View Full Version : The ties that binds us all.................

Jedi Knight Squall
Dec 16th, 2001, 11:13:58 AM
The long-forgotten Jedi opened his eyes. It had been a day since he had last called out to his two sons. He smiled as he felt them grow stronger in the Force with each passing day, but something was wrong. It felt as though one of them had strayed from the light, but he couln't believe it. Ever since he had felt this disturbance he had been subconiously calling them to him. He had to find out the truth.

"Oh, my boys what has happened to you........"

He closed his eyes and once again sent out a message to his children. He wanted to see them so badly and it was time they learned the truth. They had to know that their father was alive. It had been hidden from them so that they could make their choice for their life on their own. He spoke to them through their dreams and he called to them.

"Shade. Yurza. Come to me. Follow me......come to me............follow me............."

OOC: this is a thread that is going to help me define my characters and this guy. I don't know if he will die in the end or what, but please join in if you would like. This is basically about a big conspiracy that the Jedi Council covered up about 15-17 years ago. It would be nice to have some Jedi Masters to help on this. If you e-mail me then I'll give you a more detailed story line on what the past is on this guy. Otherwise just e-mail me at planeswalker2002@yahoo.com or cowdude2002@hotmail.com to get in touch with me if you want the past or to request to join. C-ya!

Shade Magus
Dec 16th, 2001, 10:28:42 PM
Shade jerked up in bed with his hand outstreched and he shouted.


He sat there for a few moments tryign to figure out what was happening. Was he goijg out of his mind? For the past few nights he had been having very real dreams about his father and his dying, but the dream was different from what really happened. In the dream his father died saving his life. He died at the hands of Yurza, his brother.

"What is gong on?"

Shade rubbed his forehead before swinging his legs over the side of his bed. There he put his head down and rested his arms on his knees. His clothes were stuck to him with sweat. He got up and slashed some cold water from the facut on his face and looked in the mirrior. He then decided to go outside and get some cool air before going back to sleep. Maybe it would help. He started out the door, but something caught his eye. It was a picture of his father, Yurza, his mother, and him. I don't know how or why, but I will find out why these dreams come to me, He thought just as he stepped out of his room.

Master Yurza
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:30:13 PM
::Yurza dodged another attack that the Sim threw at him and the he moved in for an uppercut, which he executed successfully. He then moved to jump back when the green Dragoon hit him in a shoulder bash::


::It was all he could get out before he hit the floor. He then blacked out and then the voices came. What? No! Not again! Get ot of my head! He tried and tried but still they came::

"Shade. Yurza. Come to me. Follow me......come to me............follow me............."


::Yurza jumped up at an on-coming Sim opponent and looked at it with a new hatred in his eyes. He lifted his hand and let all his energy flow thorugh him and gather in his palm. He then let out a roar of fury and it everything go. All of the energy flew through him and he waves of dark energy made the Sim disintergrated before his eyes and then the program ended. Yurza stood there holding his palm open and breathing hard. Then he collapsed and fell into an unconious state::

.................................................. ...............................................

::When he opened his eyes, he was looking up into the eyes of a medical droid. He tried to look around to confirm what he knew, but it was no use. His head was strapped down to prevent further damage to his body. He had to learn to control himself in battle from now on::

"Oh man..."

::Yurza then remembered his dreams and made a fist. It was time to get to the bottom of this and he would do it, just as soon as he got out of med-bay and asked his master's permission to go on a personal mission, but there would be time for that later. Now he must rest and for the first time in days he closed his eyes and welcomed the coming dreams he knew was there::