View Full Version : Family Ties(open)

Chaos Alexander
Dec 11th, 2001, 05:56:48 PM
::Chaos was used to being alone. He was born under bad signs to start off his life. The product of an unholy union. His mother a member of The Sith Empire, his father a Jedi Knight and council member of The Greater Jedi Order. Then his mother disappeared leaving him with the father. Verse was only 18. How could he raise a child? Then Verse caught a illness. A virus. Verse was involved in the destruction of the first Sith Empire HQ. He was on his way to become a master. Then a microscopic bug killed him. He lived with his uncle Pivo. His experiments not only warped the boys mind years ahead, but also his body from 5 to 17. Such was Pivo's quest for immortality. Now Chaos was a member of TSE.
Days began this way. Even now his was alone. Chaos walked down the hallways of his new home. Sweat driped from his body. Lordess Daletria was a hard, but strong teacher. She would turn him into a warrior. Chaos could feel hatred toward his family from her as well. Chaos reached his room. Entering his passcode the doors opened. Inside his room was many things created by the younge warrior. Also weapons he collected in his short time of life. Chaos looked at the communicater he got from his uncle. It had a new message waiting on him..::

I am asking you not to ask questions, I have to met you ASAP. Do not let many peple know of this letter. I need you to met me on Corusant. Make your way to a place called the 'The Wolf's Howl'. It is a bar where you will be told as much as possible. I should be there. Make haste boy. I can not stay there long. When you get there ask for a man by the name of Ran MoonDancer. He will ask you questions. Answer them how you feel is truthful. He knows you better than even yourself in many ways. He will know how your heart feels. He also knows the answers you will give him. Don't ask questions on how. Just understand that he does. I hope you get this is time. For it is running out fast.

::Chaos was about to hit delete. How did they get this account? Was this some cruel trick? Chaos re-read the letter. He then looked at the bottom. The signature almost sent him in shock. This can not be. The same thought raced through his head as he read the signature again.::

With Love,
Verse Dawnstrider

Severen Morkonis
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:57:36 PM
Walking down the hall of the TSE empire, the pictures of every sith lord and Lordess hung parading the walls, it was a long way down to Alex' room, right down at the end if all places next to yurza's...

I found myself wanting to talk to the guy for some reason, a strong urge to meet my partner cloaked me like a sheet, i tilted my head to the left and poped my neck ecoeing it thoughout the hall, finaly his room gave a glimps at the end of the hall, maeking it to the door i found myself tapping on the silver surface of the door and waited his responce...

'Dude you in there?'

Master Yurza
Dec 11th, 2001, 10:11:09 PM
::Yurza jerked his head up from the pillow he had been resting it on. He could feel that his life-long freind was disturbed and it took a lot to get that kind of reaction out of Chaos::

"Better go see what's up."

::Yurza got up off his bed and walked out of his room and as soon as he turned the corner he almost ran right into Sieken. He looked up at him and nodded into Chaos's open door::

"What's going on in there?"

Chaos Alexander
Dec 12th, 2001, 04:12:16 PM
::Chaos bust out the room in a street cloths. Most of the time he was in Sith Robes. Now we was only in jeans. Straped to his bear chest was a harness. The Harness kept his LS hiddened, while straped to his back. He threw on a tee-shirt as he spoke.::

"I know I can trust you two. I just got word my father is alive. I am to meet him on Corusant. I may need some help. My father seemd to be in trouble. I may need back-up. If your up to it then grab some street cloths. Three Sith would be easy targets in the open. Three younge men will not be out of place. If your with me make haste. We are on the mid-night shuttle out of here. Our own ships will give us away."

::Chaos straped another harness to his wrists. They held two 9mm. The harnesses would flip the guns out the retract them when triggered. Chaos then slipped his Garou Klaive on his back. The trenchcoat all weapons visable on his body.::

"Who's with me? The Masters will not notice if we are gone as well. I let a holomessage that will kick on if I am called. It will say I am in meditation. The ruse will only work so long though, we need to be back ASAP"

Master Yurza
Dec 13th, 2001, 08:27:16 AM
"I'll go. It would be nice to see your father. He is a legendary Jedi though isn't he? Are you sure we'll be ok? Nevermind that...the chance for adventure is good enough for me."

::So saying this, Yurza ran back into his room for about five minutes and re-emerged wearing a pair of black pants and a black shirt. They looked tight on him, but allowed just enough room for fighting if anythign happened. He had hidden his lightsaber in a pocket near his left knee just incase he needed it::

"Alright I am ready."

Severen Morkonis
Dec 13th, 2001, 04:34:10 PM
I looked at Chaos who looked slightly worn down to the bottom of his stomach, perhaps he was up all night, did not know, had asked my help once again, and on the last mission to Yavin, i was nearly killed by the one and only Jeseth Cloak, i was NOT about to go on a suicide mission...

I sighed and looked at the both of them looking at me looking for an answer...

' Alright Chaos as all 3 of us are partners i guess i wont let you ass down, but this better now be no suicide mission or im gone capuche?'

Chaos gave a sharp nod and and i followed him down the hall...

Chaos Alexander
Dec 13th, 2001, 04:55:27 PM
::Chaos laughed as he and his partner made the way to the cargo ships.::

"The last one wasn't my fault, we just ran into some bad luck. We're off to met my Father this time!"

::Chaos and the other two made got into the shuddle leaving for Corusant. The three hide in the storage area. The cargo bay was roomy. All the supplies had been taken out. This ship was heading home to restock. Chaos looked at his friends. ::

"If you want out I understand. If not get some sleep, we are in for a long drive."

::With that Chaos fell into a Force trance. He would stay in it the whole ride. He was off to meet his dad. After years he has off.....::

Master Yurza
Dec 14th, 2001, 11:24:51 PM
::Yurza watched Chaos as he explained and then fell into a trance. He then looked at Seiken and shrugged::

"Well might as well get some rest."

::With that he leaned back on the wall of the ship and closed his eyes. He welcomed the sleep and the dreams of his father that haunted him::

Chaos Alexander
Dec 16th, 2001, 12:29:35 PM
::After a while the ship landed. The trio let the ship. The pilot would be a little off for a while, but that was ok. They may had erased to much from his mind. Oh well. Corusant. The whole planet was a large city. your had to fly everywhere. It was a place of dreams, and nightmares. Everything you could want is at your fingertips. The only real problem was finding where you needed to be....::

Yurza- Ok, where is this place?

Chaos- To be honest I have no idea. I feel I have been here before, I just can't put my finger on it.

Yurza- Great.....

::Chaos went to a map console. This could give him directions to any registered place on the planet. Chaos typed in 'The Wolf's Howl'. The computer told him to wait. After a few seconds a message came up. 'No place is registered by that name.' Great.... Chaos thought. Suddenly he caught a strange sent in the air. It rattled his thoughts. A Garou had been here. He sniffed again. He caught the direction of the smell. He followed it to a crack in a near-by wall. A message was there.::

Chaos and Freinds,
In Light of your coming to this party, my master has told me to help you out. I will tell you this. There is light in Darkness and Darness in light. The best of places can be found in the very worst. Rats will be your giude.

::Chaos looked at hsi friends. Suddened flashes appeared in his mind. Sewers. Garou under the city. Towns in the sewers. Darkness everywhere. People following guide rats. rats trained to guide people around in the twisted mazes underground. Chaos blincked and looked at his friends. Near-by was a rat. It seemed to be waiting.::

Chaos- "Only one way to go now..."

::Chaos and the others followed the rat into the darkness.::

Chaos Alexander
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:17:25 PM
::Chaos jumped down into the sewers. It was dark as ink. He robotic eyes ajusted quickly. He could see the rat fine now. He ran after the things as it took off. Chaos could smell the other Garou scents. It was stronge. There must have been a meeting or something. With Chaos not there only one other person could take his spot on the Garou Council. That was his Uncle Pivo. That was bound to change if Verse was still alive. Chaos took off. The tunnels turned and twisted though the darkness. Sounds could be heard after sometime. It was like people were waiting for him. He saw figures in the darkness up ahead. Chaos could smell them. They were Garou. Changelings like himself. The figures stoped talking as Chaos walked up. He remebered one of two people there. Chris Morningkill. An old rival. He was Pivo's apprentice. He was being taught in the ways of the Sith by him. When Chaos left his planet Pivo found someone to replace him fast.::

Morningkill- "Well, The Prince finally makes it. Has the TSE kept you too busy for the Council? Lord Pivo is in there now. There has been talk of taking you off sence you are involed in other things...'

Chaos- " Ask me if I care. I am through with your games. I am more powerful now than you ever will be! The Council just sits and talks. Nothing gets done. at TSE things get goning."

Morningkill- "We shall see First Prince Chaos. As it is I have been promoted in my family's rank. I am now Second Prince. My older brother had an.... mishappen fall abone him. I would hate for that to happen to you.."

Chaos- "Save your threats. I am on buisness now. I have no time to waste my breath. If I could I would gut you now. I may still if you don't leave me alone. I would gladly send you to met your brother."

::With that Chaos slammed the other teen into the wall with the Force. He ignited his LS and held it close to the others throat. Chris started to panic. Chaos smiled and let go. He then laughed and swung the blade. The other boy's head rolled off his shoulder's. Chaos had wasted enough time with him. The other boy tried to run, but Chaos broke hsi neck before he even had time to think. He had wasted to much time already. He had work to do.::

Jared Mriad
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:45:15 PM
Jared had saw the three, whom he noticed from TSE, enter the sewers a few minutes past. Wondering what was going on with Chaos and the others, He had followed. Staring down into the sewers Jared heard the conversation, with whom he did not know of, that Chaos had engaged.

Climbing down into the sewers, he was unable to see a inch infront of him. Igniting his Kian Saber (Palm saber) he used its glow for a light. A few moments later, and instantly lost by what he could tell. Suddenly he heard laughter from somewere in the tunnels. A bit desparate, but not stupid. Jared switched off Kian, and called out into the darkness.

"Hey?! Anyone out there?"

Master Yurza
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:09:40 PM
::Yurza watched the scenes unfold before him. He hadn't know any of the werewolves personally, but he had Chaos talk of them. He was about to say something about Chaos's uncle, Pivo, when he heard a voice behind him saying, "Hey?! Anyone out there?"::

"What the? Who the hell is that?"

::Yurza reached out with the Force to try and tell who it was, but he didn't know the aura's signature personally. All he could tell that the person was someone with Sith training, although he coulldn't tell how much. He then looked back at Chaos::

"What to do about that person? I knwo you uncle Chaos. I don't knwo if we will be able to stand a chance if we have to fight him and look out for whoever it is back there."

Chaos Alexander
Dec 17th, 2001, 10:06:24 PM
::Chaos snorted.::

"If Chris was here Pivo has already left. He meant for the fool to mock me. Show that I can be replaced. As for the other...."

::Chaos felt the presence.::

"Might as well pick him up. Garou can get messy. And I am betting Chris was not the only person Pivo has tought the Dark Arts..."

Master Yurza
Dec 18th, 2001, 04:48:15 PM
::Yurza nodded at Chaos::

"I guess you are right."

::Yurza thought back on al those times he had been on Pivo's planet with Chaos and grimiced. He then turned back to the way the voice came and sent out a mental message via the Force::

Come here and get ready because I think a fight might be ready to break out.

::Yurza then turned back to his comrades and nodded to the bodies on the floor::

"So what now?"

Jared Mriad
Dec 18th, 2001, 08:17:53 PM
'Come here and get ready because I think a fight might be ready to break out.' he heard from Yurza
Jared frowned then sent a return message via force back to Yurza.
Would be helpful If I knew were you are, rather than falling into whatever is in that water... Give me a few moments to get there... With this sent, Jared reignighted his Kian and followed the sound of the 'chatting' going on. About five minutes after, he felt his way into the room where Chaos and Yurza, along with the bodies and etc, resided.

"Am I inturrupting anything?" He smirked out...

Master Yurza
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:06:49 AM
::Yurza turned to Jared and nodded::

"Not really, but you might want to keep that lightsaber handy. I have a feeling thesebodies won't be the only ones in a few minutes."

Chaos Alexander
Dec 19th, 2001, 11:38:42 AM
::Chaos sniffed the air.::

"On one else is around. The city should be up ahead. We need to hide the bodies before we go on with the plan. You two should act normal. They can smell that you are not Garou. "

::Chaos Used the Force to pick up the bodies and ram them on pegs on the ceiling. That way they will not be seen. The 3 moved foward. Chaos spoke back to Jared.::

"You may have noticed by now, but you are the only human here. I am human in a way. I have Garou blood in me. It makes me one of the people here. A werewolf. Yurza is sayin. Your being human can be a flaw or a virue. Stay alive through this. The events that may unfold may help you in many ways. It will teach you how to kill without though. So is the ways of the Sith. The way of nature. Welcome to our group. We are searching for my father. He was a Jedi at one time. He was thought to be dead. He needs to speak to me. Your welcome to stay with us. It will be good for you."

::The group came to a lighted area. The building seemed to be patched togther. They may have been run down, but they gave off a homely feeling. You felt warmth there. You felt raw power. Nature lust. Hatred. All of the feelings you were used to were here. Love, hate, power, and weakness. This was the city beneath the city. This is were the Garou council of 12 were at for this meeting. They would know about Verse. Till they had a chance to met them, they must make thier way to 'The Wolf's Howl'.::

Jared Mriad
Dec 19th, 2001, 06:29:04 PM
Who said I was a human? Jared thought to himself, glancing around, then up to bodies as Chaos stuck em to the roof, he nodded as Chaos spoke to him and then followed. Jared looked around amaized as they came to the city.. "Whats this place, Chaos?"

Chaos Alexander
Dec 19th, 2001, 09:31:53 PM
::Chaos walked with his friends through the city. The made there way to a back alley. Chaos seemed to know where he was goin'.::

"Underground. That is what Garou call it. It is meant to keep an eye on this planet. There are little camps all over this world. This is the only real city on this planet. Other Werebeasts live in the other camps. Cats and rats. Maybe even a few spiders. This place is where they hold the meeting of the 12. In my culture there are 12 werewold tribes. I am the First Prince of one of them. When Pivo dies I will take his spot as Commander. Only the Tribal Lord may be over me then. I will not get that high. I hate all the Garou on the council. They give up our race to make money. This place is where they are meeting this year. It is no surprise my father may be here. If you want some black market items we will stop at the trading square. The Bone Gnawers run that. They are the Garou bums. They rather have useless junk than real things. A broken bottle is better than 1,000 credits to them. You ahve find wepons and such. Till then onward to'Wolf's Howl'."

::Chaos walked till he came to a run down building. He knocked on the door and a old man appeared in the window.::

Man- What brings you here?

Chaos- Gaia's will.

Man- What clan are you from?

Chaos- All are the same to Gaia.

Man- Who are you?

Chaos- Just a shadow in the dark.

::A smile cam across the man's face::

Man- "I have been waiting for you child. I am Ran Moonwalker. Welcome home Chaos."

::The door open to show a large and nice looking hallway. It led to a conference room. In there Chaos would be closer to answering his questions. He smiled to his friends.::

"I have lived in your world. Now, let me show you mine."

Master Yurza
Dec 20th, 2001, 12:33:27 AM
::Yurza let his hand slide casually down to his hip, conviently where his lightsaber was. He knew what these people were capable of, but they didn't knwo what he was capable of. It was a good thing to be a Saiya-jin tribal prince. Maybe he wouldn't be as respected as Caos, but atleast for the moment they would be left alone until things got straightened out. He then looked forward and sent his comrades a message via the Force::

Guys...I have a bad feeling about this.........

Chaos Alexander
Dec 20th, 2001, 10:19:46 AM
::Chaos heard Yurza in his mind. Many of the Garou were dumb to the Force. It would be safer to talk this way. Yurza has right on that.::

I agree. Somthing is not right. I sence alot of fear, anger, and agrivation. Keep you hand near you LS. Though i would ot get close enough to use it. An angry Garou in a 7 foot plus Werewold form is not cool. So of the Garou council members I have seen get to be 10 feet tall. Bet to use the Force on them. Till then lets see what the Council has to say.

::Chaos kept walking to they reached the council room.::

Master Yurza
Dec 20th, 2001, 07:21:20 PM
::They reached the council room and Yurza stood there looking around. Watching the others. Making a note of each one of their faces and body movements. He waited there looking at a near-by weapons stand. Maybe later he could snatch up some useful items::

Alright Chaos ready when you are.

::He then turned to Jared and nodded::

Get ready to rumble..oh and by the way. Wjhat did you mean when you said you weren't human back there?

Chaos Alexander
Dec 20th, 2001, 09:47:28 PM
::Chaos saw the weapon stand as well. Just in case.::

Hope you two are ready. I will adress the council soon.

::Chaos looked around to see all 12 members. He knew them all. He had grew up on Eden, but knew about the 12 leaders. The High Council Member was from the Silver Fang tribe. He would be the most dangerous and the weakest in case of a fight. The imbread bastard. The toughest would be the Shadow Lord
council member. The Bone Gnawer and Glasswalker should be easy. As well with the Children of Gaia. Soon he will find out about his father. Soon his questions would be answered.::

Jared Mriad
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:12:42 PM
I'll tell ya later what I mean... Jared sent back to Yurza. Folding his right hand over his left to conceal the device on his forehand behind his back, he examined the room, looking at the weapon's rack, then at the Council.
I agree also, something doesnt seem very right... Seems wrong.. too wrong. Jared sent out, narrowing his eyes

Chaos Alexander
Dec 21st, 2001, 08:37:09 AM
::Chaos made his way to the center of the Council room. Around him were the 12 figures. As he got to the centered they spoke to him.::

"Welcome Chaos, son of Verse Dawnstrider. The Tratior! We can't wait till we pull the plug on him. Do ont worry you will be next."

::Chaos almost jumped when he heard this. His Father was a respected Jedi.::

"We has left us for the Jedi. Pivo came back. He even teachs our children. Verse didn't. We can't vote today, but when we do in three days when we meet again we all will. He is to much of a problem."

::Chaos growled and stormed out of the Council room. His friends followed.::

Yurza- "What are you goin' do Chaos"

Chaos- "Easy, kill them each before they meet again. One by One."

Master Yurza
Dec 22nd, 2001, 11:06:02 AM
::Yurza took a step back out of surprise::

"And just how do you plan to do that uh? That is like suicide. I mean I realy don't care for any of the Council members, but I also don't care for the entire Garou nation to be hunting me down."

Chaos Alexander
Dec 22nd, 2001, 09:21:15 PM
"No worries old friend. The council is not well liked. If anything most of the nation will praise us for it. Besides, Their Klaives will be worth a lot of money on the Garou market."

::Chaos and party made their way to a hotel. The rented a large room with 3 beds. Chaos set his stuff on his bed. He waited to see the others reply. He could use their help. It would make it easier. With them out the way, they could go to Eden. Yurza could find all the gems he wanted. Jared could get you fighting tips. Cahos could met his dad. A good trade. All they needed to to finish the jobs here.::

Master Yurza
Dec 22nd, 2001, 11:59:27 PM
::Yurza set hsi stuff on the bed and turned to face his comrades::

"Alright I am in, but I am warning you. The first time I see a pack of wolves come at me for no reason then I am leaving. I can't afford any mistakes in this stage of my progress."

Chaos Alexander
Dec 23rd, 2001, 12:27:55 AM
::Chaos simply smiled one of his evil smiles. He reached ina bag and tossed Yurza a small machine gun.::

"If they attack you....just kill them all. That is my answer to just about everything. Kill Them all. I take it you want to handle the Bone Gnawer council member? You can take the Child of Gaia one as well. She is a tricky bitch. A lier, but will not fight. She rather get others to do it for her. No honor at all. She meditates at night, so she will be unguarded."

Jared Mriad
Dec 24th, 2001, 02:20:29 PM
Jared yawned. then spoke: "Looks Like Im in it to the end, sounds pretty darned fun in the long run. He then threw what little he had with him onto the last bed, a black duffel which bounced up with clatter of metal on metal, which then made Jared grab the bag and opening it, duping out a FN P90 and a small computer with AMEE etched into the cover, a suprized look crossed his face as he muttered something, then continued by throwing the rest of his gear down. Then he turned back to the others. "What's next?"

Edit: Bump!

Chaos Alexander
Dec 31st, 2001, 10:30:00 PM
::Chaos took out a List of Council memebers. There were 12 of them. One for each tribe.::

"Ok, I will take the Following Tribe memebers. Shadow Lord, Wendigo, Get of Fenris, and Black Fury. Yurza Take the following: Bone Gnawer, (they are the bums) Glass Walkers, (City Garou. watch for Guns), Finnia (Garou drunks more or less), and Star Gazers (Martial Arts experts). Jared, take the following Silver Fang (Garou Kings. weaker though due to imbreeding), Red Talon (stays in wolf form 95% of time), Child of Gaia (passifist, will attack if need be though), and Urketa (Garou Mage). How you deal with them is your choice. Fight hard. All are strong fighters. Use caution."

OOC: I gave a discription of each clan type. YOu can kill them how you choose.

Jared Mriad
Dec 31st, 2001, 10:52:25 PM
Jared took down the names of the clans in his mind, nodding. Turning he thought on how to kill each one and how to get to them, [ Direct aproach, or indirect...] he thought to himself, turning towards his stuff, then looking at Chaos and Yurza.

"So, Where do we meet after finishing our 'jobs'?" he asked, pulling out a foot long clip with both the original and subsonic 5.7x28mm rounds for the FN P90 and inserting it into the loading ramp of the gun, pulling the bolt back as a sharp click is heard. Then lifting the P90 aiming at a small glass across the room, testing the sight and lazer aim...

Master Yurza
Jan 1st, 2002, 12:23:17 AM
::Yurza smiled as he heard the names of the clans e had to take over. He felt especially good about the last one. The Star Gazers were considered some of the greatest martial arts experts in the galaxy. Even his own people, the siaya-jins recognized their abilities as equal to theirs. It would be good to test out his abilities against one that was worthy::

"Well then Chaos....tell us where we can find them."

::He would see to the other two immeaditely and save his strength for the last. Yurza smiled as he thought about the deaths that he was to bring::

Chaos Alexander
Jan 1st, 2002, 12:36:53 PM
::Chaos tossed a holomap to each of his friends.::

"These will tell you where each of the memebers are located. All 4 of them. They will not expect this. Many people fear them. They will not know what hit them. All will be at the top of there game if you deside to attack hand to hand. Then best idea is to attack to range. All but the Children of Gaia and Finnia will be expects at fighting. The Finnia are, but they are drunk 97% of the time. We will met here when we are done."

::Chaos grabed his Ls off the bed.::

"Lets Go...."

Master Yurza
Jan 1st, 2002, 01:37:35 PM
::Yurza walked out of the room and called over his shoulder::

"Meet back here when you get done, and to make this a little more interesting let's add an insentive. The last one to finish their mission has to buy the others dinner....and I don't get gipped when it comes to food. What do ya'll say about that?"

Jared Mriad
Jan 1st, 2002, 07:12:50 PM
Jared snickered at Yurza's question, then answered; "Alright." A few minutes behind Yurza's exit, Jared left the room. The Fn P90 slung over his shoulder, and the Kian attached to his hand. Pulling the holomap out, he examined the first target the Silver Fang. From the map, Jared picked out four different spots in which he could 'snipe' the council member.

A few hours later, Jared had made his way to the spaceport where his aircraft, The Benedict, had been docked. Searching around in the starhopper, Jared came backout with a black duster coat around him, concealing the FN-p90 and several other handguns. Before exiting the ship, Jared fliped out the computer with AMEE etched into the front, pressing a few buttons a loud chirp was heard as a catlike droid activated in the cargo of the starhopper. Lowering down the ramp, Jared wheeled out the robot, Squatting down he checked the systems as the droid watched him silently with its 'eye'. Uttering a word, and walking away, the droid following him silently back into the Underground City.

Approximately Five hours after reentering the Underground City, Jared had sniped one of the council members, not the first entended target. But the oppertunity was impassable. The Children of Gaia's Council member had been staring out a window as Jared had been passing through the rooftops. From his possiton Jared had a clear shot with the p90, squeesing of half the clip, the concil member spasmed as the bullets entered it's body. Jared sent in the AMEE robot to collect the concil member's head. The Robot scampered down the side of the building, then up into the Concil member's room, severing off the head with precise ease, and delivered the bloodied head to Jared whom stuffed into a watertight bag....

Master Yurza
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:24:31 PM
::It had been almost twenty-four hours since the young warriors had left to complete their missions. Yurza himself had taken everyone except for the Star Gazers. He had saved them for last. He had thought that they would be the best challenged,but five minutes into the fight he had been proven wrong. HE lept into the air as he dodged a sweep and then twisted in mid-air and brought his leg down on top of the wolf's head. HE head a satisfying crack and smiled. He knew that the worthless thing was now dead. He unclipped his lightsaber and swung it in a low arc, slicing the head from the shoulders. He then stuffed it in a bag and began his trip back to their rented room::

"I hope Chaos has something more challenging than this in mind."

Jared Mriad
Jan 4th, 2002, 08:03:08 PM
Jared entered their rented room about twenty so minutes after Yurza had finished his tasks. Stetting the bag with each of the council members heads in it with a grunt, Jared turned to the mirror. Examining his shoulder were the Mage council member struck him with some fire type spell. Wincing a bit as he poked at the large burn mark, he turned and sat down on the edge of his bed. Waiting for the others to arrive...

Chaos Alexander
Jan 4th, 2002, 10:01:22 PM
::Chaos entered the room. He had blood over his chest. A run in with the Shadow Lord ouncil member caused that. The Bastard was good with a sword. Chaos looked at his friends. He spoke clearly to his friends.::

"There is one place to check. My Home planet. I don't want to be here in the morning when they find the council members are dead. Eden is not far from here. It is hidden though. Can we all fit in your ship Jared?"

OOC: sorry this was a bad post. I have been without power at my house to to snow for 2 and a half days. This is the first time I have been online.

Jared Mriad
Jan 4th, 2002, 10:13:27 PM
"Yeah, We could all fint inside Benedict with no problem. I may need to move around some cargo but that would be all to gain extra space if need be." Jared winced a bit from the burn on his shoulder, which in the time he had arrived and the time the others he bandaged up.

Chaos Alexander
Jan 5th, 2002, 12:09:20 AM
::Chaos looked at the wound it was nasty. It would scar if he was lucky. Jared could claim a good battle with it. He gave Jared a disk with the directions to Eden on it. ::

"Other Jedi may be there, we are not there to battle though. They will have the advantage. We came to met my father. Not to fight Jedi."

Jared Mriad
Jan 5th, 2002, 01:28:51 AM
Jared took the disk with his good arm, then stood.

"Well, Shall we be heading out?" he asked, then looked over at the bags holding the heads of the council. "And what about those.." he pointed at the bags, shrugging on a new shirt, and tossing the old one with the hole in it into the bag with the rest of his gear

Master Yurza
Jan 5th, 2002, 10:09:29 AM
::Yurza jerked his head towards the bags of head and smiled::

"Don't worry about those. Tell me where your ship is located and I'll meet you there. I have a little surprise for someone."

Chaos Alexander
Jan 5th, 2002, 03:53:21 PM
"Lets head to Eden. You lead the way big man."

::Chaos grabed his gear and walked after Jared::

OOC: Ok, now for some fun. Prepare for ROing to the extreme on Eden.

Jared Mriad
Jan 5th, 2002, 08:18:09 PM
Jared told Yurza were to meet them, then headed out of the underground city.
Aabout half an hour later, Jared and Chaos came to the dock were The Benedict had been parked. Punching in a code on a flip-out datapad, the hull expanded outwards in a rectangular hatch. Leading the way in Jared fliped on the lights. They stood in a large cargobay inside the belly of the starhopper. Turning to Chaos Jared spoke; "Well, Here she is. Well, most of 'er." Pointing down a corridor Jared resumed, "Down there is the command deck and the crew's quarters. You should find a few empty rooms that arnt packed with supplies. Make yourself at home whilest I imput these coordinates into the navigation computer.."

Chaos Alexander
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:46:49 PM
"Thanks man."

::Chaos walked to an empty room. It would be his home for a while. He flew a V-wing. Much like his father did. They had no stuff like this. He placed all his stuff on the floor and laid on the bed. It was soft. That was not to be expected. Things like this were not normal. Jared much have paid a pretty credit to get a ship like this. Chaos closed his eyes. he drifted to sleep. Jared would call him if he needed something.::

Jared Mriad
Jan 6th, 2002, 01:41:51 AM
Jared steped into the control deck, heading for the navigators chair. Usually Jared ran the ship himself, everything from flying to fixin. Sliding in the disk with the coordinates, Jared plotted the course. A few minutes later Jared got up, it had been no problem putting in the coordinates and it would take a very long time before they arrived.

Opening his quarter's sliding panel door, Jared tossed the duffel he carried into a corner, the pushed a small stand out of the way. On the stand sat a video player and several small disks. Jared would rest a moment while waiting for Yurza to arrive so they could take flight...

Master Yurza
Jan 6th, 2002, 12:17:34 PM
::Yurza walked up the ramp of Jared's ship after they had been waiting for about an hour. He had a satisfied glow about him and he quickly made his way to the cockpit::

"Hurry up let's get out of here quick."

Jared Mriad
Jan 6th, 2002, 08:08:11 PM
Jared made hasted to the control deck, Pulling over a headset with a microphone on it. Speaking into the mic. Jared imformed the others that preperations for lockdown and flight were commencing. Then he contacted the port authority for clearance. Once gotten, Jared fliped on the engines and unlocked the docking gear. A few moments later, The Benedict lurched out of the planets Gravity feild and into space, activating the navigation controls and switching over to auto Jared leaned back and waited for the long jorney to come.

Chaos Alexander
Jan 6th, 2002, 10:57:16 PM
::Chaos walked up to Jared, he had a question to ask him. He had could tell Jared had not told them something.::

"What did you mean when you said you were not human? I have been wondering that."

Master Yurza
Jan 7th, 2002, 09:37:20 AM
::Yurza nodded. He himself had been wondering the same question. He had asked Jared that when they were underground, but he had told Yurza that he would explain later::

Jared Mriad
Jan 7th, 2002, 08:37:12 PM
Jared looked up at Chaos, then at Yurza and sighed.

"When I was young, I was an orphan on a large Starship.
Sometime during my stay at the startship, people started to dissapear, One day a few orderlies came for me, they told me they were only doing 'routine examinations'.

Instead They performed experiments on me, Splicing my dna and a bunch of crap like that. Later on after I had survived the testings. They put something into me..." With this said, Jared pulled out a small disk from a little holster on his side. Poping the disk into a slide out holder, Jared played what was on the tape:

The screen flickered as the player read the data on the disk, then took shape showing a dark room. In the bottom left corner, small text said the following;

Project Black Hawk - Subject: Jared
For use of Offical
Documentation Only.

The camera paned out to show a small boy inside a steel cage, In the cage along with the boy was a cot and a food dish on one side, on the other sat a lioness chained to the bars. The boy stood back on the cot in fear of the beast. A few men walked up to the side the boy was on and whispered into his ear, resulting in a fearful look.

Suddenly there was a roar as the camera paned back to the lioness as it was released. it immedeately jumped for the young Jared, knocking him down in a killing poucne. The boy fought for his life, then his body began to change, taking on a dragonish shape. The Lioness lept off him in surpized and the camera stood on the now half dragonian boy. Leathery wings spread from the torn fibers of his shirt, a tail snaked out, his height triped. His face became elongated and filled with razor sharp teeth.

The Lioness cowered in a corner of the cell as the now seven foot upright walking dragon treaded torward it, it's mouth drooling with silava. The camera blackens out as roars of pain are heard from the lioness and roars of triumph from the dragonian and screams from the Men surrounding the cage....[Tape ends]

Jared sighed, and poped out the tape. "They did something to me, I dont know what. But when extreme fear or pain, anger, fustration whatever happens to me, I turn into that..." he pointed a finger mildly at the blank screen.

Master Yurza
Jan 7th, 2002, 10:24:28 PM
::Yurza sat back in thoughtful silence::

"This could be a good thing if it could be timed or controlled...is there anyway of controlling this transformation? Also...what kinda powers do you posses in this state?"

Jared Mriad
Jan 8th, 2002, 11:16:28 AM
"It is uncontrollable as to when I transform. But during the transformation, I have a probable chance of controlling myself as through my actions about a 25 to 100 perscent. The abilities that the dragon form has is never ending, so far I have learned that I can regenerate faster than normal, any and all skills learned as myself is raised by a hundredfold, so if I can lift a 500lb boulder with the force as myself, in dragonic form I could probally lift this starhopper." Jared went back to piolting the Benedict, pressing buttons and etc. After a few minutes, a loud rumbling sound could be heard as the hyper drives kicked, two wings folded out from the side. And the starshopper sliped into hyperspace....

Minutes later they slipped out of the hyperspace into range of the planet Eden, Jared blinked a few times, a bit surprised they had traveled the whole way instead of poppinh jumps, which was the plan to prevent the hyperdrives from imploding. Jared looked back at Chaos.

OOC: Would ya discribe Eden for me, I have little idea what it looks like :(

Chaos Alexander
Jan 8th, 2002, 09:00:06 PM
OOC: Oops, forgot about that.


::Chaos looks at his home. Eden. Home of his people. He pointed tot he surface describing brief history.::

"Due the fact it does not rain ofter, there is little more than brushland on most of the planet. It is mostly desert with scattered brush. The mountains are ice covered in the North. On a southern island there is a jungle. Other than that, all dry. See that lone mountain over there? Fly to the center of the crater. It may not seem like much from here, but inside is a dence jungle. My people have been growing it sence all long as we have been here. I belive 400 years. The crater also has passages inside the mountain forming rooms. Even there, there is some plant life. Most of the outside ground is flat. A few canyons are around. The crater is where we need to go. There should be a landing pad in there. My uncle had it built."

Jared Mriad
Jan 8th, 2002, 09:12:37 PM

Jared pioleted the starhopper into the atmosphere of Eden, the re-entry shook the ship like a rag doll in the teeth of a angry dog. Once they broke from the reentery, Jared flew the ship over to where the lone mountain stood. Passing streight over the crater, Jared turned the ship and headed back, Once into the crater, Jared began to unlock the docking gear and prepared for a landing. As they neared the landing dock, Jared started flipping off different buttons. About two feet of the ground, the engin shut off, dropping them down.

"Heh, sorry."

Jared shut the starhopper down maunually before standing. "Well, We're here, now what?"


Master Yurza
Jan 9th, 2002, 11:20:18 PM
::Yurza looked over at Chaos and nodded::

"Well this is your department here...what is next?"

Chaos Alexander
Jan 12th, 2002, 12:02:59 PM
::Chaos nodded.::

"We can get to the Council chamber through that side over there ::Chaos points to an open cave:: It will need a Garou hand scan to open it. I will do so."

::The group walked to the cave. Other people walked around the jungle. They talked and paid no mind to the Sith members. The group looked like they were expected here. Someone planned to for them to come. The walked intot he cave. Electric lights kept the area well lite. Chaos placed his hand on a panle on the wall. It read his palm print. The cave wall opend up into a huge door. In the light they could see a creature waiting for them. It was dressed in Jedi robes. Chaos knew other jedi would be here besides his father. He didn't plan on this though. The creaure was a armordilliod. He was easily 9 feet tall. Muscles covered his huge body with ease. Natural plates covered his back and the front of his arms. Those plates for stop blaster shots. Chaos looked at the creatures hands. The were huge. The Armordilliod could wrap his hand around any of them with ease and crush every bone in there body with no trouble. The creature looked like it was smiling. All three of the Sith could rush him, and come out without even denting him. The creature looke dat them and spoke.::

Creature- "My name is Randd. Welcome home Chaos. Yurza and Jared are welcome as well. Master Verse and Master Pivo have been waiting on you."

Master Yurza
Jan 12th, 2002, 12:52:19 PM
::Yurza looked at the Jedi in awe. He had never seen someone so huge. It was had that he could be a Jedi. He nodded at the huge creature and followed it as it went down the hall::

Jared Mriad
Jan 12th, 2002, 10:53:27 PM
Jared looked at the jedi creature with a raise eyebrow. Then followed with the group.

Chaos Alexander
Jan 13th, 2002, 12:08:41 AM
::Chaos followed Randd as he talked. The others looked in awe. Chaos just smiled. He had not planned on Randd being here, but he knew him. The creature brought him here when Verse 'died'. Randd was the best healer the Jedi have seen in a long time. It would be no shock that he was here now that Chaos though about it.::

Randd- "Verse is not ready to leave yet. In fact, he will be soon. Then he will leave for the Jedi to finish my job. I am one person. They are many. Pivo has some idea's for you. Says he wants to make you at home. Only he knows what he means by that."

::The group walked past a pit. In it was a large lsnake. The snake had arms though. It was battling a bearlike beast. The two creature where atleast 15 feet tall from what Chaos could tell. He knew Pivo breed beasts for combat and sport. Chaos's pet, Greel, was one of Pivo's 'Hell-Hounds'. The trio was taken to lab. Inside was Pivo. Verse was nowhere to be seen. Only Pivo.::

Pivo Nightstriker
Jan 13th, 2002, 12:08:51 PM
::Pivo smiled. The 25 year old looked like he was only 17. His ageing experiments have came far. He was now a Sith Master in his own right. He hated TSE. They exciled him into the cold. A loose cannon. Now he had three memebers at his feet. The clone of Randd worked. It got the three to him. Verse was long gone with the real Randd. He was takken to GJO days ago. Pivo just needed the Garou Council killed. He didn't plan on the boys coming here. He could test his new monsters on them. First they needed to be....... handicapped. A gas filled the room and the Sith Warriors fell asleep. Rannd and Pivo were not affected by the gas.::

"Sleep little ones. Sleep."

::When Yurza and Jared woke up they were chained together at the wrists. In the middle of the Fighting Pit. Chaos was nowhere to be seen.::

OOC: You can RP what you fight. As well as how you beat it. Chaos has a problem I am RPing.

Jared Mriad
Jan 13th, 2002, 08:07:46 PM
Jared shrugged out of sleep, opening his eyes to a bright light. Quickly he closed them and sat up. He felt a tugg on his left wrist and looked down to see the shackle encircling it, his eyes followed the chain to Yurza's wrist and muttered a curse.

"Yurza? Yo, wake." He spoke, looking around the feild, nothing seemed threatening at the point. But he could be wrong.

Chaos Alexander
Jan 13th, 2002, 09:08:04 PM
::Chaos opened his eyes. He had been out for a while. He was in a second pit near Yurza and Jared. He could feel them with the Force. Both arms were chained to the ground. His LS in a holding area across the pit. It was held by a Hand Scan lock. He would have to break free to get it. He looked up to see the clone of Randd. Without a word the beast slammed a fist into Chaos's chest. He heard and felt ribs break.::

Chaos- "Why Randd? Why? You hated Pivo?"
Randd- "I am a clone. The real Randd has been gone. I was made to destroy you."

::Randd slammed Chaos into the wall. The chains snapped under the force of the attack. Chaos flew into a wall. Green ooze ran over his right arm from the wall. It crawled up his arm eating away flesh. Chaos screamed in pain. Flesh came off the bone to sizzle and turn to ash in the ooze. It crawled up to his shoulder. Chaos knew he had to stop the spreading. On the ground was a sword. One left from another battle. Chaos grabed it in his left hand. He held back from scream. In a flash green ooze, red blood, and silver metal, the ooze feel to the ground no longer hurting. Chaos feel to his knees holding what was left of teh stump he called a right arm. He had cut it off to save himself. Only blood ran from his shoulder. Nothing more.::

Master Yurza
Jan 14th, 2002, 06:09:54 PM
::Yurza shook his head and opened his eyes. He pulled his hand up to his head, but found he couldn't. He looked over and saw he was chained to Jared::

"What the hell?"

::Yurza shook his head trying to remember what had happened. He then remembered Pivo and the Jedi::

"Sleeping gas...they gased us! Where are they? Where is Chaos?!"

Jared Mriad
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:17:55 PM
"I don't Know, But I'm not going to find out with one hand." With this said, Jared took his other hand and held it over the chain. Suddenly three metal plates slid out from under his skin and cover his knuckles and fingers, After that, three rectangular upraises moved out over the plates right up to his knuckles. Then three crimson saber blades shot out and sliced into the metal, instantly melting the chain and freeing both of their wrists. Looking up to see a look of surprise on Yurza's face, Jared quickly explaned in a few words "Modifcations for a Event like so!"

"Now, that we are free.. Were Is Chaos.." once this was spoken, A loud roar resounded south of the two. "What the hell?"

Master Yurza
Jan 14th, 2002, 10:53:07 PM
::Yurza looked around in surprise::

"Please tell me that was in another arena and not this one..."

::Another roar came only this time it was louder. Both the Sith warriors looked behind them and there stood a ten foot snake-like creature with arms and fully armed. Yurza looked at Jared with a sudden urgency::

"Tell me you've got some moe modifications on you.."

Jared Mriad
Jan 15th, 2002, 07:12:16 AM
"Auhh..." Jared muttered, then reached down into the back of each of his boots. Pulling out half a lightsaber from each he placed them together and snapped latches over each. Flipping it on for a test, Jared handed the saber over to Yurza.

"They took all my other tricks." He spoke, looking over at Yurza with a grin, "Well, Are we going into lets this thing come or are we goin' to beat it then Find Chaos?"

Chaos Alexander
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:33:29 PM
::Clone Randd charged Chaos. With what was left of his strenght, Chaos used teh Force to jump over the beasts held and roll to the side. He held his shoulder of his right arm. He ran to the other side of the pit. He placed his good hand on the lock. It opened and Chaos grabbed his Light Saber. He held it infront of him as Randd rushed him. It went through the hide of the beat and out the other end.::

"Why did my Uncle do this?..."

Randd- "To test your strenght. You lost your arm because you left him for TSE. They banished him. Think of it as a punishment from your uncle."

Chaos- "I can't hate him for it. I went against hima nd my Father. I don't care though. He is forgiven. I will return to my true family. The TSE are my family. Not this dump. I will return to finsh the job. Not untill I am healed though. You will be dead though. Pivo will kill you for failing him..."

::Chaos ran out the pit leaving Clone Randd to bleed to death. He ran out intot he hall. His vision blurred as he came to Jared's Ship. Almost there. The force kept him from passing out. Almost........Chaos feel infront of the ship out cold.::

Master Yurza
Jan 15th, 2002, 10:33:01 PM
::Yurza looked over at Jared and smiled::

"Let's do this thing."

::Yurza grabbed the lightsaber and jumped to his feet. He held the saber out in front of him as he waited for the creature to move. When it did Yurza rushed it and thrusted the saber deep into the thing, but it seemed to have no effect. It reached down to Yurza and grabbed him by his head and threw him across the pit. yurza landed on the wall with his back and weakly looked over at Jared as he slowly stood up::

"You got anything to give this thing?"

Jared Mriad
Jan 16th, 2002, 07:18:36 AM
Jared ran forwad at the beast, the saber claw drawn off to his side. Once he became close enough, the creature struck out one claw inorder to grasp Jared. But, Before it could wrap around him, Jared summersaulted up into the air, landing on the arm of the creature, as it brought it's other hand to smack him , Jared shimmyed up the arm he was on until he was its back. Blood oozed from a slash on his right leg were the snake thing had cut him open, which made Jared even more pissed.. The thing was mad that such a puny thing could elude him and was furyiously trying to knock Jared off.

"Yeeeha!" Jared shouted, then reared back his fist with the saber claw on it and buried it deep into the skull of the creature, it howled as it's brains were slowly becoming crispy french fries as Jared slashed the saber claw back and forth inside the things skull.

Finally after a few moments, the creature fell with a thud, sending Jared flying over its head. Landing on his back, Jared immeadeatly fliped back up to his feet. and looked back at the creature, then at Yurza, his eyes showing a bit of faquie..

"Well, Thats finished... Now we must find Chaos. And A hunch tells me he's back at the Benedict waiting for us"

Looking around a bit, Jared noticed a door that was embedded into the walls of the fighting arena. Trotting up to it, Jared examined it over.

"keypad locked, something maybe on the other side.." He muttered to himself, then reared back his fist before slamming it into the door right above the keypad then slid down. The metal of the door oozed away as he slid the saber down. Removing the saber claw, Jared looked inside the hole, Seeing none he continued to melt the door down till only the bottom remained. Stepping back, he delivered a kick to the middle of the square door, metal shreked as it tore and the door fell inward with a resounding thud.

"Shall we?" He asked over his shoulder, getting a nod from Yurza, Jared darted into the hallway. Dodging back and forth, minutes later the two emmerged at the space pad. Pointing down at a shape laying next to the door of the ship Jared spoke.

"Ain't that Chaos?"

Master Yurza
Jan 16th, 2002, 10:07:48 PM
::Yurza limped over to the ship and as he got closer he could see Chaos's form lying there. he was about to make a smart remark before he saw his freind's arm::

"Chaos! What happened?!"

Jared Mriad
Jan 17th, 2002, 11:34:05 AM
Jared ran past Yurza to Chaos and bent down, checking his pulse Jared spoke back to Yurza.

"He'll still alive, but we still neeed to get 'em patched up and stop the bleeding"

Standing back up, Jared jumped over Chao's body to the door of the ship, punchin' in the code the door slid open, Jared went back and lifted Chaos on his good side. "We need ta get 'em inside,"

Chaos Alexander
Jan 17th, 2002, 05:12:20 PM
::Chaos saw Jarde pick him up. He tried to call to him friend.::

"My...father is not here. Get me back to....T...TSE...."

::Chaos passed out again. The blood wasn't flowing as bad now. He needed medical help fast.::

Jared Mriad
Jan 17th, 2002, 08:46:40 PM
Jared half carried and half dragged Chaos into the Benedict, then placed him on a small cot in the cargo bay, turnning to Yurza Jared spoke;

"We dont have any time to sit, The med kits over there" he pointed to a large crate, "I need to get this ship off the ground and into it's true form." Ignoring Yurza's questioning glance, Jared ran through the crew's courters and into the command deck.

"Ragnarok, Revert to Voice Reconition." the ship beeped in responce as Jared slid into the navigators seat quickly.

"Activate all systems, Alpha order, Starting with E." The engiens hummed to life, followed by the lights and computer systems, then the rest of the ship hummed to life.

"Deactivate BENEDICT Mode, Activate RAGNAROK Combat and High Speed Mode."

The ship's cold metal form shimmered for a moment, a loud scraping of metal on metal was heared from outside the ship as the Benedict armor retracted into little compartments. Under the dark steel metal was a bright red. The insides shimmered as the illusion of the grey walls reformed into another color. Speaking into a com, Jared contacted the two in the cargo bay

"Now This Is why I bought this thing! Strap yerselfs down, We are going orbit streight for home!" Jared punched more buttons and spoke more commands, and the slip began to lift off, retracting the landing gear and pushing the boosters to full. The Ragnarok broke the atmosphere easily and redirected itself for a streight shot course to TSE.

"Arrival in 5 hours" the computer annouced

Jared hopped from the control deck and headed for the Cargo bay...

Chaos Alexander
Jan 18th, 2002, 08:37:41 PM
::Chaos laid on the cot. He needed to get back to TSE fast. The med-droids could help him better. He needed to stop the bleeding first. He felt Jared at his side. He felt the bleeding slowly stoping. He smiled and drifted to sleep. He would have to thank Jared one day. Save his life in return.::


Jared Mriad
Jan 18th, 2002, 10:05:35 PM
"Hey, No talkin'. Its bad for ya, since you need to keep up some engery inorder to survive, Mr Chaos." Jared smirked lightly, then finished with the med kit. Stowing it away, Jared turned to Yurza. "Five hour's He's gotta live. Lets make sure he does."

-5 Hours Later-

Jared parked the Ragnarok at the TSE HQ. Soon as the large ship touched the landing pad, Jared had opened the door and gave Chaos the awaiting droids who rushed him to the<a href=http://pub59.ezboard.com/fthesempirefrm2.showMessage?topicID=234.topic> med bay</a>