they left out Tom Bombadil and Goldberry and the Barrowdowns (sigh) it was still great!
Things were shortened, like the whole timeframe issue of Gandalf arriving and Frodo leaving, but I don't think it detracted from the story at all. We'd have been watching a three DAY movie if Jackson had verbatim used EVERYTHING from the books.
I love Merry and Pippin! *huggles them* And I almost cried when Boromir died...*snifs*
Blew TPM out of the water...and SW as a whole is looking a tiny bit less shiny IMO. I LOVED THIS MOVIE! Legolas IS hot...I'm going to go stalk Orlando Bloom now. And the fight scenes were frickin' cool!
Elrond at the pit of doom...*shivers* that was so great! I could go on and on...but I'll spare you all the redundancy. :D
If you haven't GO SEE IT NOW! Drop everything and RUN, dont' walk!
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:41:41 AM
Might want to mask those spoilers LD. :p
EDIT: Thanks. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:49:35 AM
Darn you spoiling my fun. I think I only put one in. Is that okay now?
Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:02:04 AM
Better read the hobbit before though!
Pretty much requires that you do, since it doesn't back up much of its foundations at all!
Or else you'll pay 7 bucks to say "Bilbo WHO?"
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:02:26 AM
Also...the "You need to read the book for the movie's full effect" argument does not make a good movie!Sure it does... for those of us that have read the books, it makes for a great movie. :p
Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:08:12 AM
Screw that. Soon they'll have a Pokemon movie that requires you to buy little pokeballs full of film to watch beyond the first 30 minutes.
Pokecrap the movie!
Gotta buy it all!
In other words...I prefer to get the full story in the movie. As a movie, it has to stand alone. I'm not buying the book with the movie...nor the magic decoder ring...nor the special movie-guide underwear! Anybody who claims this is in the wrong category. Maybe you should become experts of "movie-book gift packs" instead of movies. Because if we look at this as a movie...its just not the best out there.
Yes FotR is good.
No, it isn't a complete and infallible representation.
No, it isn't the best I've ever seen.
But I enjoyed it thoroughly :)
So go, see, enjoy!
The force is strong with FotR...
...but it is not a Star Wars...
...not at all.
Morgan Evanar
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:09:42 AM
Charley: The Dune that should have been is on the cutting room floor somewhere, and should have been about 3 hours longer. Lynch and Herbert were forced to can a lot of the movie to "make it suitable for an American auidince."
Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:33:18 AM
I know this, Morg.
I also know that budget permitting, they could've augmented FotR as such also. But at 3 hours and a fat budget anyways, they have to make such compromises.
Unfortunately, its the problems with movies made from books. You can never put it all in.
Live Wire
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:43:06 AM
On a plus note: the DVD will supposedly have an extra 40 minutes of footage added back in, so that might not be an issue. :)
YAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *does happy dance*
I have plans to see it tomorrow and I have plans to see it friday I have tentative plans to see it saturday and If I can drag my friend Precious out on sunday Im gonna see it then too!!!!!!!!!!!
Im not even done with the book yet lol!!! I think you need to read the hobbit before seeing this movie just as you need to read the hobbit before reading the FotR. But of course I think they needed to make the hobbit into a movie before this one so thats just me.
I cant express enough how amazing this movie is! Its better then Ep1 hands down. I was raised on the trillogy though so we'll have to wait until all three movies are out but damn its sooo close. And Legolas is sooooo freaking hot! I would be damsel in distress just to have that man rescue me! Im gonna marry Orlando Bloom if it kills me!
I was afraid I'd be the only one who is stark raving obsessed with this movie thank you for proving there are people out there who appreciate great books and great movies!
And hot damn Legolas is fine! No man should look that good! Its just wrong. I will admit its partly the long blond hair and those damn sexy ears but hey he's still majorly hot without them!
Okay enough about good looking elves.....The real test for me will be seeing if its as good or better the second time when I know everything thats gonna happen. (since I didnt finish the book and all) If its just as good then I know its a movie that should go down in history as being at least the second best movie ever made.
okay Im gonna stop gushing now cause this is getting ridiculous.
Dec 20th, 2001, 05:53:02 AM
On a plus note: the DVD will supposedly have an extra 40 minutes of footage added back in, so that might not be an issue
Of which about 10 will be any good, as normal :)
Dec 20th, 2001, 06:16:11 AM
In other words...I prefer to get the full story in the movieIf you want the "full" story... read the bloody book! It has nothing to do with merchandising and everything to do with the fact that they couldn't possibility fit all of FOTR plus good hunks of The Hobbit in one movie unde 10 hours.
And I wasn't saying that you need to read the book for it to be a great movie. I was saying that, for those that have read the book, it's a great movie. See the difference?
Dec 20th, 2001, 06:48:10 AM
vaguely :)
I'm going now anyway. Byee :)
Live Wire
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:18:40 PM
people only say that because it is a book. How many movies are out there that leave you saying what the hell happened before it. SW for instance! You had so many questions about what came before it. But becasue LotR is a book people complain that they didnt cover what came before it.
Sanis Prent
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:29:14 PM
Still got nothin on SW :)
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:46:17 PM
big time :)
Figrin D'an
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:51:16 PM
I'm not sure comparisions with Star Wars are even remotely possible right now, simply because we have had almost 25 years to appreciate Stars Wars, in many forms. "Fellowship", though based upon a book that was written 50 years ago, has been out for all of two days now in film format (And no, the Ralph Bakshi animated crap doesn't count... completely different interpretation). So, no, you can't say that it is as good as Star Wars yet, but you also really can't say that it isn't as good either... a fair basis for judgement just doesn't exist yet. Give the film some time...
Right now, Star Wars is still in the top echelon of my list. However, I am still in the process of deciding where 'Fellowship' stands... just like Star Wars, it's going to require several viewings before I can analyze it with a critical eye.
Figrin D'an
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:52:57 PM
But, yes, my initial impression does place it above TPM... absolutely.
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:56:20 PM
mine puts it below TPM. Gotta love difference in opinion :)
Figrin D'an
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:08:25 PM
Nothing like disagreement for the sake of disagreement... :rolleyes :D
Live Wire
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:24:21 PM
The day reaperfett actually agrees with the majority of the people here, hell will freeze over!
Dec 20th, 2001, 02:32:46 PM
or we'll have a Blizzard in Miami :p
Dec 20th, 2001, 03:14:36 PM
Nothing like disagreement for the sake of disagreement...
I'm writing a review right now. For the sake of it my rear end ;)
The day reaperfett actually agrees with the majority of the people here, hell will freeze over!
But normally, I say my opinion first, then LL Fewd or Nup disagrees :)
Live Wire
Dec 20th, 2001, 03:16:05 PM
The order doesnt matter. You're usually against the majority
Dec 20th, 2001, 03:21:54 PM
only the vocal majority. I'm sure the silent ones all agree :)
And hey, when LL went over my top 25, nearly all he found to be at least average :)
Live Wire
Dec 20th, 2001, 03:22:56 PM
LL's a hard man to please dude.
Well the silent people dont count! They should get off their asses and post their opinions! If not they forfeit having an opinion.
Lady Vader
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:20:58 PM
Ok, most of you that have spoken with me know me to be wholy loyal to the SW films as a whole (I don't categorize them seperately... if it has Star Wars at the front of it, it's a SW film).
But after seeing LOTR, I have to admit that my fanatic meter has been swayed slightly. They did a DAMN fine job at making that movie, and I cannot WAIT for the other two, let alone for the DVD releases and their promise of more footage. And I've heard that if these three movies do well (:lol if they do well indeed), then they will make The Hobbit into a film as well.
I dunno, but it's lookin like I might go see this movie as much as I saw E1. Ooooo... that means 20 viewings. Better start making plans to sell my soul to the theater for the next month or so. :D
And as to favorite characters... LOVED Gandalf, Aragorn (Stryder), and Legolas! I swear, if you put me in between Aragorn and Legolas I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Ok, I lied. As much as I love Aragorn's ruggish look, I'd most likely jump Legolas. Gawd, I love Elves! :smokin
*Goes to play WarCraft and listen to the Elves speak.* :crack
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:27:43 PM
Legolas was absolutely badass. They didn't make him "wussy" in the least.
And I plan on seeing it at least once a week until it gets taken out of theaters.
Figrin D'an
Dec 21st, 2001, 01:02:53 AM
Favorite performances:
Ian McKellan WAS Gandalf. Nearly flawless, I would say.
Sean Bean... he played Boromir perfectly. He completely brought out the tragic hero part of the character that Tolkien wrote into the text. Fett is right... he deserves an Oscar nomination.
Merry and Pippin... great use of comic relief.
And... I mentioned this in another thread... but the performance that will be the most underappreciated is Sean Astin as Samwise. He really wasn't used much in the first film, which is one minor gripe that I have, but it's not a huge deal or anything. However, Sam's part will be much larger in the next two films, and mark my words, he will become a fan favorite. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 21st, 2001, 04:56:28 AM
Sean Bean (does that not make you want to say Seen Bean? It does me ;)) did an incredible job. Best actor in my book as well.
And Samwise will become a favorite, I agree with Figrin.
My only real complaint is that the Hobbits weren't pudgy enough. I mean, if Frodo loses more weight, he'll become a waif by the last movie.
Dec 21st, 2001, 07:30:13 AM
Legloas was done well. He was poncey like an Elf, but still made him into this supercool hardarse
Sanis Prent
Dec 21st, 2001, 07:42:32 AM
My favorite character was Gandalf, followed closely by Aragorn. My mom liked Samwise the best.
LD, the Hobbits are supposed to begin to look more human in appearance, rather than gnomish, if you'll remember. Thats why the older hobbits looked a bit more rotund and jolly than the younger ones.
Live Wire
Dec 21st, 2001, 01:08:24 PM
My fav characters have to be Legolas, Aragorn and Gandalf. Not just cause I think legolas and aragorn are hot! which they are!
But especially with Legolas hes so "cool" and yet he fights wonderfully. Hes suave and has strength. But at other points his emotion shows and you can see his feeling and compassion and when he looks sad it just made me sad! Hes a wonderful actor who conveys so many different things. The same with Aragorn and Gandalf. The other acting was superb but those three struck me as really getting so much character depth across.
And I hope they make the hobbit! I absolutely love that book!
I've already seen the movie twice and Im going again tonight. I have plans to see it saturday and if Im lucky I will see it sunday! Im out to break my movie viewing record!!!
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 22nd, 2001, 02:33:35 AM
Originally posted by Sanis Prent
LD, the Hobbits are supposed to begin to look more human in appearance, rather than gnomish, if you'll remember. Thats why the older hobbits looked a bit more rotund and jolly than the younger ones.
Believe me, I know. They look like very short humans. I didn't mean that they were supposed to be disporportionate, I only meant that Frodo IS supposed to have some weight on him. At least a little. He and Sam do a lot of losing weight in the books.
As it is said, so it shall be....ooom....ooom....ooom.... *meditates on Tolkien's words* :p j/k
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 22nd, 2001, 04:32:27 AM
:: can't wait till next year for the sequel ::
Dec 22nd, 2001, 08:25:54 AM
Two more gripes I have. Dont worry, only one is about the film itself :)
Firstoff, the romance. It really did feel bolted on. It was a three minute part, and that was it, almost as if it was done as an afterthought.
Second, the advirtising for this. Now, I saw the trailer once, and did see a fair few things about it. But I do feel there is a problem when I only found out that there was a Dwarf in it (And played by the guy from Sliders too). Now, I know there are more important things to focus on, but I knew who Tyler and Blanchett were, so they can't really use the excuse.
Similar gripes with the poster I've seen recently
From how that looks, Boromir, Legloas, The Dwarf(Gimli?) and the other Hobbits play minor roles compared to Tyler and Blanchett. To me, that looks really dumb. Its as if the makers decided they needed to have someone female as a prominant part just to please anyone who might complain.
And what you must remember, things like this can stop Oscars. When I browse round, I do see a fair lot saying that Sean Bean should win the Oscar for best supporting actor if anyone from LOTR does. What chance has he got when he he barely gets any press?
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