View Full Version : Vanilla Sky?

Dec 13th, 2001, 09:19:38 PM
I saw the original Spanish movie on the Sundance Channel - I didn't realize that the movie was being remade until I finally read a synopsis on Yahoo a few weeks ago.

Anyway I thought the movie was pretty interesting, though knowing the nickname of Abre los Ojos (Open your Eyes) kind of gave away the whole thing for me. Still the ending was pretty good, I'm wondering how similar VS is to it.

Anyway they're dooing their best to use the Tom Cruis Star power to get people interested in the movie, I've heard the reviews aren't spectacular, (36% out of 22 reviews at rottentomatoes, right now).

I wonder how well it will do. I'd expect a $20 something million opening.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:04:13 PM
I agree with you there Darth 20 something sounds like a good bet. The previews look wierd though and don't make a lot of sense, I guess somebody is framing him for murder or is Diaz's character faking her death. I heard the buzz from audiences are saying its a wierd movie, with that in mind I doubt it will be a huge hit. Anybody heard anything about the other wide release this weekend, Not Another Teen movie? To me it looks stupid like the two Scary Movie films, but that probably means it will be a big hit at least this weekend, I wouldn't be surprised if it beats Vanilla Sky.

Dec 13th, 2001, 10:37:13 PM
"Darth 20 something"

U forget my name? ;) :p :D

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:43:07 PM
Whoops:o I forgot to put a comma in there sorry

Dec 13th, 2001, 10:43:09 PM
Teen Movie is by two of the writers of Scary Movie, so basically it's the same thing but moving away from horror, I suppose.

Most of the ads looked like they were trying too hard to be clever, but then I didn't' go see Scary movie 1 or 2 either.

Open Your Eyes was a pretty interesting movie you just have to see it. If ordinary folks say it's weird, then it's usually something I'd like. (usually)

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 13th, 2001, 11:23:12 PM
Open your eyes is probably a good movie but Vanilla Sky from what I can tell is a mess most of the criitcs are tearing it apart because of how it made a mess of a great film. Sure I like some wierd movies but Vanilla sky just looks like a confusing wierd movie which I don't like, it reminds me some of that Carpetner movie starring Sam Neill I saw several years ago, I can't remember the name but it was wierd and confusing. This is my guess for this weekend based on Lee's guesses Vanilla Sky 24.5
Oceans's 11 22.5
Not Another teen Movie 18.9

Regardless of how they all do I think LOTR will blow them away next weekend.

Dec 14th, 2001, 01:39:10 AM
I think Hollywood remakes of recent foreign films are pretty annoying (Point of No Return), but I suspect there's a certain amount of snobby 'I saw the original movie with subtitles attitude that some of the critics have. Most people in the US didn't see the original, I never even heard of in until I got the Sundance channel.

Mostly I think that the movie was interesting and different enough (sort of) that if it's was a success, maybe Hollywood might start looking for more interesting, weird stories.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 15th, 2001, 07:20:44 PM
Well Vanilla Sky did what I expected and will probably make about 24 million here are Friday's numbers

1 Vanilla Sky 8.408
2 Ocean's 11 7.022
3 Teen Movie 4.978
4 Harry Potter 2.221
5 Behind Enemy Lines 1.621

The bad news for the movie is audiences gave it a D according to CinemaScore, that is pretty bad and it will probally do terrible after this weekend with bad word of mouth.

Dec 15th, 2001, 07:27:07 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Ocean's 11 beats it. Bad word of mouth can sometime show up immediately. A Saturday drop would be pretty bad. :p Unlike Teen Movie, thsi film needs soem decent critical reviews and some decent word of mouth.

Dec 15th, 2001, 08:43:40 PM
Go see Vanilla Sky before you judge it because if you choose NOT to see this film, you are missing one of the three best movies of the year, maybe the best.

I saw it with Ben and Sean, two friends of mine, and Ben thought it was better than Memento and better than Fight Club, one of his favorite movies, and Sean thought it was at least not much worse than Fight Club, which he saw for the first time two weeks ago and has seen five times since (we all watched it last night too). My uncle was at the show too and he liked it. It was a great film! No question it was one of the best movies of the year. I expected nothing from it either. I was a bit reluctant about even going and I had no idea what it was about, but Vanilla Sky rocks!

The ending is spectacular, just as I like them. Something like The Game, Fight Club, those types of films. Like a David Fincher movie, basically.

Cameron Crowe directed this and it stars Tom Cruise, how could you not want to see it? How many times has Crowe made a lousy film? Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous are great movies.

As Ben would say, "You have to be an idiot if you don't like Vanilla Sky because obviously that just means you didn't understand it." Yup, and that must be the case with many audience members. It's too good for American audiences, too complicated, too thoughtful, it's not a normal popcorn movie so most of these idiots will not understand it and therefore they will hate what they don't understand.

Vanilla Sky is a solid A. 96/100.

On another note, Ben and I were being asses when we got to the ticket window so he said, "Yeah one for Chocolate Sky" and I said, "One for Strawberry Sky." Eh, cheap thrills.

When Bryan saw The One he said, "Yeah, one for The One" and he started laughing then all of his friends there with him were like, "Ok you are retarded. That wasn't funny at all." He says, "Get it? You know, ONE for THE ONE? Haha," and they all just stare at him, "Yeah we get it and it wasn't funny at all." Haha.

Then when I saw Not Another Teen Movie later last night I said, "Yeah one for Another Teen Movie," hehe. Man that guy at the box office window must get sick of that. :)

Not Another Teen Movie would absolutely insult any adult who sees it and there is no way an adult would want to be caught dead in a theater playing that, haha. Still, it is very funny. It's gross, though, extremely disgusting. Ugg, two girls frenching each other and you can see the saliva dangling... Ick. I am going to go barf, brb.


Anyway, see at your own risk. It was funny but disgusting as hell. Worst thing ever! lol.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 15th, 2001, 11:14:48 PM
Vanilla Sky just doesn't interest me and it looks like it will bomb if that cinemascrore rating is accurate. It really has no chance next weekend with LOTR coming up, and I disagree with you Jon I think LOTR will be the best movie of the year, it already has a lot of critics saying it is.

Dec 16th, 2001, 12:01:34 PM
The movie is more challenging than your average Hollywood thriller type film, it sound like the pretty much kept the story the same from the original, so I'm sure there are some people who couldn't handle the film.


Jedi Master Carr
Dec 16th, 2001, 05:46:27 PM
Here are this weekend estamites
1 Vanilla Sky 25.0
2 Ocean's 11 23.1
3 Not Another Teen Movie 13.1
4 Harry Potter 9.9
5 Behind Enemy Lines 5.5

Well Vanilla Sky won barely, Oceans 11 came close to beating it out, Not another teen movie did pretty bad which is a little bit of surprise and HP passed 250 which I knew it would. :)

Dec 17th, 2001, 12:24:11 AM
Well Jon I must disagree with your assessment. While I found the film very unique(which I enjoyed), I cannot bring myself to recommend it, much less give it the kind of "glowing" review that you bestowed upon it. Okay...I can't recommend it per se, but I do believe people SHOULD see it...if that makes any sense. :)

It had some interesting moments...and Cruise delivered an inspired performance IMHO but overall I didn't think the film added up to alot. I found parts frustrating(and don't throw that average moviegoer thing at me....especially since I throw that same tag at YOU alot..:) I believe I tend to be a pretty esoteric individual) and I thought the resolution at the end was less than fulfilling.

The best things about the film....John Toll's cinematoraphy(once again, Brilliant), Cruise's performance, the interesting score, and Diaz's performance. The film is definitely an experience, and should be seen...but once again I can't recommend it. I have more mixed feelings about the film than any I can remember in the recent past.