View Full Version : Stupid Today Show

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 18th, 2001, 09:55:29 AM
This morning on the Today show they had biggest blunders of 2001 and they dealt with entertainment and they said the 5 biggest blunders were Gltter, Town and Country, Emeril, Bob Patterson and Pearl Harbor?? Pearl Harbor a bomb what is the matter with these idiots. The movie did almost 200 in the US and probably 500-600 WW and that is not counting the money it is making on DVD. Sure it is a disapointment to some degree but not the bomb. They really overllooked Final Fanasty, now that is a bomb. It cost over 100 to make it and it made 20's something in the US plus it put the company that made it into bancrupacy, to me that is the biggest blunder of the year but I guess these fools would rather bash something that people saw.

Dec 18th, 2001, 10:35:29 AM
When they went over the internet poll PH wasn't even in the top 3, if I remember correctly. The top vote getters were Glitter (50%) and Bob Patterson (20% I think). It was just a typical Today Show fluff piece. By tomorrow Katie Couric won't even remember ever taping it.

Dec 18th, 2001, 10:57:25 AM
Carr, I remember an article over ehre saying it was a bomb. They were having to hope DVD sales were high to break even. PH did awful over here.

And just because you disagree, don't call them idiots

Dec 18th, 2001, 01:21:08 PM
Did they say in the article what the criteria was for them to consider it a bomb? Or was it just their opinion? Also, where did they get their data from? If they don't have credible data and a defined criteria for their decisions, it definitely makes their report lack credibility.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 18th, 2001, 01:27:51 PM
I think you are right Jedieb it was just a fluff piece. And I disagree with you Reaper if Disney says they lost money on PH they are just trying to full us. It made about 500 WW and it cost 160 million to make I find it hard to believe then they didn't make something out that 300 million plus that was left. I think that is typical studio excuse trying to cry poverty, I hear by MLB owners too, its just BS for the most part. Sure even if it just breaks even, I wouldn't call it a bomb, a disapointment perhaps, my point is they had to bring in PH because other wise people might have turned the channel and watched GMA instead in that segment. If they had used FF, nobody would have cared because no body watched it (they already used the equally huge bomb of Town and Country. As far as the idiot remark goes, I was just mad at the Today show because I though Ian Mckellan was going to be on and I turned it on just to watch it and either I missed it whcih I didn't think so, my TV Guide was wrong, or there was a scheduling change I don't know but I was just a little frustrated at the time.

Dec 18th, 2001, 01:37:24 PM
(Oops - double post again)

Dec 18th, 2001, 01:46:27 PM
"They really overllooked Final Fanasty, now that is a bomb. It cost over 100 to make it and it made 20's something in the US plus it put the company that made it into bancrupacy, to me that is the biggest blunder of the year but I guess these fools would rather bash something that people saw."

You had to go there, didn't you. >:-P

I know that part of what is usally reported as FF's 'cost' is the cost of building the studio - which apparently they shouldn't have done, considering the fact that they needed FF to be a hit to not go into backruptcy.

I've been reading recently in LOTR reviews all kinds of negative comments about Harry Potter. I remember seeing the critics gush about it a month ago when it came out.

I don't know how a 200 million dollar movie can be considered a 'bomb', maybe because of all the advertising, and the fact that it was largely thought to be 'the movie if the year'.

Part of the problem is that they spent SO MUCH money on advertising. Still, I can't imagine that between domestic and iternational box office, video and dvd sales and rentals, and cable, and pay per view that PH won't turn a profit.

Dec 18th, 2001, 01:54:46 PM
160 to Make. Then add advirtising, which was huge

And can you back up this 500 WW thing? IMDB (http://us.imdb.com/Business?0213149) Seems to disagree, a big film would show more figures

Also, remember many a company only sees it as a slight success if it doubles the amount they paid for it

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 18th, 2001, 01:56:13 PM
I'm sorry Darth, I didn't mean to. I don't know about HP the only thing I can think of is that because LOTR is so good its made HP look bad in comparrison. Edit

Ok Reaper lets add advertising, I can't believe it would be more than 50 million so lets say 50 just to get a number thats 210 still it made anywhere from 400-550 (does somebody have a exact number) plus it sold (according to Disney) 3.7 million copies of the DVD and was the # 1 rental last week (I have no clue about VHS sales) with all that the movie should clear somewhere close to 700-800 million after Pay per view and Tv deals. there is no way the film didn't make money in my opinion. If it didn't somebody is pocketing it somewhere. The only thing I can think of is did Ben Affletic(sp) and Bay get a % of the profits? I thought I heard that somewhere but I could be wrong but still I am sure that Disney will make something, maybe not much, surely not what they were hoping for but that doesn't make it a bomb.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 18th, 2001, 02:07:08 PM
Ok IMDB has a report saying that PH is BV's third biggest film ever and it made 251 overseas ok, that puts in at about 450 so I wasn't too far off, so that would still put it about 700 after we accout for DVD, VHS, Pay per View and TV.

Dec 18th, 2001, 02:08:55 PM
Carr, they all took a %age. Bay, Affleck, Beckindale, Harnett and I believe a few more.

In the UK, it was the 6th biggest opener. SIXTH. And that isn't right now. That was when it was released. Basically, springtime movies were beating it! Most of Europe was the same.

Dec 18th, 2001, 02:25:15 PM
Percentage of the PROFITS or the GROSS? :D

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 18th, 2001, 02:40:56 PM
I am going to assume profits which means they got screwed. I really doubt that the othere got that kind of deal. Harnett, Beckindale have no power in hollywood and weren't (at least going in) considered big actors. Now Baldwin and Cuba Gooding Jr perhaps I have no clue about there contracts. But as I said if they got 5 % of the profits and the film ends up make maybe 50-100 million in profits then they really didn't do very well. And sure it did poorly in England but it must have done well somewhere else it did make 250 million overseas which is a decent amount of money, maybe it did well in Australia and New Zealand and did decent in Europe, it really does take much from each country to rack those kind of numbers in.

Champion of the Force
Dec 18th, 2001, 04:58:22 PM
PH made approx. $20 million AUS down here, so that would be around $10 million US.

I wouldn't say PH bombed either - I think the negativity is a result of all the hype last year of it being potentially the movie of 2001, but it didn't quite make it. :)

Dec 18th, 2001, 05:57:07 PM
I had this theory that The Patriot the year before affected its performance over here

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 18th, 2001, 10:20:52 PM
Was the Patriot that much of a controversty in England? I know some British Histroians got mad but it never really seemed to go very far here, I am not going to get into my opinion on the matter as I think I have expressed it before.:angel

Dec 19th, 2001, 02:37:25 AM
it was pretty major. A family of one person mis-potrayed was going to sue. Some papers were saying to just boycott the fil, and then Mel Gibson just made it worse by saying "England is the new Germany in movies"

Dec 19th, 2001, 07:29:26 PM
Ouch. :p

People pick on PH and refer to it as a bomb because it didn't make 50 billion dollars in 2 weeks and shatter every single B.O. record in its path for all time. 200 million domestic is never anything to laugh at...unless it cost more than that to make it. :D