View Full Version : Preparations: Myrkyr's Resources

Zorin Hexes
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:46:26 AM
Zorin glanced around as he placed his foot upon the spoil of Myrkyr for the first time, leaving the shuttle behind. There were men scuffling back and forth across the soil, trees falling in the distance. Shots could be heard on occasion... likely the result of one of the workers stumbling upon the less-friendly wildlife. A man with green goggles stepped up to Zorin with an upset expression on his face. "You're men are not working fast enough," said the blond Admiral, glancing down at the supervisor. "You have an order to meet, and I suggest you do it soon. The Diktat will not be pleased with this shortcoming...." There was a data pad clutched within his hand. "These things keep dying as soon as they reach the ship."

Jerred Rez
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:57:28 AM
"Maybe if your goon squad stopped tossing them around, they'd last a little longer. These aren't crates of weapons. They are living things. Very fragile ones." Jerred let out an exasperated sigh and grabbed the data pad out of Zorin's hand, tapping it a few times. This wasn't his line of work at all. "There. Looks at the adjustments I made to the schedule. You'll be out of here in time to do whatever it is you're in such a hurry to do." The Admiral wouldn't even brief him on what these furry things were going to be used for. He really didn't know himself... the orders came from someone higher up in the food chain at TriOptimum.

Behind Jerred, Zorin could get a clear view of workers loading crate after ventilated crate in shuttles and cargo containers. They were all designed to function as immense nutrient frames to help sustain the furry things in their long journey. The Empire had provided TriOptimum with the specifications to design them... at no cost as well. Maybe these little things could be exported as pets, or snacks... who knew.

Sanis Prent
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:19:40 AM
(Despite Marcus' endless prattle, I was able to get him to guide me to the closest periphery of the forest. With his sensors, I was given a heads-up on those wolf-like animals, as I approached a forest clearing. However, I quickly found out I wasn't alone. Ducking behind a tree, I unholstered a blaster)

Looks like somebody else had my idea as well. How many are we looking at, Marcus?

Marcus v4
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:25:20 AM
The pink droid module's frame opened up, several sensor devices extending outwards.

Sanis, I am detecting several dozen life signs. Most are human. Judging from the landing craft, there is a 89.43 percent chance that they are Imperial troops.

Zorin Hexes
Dec 19th, 2001, 08:06:33 PM
Zorin glanced at the changes in the schedule and looked up to watch a shuttle lifting off with another load of the creatures... "How many are going up per shipment?" He glanced back at Jerred.

"Enough. Any more an they'll start dying on you; They need air."

The Admiral ran his fingers back through his hair, then stepped forward to watch as a worker sliced down another tree. There was a dead Ysalamiri on it that someone had failed to properly remove. "I want this forest scoured until the order is met. I don't care if you have to silence the neighboring towns to do it."

Troopers marched back and forth across the clearing, which due to the disforestation was growing by the minute. They would stop and take turns marching off into the forest, watching as the TriOptimum workers removed the Ysalamiri's one by one, chopping down trees and lighting small controlled fires along the way to keep the native predator's away from their new cargo.

"TK237, Do we have any droids on site?" A trooper clicked into his comm-link, glancing at a tree that was several feet away. He could have sworn he heard a droid.

"Negative." Came back the response from a storm trooper across the work site.

"Must have been some kind of animal. I’ll keep an eye out over here." The trooper moved on and kept his blaster at his side, ready to unload a round of bolts into anything that veered it's head from out of the forest.

Sanis Prent
Dec 24th, 2001, 01:02:30 PM
(I couldn't help but smile. I had one of those ideas that only came along halfway between genius and insanity. Okay, so pulling a fast one on imperials wasn't very much genius. But I could sell dewback barbecue to a senator in white gloves, and I'd given the empire enough favors. Sometimes you just had to quit asking, and snatch out of the cookie jar.

I glanced down at MARCUS, tucking him away for a moment)

I've got an idea...lay low.

(Hiding behind a bigger tree, I raised my voice)

Hey over there! Can you gimme a hand with this?

Jerred Rez
Dec 24th, 2001, 02:38:42 PM
Jerred tiredly trudged over to a vibro axe and picked it up, making his way into the trees. He heard someone call out and looked over in that direction, noticing two storm troopers were moving in on the situation. His goggles shifted in place, the black rings around them turning in a clockwise motion. He could see a man standing behind a tree, but his face was difficult to identify. Taking a few steps closer, the face became clearer. It was beaten pretty badly.

Who is that?

Whoever the man was, he wasn't on the payroll. He placed down the vibro axe and picked up his pace, walking over in the direction of the two troopers hastily. He didn't like being uninformed.

Zorin Hexes
Dec 25th, 2001, 10:35:24 AM
The trooper who had been about to walk towards the next stop in his patrol turned and quickly leveled his blaster rifle in the direction of Prent and his droid. "TK237, Hold your position." A trooper a few meters farther ahead stopped and turned, watching as TK236 made his way over to Prent. "Get back to work." The smooth voice clicked off, noticeably angered by the fact that one of the workers was still lingering behind a section of the forest that they had swept through hours ago.

Sanis Prent
Dec 26th, 2001, 02:37:36 AM
(The stormtrooper passed into the jungle. Moments later, the foliage rustled almost imperceptibly, and ceased. A few moments later, the stormtrooper returned, shaking his head and shrugging. Apparently it was a false alarm.)

Jerred Rez
Dec 26th, 2001, 12:10:53 PM
Jerred's goggles pierced through the foliage, after a few seconds of silence. He saw someone lying on the ground and a trooper step out. His common sense told him to investigate this further. "So," he said as he approached the storm trooper, "where is he?"