View Full Version : Beauty (open)

Khendon Sevon
Dec 15th, 2001, 08:21:34 PM
The rich Borishall Mountains were kissed by a brilliant blaze of crimson and amber as the sun reached unyoking. Upon the looming mountains grave shadows were cast, swimming across the rugged terrain as if filled with life. A slight breeze danced through the hunter green pine trees, which dotted the landscape like huddled cattle. As the sky slowly faded into night, and the stars became ever brighter, a sudden flame emitted from the sky as a star streaked downward, red and smoldering.

The thick black color that covered the shuttle’s hull caught none of the ever-dimming sun’s emissions, rather absorbing it and locking it away. The craft’s lower landing legs, each padded in charcoal colored landing cushion, extended and touched upon the soft, dew ridden, blue grass, slight creases rippling throughout the lush plain.

As the grand loading plank lowered and the beast yawned, two troopers marched out, each brandishing Sevon Rifle, Co. sidearms, surveying the area visually. The men’s uniforms were padded, well suited for the inhospitable terrain, which the planet presented. Each had black, curly hair and dark olive skin, brown eyes finishing off the two warrior’s almost identical faces. They were clones, as could plainly be seen by the identification numbers tattooed in light lavender behind their ears.

The two troopers advanced, their weapons sweeping the area, searching for any creature to lay waste to. A shadow in the force was cast, a shadow of pure evil, as the grand warrior, Khendon Sevon, slowly, almost ceremoniously, stepped out of the shuttle, his black Imperial uniform accenting his magnificent silver eyes, which in turn complemented his light brown hair, cut in military fashion.

The regal character descended the tongue of the craft, his brown leather combat boots sinking into the soft soil. This place was filled with life, small mammals scurrying across barren tree trunks, which had fallen with the last rain, majestic, scale armored bird searching for pray high in the heavens. The force blazed like wildfire around Khendon, and he bent it to his will, a virtual storm of energy wrapping around him, feeding his soul dark energies.

Khendon’s shuttle had landed in a patch of open grass surrounded by ever vigil trees, which lay like silent guardians in ambush, a last defense against the dunes which were several kilometers away. The tree line stretched on for half a kilometer northward and then met the mountains, which towered above the large, shale colored clouds, which loomed in the sky like giants constricting the planet.

Overall, the area was beautiful, sadly, Khendon had come here to search, he would not have time to take in the magnificent scene.

(OOC: Open to any Sith or Jedi who wish to fight me, I’m in search of an ancient Sith artifact.)

Casper Van Deaton
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:32:51 AM
Casper ripped the saber from the mans gut, the crimson liquid spited from his pulsing organs. Casper watched the man look up to him as he fell to one knee then onto his back.

Grabbing the young man who was trying to stop Casper, he lifted him up of off his feet his hand around his neck like a vice, the boy kept kicking at casper but that more than anything angered Casper, the boy looked young maybe 17 years old but that was not the point young and good always die, the bad live longer, Caspers hand tightened around his neck bearly able to speak the boy screamed out.

Please!!! please let me go sir!.....please!..ill do anything

Casper broke his neck in one single turn of his wrist like snapping a stick into, the boys eyes faded, casper opend his palm and the boy slumped to the ground like jelly.

Mabey next time the leader of your flock should negotiate better terms or this will happen again and again,However i find it intresting that you fools have so much courage...

The sky lit up as a ball of flaims entered Caspers view.He looked up from his position has the town folk ran into there houses screaming and shaking. The ball turned into a distant ship landing on the silky grassy plains, the breeze blowing up against caspers shimmering amour, the trees seems alive a strage moment in time indeed and an Imperial ship, this could be interesting Casper thought as he started his journey in the direction...