View Full Version : Star Wars Book list.

Yun Sako
Dec 14th, 2001, 06:49:21 PM
Hey, what are some good choices to buy books for Christmas about Star Wars. I have read in the past year a small selection and it is as followed;

#1. Jedi Apprentice #2: The Dark Rival.
#2. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

And, I have a hundred pages left of my Star Wars: Tales of the New Republic book, which is pretty good for all you readers out there ;). So if anyone can help me, please do so.

Dec 14th, 2001, 07:53:21 PM
I'd personally say the X-Wing series, Rogue Squadron first

Yun Sako
Dec 15th, 2001, 05:08:14 PM
Bah, I shouldn't have stayed the night at Neil's house and I would have gotten this message and bought the first book in the series.

Oh well, I went to the book store today and did not buy a book. Even though it was tempting to buy a NJO book on the #2 or #3 book list, beings I heard the books are pretty good. Thanx for your opinion ReaperFett

Dec 15th, 2001, 06:56:19 PM
I haven't ventured too deep into the EU, but I enjoyed the Zahn trilogy, you could try those...

Yun Sako
Dec 15th, 2001, 07:13:17 PM
The Zhan trilogy? Interesting. I have heard briefly on the Zahn trilogy, do you mind explaining what books are involved or the few you remember and what the basic storyline of the books are?

Dec 29th, 2001, 08:42:25 PM
Well, the Zahn trilogy deals with teh New Republic facing a unified coalition of Imperials under the genius Grand Admiral Thrawn, the last of the Grand Admirals and perhaps the greatest of them all. Thrawn allies with an insane, but powerful dark Jedi. Many characters stem from it that become cornerstones of the expanded universe such as Mara Jade, but I shouldn't go into deeper detail of the plot. All I can say is that this trilogy is widely recognized as the best out there.

My personal favorites are the Courtship of Princess Leia and Shadows of the Empire. Both excellent.

COPL: Han competes with Prince Isolder of Hapes for Leia's hand in marriage. Luke learns of a planet filled with force-sensitive female Jedi, some good, some bad.

SOTE: Takes place between ESB and ROTJ. Details the events that got them from the last parts of ESB to finding Han in Tatooine.

Darth Talus
Jan 16th, 2002, 08:26:36 PM
I got the Zahn Trilogy just after Xmas with my book vouchers, and I have to say that it's three of the best books I have ever read, and I highly recommend you buy them. They are (in order) Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command.

If you get through them, then you've gotta go and buy Spectre of the Past and Vision of the Future, also by Zahn. He's a really awesome SciFi writer, if I ever saw one.

Nichos Marr
Jan 25th, 2002, 10:33:43 AM
Hart, you were right about Courtship of Princess Leia. It made my top Five list.

I'd suggest Thrawn trilogy as well. But if you'd like to go in order after ROTJ, Truce at Bakura is immediately after Episode 6. I've never read it, though I do plan on reading it one day.

The X-wing novels are also very good. They deal with the ongoing war between Imperial remnants and one of my favorite characters, Wedge Antilles.

Jan 25th, 2002, 07:41:51 PM
The Truce at Bakura really does take place "immediately" after ROTJ. Luke even feels severe afteraffects of the Emperor's Force Lightning. We're also introduced to a love interest for Luke, but not a very significant one. The enemy they face wasn't a particularly interesting one for me though.

Champion of the Force
Jan 25th, 2002, 09:32:57 PM
I posted a thread back in November asking for people to post a list of EU books that they felt would enable the reader to get from start to finish in the shortest time. It makes an interesting read:


Feb 9th, 2002, 04:28:58 PM
I thought that the Truce at Bakura sucked the fat one. It was the first EU book I read, and I was SO disappointed. Lucky for me I stuck with it for a while, but I haven't read in a long time.

Xavier Sadow
Feb 16th, 2002, 12:39:30 PM
Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter was a really good book.

Seth Darkserpent
Feb 16th, 2002, 02:57:46 PM
I agree on Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter. I wasn't really sure about buying a prequel book, until I was finished the books that take place after the OT. It was very nicely written and I liked the Jedi. The droid was pretty funny as well.