View Full Version : More proof that there's no originality in Hollywood:

Dec 18th, 2001, 07:16:30 AM
Today's Headlines

Hoping to reproduce the success of last month's Carol Burnett special on CBS, other networks are mounting either reunion specials or movies based on past hits such as Happy Days, The Cosby Show, M*A*S*H, Three's Company, The Waltons, The Monkees and Batman, Mediaweek reported today (Monday). It quoted ABC Co-Chairman Stuart Bloomberg as saying, "Certainly the response to Carol Burnett has caused all of the networks to check on the status of popular shows, to examine their highlights and to explore the possibility of producing a reunion." The trade publication noted that since several of the programs were produced by studios that now have close ties with other networks, many of the specials could wind up airing on outlets other than the ones that broadcast the original shows.

Dec 18th, 2001, 10:05:15 AM
My goodness, the Monkees - That takes me back - and I only used to watch them as re-runs on Nick when I was a kid... Honestly, if you ask me, all of those are things we could do without... I guess since the Carol Burnett one did pretty well, they figure there's another thing to copy and exploit...

Dec 18th, 2001, 10:32:22 AM
How I miss the Fonz. :(

Dec 18th, 2001, 10:43:40 AM
Ehhhhhhhhhh.... Good old Arthur Fonzarelli... :)

Dec 18th, 2001, 02:32:32 PM
The Carol Burnet show was HUGE when it was out of course the execs probably didn't rememebr (or know) this when they decided to do the reunion.

Dec 18th, 2001, 02:39:22 PM
I don't think we can assume that about the execs - I'm sure they realized how big it was way back when and I'd be willing to bet they had some sway in getting the reunion together. We're not the only ones who watch B.O. numbers - its their job to know what sells and how shows are doing...

Dec 18th, 2001, 03:00:53 PM
Sorry, but I love stuff like that. Great shows reappearing and the like :)

Dec 18th, 2001, 03:46:25 PM
I'm actually kinda mixed on them - it is nice sometimes to revisit some old shows and go down memory lane. What I don't like, though, is that it seems like now that the Carol Burnett reunion was a success, everyone is just jumping on the bandwagon to do the same thing over again... Try coming up with an original idea instead of just piggybacking off of someone else's...

Doc Milo
Dec 18th, 2001, 08:19:28 PM
I know 2 shows that BuffJedi hopes they remake:

The Golden Girls

Bea Arthur on TV again, Buff! You ready?

Dec 19th, 2001, 10:21:06 AM
Oh no... Here we go again :rolleyes

Dec 19th, 2001, 07:01:49 PM
:headbash :headache :cry