View Full Version : DreamMerc: Fake Melody

Severen Morkonis
Dec 12th, 2001, 10:45:13 PM
Times had changed since Vega broke our friendship apart, i was alone, without guidance and support, the only person a truly missed was Gi, she was my friend, and i missed her more than anything,my search continued for her and i tried for months but no luck, i did not give up, perhaps she was back at TSE with vega again...perhaps she was dead...i dreaded that thought....

The dense silky snow edged its way down from the sky to my ever worn out body as i climbed the mountain towards the town of Asperon a small friendly village that served the best what the call (Vernoth) Hot-chocolate, i came to this place 2 or 3 times a year always trekking the same path up towards the mountain town and visiting my old friend Fenedre and old man, taught in the way of the sith, and obtained the rank of Knight long ago, only to leave to come to this place and teach himself more...

He was not a bad fella at all, he was friendly enough, not exactly the Sith you expect to find way up here and as kind as he was, he just enjoyed the arts of black magic i guess, anyhow he was a mate, of course my regular cup of Hot-chocolate would come first, i thought, as the first glimpses of white snowy aspin type roof tops and smoke rising from there chimneys appeared over the cliff...

Severen Morkonis
Dec 13th, 2001, 09:45:03 AM
The setting for the town was picture perfect, the Town was located right in the heart of a snowy valley surrounded by towering mountain peaks, the lake Garla ran out away from the far side of the town and around a mountain and faded into the mist out of site, the mountain range was called the Repicarta Range all in all about 5 different sized mountains surrounded the town Haratel being the largest, apparently great monsters live in that lake seen by many of the town folk, but I'd never seen the thing, and i really don't think anyone truly did.

I started my longish journey down towards the town, and already villagers from the mountain houses welcomed me to the area, few knew me and saw me before, not a person to say hello to everyone i gave most of them a short sharp nod and walked on, finally making it to the road into town, the strait road went right into the town and acted also as the high street, the road was very icy and easy to fall down on, takeing it carefully i tread on the grass to give myself stability, my Bantha coat kept me warm from the gathering winds and my hood covered my face and tied back hair, slowly but surely the lake vanished behind the Aspen type structures and i found myself in the town...

The town was was slowly fading behind a wall of mist and soon it would be dark and the Christmas lights switched on to give the secluded town some sort of light, soon enough the bar was in my sights, i started my walk towards it.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 13th, 2001, 03:19:54 PM
What the frell am I doing here? Aurelias Kazaar thought as he made his way through the village. I should be on Kuat with a glass of bourbon in one hand and a nice brunette in the other. There's no money in this. None at all.

It was true, Kazaar had no business on the frozen wasteland. No money existed in this, nor was there any reason for him to be there. Aurelias trudged through the village, hoping to find a place to repair his ship, or atleast find a new one. The Flying Dutchman had taken several hits to the port side, when another bounty hunter, Kimsarri Laktoc, had attempted to attack Kazaar while he was passing through the system. Attempted was the key word.

I fried that bitch fairly well, Kazaar smirked at the memory, pulling out a cigar and lighting it, But that's what I get for trusting a Hutt. You can only do so much for 'em before they stab you in the back.

He suspected Gorja the Hutt behind the attack on his ship. When Kazaar had returned a Bith who'd skipped out on a gig, the Hutt refused to pay him, saying the Bith was no use to him now. Angered, Aurelias had killled the Bith before the Gangster's bloated eyes, then taken the bounty money anyway. To his knowledge there wasn't a bounty on him...yet.

Gorja wouldn't set up a bounty on me. Not his style. No, Kimsarri was an independent contract. Someone who owed Gorja a favor. Too bad she failed.

Gorja would give up now though. Kazaar was too good of a hunter to have a bounty on his head. And if there was one, he'd probably collect on it himself...somehow.

Kazaar pulled his black jacket up over his ears and continued to walk. His blaster was at his side, in case of trouble. Squinting, he finally saw something...a town. Maybe a place to stay too. As he began running towards it, he saw a place simply marked 'Bar'. No other name to it at all.

Should be simple enough.

Aurelias made his way to the bar, ignoring the bundled up figure trudging towards the bar too. He walked in the door, allowing the person behind him to enter as well.

"Bourbon. The best you've got," he said to the barkeep, relighting his cigar.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 13th, 2001, 04:06:33 PM
Stepping into the lodge type establishment,the man in front of me, tallish, meduim build around 35, couldent say i knew the guy however, he was good enough to keep the door open for me and let me get into the warmth of the lodge fire, the wood finish of the bar rearly gave it that welcome feeling, and i sat down on a stool at the bar, the black jacketed man went round the corner...

Suddenly this large guy slammed his hand on the counter, his big bushy tash and his fat cheeks and double chin signified it was Allan Harsrad, a good man indeed and the owner of the bar i knew him from when i was about 5 years old and my father used to bring me here, Allan was like a uncle to me and my dearest friend in the Village, we clasped hands and with tradition he kissed my palm...

'Ohhh Sieken my dear friend it has been a while...'
'7 months and 2 weeks to be exsact Allan' i said looking down at the menu trying to read the jacta launguage

Allan was bald, 5'11 big fat guy with a bushy tash and thin squinty eyes, his belly button was makeing an apperence as his shirt was two short, very load spoken and a show off at times with the dantawa games, (bascily the pub dart board), we was not that well of atall, but that did not matter, he was like fendre a mate, and my "Uncle".

I see you guys won the Garla Lake Stait Finals last month at Dantawa Allan...good going my friend

awww c'mon Siek did you expect anything else?, i mean we have won it 6 years ina' row..

The big headed attitude showed through as per useral, could of just said "yeah we won"...nah, he had to boast...couldent say i gave a monkeys anyway, the music in the place was about as corney, and did not go well with me...

'Well Allan old buddy old pal, ill have my useral orthadox drink and stick with my Hot Chocolate and Donuts please mate'

'Okay sieken and as useral its on the house' he gave a warm smile and took the order on a slip of paper...

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 13th, 2001, 04:42:39 PM
Kazaar looked around the bar, taking his surroundings in. It was a homely place actually, nice and warm. Aurelias shook snow out of his hair, then took a seat down the bar.

"Ohhh Sieken my dear friend it has been a while..."

The bounty hunter's ears suddenly perked up. Sieken..?

Slowly, trying not to make too much of a notice, he turned his head in the direction of booming voice. Standing there, getting mugged it almost looked like, by a big bear of a man was Sieken Kasstra.

OH FRELL! Kazaar cursed as he saw the 21 year old sit at the bar, Him again. I just go through chasing him and Prent halfway 'cross the bloody galaxy. Now he's here?

The black haired man cursed again. For once, he was in no mood for a fight. Not in a bar where the Sith in question knew the owner, and on a planet where he couldn't get his ship off of.

A server approached him. A female, wearing tan leather with a cute face.

"Yeah, I'll have a bourbon. As strong as you got it."

The bear of a man, Allan something- Kazaar missed his last name walked up behind the hunched over wayward hunter.

"So, what can I git ya to eat?"

Kazaar looked up at the man.

"Umm...dewback steak if you got it. And you know of any mechanic around here? My ship got damaged far beyond what I can do."

"Well I cant' do it myself," the man beamed, "But my friend down there can. He's the best mechanic I know."

Kazaar looked past the big bear towards where he was pointing. It was Sieken Kasstra, who was looking straight back at Kazaar with recognition beginning to show on his face.


Severen Morkonis
Dec 13th, 2001, 07:20:49 PM
My mouth opened partly in utter dis-belief, i shot up of off my stool at it fell down into the red tiled floor.

'I..i.. don't...i don't believe it, i don't bloody believe it..you BASTARD!...your the guy that tried to kill me, you BASTARD!'

I found myself picking up the stool my eyes buring with anger, with the help of the force i lobbed it across the room at the man, who had already taken refuge behind the bar, the stool shot across at the table bounced off and indented itself into the brick wall, I walked round fast to where the guy had shot of to, and grabbed his neck before he had time to gather his senses and his gun and plummeted his back against the wall making an un-earthly crack.

my hand tightened around the neck of the bounty hunter his name was not important, just his actions on a mission with Sanis...

'Gimme one good reason nature boy why i should let you breath again...WELL??....ahh you ignore me fine you die here!'

I was about to kill the guy with once quick turn of my hand to break his neck but his signaled to my hand...

' Oh right yeah...you cant talk with me choking you an all..'

for the benefit of the doubt i gave the guy one more chance to explain to me why the hell he shot at me and why the hell he was in my town...

an erie silence crossed the lodge as Allan simply said in a worried look..

Sir do you want your steak, rare medium or well done?

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 14th, 2001, 12:17:01 AM
"Rare," Kazaar gasped, though a bit unnerved kept his cool. It was true he hadn't pulled his blaster but he had something else just as deadly.

"L-listen pal. I suggest you release me, now."

The Sith only glared back at him, the fire in his eyes not fading.

"Very well pal, your funeral," Kazaar began to unhook the vibroblade from his wrist but he caught a look from Allan. The look said, 'I wouldn't do that, if you want to leave here alive.' Aurelias reattached the blade to his wrist.

I hate Force users. Hated 'em ever since I was a member of the New Republic.

"For the record, Kasstra," the bounty hunter snarled, "I am here not of my own accord. I was attacked outside this godforsaken planet (even if it is yours) by a fellow bounty hunter. For reasons I do not know,"he lied.

"As for following and taking a shot at you, I was doin' it as a favor."

A favor which cost 10,000 creds he smirked inwardly.

"You gotta problem with it...tough. I was given a job to do and I did it. Now, let me go and let me eat my steak, drink my bourbon, sleep 6 bloody hours, and then find a mechanic for my frelling ship. I'll leave this planet and not bug ya again.

"You got a problem with that?" his brown eyes scowled back at the Sith.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 14th, 2001, 09:34:50 AM
I stared daggers into the guys eyes, as much as a bounty hunter he was, i really couldn't give a rats ass, he tried to kill me for a buck or two, and that alone gave me reason to kill the fool, unfortunately if i killed a guy in this town, here i would be behind bars quick enough...

letting the guys neck free i stepped back a bit to give us room to look at eathother, leather coat, and dark trousers, the guy looked a bit of a 50's jazz singer, i sneered slightly, it looked like it annoyed him as i watched him sharply staiten his jacket, and fiddle with his harsh haircut,and me in my baggy jeans and baggy hooded top. he said he wanted a mecanic, if it was gonna' get him of this Planet i would do anything.

'You want a mercanic right?...show me where i can find the ship and ill get you off this planet and out of my site damn it!'

The steak arrived, and so did my hot chocolate...i pulled the stool from the wall and sat at the guys table, he sat down also we broke bread together starring at eathcother like dogs...

'What are you doing here....and the truth this time or so help me god' before i said another word he broke in...

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 14th, 2001, 11:17:45 AM
Kazaar smirked, Sith. They're worse than Hutts sometimes. Sometimes.

"I tol' ya Kasstra, I was attacked by a fellow bounty hunter outside your system. My ship was damaged and I needed a place to land. That's it. No other reason. I landed, the damage is more than I can repair, but if you're that good of a mechanic...should be no trouble for you."

He took a bite of his steak. Not bad, not bad. A bit leathery and overdone, but not bad.

His brown eyes flared at Kasstra again, Young punk. Thinking he can boss me around. I was around back during the Rebellion. Got tossed out for torturing an Imperial Officer. His fault, not mine.

"I can tell ya don't trust me boy," he spoke harshly, "I won't shoot ya. There's no money innit for me. I just want to get off this planet and back on with my own life. That's it.

He took another large helping of steak, then gulped his bourbon down.

"Can I get another?" he asked the bar maiden. She took his glass, then gave Sieken a look of 'Where're you staying tonight?' and walked off.

Kazaar smirked, inwardly. Kids.

"Now're you going to fix my ship, or am I going to have to find someone else to get it done?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 14th, 2001, 12:01:43 PM
Someone had attempted to stop him approaching the little inn. Someone had stepped out infront of him to try and block his way. Someone had ended up lying, writhing on the floor in agony.

It wasn't often that Vega found himself straying out of the boundries of his usual haunts. It worried him to think what would happen to him if he lost control and ended up on some god forsaken planet in the middle of nowhere.

Well, it looked like now he knew.

After having, presumably, wreaked some havoc around the icy planets cities, "V'dieg" have traversed the pathway up into the mountains to find himself at the doorway of a tavern, with a body at his feet. His bare feet - no doubt the result of his disgarding most of his clothes in wolf form. Now he was dressed only in his tattered dojo gear with his dark Sith robes wrapped tightly around his body.

The snow crushed loudly under his footfalls as he approached the doorway, his dry throat longing for anything to drink. With a raising and balled hand he pushed open the doorway...

Vega and Sieken sat in Rama's Corner at the Sith Knights usual table. Every thing was still and quiet, as the two were the last patrons of the establishment. It was at least 2am, and the two were still up talking.

"It's amazing," Sieken laughed, "You should come by one time."

"I'll see about that," the Sith responded.

"There's another place too... this amazing little chateau hidden in the mountains," the Disciple finally handed Vega the small data pad he had been holding all night long.

"To get there, all you need to do is..."

...then brought the fist up quickly to slam his palm against his forehead, cursing under his breath as the whole room turned their eyes to the towering man in the doorway.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:04:53 PM
I watched the man get his 2nd drink of the night and if he was going to carry on i would have to carry the guy back to his ship, not a chance..

' Look,i don't think i knew you, but i was in the NR also, i was Wraith Sqaudrons best tech for nearly 3 years, then i did 2 years active duty as a Special Forces Sapper for the NR, i know my stuff, so trust me your ship will be off this planet before you can say....'

The most un-earthly gush of wind slammed up against my back, the chill put goose bumps up my spine, shivering slightly i looked around and there....stood Vega Van Derveld my former master fear sunk into my gut...what in gods name was he doing here?!, i turned quickly and shealded my force signature rather quickly putting up my black hood over my face looking down upon my hot-chocolate, sipping it slightly...

Looking up with only my eyes to Kazaar, i murmured to the guy

'Do not mention my name while that man is in this room he hunts my blood'

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:21:27 PM
The pattern of his breathing quickly became unstable as he walked unevenly into the bar, disregarding the glares and gasps people gave him. With each step he winced, which was no doubt the product of the huge gash up his right leg.

Limping towards the bar with his trail of crimson behind him, the Sith Lord wheezed as he began to speak - his usually regal voice now crackly and more husky than most were accustomed to.


His voice not only sounded from his lips, but ebbed forth from his mind into that of his former apprentice.

"You...you must have brought me here, eh? This is that little lodge, isn't it?"

His mind was set on the fact that Sieken was the cause of his being here. He must have chased him... or something - it couldn't just be chance they were both here.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 16th, 2001, 06:05:43 AM
OOC: With Kazaar away im going to have to compensate till hes back...so bare with me and Vegz for a while :)...thanks...Siek
The very thought of Vega here made me un-easy, i looked down towards my hot chocolate trying to keep my face hidden out of site the white steam drifting up into my face its warm feeling gradually taking away the bitter cold out of my face.

Kazaar was buisy eating his lunch and drinking his third bourbon so me asking him to not say anything was possibly ignored so basally I'm was in trouble ether way, the amber fire made dark shadows within the inn, i watched on the oposite wall vegas shadow up against the bar what he was doing however i couldn't tell i shut out my ears to his booming voice i tried to shut it out of my head i failed, his voice was loud,my head was screaming to be free but it was no good....

I clenched my fist around the hot mug,and then it all stop his voice and force signature had gone..yet he was still in the room, i could feel it, the hairs on my back still there, the goose bumps still erect so he was still in the room only where?.

looking around slowly trying to figure out where he was DAMN! he was looking directly at me, we latched eyes....I dived for the door quickly franticly trying to make it there...

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 17th, 2001, 02:18:20 AM
OOC: Nice to know I'm remembered j/k. I can make the occasional post...as I will now.

IC: The bourbon calmed him a bit, made him more relaxed. Kazaar knew this was a problem- becoming dependent on bourbon to keep him cal- but at this time he didn't care.

"Hey what the-?" he shouted as the Sith in front of him dived for the door. He hadn't said anything, just dived for the door.

It was then Kazaar saw the large Sith before him. The one Kasstra specifically said not to mention his name to. The one who was currently staring at the departing Sith. The one who was quickly turning to follow him.

Aurelias cursed a curse he'd rarely used as he pulled his blaster. As the Unknown Sith began following Kasstra, Aurelias did the only thing he could do.

He pulled a small, round object from his jacket pocket. Originally, he'd planned on setting a delay timer on the metallic object- a final jab towards Kasstra- in destroying the bar he currently sat in.

The man's gotta fix my ship. Sith or no Sith, I need him to fix my ship. Still...there is no money in it. Hellfire and brimstone...

The object in question was a thermal detonator- the kind which wouldn't completely destroy a lodge if it wasn't duoed with a set of charges. This detonator, simple cause minimal damage, but could kill a man.

And currently, it was headed in an arc towards Vega Van Derveld.

Diving behind the bar, Kazaar grabbed the last of his steak too.

It might not be good, but I need the food.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:15:56 AM
Sieken was making a run for it? He was stupider than Vega had previously credited him to be. There was no point in running - no, not now. Not now that Vega was here. He would simply have to deal with the punishment the Sith Lord would hand out.

"Ah ah ah..."

Vega began to walk casually towards the door, Seraphim snapping to life in his left hand as he moved towards his former apprentice.

"Don't leave so soon."


Something was behind him. It seemed one of the other patrons had decided Vega wasn't to go after Sieken. Raising up his right hand, Vega rose it into the air slightly and the spinning sphere came to a halt. It hovered for a few seconds, the timer ticking away in the silent of the awestruck bar. Then, then it doubled back on itself, moving in a flash of silver to smash against the back wall of the room before dropping like a fly from mid air to land on the bar top.

"Such a shame to waste their life in such a dull manner," Vega murmured as he followed Sieken out into the snow, now jogging.

Xavier Sadow
Dec 18th, 2001, 02:57:09 PM
Xavier leaps from the building top, flipping in mid-air and landing next to his master. He looks to Vega. "I followed you hear, my Master. I thought you may need some help and that it would be good for more experience and training."

The newly trained Sith's head is bowed slightly in respect to his master, his arms crossed over his chest. His trenchcoat flapping back in the slight wind as well as his long blonde hair.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 19th, 2001, 05:25:52 AM

The sound cause Kazaar's ears to perk up. It was the sound exactly like a thermal detonator coming to rest on the bar table.

"Grenade!" came a scream from the lodge as the patrons fled for the door. Aurelias looked towards the exit. Too far away! Then he saw the window at the end of the bar.

He leaped, right as an explosion resonated behind him. The detonator turned into a mass of fire and shrapnal. Several burning pieces collided with bottles of alcohol, detonating them as well. The entire back area of the bar was aflame, threatening to burn the exterior as well.

The bounty hunter picked himself up from the ground. More snow, than ice rested cushioning his fall. Aurelias brushed himself off, watching the shards of glass fall from his jacket.

He then cursed roughly, My cigar was in there, he thought as he viewed the burning din of the bar. Reaching into his black leather jacket pocket, he removed another cigar then lit it, inhaling the rich tobacco smoke into his mouth.

Aurelias set off, away from the fire back to where his ship rested. It was atleast a three mile walk, but Kazaar was certain he could survive it. The wind picked up, blowing snow and sleet towards his general direction. He pulled his jacket up over his ears.

Blasted planet. Blasted Sith and their internal struggles. Blasted New Republic, he raised a fist to the sky, cursing Kimsarri Baktoc, And blasted Hutts. Damn them all!

He kept walking, ignoring the sight of the town fire squad attempting to put the blaze out. He kept walking. But it was then he stopped.

Three blazes of light stood before him. Straight and narrow, they hissed and crashed against another. Lightsabers. The weapons of Sith and Jedi.

He cursed again, remebering Kasstra's offer to fix his ship. His brown eyes scowling, Kazaar brushed ice off of his wrist communicator, then pressed three buttons.

Two miles away, The Flying Dutchman's computer lights came to life, flickered...then came to life again. The damage to The Dutchman, thankfully, had only been to the hyperdrive. Her engines hummed to life, beginning to melt the snow that'd congolmerated on it's brown body. Slowly, it took to the air, heeding its master's call. When it reached Kazaar, its rear opened, allowing the bounty hunter access to his 'living quarters'.

He shook snow out of his black hair, the bounty hunter breathed in the warm air then set his cigar in an ash tray. It could wait for later. He changed to 'snow gear' then selected a few weapons (and some macrobinoculars) from a compartment.

"The projectile weapons will not work against the Sith, unless they are caught by suprise," he said to no one in particular, "I'd go for the concussion rifle, then."

He hefted the heavy gun in his hands, then grabbed a few Personal Shielding Units as well. Never did hurt to be protected.

As he stepped back into the bitter cold, he began walking towards the battle raging 400 yards before him. Before him, the blood of one of the fighters lay on the ground. Kazaar smiled, assuming it was one of the attackers, and not Kasstra. Using teh macrobinoculars, he focused in, through the storm, at the three Sith. One, wearing a brown trench coat...seemed to linger back watching the fight.

Kazaar smiled a wolfish grin.

I shouldn't be out here.There's no money in this, he grumped as he heafted the concussion rifle, But if it causes Sieken Kasstra to owe me a favor... he smiled again, I cant' deny that chance. You owe me...pal

Taking aim, he fired, watching the blue blast hurtle towards the trench coated Sith. No one could dodge it, not even a Sith.

He grinned again, then reloaded.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:01:48 PM
The pure alpine codlness hit me like a brick wall as i exited the Inn.I had never been so scared in all my life, and frankly i dont know why i was scared at the time however i ran like hell, slipping over on the ice just outside the Inn as i saw the dead boy, the crimson blood had sunk into the white silky snow, just by comming here i had ended a life, i mean i was a sith i did not care....but if Vega cought me i would be like that also.

i ran into the path, and when i got there the door slammed open and i heard not one, but two voices....another?!?, I dived right into an ally evadeing there sight

Xavier Sadow
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:33:52 PM
Xavier opens his eyes quickly as he hears the concussion rifle shot. He spins quickly to try and get out of the way of the shot. Just as he begisn to move, he feels a pain flow through his arm. He turns around quickly, pressing his hand against the back of his left arm. He growls loudly, his anger growing rather quickly. If the young Sith ever got his hands on the one who just shot him, there would be hell to pay.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 21st, 2001, 09:39:13 AM
(Bump Post)

Running was not as easy as i thought. The soft snow was deep every tread i stepped the snow went up to my thigh, i was already weak from his mind torture or from whatever it was he imposed in my head, other than that the hill was steep and was slowly but surely running my patience thin. I could feel vega around and i realized i had let my force signature be felt No! I had to press on nearing the top i was using all i had without using the force i was on my hands and knees.

I finally got to the top of the steep slope something was holding vega back at the bar...maybe that bounty hunter as foolish as he was, was helping me ' I'm not gonna' be killed my vega..if anyone'...i pulled my body with my fingers to the top of the hill and with a short slip mad it up right...i stood looking at the burning wreck of a bar... Damn!, i turned and ran...

Running along the top of the Alpine Cliffs was easy enough all but most of the terrain was jagged and rounded stone, the cold, crisp air plummeted into me like a wall of sheer ice, but that however was tolerable..

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 22nd, 2001, 03:54:26 AM
Vega sped off at Force speed after the Sith Warrior, his own apprentice trailing in his wake. The Sith were slowed by the impacted from the shot from a far, but this would not detain the Sith Lord. His speed was many times that of that shot, so the penetration of the slug had caused only minor damage.

As the Lupe strafed through the sea of snow and boulders, dodging undercut rocks, he could sense Sieken up ahead. His fear was building, he knew there was no way he could escape, he knew that in the not so distant future he would be facing the Sith Lord one on one.

Vega glanced back over his shoulder to see that Xavier was making easy work of getting through the snow drifts were Vega had left a path, and maintained a steady pace some 20 feet behind Vega.

You can run, but you can't hide, Kasstra...

Suddenly, a swerve in the road led Vega to skid to a halt. He was nearing the top of a verge, a verge from what Vega could see ended in a icy fall down into the jagged pits below. Sieken stood a top the small hill, looking around for a route of escape.

What did I tell you Sieken, hmmm? You can't get away from me. It's time you paid for your sins.

Xavier Sadow
Dec 22nd, 2001, 12:06:55 PM
Xavier smiles as he catches up to his Master. He stands next to Vega, his arms crossed over his chest, the pain in his arm only raising the level of rage that lie deep inside him. He stares at Sieken then glances to his Master for a moment then back to Sieken.

The new Sith slides his hand back through his hair slowly, keeping his eyes locked on the one Vega is hunting.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 22nd, 2001, 06:40:44 PM
I had ran far enough, nearly to the end of my life the great gorge lay behind and my master...i know what he wanted...he wanted me to be his again. That however was not going to happen, i left Vega because i felt neglected with that recent burst of new apprentices. H had spent more time with Sadow and Ice...and i..Sieken was one of his first....but he ignored me...and i do not know why..

With the wind rushing through my hair and my final thoughts passing my brain i stood there looking at my..."friend"...and that "Thing" Sadow...if in only my final fight i was going to wreck Sadows chances..stepping back a ice rock fell off the cliff into a plunging ice gorge, at to bottom was just white....could it be soft snow?..or hard ice waitting for my blood to spill...

No Vega...im not comming back to you....you hated me from day one,you are to form a bond with your apprentces..yet you hated me..and you teach Sadow and Ice..and not me...

My heart sank like a stone..the first time i felt my heart in years...

Why do you neglect me so? i said as a errie shreak of silence filled the mountians..

Before he could do anything, i jumped in the air a blue orb floating and incaseing my body, then it let go...the orb flashed blinding most in sight then....i fell...then....blackness...

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:58:28 AM
Kazaar cursed.

How in the blue hell can they survive a concussion rifle?!? I've killed Gammoreans with it, and they're damn hard to kill.

He grimmiced then scowled a nasty scowl. Trudging back towards his ship, the bounty hunter began to climb the ladder to the cockpit. He slid inside the warmer interior of the Flying Dutchman, keeping his gloves on but removing his hat and goggles.

Time to make due with what I got...

He took off, increasing his speed to where he was flying at roughly 70 mph. Kazaar's brown eyes became slits as he came upon the three Sith.

As far as he personally was concerned, the Sith could each kill each other and he wouldn't give a flying mynock. But, he mused, it would serve him better to be owed by the one called Sieken Kasstra.

Maybe 'cause we're both former Rebels...I dunno, but the idiot seems to have gotten himself into trouble.

Fool of a Sith.

He targetted the two attacking Sith.

Kasstra had gotten himself trapped next to a cliff. He seemed ready to leap to his death, but with Sith you were never certain with. The saying, which tended to stay in bounty hunter circles was, Sith are just as likely to stab you in the back, as they are to reward you. Kazaar hoped for the latter.

Even if he tries to kill me, this is my ship, and only I control that he thought a bit prideful.

The brown fighter swooped towards the three Sith. Kazaar let loose with turbolasers, a bit pleased to see the attackers seek shelter in the rocks littering the large snow bank.

He landed, then popped the cockpit open, along with the cargo hatch.

"Sieken get your ass in here now, I haven't all day," he shouted towards the young Sith.

Kazaar brought his concussion rifle to bear, then targetted the apprentice of Vega. He fired.

The concussion rifle was a wonderful, deadly weapon. Used mainly by Verpine bounty hunters, it had the rare ability of compressing ions into a field- then shooting them towards a target (or multiple targets). To create a more devestating effect, the ion blast planted itself into the ground, shooting a spiral of ions in the air in a conical shape to ensure maximum damage. It was barely avoidable, even for Force-granted creatures. Kazaar had seen it put to use against Force users before, with fantastic results.

(OOC: More information can be found in either, The SW Guide to Weapons or the Dark Force and Jedi Knight games.)

IC: Kazaar yelled again, "Kasstra, get over here now! If you want to live, you'll get on the ship!"

Aurelias turned where he thought he saw Vega hide, then fired upon him as well.

He stared out over the frozen wasteland, then closed his cockpit window, keeping hte living quarters open for Kasstra to board if he chose so.

Xavier Sadow
Dec 25th, 2001, 01:20:30 PM
Xavier growls loudly as he sees the shots fire upon him. He slinks out of his hiding spot after the rifle shot had cleared. He glanced up at the ship and smiled slowly, unclipping the double-bladed light sabre from his belt. He ignited both ends and watched the ship, glancing at Sieken for a moment.