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Jeseth Cloak
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:19:05 AM
I make this post not as a member of any group, but as a concerned roleplayer. Perhaps this is only based on my perception, but I've noticed something going on all over the boards: Groups are growing stagnant, leadership position are occasionally given out to people who aren't around to even utilize them, Jedi no longer fight, and there are hardly enough Masters to go around in many groups, so it makes it quite difficult to train Jedi or Sith to the ranks of Knight or above, where they become more effective in combat and other situations.

As a Dark Sider, I can speak first hand when I say I'm tired of fighting other Dark Siders... Yes, I admit it's fun at times, but where are the Jedi? Where are the Light Siders? There are only a handful of them around, and even then I bet that half of them might be played by other people. They are likely secondary characters.

Sith Apprentices are occasionally turned down not because of the level of their skill, but because there are no available masters. I myself have taken into training around 8 apprentices. Maybe I'll take some heat from those that would tell me I should be more exclusive, but then what about all those people that will never have the chance to RP out a character because the bigger groups that are around won't be able to promote or even train them properly for several months, if not longer?

I don't believe this problem is central to only one group, but it's something that affects all groups and perhaps this should be an open discussion in which all members come forth and speak their minds freely on finding a remedy to this problem, regardless of affiliation.

Has anyone bothered to take count of how many Masters there are at SWFans.net? Not many at all. Certainly not enough to go around with the increased number of RPers we have here - And what about Episode II? This board is likely to at least grow another 30% , and the number of people here capable of training the growing number of Padawans and Apprentices is shrinking drastically all the time.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:30:19 AM
I agree with you, Jeseth. We're going to have a problem soon, if we don't already. Why don't we also use this thread to see what rank people are at? Sound good?

De'Ville: Master of the Dark Arts
no apprentices

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:42:20 AM
Jeseth Cloak: Sith Knight and Dark Jedi
Apprentices: Darth Turbogeek, Jehova Eaven, Quellin Vos, Ebon Dir, Angelique Rien, Ignorant Perfection, Zasz, Salem Ave...

Darth Viscera
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:47:04 AM
Sith Knight.
By choice, DV won't be taking apprentices, save for in special circumstances.

Darth Vader
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:54:08 AM
Darth Vader: Sith Master (not taking apprentices)
Emperor Shimi: Dark Jedi (not taking apprentices)
Anbiraa Hicchoru: Sith Master (not taking apprentices)
Anbira Hicchoru: Jedi Padawan (not taking apprentices)
Jubei SaDherat Vader: Jedi Knight (taking apprentices)

Those are my only force-sensitive characters

Taylor Millard
Dec 10th, 2001, 05:20:48 AM
I'm not completely sure it fits Millard's character. However, were the opportunity to arise, I would not mind taking an apprentice.

Taylor Millard: Sith Knight (gotta reaccept Force first heh)

I think it's a good idea though, maybe I'll just make another character who's more 'Apprentice Friendly' heh.

Gurney Devries
Dec 10th, 2001, 05:46:14 AM
Gurney Devries - Jedi Padawan (cannot take apprentices)
Mortaniuss - Equivilant of Sith Knight in most regards (willing to take apprentices)

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 10th, 2001, 06:40:57 AM
Miryan no Trunks: Sith Knight
Apprentices: Master Yurza, Tempistopps, Syren Aun Lysandor
Not taking apprentices currently

Sl Enoth: Sith Disciple

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 10th, 2001, 08:34:11 AM
While this is a good idea (listing who can take apprentices), I think maybe this is a good time to discuss the system by which all Force Sensitive characters are promoted. Already if you notice, this thread has more Sith than Jedi... |I

Dec 10th, 2001, 08:50:04 AM
Firebird1: Sith Lord

Jedi Neo: Rogue Jedi...

MLurker: Firebird's brother, not force sensitive...

Jamie Throwe: Unknown, not force sensitive.

Seth Darkserpent
Dec 10th, 2001, 09:51:05 AM
Seth Darkserpent: Sith Knight and Dark Jedi
Apprentices: Taylor Millard

Nichos Marr: Jedi Knight
Apprentices: Nobuo Hyde and Kaman Delail Jeras

Kreskor Hara: Jedi Padawan

Ogre Mal Pannis
Dec 10th, 2001, 10:02:02 AM
Darth Ogre: Sith Master
Apprentices: DarthHera, Darth Snack, Evil Hobgoblin, and Nupraptor

Trace Sha: Sith Lord
Apprentices: Beliail Madhatter, Slayn Cloak, and Branwen Morcant

Varlon Konrad
Dec 10th, 2001, 10:14:31 AM
Varlon Konrad, Sith Lord of the Sith Empire: 2 Apprentices
Mephisto Tepes and Oni Nuime.

Dec 10th, 2001, 10:18:05 AM
Yes, I admit it's fun at times, but where are the Jedi? Where are the Light Siders?

I gave up fighting, I grew tired of it, for many reasons I wont go into. I RP though. Now, it isn't my fault that I don't get offered many decent RPs, is it?

Sith Apprentices are occasionally turned down not because of the level of their skill, but because there are no available masters.

Why not do like the GJO used to? Don't look there much (I have an awful track record), but there used to be a sortof bulk training thing. Until they got a master, they'd be learning, but from one master with the others. This is very characterful of Jedi (Obi Wan was trained like this, Luke did this with the original 12 students). Why not give that a shot?

Live Wire
Dec 10th, 2001, 12:58:41 PM
I agree its becoming a growing problem. I think its going to come down to a question of personal preference vs whats good for the rp. Some people dont want to take on apprentices due to how they've written the charater or other things of that nature. But shouldnt the good of the rp as a whole take precedent. If you dont have time thats one thing but its another thing to say I just dont want to take an apprentice right now. This is about whats going to keep the RP alive and allow for maximum participation by all. I for one am willing to be inconvienence slightly if it means the betterment of overall roleplaying. That said my major finals are over and I'm definately more active now that the stress is for the most part done with.

Live Wire - Rank Master
Apprentices - Mistress Volcana

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Dec 10th, 2001, 01:09:49 PM
Anbira will train...but he cannot as a Padawan.

And I, of course, am always available :D

Live Wire
Dec 10th, 2001, 01:32:23 PM
you're so willing to help aren't you :rolleyes :p

Dec 10th, 2001, 01:32:29 PM
Assuming that I continue roleplaying with this character, I might be willing to take apprentices after he finishes his tutelage under Ogre. I say "might" because it doesn't really fit with the character: He despises what he's become and wouldn't want anyone else to become like him. However, I agree that we need more people taking apprentices. Besides... it can sometimes be fun to train people.

Garrett Blade
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:13:32 PM
This is Gav, I just can't be bothered logging out of Garretts account on my comp...:p

I cannot go around moaning about the inactivity of other groups really, as my activity is something to be desired. Nevertheless, from an observers point of view it does seem that the Jedi have simply fled to Yavin IV, surrounded themselves with impenetrable defenses which not only keep everyone else out put keep them in. As a group (I might be wrong here) but they seem to do little together.

But I think that's a major part of the problem - for a long time now there have been no large inter-group battles/conflicts (not neccessarily fighting) and they created a sense of unity, competitiveness and pride amongst factions. Back in the day I found roleplaying more fun; it seems that groups have got so preoccupied with creating the biggest and best defense/offense - they've actually forgotten who their opponents are and why they are building fleets and training to improve.

This place needs to break the current peace treaty in my opinion.

Darth Viscera
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:16:28 PM
Hear Hear!

Dec 10th, 2001, 02:19:43 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Viscera
Hear Hear! That is funny as hell coming from someone that makes as many peace or I should say "non-aggression" pacts as you do Visc. :p

Darth Viscera
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:38:59 PM
I know! *fails to stifle a laugh* :lol

Garrett Blade
Dec 10th, 2001, 03:03:03 PM
Gav again: He only makes peace treaties so that he can break then when them when it is strategically beneficial to him! :)

Laran Katern
Dec 10th, 2001, 03:28:07 PM
Laran Katern, Sith Knight and has no apprentices, but is accepting as of late

Yeah, iI can't understand all the peace treaties either. Espceially with the Sith/Dark jedi /bad guys. I mean come one, we're evil. We want chaos to reign

Darth Viscera
Dec 10th, 2001, 03:59:20 PM
Oh, you're too kind!

Khan Surak
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:33:42 PM
This place needs to break the current peace treaty in my opinion

Well, I know Death Fleet is small and kind of meaningless, but I have been waiting for a NR response to our assault on Reecee for 2 months. As far as DF is concerned, the NR is still enemy numero uno. I realize that the larger groups - TSE, GMA, GJO, TSO, etc etc - do not engage in battles all that much with their original and old enemies. The last huge galaxy-wide battle that took place as far as I can remember, was Long Knives with basically all of the pro-Imperial/Sith superpowers at war with TSC and the Marzullo Clan. Then again, I did leave for a long time and probably missed a lot. I say the solution to all of this: War. Let's all declare war on someone. :cool

Admiral Lebron
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:40:06 PM
The actual last All-out engagement was TGE v. TIR, which ended in few casuallties. Now Gue is throwing everything he has at TGE. And Khan, if they posted once, they have like 36 hours to respond before you can post again. 36-72 or something in there.

Khan Surak
Dec 10th, 2001, 05:00:12 PM
I was talking about galaxy-wide more than one group a side conflicts. And, I said months not days.

Dec 10th, 2001, 05:18:52 PM
Garrett, the major problem is that it is still just a fight. I don't like the fleets because they are too big (I cant affect them, why should I care?), and the ground is just fights, although now with added pulled-out-of-rear-end Armies.

And then the fact that if I was away for a day, Im completely behind. First day of the last one was me commenting about problems in others posts. By then, when it got fairer, I just couldnt be bothered.

Second, about peace. WHY are the Sith doing peace treaties? TSE is allied with TSO. WHY? Sith a very individual, using others for only their own needs. Now, it gets silly when you have hundreds of Sith in one big chummy group. That is NOT a Sith trait! Dark Jedi? Yeah. But not Sith. But of course, that cant change now, it is too stuck in place.

And there appears the problem. 99% of things here are GJO Vs rest. Please explain how many groups on one is fair?

Varlon Konrad
Dec 10th, 2001, 06:09:24 PM
Reaper, the rule of two was created for a reason. If everyone in a sith group roleplayed a real one, the moment a new apprentice showed up, he or she would be slaughtered on the spot by the master's current one (or vice versa of he/she is strong enough). Here on SWFans.net, I'd say Sith has taken on a new meaning.

Jyener Celchu
Dec 10th, 2001, 06:15:28 PM
There's a lot to agree with from what's been said. Sith shouldn't be as bound together as they are, it seems they do a better job at being Jedi than Sith - no offense or anything. :mischief

I've seen a lot of mercenary/smuggler type characters coming into play too, which is good for being the in-the-middle type that causes dilemmas on both sides.

Maybe the real problem though is a lot of people going inactive or not being able to be around as much because of RL things to take care of, or just a loss of interest. Then you're stuck with some people that play lots of characters, and if they go away for a bit, all of their characters go away. This leaves new arrivals with a lack of masters and training.

Those are just my opinions though - what I've noticed from where I am.

Dec 10th, 2001, 07:08:57 PM
Varlon, there wasn't always a rule of two, so that argument cant work. They were in large numbers once, but werent all chummy.

And if it has "taken ona new meaning", dont say you are Sith. Make your own name up

Champion of the Force
Dec 10th, 2001, 07:14:26 PM
As has already been mentioned earlier, part of the problem as I see it is that many roleplayers just seem to hang around their own group forums and don't venture out.

I recently browsed both the GJO and TSE forums and was stunned at the amount of roleplayers hanging around those forums who I've hardly even seen here (if ever) on SWFans. :\

Whilst I wouldn't go as far to say that everyone should be *forced* to roleplay here, one should bear in mind that roleplaying as a whole is a group effort and needs the participation of everyone.

My little rant. :)

Varlon Konrad
Dec 10th, 2001, 07:48:49 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Varlon, there wasn't always a rule of two, so that argument cant work. They were in large numbers once, but werent all chummy.
I'm not stupid, Reaper, as you come of thinking I am. I do know that there was once a true Sith Empire, but it fell in very much the same way the Republic did.

And if it has "taken ona new meaning", dont say you are Sith. Make your own name up
Then we have to make a new name for practically everything, Reaper. A "laser" in star wars sure as hell is not a laser, so come up with a new name for it. And a proton torpedo isn't even a torpedo, so there's a new name. It's called evolution of terminology. Just because the term Sith meant one thing during the trilogy does not mean it could mean different now.

Champion of the Force
Dec 10th, 2001, 08:04:19 PM
Please don't start arguing over trivial things like 'What's a true Sith' etc. That's not the point of this exercise.

Getting back to the topic, one thing I forgot to mention above is that currently the board is in the same state as it was back in Jan/Feb 2000. Back then posting had dropped to levels so low that the bottom most thread in the Roleplaying forum was a week old (remember that back then we only had 1 forum - not 3 like today).

Roleplaying levels managed to rebuild themselves up again by June 2000 for a number of reasons - I believe the main one was because the groups put a lot of effort into encouraging members to roleplay here. Another reason I think was that some groups chose to do a bit of reshuffling of their members as well as a bit of interal restructuring to try and shake things up a bit and rejuvenate some interest (it happened with the Jedi at least).

My 2 cents.

Laran Katern
Dec 10th, 2001, 08:12:18 PM
I have to agree Davyj with the assessment of the lack of RP'ing here by characters. Everyone is rp'ing at their respective boards, and as a result, there is a whole list of unknowns in all groups

Dec 10th, 2001, 08:20:26 PM
I'm not stupid, Reaper, as you come of thinking I am.

Shouldn't that be off? :)

I don't see you as stupid. Some people don't know some things

Please don't start arguing over trivial things like 'What's a true Sith' etc. That's not the point of this exercise.

You say that, but it is in a way. I like to RP Star Wars the way Star Wars is in a cannonical way. Liberties taken, but you wont see Fett go time travelling, for example. How things are, I'd rather RP with a Dark Jedi than someone who says they are Sith, when clearly they are not.

This doesnt mean ALL Sith arent like Sith btw, just to clear that up. I find that many do RP a Sith very well, liberties included.

One thing that IMO needs working on is teaching newcomers what force etc they can use. It is more of a Sith thing than Jedi, simply because of how a Jedi's powers are. Doesnt mean they wouldnt do better without more explaining. Basically, a lot of newcomers will fight, and will be fighting with the power of a Knight, when only an apprentice. Not something you can really enforce, but maybe there is a way they could know their limits?

Dec 10th, 2001, 08:37:14 PM
I agree. Groups are stagnant to the extreme, as usually do little as a whole. But what can we do? I know there's nothing I could do. Maybe I could join a group and pitch in, but that's not Brant's thing. So, yeah, it's sad, and I can't think of anything we could do to jumpstart any group out there.

I'm sorry for you darksiders out there. You won. The dark overcame, and some of the best Jedi converted long ago. All that's left now is dissention among the Sith, the Dark Jedi, whatever you are, because there is little Jedi opposition.

Maybe the crime niche will grow. I know I'm planning to make a crimester.

Star Wars Forums has, I beleive, entered a new age. The individual is more important than the group now.

Dec 10th, 2001, 08:40:14 PM
The individual is more important than the group now

I remember back when there weren't individuals :)

Khendon Sevon
Dec 10th, 2001, 08:50:43 PM
We could run circles around this topic for a hundred years and never get a definitive answer; I’ve been trying to compose the proper post for roughly an hour, and thus far have been unsuccessful.

Okay… so, by now you’re probably ready to ignore my post, but for those of you, the very few those of you, who read my harebrained ideas/posts, I’ll continue.

(4th try)
I once was a Sith, I enjoyed every moment of it, even though I lacked background knowledge and was as skillful at it as an unnamed basketball player trying to play golf, I loved it so much, I Rped every moment I had a chance, and wished to obtain the rank of Master, yeah, right, I’m sure you’d all love that. Sadly, my eyes opened and I noticed that the teachers were as knowledgeable as I am at ice skating (I’ve never done it, but that’s besides the point), so, I quit that occupation and found one that suited my needs, within the elite, well trained, well defined fleet Rpers, namely the most elite group, the Galactic Military Alliance.

I slowly made my way up the ranks, through my ingenuity and determination (key factors in any role player, as well as imagination and a self defined limitations standard.-most of you are probably saying I’m a moron and have stopped reading by now.) Where am I going with this, besides in slow circles around the idea in my head?

If you really want to increase roleplaying, give those all mighty ranks to people who roleplay, and roleplay well, give them to the ones that have the ideas, let them feel the passion which fills everyone until it pours over the sides and consumed those under them, lifting their hearts to the highest heavens, enabling all to partake in the enjoyment of this brilliant game. Do this, and you will increase the amount of participation, make it fun for all, make it the skillful, cunning minds that have power, not because they’ve roleplayed for a million years, but because they know what they’re doing.

Maybe my friend, who I was discussing this with after track practice today (ironic, isn’t it), would come back, maybe… So many players have been lost to these factors (to name a few: Mark Fenix, Vapor, my good friends.)

Now that I’ve basically organized my thoughts, yeah right, I wouldn’t call this organized, I’ll let you all yell at me and point and taunt, have fun. (Be gentle, I’m very sensitive.)

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 10th, 2001, 09:04:40 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
Sadly, my eyes opened and I noticed that the teachers were as knowledgeable as I am at ice skating (I’ve never done it, but that’s besides the point)

I know how to ice skate... I can't stop for the life of me, but I can Ice skate circles around the person who taught me now. :) :p

Erm, I honestly have nothing of value to add to this thread, 'cept a suggestion. Maybe each group, in order to get activity among members here (SWFans), should plan more group related roleplays, involving as many members as they can in the Roleplay. Granted it would have to be a big well thought out one, but hey, it seems to promote a unity within a group structure, plus gives someone who normally woulnd't post here yet at their group's board a reason to come here and post.

And to follow suit of some of those who listed their ranks + appretnices....

Darth Snack: Dark Knight (<--- didn't feel like I was a *true* sith so i stripped the title "Sith" and put in Dark.)

Apprentices: Horus, Sten the Chimp, Nikhayla DeLan Cree, Jodah of Giva, Darth Poreon, Jared Mriad, Ghadhean al Fali, Kassandra Autumnrain (formally Jedi Kasi).

Dec 10th, 2001, 09:11:50 PM

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 10th, 2001, 09:29:58 PM
I would train, but why? Right now I'm a Outcast. I'm just running around the galaxy. A Sith Master without a group. Poor poor me. I'll wait till a apprentice seeks me out. (I'm guessing this would happen right before Hell freezes over.)

I belive in training RPers in ways IC, and OOC. Point out things that could lead to God Modding. Also point out this is not Dragon Ball Z, and you can not take hit after hit after hit and then jump up laughing.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 10th, 2001, 10:24:29 PM
The problem is more than just encouraging roleplayers to participate here at SWFans.net. I think the main problem lies in power structures... everyone wants power and political sway over someone else. IC, that is fine, but OOC it happens a lot too. Groups are run by people who are way out of touch with the new comers; the people who will ultimate make this community great a year from now, or maybe more. Great RPers have come and gone, and faded away as time moved on without them.

The thing I'm getting at is that unless groups award rank and recognition for actually doing something valid, then there's not going to be a lot of participation from group members. Everyone out there is basically doing a lot of RPs for personal gain, to make their characters more powerful, and overlook that they are part of a group with a group theme.

I know Sith who want to just come in and be able to do everything in the first month they roleplay, including Force Lightening and even healing. I mean, come on, it's the leaders' fault that attitudes like that run rampant. It should be up to the group to watch and keep every apprentice and padawan on the right track.

My concern is for the quality of RPing... or I should say, the enjoyment level. The quality of RPs around here has increased very dramatically, but unfortunately there are many people running around with power and abilities that they've never properly earned, and no one to keep track of any of that to tell people about it.

And yeah, it does seem that the Sith for now have won. IC the Jedi are mostly all camped out on Yavin and couldn't be bothered to do much, with a few rare exceptions. I took a look at the GJO council, and some people there are either completely inactive at SWFans, or completely inactive in general. A new Jedi group was already attempted and didn't really work out because the founders had little time to actually manage it, but maybe it's time for groups to become more central to SWFans. Maybe as a new system of promotion, the actual number of relevant threads that have been done at SWFans can be taken into account there.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 11th, 2001, 02:40:24 AM
Here are my thoughts. (After my first post, y'all have taken this further, so now I have more to say. ...Sorry! ;))

When I joined, I was trained mainly over AIM and MSN messenger, and also at the TSO board. I don't think I ventured out to Swfans for at least a month. During that time I had a lot of good training by LW, and got chummy with my group, as people put it.

She did a good thing, IMO, because she made sure I was ready before getting me out to Swfans. But here is (maybe) what she did differently than people are doing now. I was taken out to Swfans by her, and did a lot of RPing with her, as master and Apprentice. LW was in an RP? LD was tagging along with her. Its appropriate, because a real master and apprentice would be doing almost everything together, because learning opportunities are everywhere right?

Anyway, I'd have an apprentice, but all the ones I had at TSO...um...didn't stick around. :( And right now, I'd think that anyone who wanted to be trained by LD would have to seek her out at TBH. Or...well you get the picture. I really want an apprentice that will stick around though!

NOW, as for the "Jedi Situation" ...I don't know what to do about that. I'd say, they should take their apprentices out for a turn about the battlegrounds here. That gets the newbies from the groups out here to the main board, and gives them exposure to the "big time" as I like to refer to it as. ;) (j/k I never say that.) I think the same would apply to the Sith as well. Or Dark Jedi, whatever whatever.

I think I was going to say more, but I've forgotten it already. So I'm going to leave it at that. :D

Dec 11th, 2001, 02:46:45 AM
I really don't think it has to do with training people right now.

Face it, it's easier to be the bad guy. :p

Lets face it something is broken, I'd like to know when it was broken, but everyone has their opinions on that. Some say it is the massive ammounts of God Moding that go on around here. Others say it is because some people in some groups don't like one or two people in another, so they refuse to RP with that entire group. Others believe that the intorduction of the Fleet rules sent us on a downword spiral. Others say it is the influx of Sith that is overwhelming the Jedi to a point where they give up. Some even suggest that the Jedi are refusing to RP because they can't win......

See the problem, it's up there in that paragraph somewhere! Now we could solve this if we just knew where to begin?

I think that as a first step we all need to see what is going on today at SWFans and at the related groups boards.

Arya Ravenwing
Dec 11th, 2001, 03:28:29 AM
I didn't mean that people aren't training enough. I know that there is plenty of training going on at GJO, etc. I just meant that we don't see people HERE at swfans actively RPing as master and apprentice, or padawan.

Obi Wan and Qui Gon went on the mission to the Trade Fedaration together. There isn't anything that says Jedi must remain sequestered until they reach Knighthood. And I believe that supervised visits to swfans with padawans and apprentices are appropriate, and NEEDED, even.

We have apprentices/padawans who come to swfans to pick fights, etc, and then we bash them because they use skills they shouldn't have, etc etc. Where are their masters!? Supervision should be used until the master deems them ready to go out on their own.

So, Firebird, as it *is* more than just a training problem, I believe that proper training and supervision by masters *is* needed, and will help out a lot.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:14:40 AM
I gotta agree there. Lets work towards remedying that particular issue.

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Dec 11th, 2001, 05:11:51 AM
Dara Shadowtide Rayial, Sith Lordess at TSE

~My current Apprentices by rank~

Sith Lords: Raine Sarin, Darth Varlon, Vega Van Derveld

Sith Knights: Dyne Darkforce, Athena Lady Darknss

Sith Warriors: Anubis Lockheart, Bi0 Hazzard, Kaine Darklighter

Sith Disciples: Lord Sabre, Lady Callista, Daegal Murdoch, Lyra Darkstar, Kekoa Alkarin, Rothmar Dujek, Dark Jedi Kitano, Alisa Sha, Lana Westbrooke, Targon Nadd, DarkLordKhan, DaRk LoRd Of ThE SiTh1

Ok, now I was talking with Sanis on IM here just a bit ago, and I brought up this idea to him and he liked it and thought I should bring it up here.. so here it is:

My thinking is that to get more people involved here and roleplaying at SWFans instead of just at their own group boards and personal boards is for SWFans to host a once a month "Jedi versus Sith Battle"... like maybe on the 15th of each month or something so that it could be regularly scheduled and something to look forward to. It would just be for whoever wanted to show up.

Now this could be masters bring their apprentices as LD brought up.. or masters sending apprentices and observing them and assisting as needed.. It could be the apprentices of Warren versus the apprentices of Dara or whatever you want it to be. The main thing I think we need to address is just getting people here to have some good old fashioned battle fun..

Dec 11th, 2001, 07:59:37 AM
Buy you know that underlying thing that Firebird said still is there....about one or two people not likeing each other. Two or more groups can be on the verge of working something out and like 2 people start screaming bloody murder. And Saddly these people have a lot of sway and so it ****s it for everyone just cause they can;t get over it.

You can try your hardist to get more involement on all levels for all people, but as long as their are people like that, nothing is gonna get done and we are just gonna be stuck doing this over and over again.

And The OOC power trips and all are getting a bit much. I remeber betraying my jedi master turning to the dark side and then attempting to kill him........like the next day we were talking about the cult classic "The Princess Bride" We kept everything IC and OOC apart. And I know a lot around here claim they keep IC and OOC seperate, but their actions prove otherwise. Going as far to use other Charcters who have no ties to their other ones to go after people they have no reason too. I've seen this happen a lot. And there their are those who let their OOC feelings effect the whole group......basicly not letting people in their Group RP with others because of their OOC bitterness. Know I don't love everyone that RPs here.....but i have never told people in TSE not to Rp with someone cause I don't like them. Just like me....they can RP with who ever they want.

OH yeah......Rama Sha: Sith Master.....Currently training Eve Siren.

Dec 11th, 2001, 08:25:00 AM
And I can't say this enough..saying things like "I'll Rp with these people but not these" is a major part of this problem as a whole. If someone got to play out their agression on and actual enemy, they might be trying to kill people with in their own group.

And it isn't fair that it is everyone Vs GJo.....But there is so much red tape and OCC BS that starting another Jedi group would be very hard to do. So we are gonna have to put aside things like "oh you were mean to me I don't like you" Or stuff like " Oh you didn't do this or that for me and now im mad" and actually get down to working out problems. As is stand OOC is the worst cuss word I have ever heard. It to the point where I dread coming here and only the sense of duty to TSE keeps me here because all the crap is overwhelming. I would much rather be at other news groups like The Allspark and He-man.org because it's not some stupid Melodrama and I can just have fun and be me there......without worrying if Someone will RP with me because one guy doesn't like me.

Darsha Assant
Dec 11th, 2001, 10:27:19 AM
Being trained in talkcity like many of my friends here, I may be able to help. The problem lies with needing more roleplayers mainly Jedi to maintain the balance. TalkCity fighting is totally different whereas people fight to the death using lame trick wording to win a duel, rather than skills. I agree with the idea presented by Dara about the tournament. It may stimulate more participation on the board. There is a ratio of 8 to 2 in favor of the Sith here. We need more Jedi. I am not affiliated with any Jedi group at the moment since I was trained in TC and dont want to go through all that again. But being a Padawan I am aware of my character's limitations. I can perhaps ask ppl in talkcity about this forum if they wish to engage in battles, and I will introduce to them the totally different concept of ezboard rpg. The idea of a storyline based rp with shared hits. If a death duel is wanted and if no one wishes to forfeit their character if killed, then may I suggest introducing another character. There could be judges just like rl melee combat. Or just a battle to severe incapacitation. Judges will be needed since i feel a more TC skill style type of detailed battle may pose quite interesting.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Dec 11th, 2001, 11:51:47 AM
don't feel like switching names...

Videl Ryu: Sith Lordess
Apprentices: Ravix Sinthade

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 11th, 2001, 12:02:53 PM
it seems they do a better job at being Jedi than Sith - no offense or anything.

The Jedi could be a little more Jedi like too :D


Vega Van-Derveld: Sith Lord
Apprentices: Dalton Blesse, Gitane Blesse, Darth Kome, Jenobi, Xavier Sadow, Sl Enoth

Dec 11th, 2001, 12:07:27 PM
Vega, please prove that accusation, using a few examples :)

Cirrsseeto Quez
Dec 11th, 2001, 12:13:15 PM
Vega, come hang out with Jubei then :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 11th, 2001, 12:19:37 PM
Just a little poke at the Jedi in general. I know there are a lot of examples of those who do portray the Jedi well - plus, I'd rather not get into this - I'll just loose the arguement anyway :rollin

Dec 11th, 2001, 12:21:46 PM
that's why I pressed you ;)

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 11th, 2001, 12:23:56 PM

My only arguement would have been the lacking number of the Jedi who actually come out to try and stop the Sith from wreaking havok. There are some who are consistant in appearing to oppose "us" but a lot of the new padawans never seem to turn up |I

Dec 11th, 2001, 12:45:38 PM
Originally posted by Rama
Buy you know that underlying thing that Firebird said still is there....about one or two people not likeing each other. Two or more groups can be on the verge of working something out and like 2 people start screaming bloody murder. And Saddly these people have a lot of sway and so it ****s it for everyone just cause they can;t get over it. I've also noticed this, but this problem really is a lot harder to try to come up with a solution to because not everyone is willing to put differences aside… and even if they have a problem with one or two people in the group, it shouldn't completely bar that person from RPing with the group as a whole.
Originally posted by Sara Shadowtide
My thinking is that to get more people involved here and roleplaying at SWFans instead of just at their own group boards and personal boards is for SWFans to host a once a month "Jedi versus Sith Battle"... like maybe on the 15th of each month or something so that it could be regularly scheduled and something to look forward to. It would just be for whoever wanted to show up. That sounds like a good idea. It would give masters a way to judge the progress of their apprentice's/padawan's training. We could have a universal name to use for those threads so we always know where to look for them.

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 01:20:05 PM
The bottom line is the failing is in a lot of areas not just a few. Its true that there arent enough people training apprentices. What LD said about how I train is true. I like to let the apprentice really feel at home with the group before throwing them out at swfans because this isnt always the great homey environment we all pretend it is.

There needs to be stronger master apprentice bonds becuase that is what creates the apprentice's bond to the group. If we rattle off aprentices like we're running an assembly line then we're failing them pure and simple cause they dont feel any real tie to the group they are in.

The second problem...EGOS!!!!!!!!! And I can't stress this enough. There are too many people with their heads up their asses and they think they're the greatest. Well Im offically saying that if you think that about yourself you're full of POODOO!(or insert harsher word here). Get off your high horse and you know who you are and get real. No one gives a crap about how great you think you are or what you think you've done for the greater good of RP's everywhere. There are too many personality conflicts that are so petty it makes me want to puke!

We've lost a lot of good people cause of BS like that and we're going to continue to lose more if a little maturity isnt displayed around here.

Another note...a lot of people who've been here and been through battles and fleet crap are tired of it. They want a change and we cant blame them for that.

Another thing...secret socities....its time to put the greater good of the group over your personal IC or OOC ambitions and within the group start working together. There needs to be more internal group communication. If the cliques within groups stop happening then it will have an overall improvement.

I've been here for quite some time and I rocketed to the top rather quickly as far as having group status. I went from newbie to council member fast but one thing I learned is that newbies count. I've always tried to keep myself open. Thats why Im on aim as much as possible I publicize my email and all the ways to contact me and even if Im busy I try to give people my time. We all need to start doing that.

As far as peace treaties if you solve the above problems then the peace treaties are minor. As for the ties between TSE and TSO we decided to remain seperate for many reasons but quite frankly we were sick and tired of fighting each other when we could have been fighting the enemy. If you dont like it then you can just keep your opinion that no one else really gives a damn about to your own self!

if you actually read this long ass post I thank you.

Dec 11th, 2001, 01:29:10 PM
The second problem...EGOS!!!!!!!!!

If you were all like me, the place would be better


Another note...a lot of people who've been here and been through battles and fleet crap are tired of it. They want a change and we cant blame them for that.

I think the problem here is a lot got tired of it at the same time

As for the ties between TSE and TSO we decided to remain seperate for many reasons but quite frankly we were sick and tired of fighting each other when we could have been fighting the enemy. If you dont like it then you can just keep your opinion that no one else really gives a damn about to your own self!

Hey, if someone thinks that is a problem, then they can state it, same as you can state what you think the problem is

if you actually read this long ass post I thank you.

Nothing else to do :)

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 02:01:24 PM
so you think the problem is that tse and tso arent fighting each other. Of course the jedi would want that cause then we're not fighting them.

Gav Mortis
Dec 11th, 2001, 02:13:13 PM
Sounds a lot like what used to happen in the good old days of TSC. TSC gave the Jedi a break, I think Itala did have the right iodea back then - at least there was never a dull moment. :)

Dec 11th, 2001, 02:29:05 PM
No LW, I was saying you cant say that, it sounds so one sided.

And oh, look. Let's make Fett sound like he's blaming everything on the other groups! Go on LW, use that way of arguing. I do think it's an element, but THAT WASNT EVEN IN THE RELEVENT POST. Read, and youll notice I was disagreeing with what you said.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 11th, 2001, 06:23:14 PM
Yes, the Good Old Sith Council... You noticed as soon as the fighting ended we started having internal problems? With no one to focus on, we turned on ourselves. Well, I did, mostly out of boredom. Now look at me, 1 cloned body later! Some have asked why I have not returned to TSO, which I still consider my home in the RP scene. The answer is simple. I will not lower myself to crawling back. Maybe if I was invited to return, but hey, no one seems to want me. So, here I am, bored out of my mind.
I wouldnt even mind serving a sentence for my crimes. But with no one trying to contact me, it just gives me the impression that they care less for me then a Pizza. At least they look forward to the Pizza arriving. I have always gotten the feeling that when people see my name, they automatically skip over whatever I posted. Lets see if it holds true.

Lord Gue
Dec 11th, 2001, 06:36:36 PM
Force Master
Apprentices: Darth Misery

Live Wire
Dec 11th, 2001, 06:37:56 PM
Dyzm contact me next time you're online. (as in Im online right now but Im leaving in a second) I dont message people these days you want to talk you message me. Feel free to add to the onslaught of IM windows.

I wont argue with you fett I already have a headache.

Dec 11th, 2001, 06:43:49 PM
tis ok

Jyener Celchu
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:28:42 PM
This might run on with the idea of egos. Back then, a lot more people died. Groups fell and characters were lost. The roleplayer would then get a chance to start a new character, with new ideas, and a new experiance. Some groups worked together towards a common cause to rebuild, and some groups just went away leaving room for new and different groups.

Kind of like an ecosystem, it kept the place new and interesting. Nowadays you here about the same few groups - TGE, GJO, TSE, TSO. It's almost like everyone has grown so strong, fleets and members, that its nearly impossible to do any harm. The same bonds and enemies exist. Sure, fights break out. But because of the huge fleet sizes that group can easily rebuild in a matter of months.

It leads to characters sticking around so long - no harm done and no risks - that people get attached to their character(s) and they don't want to lose it. That kind of feeling leads to godmoding so that you don't lose.

Lord Gue
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:38:29 PM
LoL, thats why i used to fight so hard against the cant-kill-a-character rule, the one where ya cant kill a players character without their permission for so long. That leads to situations where people have to change their posts cuase it would kill someone, like if you totally destroy an escape pod with a persons character in it, no can do...

Morgan Evanar
Dec 11th, 2001, 09:57:37 PM
People who tend to RP together more than others is a perfectly natural human trend.

Why do you keep a group of friends and not socialize with everyone?

Quite simple. Some people REALLY PISS YOU OFF. Wouldn't you rather do something with a friend than someone you have to fight at every turn?

I've started more than one RP before with an open end, and no one bothered to contact me. That didn't really bug me much, and I had to shelve the one I started until something else finishes up.

Anyway, there are plently of willing participants for lots of things, just most of us don't have the time to sit there and look for a thread to jump into. Some days the whole front page of the board has been jumbled around like the contents of a paint can after mixing.

If you need a Jedi to fight or to RP with, why not drop someone a PM or IM or even come to our board and ASK?

I'm grumbly but if you have something I just might bite.

Dec 12th, 2001, 01:59:56 PM
"People who tend to RP together more than others is a perfectly natural human trend. "

You make it sound like it was archtype or soemthing......like Man creatred fire and then broke out D&D. LOL!

I really don't think it's that Natural........if a person didn't like another group of a people and went off by themselves they usually died. It was basic natural selection.......those who couldn't just put aside other things and play nice with others died. To bad that doesn't had happen anymore. :: Snaps fingers ::

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 12th, 2001, 04:00:45 PM
Well, they either died, or engineered a master plan to destroy them all and came back to reap vengence in the future, then crowned himself Emperor - er, King. :)

Lord DarkStar
Dec 12th, 2001, 05:03:55 PM
just most of us don't have the time to sit there and look for a thread to jump into
Quite right Morgan, people complain about lack of participation but if they actually asked ppl to join in they might get a response...or not depending on who you ask :D
I am always willing to dive into (almost) any RP anyone wants me to and a few where they don't :D anyone want me (which most of you don't i know that without being told) just drop me a line and i'll be happy to help as i suspect most ppl here would be.

one final thing

Lord DarkStar: Sith Lord,
No apprentices and not taking any either, but not by choice

Vestec Za Temonta
Dec 12th, 2001, 07:38:38 PM
Chances are, I'll end up repeating some things already stated in here. (And for those that don't know, this is Gitane)

I've noticed that, while there are some very active old-timers here that make a point of conversing with new-comers, there are more that would rather ignore them. It isn't easy to start out on your own when things are as they have become. It's difficult to get any sort of a battle started nowadays, as I already stated in a thread at TSE. I would have Gitane fighting, but it's nearly impossible to find a GOOD match lately. One that's equal enough in power-levels, that the out come is uncertain. The few people that I have battled have either become unheard of, or now refuse to fight with their character.

I know, some people may not have the time to fight, but it's getting harder and harder to find anything good. RP ideas are running short, too. It's nearly impossible to think something up where it hasn't previously been used by another person.

The concern about masters, I've been worrying about for a while. The fact that there are less people to fight out there is a factor in this. Without someone to prove your power against, there's no way to raise yourself higher. If you cannot raise yourself higher, then promotion will be near impossible. If people aren't promoted, then there are only a few that are ABLE to take apprentices and more than half refusing to, the others get swamped and are unable to handle more. So, it's sort of a BIG chain reaction.

Oh.. And here we go. ^__^

Gitane Blesse Van-Derveld - Sith Warrior

Angelique Rien - Sith....What the Heck is she? o_O

Emily Rochette - She's not accepted yet..

Melusine Galelei - Nothin'

Dec 12th, 2001, 07:57:41 PM
DarthPoren: Sith Knight

Currently accepting an apprentice

Champion of the Force
Dec 12th, 2001, 10:57:40 PM
Just for my own benefit, and probably everyone else's, I'm just going to post a summary of what's been discussed in this thread:

** EDIT: Summary update - refer to newer post below **

On another note:

As mentioned above, there have been a number of claims levelled at the Greater Jedi Order for it's lack of participation.

I'd really like to hear what the GJO has to say about it all - if indeed they have anything to say.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 12th, 2001, 11:33:39 PM
Rama: Not when the population has grown to a point where a member can form his/her own tribe/clique. Your points don't apply to modern civilization.

K thx play again.


In regards to Jedi participation, no one's asking from what I can tell. I first got into people's RP's by timidly asking, about a year ago.

Like I previously stated, there isn't the time to simply look for an RP to hop into, and sometimes, there's a lot of well establish dynamic going on that makes you kind of timid and don't want to interupt because your post doesn't flow right with what the author intended.

So if you want Jedi, ask. I'm sure there are plenty who would be willing participants if you gave them a chance to work themselves in, but we have to have an idea of what is going on.

The apprentices tagging along side the Master is a GREAT idea. I'll start doing it as soon as I get the opportunity.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Dec 12th, 2001, 11:38:16 PM
I answer challenge RP's with my Jedi as many times as I can.

Champion of the Force
Dec 12th, 2001, 11:49:03 PM
** Summary Updated **

Problems identified:

1. Not enough people coming to SWFans - ESPECIALLY Jedi. Many are just sticking to their own group boards and not venturing out.

2. People have problems/issues with other people (either from other groups or even within the same group) and refusing to work with them or anyone involved with them. IC and OOC are getting mixed up together.

3. Promotions based only on time served and not on ability or current activity with the roleplaying, resulting in a lack of masters available to train new roleplayers. Groups are being run by people who are out of touch with the goings-on in the roleplaying.

4. Lack of new ideas to keep the roleplaying interesting.

Solutions proposed:

1. Have a big monthly event where everyone comes along and takes part.

2. Make particpation on SWFans part of the training process for new apprentices (ie. they tag along with their masters in roleplays etc).

3. Try and get the groups more tied in with SWFans (related to points 1 & 2).


4. Ask for Jedi to come and roleplay - they would probably be a lot more forthcoming than just expecting them to show up for any roleplay that may require their participation.


If I've missed anything or if someone thinks something could be worded better, just post and say so so it can be changed/fixed. :)

(PS. Just updated this from the list above to incorporate what Morgan said in regards to Jedi.)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2001, 01:23:20 AM
Nice summary Davey, that's helpful! :)

Dec 13th, 2001, 05:11:36 AM
I think the problem is too many are allied, but thats not good enough for some damn list :|

I think one problem faced is peoples characters. Since back when we began, writing has evolved. Originally, a history was a piece of fluff on the side. A few would use it, most would have it there so that they have something.

Nowadays, things have changed. People put so much into their backstories and such, that it matters.

Now, this appears the problem. Compatability. For example, some Jedi are not trained to fight (A good example being Chilgal in the novels, whos major area is healing). Others just dont fit into an area that is wanted. Take Fett for example. He wasn't a good enough Jedi to be wanted for that, he wasnt normal enough to be wanted for that. I probably get one RP offer every few months, and that's it. And before you say I should start them, I struggle to write multi-character ones, everyone appears to be just bolt on parts.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 13th, 2001, 05:22:12 AM
I agree about the alliances Fett. I really don't think it's realistic or fair to expect that the Sith can be all chumy with one another, and that then the Jedi are forced into battling more enemies than they can handle with their limited numbers. It certainly wouldn't encourage me to play a Jedi if I was new and saw them always being gang-bashed and beat up by every other group - but I still think those other problems are issues that can be dealt with more easily.

It's kind of difficult to get alliances broken up, but getting together a board-wide group of people willing to take the time to help out those in need of training or guidance with their RPing is a more basic start that could work without having to deal with a lot of issues from different groups.

Dec 13th, 2001, 05:25:26 AM

Dec 13th, 2001, 05:56:57 AM
** Summary Updated **

Problems identified:

1. Not enough people coming to SWFans - ESPECIALLY Jedi. Many are just sticking to their own group boards and not venturing out.

2. People have problems/issues with other people (either from other groups or even within the same group) and refusing to work with them or anyone involved with them. IC and OOC are getting mixed up together.

3. Promotions based only on time served and not on ability or current activity with the roleplaying, resulting in a lack of masters available to train new roleplayers. Groups are being run by people who are out of touch with the goings-on in the roleplaying.

4. Lack of new ideas to keep the roleplaying interesting.


5. Too many are allied.

Solutions proposed:

1. Have a big monthly event where everyone comes along and takes part.

2. Make participation on SWFans part of the training process for new apprentices (ie. they tag along with their masters in roleplays etc).

3. Try and get the groups more tied in with SWFans (related to points 1 & 2).

4. Ask for Jedi to come and roleplay - they would probably be a lot more forthcoming than just expecting them to show up for any roleplay that may require their participation.


Dec 13th, 2001, 06:44:45 AM
Okay, now that I have posted the summary update, I’ll add my own thoughts on what I feel is a cause of at least some of the problems with participation. Its something that Morgan more or less alluded to as a widespread issue, but he only said it in reference to himself. Its one word……communication.

And I mean communication on an OOC level. There is too much cloak and dagger stuff going on behind the scenes on the part of many groups and individuals. I mean having surprises can be good, but the point of this game, as I have always seen it, is to have fun, not to win or lose. But that’s what I think has caused the lack of OOC communication.

Too many are fixated, and possibly not even really fully aware that they are, on winning, so they don’t communicate their ideas to what they consider their IC enemies. And I think its these very attitudes that create a general state of paranoia, an attitude of “What is the other guy really up to? Well, I’m going to do one better and beat him at his own game.”

I think that a great deal of the cloak and dagger needs to be dropped and people actually need to discuss their plans with each other. Be they allies or enemies. I really feel that doing such things would invigorate the creativity level and cause people to be more comfortable with each other, thus making for a better Role Playing experience.

That’s my 10 cents on the subject, and I say ten because all that I wrote is a little more than just the standard 2. :p

Dec 13th, 2001, 09:26:44 AM
"Well, they either died, or engineered a master plan to destroy them all and came back to reap vengence in the future, then crowned himself Emperor - er, King. "

And then their closeist allies stabbed them in the back, killed them, and claimed the throne for themeselves. Yeah thats a winning plan. LOL!

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 13th, 2001, 11:37:57 AM
::adds her 5 cents worth since she doesnt have any change and picked a nickle off Rama :) ::

Ok, the forum does need more Jedi. You all go on about Jedi groups staying clear of this board. I am not in a Jedi group. I am a veteran of TC live chat RPG, like many in here, as those rps cashed in months ago rotting into OOC perverted mayhem and frivilous rps.

I have been rping here a month or so and had to alter my style considerably to fit in. If I can do it, many more can. I was in a TalkCity Jedi group, and Im sure some of those Jedi would love it here. Just as much as I do. :) The question is, do you all just want a Jedi ezboard RPG group to join in this board? Or maybe we should start recruiting live chat rpers like myself. I for one never knew this board existed till a month ago and am willing to train those live chat Jedi to fit in this style of rpg. I was trained in RPG melee combat, hand to hand and force powers. I am still working on the storyline description part lol since live chat didnt have that. Some of you in here post like professionals and are making me work hard to keep up lol. :)

But really, I found this ezboard RPG to be much more stimulating, descriptive, and a helluva lot more exciting and true to star wars than live chat rpg. My thanks to the administrator and moderators of this board and all the dedicated rpers, maintaining the life of this class-A RPG board, and giving me a second chance to rp since TC took a dive.

Presently I am engaged in altercations with 3 Sith, pending on a 4rth, **grins at Rama** but if any Sith are bored without a Jedi to mess with, I will be more than happy to accomodate you. :p

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2001, 12:03:38 PM
Maybe you shold consider starting another Jedi group. It would certainly add a new dynamic to the boards.

Master Yoghurt
Dec 13th, 2001, 12:26:57 PM
Just skimming fast through this thread (need to read it more closer later), I do agree the Jedi need to get more active again (especially myself!).

Some good suggestions here.

Morgan might have a good idea. How about taking it even further.. here is something crazy that occured to me. If you Sith really want some challenge, how about some Sith players join up to create an alternative Jedi group just for adding that extra roleplay diversity when it is needed. You would not have to worry about infiltration issues, since they would all be played by Sith etc and it is only for story purposes and such.

It might not be ideal, but at least it is better than nothing and could work while GJO get organised to be a dominating force again.

Ok, bold proposal, lol. Will try to add something more useful to this thread later. :)

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 13th, 2001, 02:08:04 PM
All good ideas, Morgan and Yoghurt. I wouldnt want to lead a Jedi group, but would offer any assistance to help get things rocketing for the new year.:rollin

Live Wire
Dec 13th, 2001, 02:53:03 PM
I agree with the statement that the cloak and dagger stuff has to stop. Its true there is this whole air of have to win, have to be the biggest, have to be the best. That stuff is not conducive to fun. Thats just the bottom line. And when that stuff takes place within a group its even more destructive. Everyone needs to forget about "winning" cause there will never be any winners in this rp. Its a never ending struggle of good against evil that we all take part in as recreation.

Dec 13th, 2001, 03:04:19 PM
I dont mind little bits of cloak & dagger, like little tricks and tactics, but there isnt much point otherwise

Dec 13th, 2001, 05:46:26 PM
Presently I am engaged in altercations with 3 Sith, pending on a 4rth, **grins at Rama** but if any Sith are bored without a Jedi to mess with, I will be more than happy to accomodate you. :p

Hey i said I wasn't gonna fight you.....at least not in that thread. But if you want some come get some! >=D LOL!

Morgan might have a good idea. How about taking it even further.. here is something crazy that occured to me. If you Sith really want some challenge, how about some Sith players join up to create an alternative Jedi group just for adding that extra roleplay diversity when it is needed. You would not have to worry about infiltration issues, since they would all be played by Sith etc and it is only for story purposes and such.

You know a few other Sith and I had talked about doing this awhile back, and the thing that was standing in our way was that we didn't have a Jedi Master. We'd all have to start as Padawans, and with no Jedi master there was no way to train or do any of the stuff like that. And so you'd just have a group of Jedi Padawan running around. I think that if we could have found a willing Jedi Master or a way to by the red Tape we would have done it........but as it stood the idea just kinda died. So if someone was to do that, we'd have to get around these issues first. I really don't wanna abandon Rama as a sith.....but their are times I miss being a Jedi.

Gav Mortis
Dec 13th, 2001, 06:34:13 PM
Could someone elaborate on what is meant by cloak and dagger activity. I understand it generally - I'd just like a specific example because they way I see it; Sith are meant to be very secretive and mysterious rather than parading around with 100-strong fleets (this will sound very hypocritical from me but my view has changed somehwhat on that matter).

If someone were to plan something discreetly or carry something out in a covert way is that cloak and dagger, because I know for a fact due to past experience that OOC information is abused in many cases and used for IC gain. Hence my personal approval of secrecy to an extent.

If there is going to be an assault or attack then yes, the parties involved should be notified but is it otherwise truely neccessary to shout from the mountain tops what you're up to as it might arouse peoples' hyperactive suspicions?

Sanis Prent
Dec 13th, 2001, 07:18:24 PM
They refer to OOC cloak and dagger....

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2001, 07:35:51 PM
Rama: I can understand how that may not have worked in the past, but sometimes things change. I may not partictuarly like you, but if you were to start a jedi group, I'd be fairly accomidating to talking to say, ReaperFett and maybe he would be willing to become a proxy Jedi Master until one of your members becomes one of their own merit.

When did you guys consider this? None of you were interested in NJC.

I can be quite an areshole, but I'm not closed to good ideas usually.

Dec 13th, 2001, 09:18:59 PM
IMO Sith need to loose more often.

Dec 13th, 2001, 10:58:46 PM
I don’t particularly wish to state any real specifics in regard to cloak and dagger, lest be accused of finger pointing, but I think LW, and Sanis are with me in what I speak of. Anyway, back to the summary updating.

** Summary Updated **

Problems identified:

1. Not enough people coming to SWFans - ESPECIALLY Jedi. Many are just sticking to their own group boards and not venturing out.

2. People have problems/issues with other people (either from other groups or even within the same group) and refusing to work with them or anyone involved with them. IC and OOC are getting mixed up together.

3. Promotions based only on time served and not on ability or current activity with the roleplaying, resulting in a lack of masters available to train new roleplayers. Groups are being run by people who are out of touch with the goings-on in the roleplaying.

4. Lack of new ideas to keep the roleplaying interesting.
**UPDATE** a) OOC Communication is not effective or sometimes even present between opposing factions.

5. Too many are allied.

6. Too many with “I must win" attitudes, especially Sith.

Solutions proposed:

1. Have a big monthly event where everyone comes along and takes part.
a) Create a new Jedi Group

2. Make participation on SWFans part of the training process for new apprentices (ie. they tag along with their masters in roleplays etc).

3. Try and get the groups more tied in with SWFans (related to points 1 & 2).

4. Ask for Jedi to come and roleplay - they would probably be a lot more forthcoming than just expecting them to show up for any roleplay that may require their participation. **UPDATE**a) Talk to other players be it on AIM or PM and discuss plans.

5. ???

6. Sith should accept and Role Play loses more often.


Taylor Millard
Dec 14th, 2001, 02:01:06 AM
I say people also need to realize they don't have to be a member of any organization to be able to RP. They can have connections to various characters or groups (Doesn't Sanis Prent have connections with literally all the groups?) but characters don't always have to be a member of a group to RP.

I think I see only a handful of characters out there who aren't a member of any group. Prent, Aurelias Kazaar, and Arya Ravenwing are the only ones that come to my mind right now. If there are any others I'm sorry I'm missing ya.

I'd also like to say I think more Jedi need to visit SWFans. There are plenty of good Jedi RPers out there who should atleast tell part of their story here, or most of it. I'd be willing to tackle a Light-Sider too (when my schedule clears up)

Now in regards to this character review section. How expansive are we talking about? Say if, well me (since I've been doing AIM reviews for my character), decides he wants to see if SWFans RPers like the Millard character would I submit it there, and would I need to provide links of two examples of Millard's RPs? Or of any character's RPs? That how we'd do it?

Thanks guys.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 14th, 2001, 02:15:13 AM
What about the present Jedi on the board like me who jump started past Padawan lol? Do I get any clout for being a Knight in TC? :)

::looks at Rama and winks at his challenge..::

"Where lol, here in a thread or your turf, Rama's corner? So many Sith in that bar. I like the odds." :)

Would be cool to get a Jedi group established in here. I can help with the training if asked, since Knights do train and I was training a Padawan in TC. Let me just say my character is of the old style, Noble Warriors of Light clan, who did fight the Sith on an incessant basis, which Im sure you have all noticed.:lol

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:33:44 AM
Because in the past some people (who I won't name) have come onto the boards and claimed to be Grand Masters of the Force from talk city, and not provided any transcripts, I think it's safe to say no one will have a problem with it if you provide transcripts of some of your character development at least... :)

Morgan Evanar
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:35:19 AM
Most of us much prefer to do training on the messageboards due to the more permanent nature of the medium.

I'm sure we could compromise if you made a log and posted it for safekeeping.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:46:56 AM
Well yea..I played a Jedi Knight on a TC Jedi Board..Her name is on the roster..I can offer the info privately. The ezboard has since been retired, but is accessable.

Lol you guys have insomnia too? eh,,I hate that...

**Is going to play a sleep deprived zombie tomorrow**

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:50:43 AM
Aura, would you happen to have AIM? or MSN?

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 14th, 2001, 04:40:35 AM
MSN, but it makes me lag terribly when its turned on, so I dont use it much..Better to send me a private message since Im not on for long periods of time..

Blast it I cant sleep yet lol..

**grabs a smily**:zzz

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 14th, 2001, 08:18:39 AM
Maybe we should look into recruiting from TC? I tried it once, but most of the TCers I talked to said they didn't like the boards because they required too much extra writing... It's still an option though.

As for the Jedi group, I'd be willing to help with that if anyone decided to start one up. I wish they'd revive "The Jedi Council..."

Dec 14th, 2001, 09:05:02 AM
When did you guys consider this? None of you were interested in NJC.

It was after NJC had already folded.

::looks at Rama and winks at his challenge..::

"Where lol, here in a thread or your turf, Rama's corner? So many Sith in that bar. I like the odds."

Anytime anywhere lady......you pick. :D

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 14th, 2001, 11:02:08 AM
::Aura grins at Rama's remark::

Maybe this Jedi Knight will take a stroll down memory lane at Rama's corner tomorrow lol..Im a zombie today. I was up all night and would end up tripping on my saber. :)

Jeseth, I agree, the TC Jedi, some of them anyway, as well as the Sith, are into the TC style of duels where there is trick wording involved, no storyline, and if ya dont catch the trick your history. Most are lazy and into 1-1s rather than rping. The ones that battle, want to fight to the death. I lost a well known TC Jedi to a veteran Sith that way. **sighs**

Anyway, TC is going down in SW. It will be hard to find true rpers. It may pick up in the spring when the new episode takes off. I will see who I can find to be willing to change to a storyline style.

In TC duels, I prefer actual skills involved in winning. No blasted guesswork from trick words if someone is behind you, to the side, or what not. I however enjoy the storyline based duels more like we have here. No one gets taken out, and you can take the time for a lenghty decent descriptive post contributing to your character's personal makeup.

If anyone is game for an actual TC type of duel to the death, where more attention is based on the description of how a saber is being held, vertical, diagonal etc., degrees of position of movement, and sound counters, this may be a cool tournanment. We will need judges for this one. But I would get another Jedi. Im rusty as hell in that complicated style of combat. Many Jedi dont even fight, Im sure you all are aware.:rolleyes

Champion of the Force
Dec 14th, 2001, 11:17:08 PM
Regarding a possible new 'Jedi Group' - if one were to be setup, I hope some imagination would be put into it's establishment, and not just be a clone of the current GJO. In other words, just don't make the only difference being the name plus a rank or 2 - try and give it some personality, history and above all character.

Clone groups just seem to lack any personality and fail to bring anything new to the scenario that the original group hasn't already done.

My 2 cents.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 16th, 2001, 01:18:10 AM
Well, we weren't a clone group, but I'm admittedly bad at management and Nup was rather tied up for the month and a half we really needed traction, not to mention there really wasn't much of an interest for it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2001, 02:32:37 AM
I want an apprentice now. :(


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 16th, 2001, 05:06:44 AM
Well, Aura and I chatted about starting a Jedi group... who knows. I'm not much of a Jedi to be honest. I've been playing this character for too long and have to think long and hard about how NOT to be evil, but we'll see... :)

Dec 16th, 2001, 03:34:01 PM
I dont see if we really need another Jedi group. Just if the existing one would be more active, and I think this topic is helping to cover some reasons it isnt. The GJO seems pretty well set up to me as it is and is all established. The NRSF would be great if it would "take off" and there is also some Secret Warrior Sector being raised up isnt there?

I am a new jedi there and would be more active if I knew kinda what to do (Estelle Russard is me btw). (Fett, my slackass Master, where are you!!!) :)

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 16th, 2001, 04:59:36 PM
Well, nevermind actually, we scraped the group idea. I just got myself involved in an RP with two Jedi by going over to the board and asking... It would be nice if they came here once in a while and just RPed without us having to ask them, but hey... Something it something.

Dec 16th, 2001, 07:36:09 PM
We..........who is we? I was intrested in play and Jedi and i don't remeber anyone talking to me. I think I another Jedi group would still be a great idea. There arn't enoug Jedi to go around here, and it isn't fair for one Jedi group to face off against like 3 sith groups.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 16th, 2001, 07:45:04 PM
Another Jedi group would be great. I think I have a way to make it seem feasable IC-wise.... yes... ::goes off to plot something slightly sinister::

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 16th, 2001, 07:51:09 PM
Well, Aura and I chatted about starting a Jedi group... who knows.That's what I meant when I said we. Actually, our problem did seem to be recruiting. Rama, I honestly am not the best at playing a Jedi character - I can do it, but I've been playing an evil persona for so long that it becomes difficult to picture any of my characters as good, but I'm willing to give it a shot as Luke if you and Aura could help out with managing a group. Do you think even having a board is needed? We could do everything at SWFans, and not have to deal with ezboard.

Dec 16th, 2001, 07:53:27 PM
IMO, it's best you do have a board or site of some sort, so you can see member lists and other important stuff, as well as having a place for people to talk about group stuff

Champion of the Force
Dec 16th, 2001, 10:53:02 PM
Well, we weren't a clone group ...
I didn't mean to imply that the NJC was a clone group Morgan - rather that it's better IMHO that any new groups setup that are of the same alleigance as other groups (ie. Jedi) try and have some differentiation between each other rather than just a different name. :)

For instance, the current GJO is fairly structured with ranks, councils and the like. Maybe a new Jedi group could be setup in a way that opposes this type of structure and instead insists on itself being fairly decentralised and no rank titles being given in the idea of everyone being equal.

(don't bother nitpicking the idea BTW - I just made it up right there and then for an example :) )

IMO, it's best you do have a board or site of some sort, so you can see member lists and other important stuff, as well as having a place for people to talk about group stuff.
True, but I think the intention Jeseth was getting at is by having it setup right here on SWfans it would keep the members here as well, therefore ensuring there are Jedi around.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 16th, 2001, 11:07:49 PM
That's what I was thinking... And it would make for a lot less OOC cloak and dagger bull****.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 16th, 2001, 11:26:54 PM
Dave: NP, I knew you weren't.

Champion of the Force
Dec 16th, 2001, 11:44:20 PM
Since it's been a couple of days, I'll just re-update the Summary Ogre and I had going:

***** EDIT: See updated list below *****

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 17th, 2001, 02:00:16 AM
I mentioned something in a thread at the GJO about Jedi..but I forget the thread's title, so I'm just going to restate it here.

I think that we don't see enough of the Jedi out on the board(s) doing Jedi things. Like healing, or negotiating, or exploring, or stopping fights, etc etc. I'm sure there must be a few who do.

If we had more Jedi out here starting threads in which they plan on doing GOOD DEEDS, like bringing another planet into the NR or something, then the Sith would have something to thwart! The Sith wouldn't be running around challenging Jedi then, they'd be running around trying to RUIN THE JEDI'S PLANS! While implementing their own, evil plans, of course...

Sanis Prent
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:53:19 AM
If any Sith want to work to setup a separate Jedi group, I would work with them, maybe even applying my Anbira Hicchoru character to it, if you like :)

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:18:40 AM
The problem is the lack of Jedi available, unless some of you dark veterans are willing to multitask as a Jedi, lol. Would be different to have some kind of massive assault of Sith vs.Jedi, rather than just 1 against 1. All kinds of opportunities could derive from this. Espionage, sabotage, strategic command etc...

Maybe have someone be captured and hold a rescue raid. Just some suggestions. I also think an unorthodox approach to a new Jedi group may infact help the recruitment. There was a Noble Warrior of Light clan I remember seeing when I was searching the net. They werent like the present Jedi. They sought the Sith and planned attacks. I will look into this site. True it goes against the Jedi code of defense not attack, but If I recall, those Jedi didnt want to wait for the Sith to wipe them out, so they took the initiative, hence, a defensive measure in a way by preventing total carnage of the Jedi.

Sanis Prent
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:25:05 AM
Trust me, you are talking to King Multitask |I

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:59:01 AM
Lol Sanis. In TC I was the Queen of multitaskers, both dark and light nics..You may have a runner up. :)

I also want to point out, OOC wise, some Jedi do like to fight, yours truly included.:)

Lilaena, you do have a good idea, but in SW lets face it, there were many battles, and Im sure the newest episode will be drowning in them with numerous heated engagements. Perhaps adding a battle storyline with a time of peaceful exploring or something of that nature would make a good balance :\

Live Wire
Dec 17th, 2001, 12:28:14 PM
All of those proposals sound like good ideas. I for one am willing to have a second character in the new proposed jedi group. Anything to bring life around here. Though Im only willing to do that if its done here and not on a seperate boards. I dont want to get involved just to have it go stale.

Champion of the Force
Dec 17th, 2001, 07:49:06 PM
I'll just update the list again:


Problems identified:

1. Not enough people coming to SWFans - especially Jedi. Many are just sticking to their own group boards and not venturing out.

2. People have problems/issues with other people (either from other groups or even within the same group)
(a) Refusing to work with each other or anyone else involved with them.
(b) IC and OOC are getting mixed up together.

3. Promotions based only on time served and not on ability or current activity with the roleplaying.
(a) Resulting in a lack of masters available to train new roleplayers.
(b) Groups are being run by people who are out of touch with the goings-on in the roleplaying.

4. Lack of new ideas to keep the roleplaying interesting.
(a) OOC Communication is not effective or sometimes even present between opposing factions.

5. Too many are allied - not enough enemies.

6. Too many with "I must win" attitudes.


7. Roleplayers not roleplaying their characters 'properly' - Jedi not roleplaying good guys adequately, and Sith not roleplaying bad guys adequately.

Solutions proposed:

1. Try and get the groups more tied in with SWFans.
(a) Have a big monthly event where everyone comes along and takes part.
(b) Make participation on SWFans part of the training process for new apprentices (ie. they tag along with their masters in roleplays etc).

2. Talk to other players and discuss plans.
(a) Use AIM, MSN, ICQ, this forum etc.
(b) Jedi would probably react favourably to this.

3. Setup a new Jedi group to give the 'good guys' some beefing up in numbers.
(a) Have it hosted here via a official group thread on SWFans instead on a private group board.
(b) Make sure it is somehow differentiated from present Jedi group to avoid repetition and encourage diversity - this would probably help membership.

4. People should accept and roleplay losses more often.


In regards to the solutions, Points 1. 2. and 4. really come down the individual groups/roleplayers to handle as they see fit.

However Point 3. would probably benefit from being discussed seperately to gauge the thoughts of the greater community.

Since discussion in this thread has pretty much turned into solely a discussion on the new Jedi group, should we perhaps start up a new thread specifically for dealing with the subject (this thread is getting rather long)?

Champion of the Force
Dec 18th, 2001, 07:00:51 PM
PLEASE don't tell me I single-handedly killed off this discussion. :(

Dec 18th, 2001, 07:04:05 PM
Poits at Davwj

Ha Ha!!!!

Needs sleep or would say something constructive :\

Champion of the Force
Dec 18th, 2001, 07:06:54 PM
It would appear that the forum is mocking me. >_<

I guess I'll resign then. |I

Dec 18th, 2001, 07:11:08 PM

Forum starts glitching bad

Sara Klettic
Dec 18th, 2001, 09:03:31 PM
Actually, its far from dead, its being discussed quite busily by Rama and myself.

We both have a few ideas, and one of them or two may be especially benefical for everyone.

This would be Morgan, btw =p

Champion of the Force
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:30:33 AM
Actually, its far from dead, its being discussed quite busily by Rama and myself.
Did the community shrink to just 2 people in 1 day???

J/K :p

If you've got some ideas then please share them here when you're ready - I'm sure we'd all like to hear them. :)

Jedi Neo
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:05:04 AM
I don't know I thought everyone was one of LL's Alt Id's...

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 19th, 2001, 03:43:27 AM
I swear there are only twelve people who actually post here.

Heck, sometimes I think De'Ville might be LL's character! ;)

And I wanna know what Rama and Morg are talking about!! *cries* I feel so left out of the loop. Don't worry about me, tell me three days after you all move to a new board or something. It'll just figure. *sigh* ;)

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 19th, 2001, 04:46:15 AM
If any Sith want to work to setup a separate Jedi group, I would work with them, maybe even applying my Anbira Hicchoru character to it, if you like

I've been wanting to start a Jedi character for some time although from the people I've asked GJO doesn't have the resources to train all new padawans individually immeadiately. If I'm wrong please correct me so I can go sign up my ezboard account now :p If not, this new Jedi group sounds good :D :crack

Slayn Cloak
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:18:05 AM
Slayn Cloak: Sith Warrior

Champion of the Force
Dec 24th, 2001, 02:54:56 AM

Zorin Hexes
Dec 24th, 2001, 03:15:41 AM
Well, we discussed al of the problems... From here I suppose it's up to individual people to do something with the information that's been gathered. I started a Jedi character along with someone else. I like the idea of have a decentalized group of Jedi run right from SWFans.net, with no board and no defined structure of command.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 26th, 2001, 08:50:58 PM
:: Scratches head::

First time I've read anything in OOC for a long time. Interesting.

Okay, ranks first....

Darth Turbogeek - Dark Jedi apprentice. Aim for just plain Dark Jedi, nothing else, no rank

Marcus Q'Dunn - Jedi Master (Warlord). Warlord was an idea I found and suited the temprament of Q'Dunn in his many guises and is the official rank he has within GJO. Maybe for not much longer tho.

Few other characters I make appear now and then ^_^ No ranks

I dont know - I've been catching up with a lot of things in the last two days and I dont really feel I want to have a place in the next war. What I really want to do now is simply have a nice secure "base" to fall back to and then basically do my own thing, whcuh is more personal and Relationship based, not fighting or warring. Maybe using that as a backdrop but not participating within the main storylines or just plain ignoring them. Not because I might not like something or someone, but only because it has absolutly nothing to do with what I am aiming to go to.

Personally, I've been reassesing what exactly I want to do in the last two months and I really want to change track - oddly Zorin beat me to the wandering Jedi with no group ties, affiliations or defined command structure - importantly, do it alone. I like that idea a lot. For me then, Arcan IV becomes a home base or even a hideout, I dont know cause I havet really thought down that path yet.

I was thinking similar with Turbogeek, except he ...... (Naw, i let it develop instead of saying it ^_^) and basically causes the odd bit of mayhem.

So what is all this prattle about and what does it mean?

I dont know really, It's just my way of thinking outloud. I do think the Jedi have go a serious problem and I've even stated elsewhere it's my belief the GJO died long ago. I often think it would be an idea to clean it out and start again. But that's not my place anymore to do that nor do I want to, nor do I think a new Jedi group would have much more luck. A strong Jedi presence is more to do with commitment to the character and the ability to play it right, two things I haven't really wanted to do in the last year or more for my own reasons. But that is for me personally. I'd like to try a few ideas out to see if they would work.

Maybe. I guess I'll shut up now

Champion of the Force
Dec 26th, 2001, 10:39:29 PM
... nor do I think a new Jedi group would have much more luck.
I think it will really depend on how this new Jedi group is setup. As I stated above, if the new Jedi group is merely a clone of the GJO (ie. identical to the existing Jedi group in all but name) I think it may very well degenerate into the same thing GJO is that people are trying to correct.

I finally had a browse through the GJO boards about a week ago and it would seem from my little zone that they've become almost independent of SWFans. The decision to make Yog's Bar & Grill a roleplay-only forum probably proves that they've taken to roleplaying on their own board first and foremost before venturing out here. That is their own perogative of course (no one should be forced to roleplay in any particular area) however it leaves many roleplayers here starved of worthwhile allies/adversaries.

As others have already stated, I think a new Jedi group that is hosted/organised here on SWFans directly will help rejuvenate interest in the 'good guys' and open up new roleplaying scenarios, especially if the roleplayers come up with some original ideas for the group. :)

From here I suppose it's up to individual people to do something with the information that's been gathered.
I hope so. For too long now discussions such as this have attracted huge response but then are abandoned with little or no action. I would hate to see this one go the same way.

The Jedi group idea however will probably need to be brought forward and discussed with the community as a whole in its own thread to encourage debate and ideas. I look forward to some of the ideas the roleplayers here have stated that they are working on and hope that we may soon see some fruition of them.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 26th, 2001, 10:56:59 PM
The decision to make Yog's Bar & Grill a roleplay-only forum probably proves that they've taken to roleplaying on their own board first and foremost

No, that was due to a few complaints about OOC and IC in the B&G, not to create a new board or a breakaway. Nothing more. Why the rest of the Jedi wont venture out or even go to TGC.... I really dont know. Maybe it's just not attractive here for some reason to them. I dont really know cause I basically dont know most of the Jedi anymore. I do know there is a lack of interest to go anywhere and there is a lack of Jedi, full stop.

If you want my bet, I dont think GJO will last much beyond EPII. I could be wrong and I hope I am wrong. But I just dont think so, unfortunantly. And to be honest, I really dont think a "new" group is what is required, organised here (Which could alienate what remains of GJO who come there) but making SWFans attractive for Jedi to come back to.

Whatever happens, this wandering Jedi idea does really look good.

Champion of the Force
Dec 26th, 2001, 11:10:00 PM
No, that was due to a few complaints about OOC and IC in the B&G, not to create a new board or a breakaway.
I didn't mean it like that as in a sort of replacement - I think the GJO is breaking from SWFans as a result of kind of evolution of their board. I just see the establishment of an IC-only area as testament to how much IC roleplaying is now occuring there instead of here. And I think this answers your question:

Why the rest of the Jedi wont venture out or even go to TGC.... I really dont know.
... I think the answer is that the Jedi can simply hang around their own board and do their roleplaying instead of coming here now. Why would anyone want to venture past their own board if everything they want is right there for them?

Whatever happens, this wandering Jedi idea does really look good.
It's probably just me and I'm going blind or something, but I've seen this wandering Jedi thing mentioned once or twice but I don't know what the idea behind it is. Is it just independednt Jedi roleplaying here or something else?

Some elaboration please. :)

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 26th, 2001, 11:25:32 PM
Independant or loose federation roleplaying here.

Champion of the Force
Dec 26th, 2001, 11:38:32 PM
'Loose federation' would be what I'd like to see for a Jedi group if one were created - Jedi united in a 'group' but lacking any real hierarchical structure or title, just united in a common purpose and goal.

A potential backstory for such a setup could be that these Jedi feel that the present Jedi order has grown to obssessed with its own structure and has become removed from the galaxy it is supposed to protect, and so some have abandoned the order and instead established a 'following' which adheres to certain ideals and beliefs but is not on the level of a full-blown organisation ... blah blah blah.

You get the idea. :)

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 26th, 2001, 11:54:46 PM
Sort of. Same sort of theme I think

Slayn Cloak
Dec 27th, 2001, 12:48:42 AM
Having leadership opens the path for decadence and decay. People become leaders, go inactive, then refuse to hand the positions to people who are more active and more in touch with what's going on. It happens all too often. Let the active RPers be the leaders, and let them be replaced when they go idle. If there's no "positions" to grab for, then there won't ever be a conflict or any problems because of that.
I think the GJO is breaking from SWFans as a result of kind of evolution of their board.Actually, the one thing I don't like much about the way the GJO does things is that there are some people who RP there and at TGC and are recognized. If the GJO is based of SWFans.net, then the people from TGC have no business RPing there, because they wouldn't exist there.

[BTW, this is Jes.]

Dec 27th, 2001, 12:53:43 AM
TGC was not separated from SWFans by the staff or the posters here, they removed themselves from this RP universe. I myself have no problems with characters that post or RP in both, though I would think that since they are supposed to be in a separate universe there, that their accomplishments there ‘don’t exist’ here.

As for ideas on how to turn things up here some, I’m really at a loss at the moment, but over the last few weeks that we have been discussing this topic, have noticed that posting frequency/levels in the RP forum are actually up some from where they were before this discussion began.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 27th, 2001, 12:59:49 AM
Jes, the people of TGC whom choose to come to GJO have every right to be there. GJO has never stated that they were only for one particular board and they have tended to make anyone welcome. We chose to basically stay out of the TGC / SWFans split and some people do cross over. There has never been a "We are only for one board" mentality, GJO welcomed anyone whom was from any board or chatgroup.

Thence, TGC has every right to be there.

Jyanis Scorpion
Dec 27th, 2001, 03:59:24 PM
Whoops, missed this one.

Jyanis Scorpion - Padawan, Jedi Warrior. Also, having crossed over from the Dark Side and being an ex-Sith Lord, he needs no actual Force or combat training, he simply needs to learn to cope with the usual traits of anger and rage.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 27th, 2001, 04:24:04 PM
DT, the only thing that bothers me about the whole TGC thing is that if the GJO board is a sort of extension from SWFans.net in a way... and TGC people are in a separate universe, they tend to use the GJO as a crossing over point. That means they come into SWFans.net with abilities and other things they never really earned in this universe... I don't have anything against allowing them to RP there, it's just that no one makes it clear to them that they can't just walk into SWFans.net with their characters established as a result...

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 27th, 2001, 05:08:05 PM
Ahhh, but you cant just claim rank tho. You have to be up to standard. Especially Jedi Master rank, altho there is a tendancy to accept the Knights. Anyone who wants to be a Jedi Master still needs to pass the standards set. And that's my sole remaining resposibility to the Jedi Council, I observe, test and recommend. It tends to work well.

Jyener Celchu
Dec 27th, 2001, 08:03:56 PM
Maybe part of the problem is that the Jedi as a whole don't have a main enemy. Sure they're only supposed to defend, but it seems the Sith are doing the seeking when they should be doing the taunting and forcing that'll bring more Jedi to SWfans to do the fighting.

Back when Itala and his er..wifes/family/cousins - whatever they were - were out wreaking havoc, you'd have constant tournaments and duels with everyone involved. I don't know, maybe I'm looking at it wrong.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 28th, 2001, 09:53:55 AM
Alright, I have viewed many sound ideas, perhaps mine may interest a few. A while back I searched an ancient Jedi order known as The Noble Warriors of Light. My character is of this clan. They were only Knights, contrary to the present GJO and later Jedi whom incoperated Masters. They did have a council of elders, if I recall correctly. I cant find the website. The 'NWOL' followed the Jedi code a little differently. They were engaged in many battles against the Sith, countering the present Jedi philosohpy of peace. The Knights were aware of the Sith problem and knew they must be dealt with harshly.

The present Jedi, for the most part, steer clear of altercations preferring to embrace the purity of the force, avoiding violence as much as possile. My suggestion is this.

We need a totally unorthodox approach towards a new Jedi group to stimulate recruitment of this group. The fact that there will only be Knights, and of course Learners whom will be in need of training, may offer an equal introduction to this unique concept, rather than have ranks. The training will be much faster. The time in obtaining the rank of Knight, will depend on the individual's skills and speed in learning.

The fact that these Jedi were warriors, may entice many ppl playing a darksider to join.

We can either set up a separate board for this group, or just use this board for training.

In my opinion there are three kinds of rpers on this board. One being non violent more storyline approached. Another just battle styled. And the third a combo of the first two I mentioned, at which I am a part of. May I suggest you use this Jedi group as the third stle. Both storyline and battle styled, so in this way all parties involved will be satisfied with the idea.

I feel all who were never trained as either a Sith or Jedi should start off as a Padawan Learner. The Knights can train the Learners and engage in battles, etc. In TSE, anyone above Disciple status is welcomed as a Knight, Disciples would become Learners. Any Jedi Padawans here or in TGO must be trained first. I also would like to see more detailed approaches in saber duels, and can help in this area since I was trained in this detailed style in talk city rpg, as I am sure others were.

For example; Once in a while I see a person merely blocking a blow. I think it would be far more interesting if they detailed it more realistically such as..

**Jedi Joe staves off the attempt at his midsection, maneuvering his blade with a sweeping arc parrying Sith Jade's blade to the right, following with a kick to his midsection. Also force techniques need to be addressed in training. This as well may help recruiting others and stimulate motivation.

But if any ppl playing darksiders enter this group as a Jedi, 'strict' character separation must be adhered to. These Jedi, although were warriors and killed the enemy, nevertheless were not evil and fought for justice. They did not use aggression to fuel their power. Like the present Jedi, they controlled their emotions, not as well, but did not allow fear and hate to manipulate them and dispeled any signs of anger and rage.

Anyone interested, or who can add to my idea, please message me. I am willing to go with any changes you can offer. This is just my idea, we need more to mold or even alter it.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 28th, 2001, 02:28:08 PM
We can either set up a separate board for this group, or just use this board for training.I'm in favor of using this board myself... it's less to have to deal with and will help to increase Jedi activity. :)

Oh, and as for how people are accepted, maybe we should figure out some sort of test. For example, like the Jedi in question might have to have fought and survived a battle with a Sith, or maybe even defeated the said Dark Sider? What do you think?

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 28th, 2001, 02:48:16 PM
Im for the group to stay on this board as well.

As for your comment Jeseth, there isnt any killing on ths ezboard or others, so that really wouldnt apply to this issue, being the rpg on this board is a give and take of hits style.

Hm..We will have to form some kind of test. Knowledge of saber dueling to appear like he/she knows what they are doing, force skills, even writing skills should all apply. Also a sense of rp maturity. Experience in rpg, etc.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 28th, 2001, 03:59:21 PM
As for your comment Jeseth, there isnt any killing on ths ezboard or others, so that really wouldnt apply to this issue, being the rpg on this board is a give and take of hits style. Well, you don't have to kill the Sith. I just said defeat. :) If the group has no leadership, then we'd need one universal standard for the acceptance of new members. One not based on our member-body.

Shawna Brunet
Dec 28th, 2001, 04:22:57 PM
Rofl when was the last time a Sith accepted defeat? I wouldnt accept it. I would like a crack at you new Jedi. Lets see how you do against a force sensitive Mercenary hired to hunt you down.>D

Lord DarkStar
Dec 28th, 2001, 04:30:56 PM
hmm last time someone beat me, i'm a Sith Lord, but I accepted defeat and walked away beaten, it does happen...just not that often ;)

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Dec 28th, 2001, 05:14:35 PM
I think a new Jedi sect could definitely be created, similar to the Skywalker/Duron rift in the NJO. Not really opposed, but seeing problems differently, and going about solving them differently.

For instance, you have Jedi who are more strict in the observance of Jedi ways...passive, etc. Then you have those who are objective and consider open assault against enemies with no chance at compromise as a more decisive form of defense.

Jubei would fall into the former. Anbira would be in the latter. There's a distinct difference there, but they are both after the same thing.

Shawna Brunet
Dec 28th, 2001, 05:21:44 PM
Yes true Dark Star. It is a rarity, which does condone honour. Of course Shawna will accept hits and all. On her tombstone it will say she went down in a blaze of glory not accepting defeat. :) My character rather die than surrender is what I meant. Shawna is a handful, she is a crazy Merc. :)

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 28th, 2001, 08:30:43 PM
Marcus Q'Dunn is definantly not a standard Jedi. He's definantly a warfaring Jedi ^-^

I however dont like challenges and fighting now, more of a change in taste than anything else. The agressive and no hold barred fighting Jedi like Marcus do exist

It's really more of a matter of tastes that some Jedi just dont answer challenges or want open fighting. Some do, some dont.

WHAT I will indicate my discomfort with, is talk of a "new" group. Please dont cause it will alienate Jedi loyal to GJO. The real solution is attracting GJO Jedi here and that is the question that should be addressed. Why dont they want to come?

The Warrior Sect does exist at GJO, but it's not real active cause I have not really been pushing it along :(

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Dec 28th, 2001, 10:38:58 PM
I don't think it will alienate anybody at GJO. It'll give em some good healthy competition, I think...and maybe a bit of a growth incentive to a degree.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 29th, 2001, 12:53:54 AM
No, I disagree. I would say setting up something else will kill GJO. It's just not strong enough right now. I'ld rather make GJO stronger first and foremost. If that cant be done, then shoot GJO and start over. BUT, this is somethign the memebers of GJO must do for themselves.

While is a good thing there is interest in the surval of what is now the longest standing group, it's problems in the end must be solved by it's members. If they are not, then it dies.


As one of the founding members, it's not plesant to say this. But sometimes you got to say and realise what's wrong to fix it, no matter how much it stinks.

I might point out, I know how much setting up new groups cn alienate other people. I have not wish to even contemplate going through That experience again. While GJO exists and can survive, doing something in "competition" could really backfire. I'd urge you, something new should be the last alternative, not the first.

Jedah Lynch
Dec 29th, 2001, 01:29:37 AM
I agree with DT.

The solution is not making a new Jedi group, I can tell you that doesnt work. Just look at the RSO break away from TSE era, that did start off with a bang but died nearly with a whimper in some ways, at the start of a new group everything is new and exciting but that does die down and just leads to the same problems a group has in time.

At the best starting a new Jedi group would be a quick fix but is no long lasting solution. It would only suffer in the same areas in due time. The problems that need to be fixed lay at the GJO, first not sure who is the current council but if they are inactive and out doing other things as other characters do you expect much to get done? Not unless they got a lot of time on their hand, they need people firmly dedicated to the Jedi and work at it and with its members first. Once you got a strong council you need to work on its members, need people who are good and capable of training new people as well and helping out the council and doing what they can from welcoming new people to anything they can do to better the group and setting a good example.

These are the people who will lead the Jedi in time so they do need to prove they can handle the task well.

Depending on how many members the Jedi has that are active or do anything or join and do nothing than might want to consider cutting down on the numbers so its not bloated where time and effort could be put into those that might work for the better of the group. Not that many or all will like that but then cant always keep accepting people until it makes a group pop with overwhealming numbers can ya?

The Jedi that exist now has problems but merely making a new group is just an weak attempt at side stepping the whole thing and certainly not taking care of the problem.

Champion of the Force
Dec 29th, 2001, 02:27:49 AM
In the end though we're all merely second-guessing what the GJO's reaction to it may be. Apart from the odd member here and there, the GJO has pretty much been absent from this discussion (probably highlighting the absence of Jedi even more).

I don't think it will alienate anybody at GJO. It'll give em some good healthy competition - Jubei

At the best starting a new Jedi group would be a quick fix but is no long lasting solution ... The problems that need to be fixed lay at the GJO - Jedah
I actually agree with both of these statements. I do think that another Jedi group (provided that it isn't a clone of the present GJO - see my own posts above for further elaboration) would be good to provide some alternatives as well as promote some healthy competition (the GJO is effectively the only major 'good group' at SWFans).

Having said that however, I would also agree that a new group will not instantly solve all problems. As Jedah stated, more than likely this new group will be made up of secondary characters played by mostly current roleplayers who are splitting their time up between multiple characters. The GJO will still remain the primary Jedi group here - for now and into the forseeable future - and it will need some kind of reform if it still wants to remain the premier Jedi group here.

Is there anyone here who has access to Avalon and can tip off the GJO about the existence of this discussion? Pretty much the only feedback from GJO thus far was from Morgan concerning how to get some Jedi here (go to their boards and contact them directly).

Aaron Belargic
Dec 29th, 2001, 07:25:59 AM
[Shawna, you have a PM.]

I like the GJO, and it would be good to cater to them, but the matter of the fact is that no one caters to TBH, TSE, TSO, or even TGE, and they are all still here. The reason I would be hesitant to join the GJO is that there is a long standing system of procedures set up there, and with the exception of a few individuals it's hard to really get anything done because of how much formality and red tape is involved. There is little room left for change.

A disorganized, decentralized group of Jedi would ensure a group that supports constant change, just as the Force constantly shifts to balance itself. This new group would be largely dependent on the will of the Force, and not on the will of mortals. Right now the will of the Force is for the Dark Side to be driven back. We have waded through it for long enough.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 29th, 2001, 10:37:46 AM
While I am new to the boards, I am not to RPG, and have been an active rper for almost two years now, so I can understand the urgency of the situation in restoring an old group like the GJO.

I agree the GJO may founder if a new group were to be introduced. Yet I also have to side on other issues brought up concerning the strict organization of the GJO. I would not wish to enter a group as a Padawan. I would be more helpful in training and defense. Not to mention I was a Knight on a TC Jedi board.

Pertaining to the post about the two types of Jedi, Aura of course would follow the open assault type; 'Anbira'. Does the GJO have both types of Jedi within its ranks? If not, would they be willing to compromise their stucture?

Would the GJO be willing to alter its system of recruitment? Perhaps modify its arrangement to the satisfaction of others whom may consider applying? The group is in need of more Jedi as well as the SWForum. There has to be some kind of give and take here.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2001, 10:41:04 AM
Would the GJO be willing to alter its system of recruitment?

I think that they don't have the resources to. The main reason all newcomers are being sent into non-commital force classes is because of the lack of time on the part of those supposed to be training them. The amount of Jedi able to train is the limiting factor.

Slayn Cloak
Dec 29th, 2001, 11:42:23 AM
I don't mean to sound rude, but the GJO is rather ignorant of its own position...

Sorsha Kasajian
Dec 29th, 2001, 12:00:08 PM
[cant always keep accepting people until it makes a group pop with overwhealming numbers can ya? - Jedah Lynch]

This has been one of TSE's major problems for over a year now.

Dec 29th, 2001, 03:53:28 PM
GJO is the single most important Jedi group to ever grace this board. And i for one will be damned if I let it falter.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 29th, 2001, 04:06:00 PM
Strong IC and OOC. I like you Rama. You Sith slay me. :)

Then instead of planning a new group, why dont we set our attentions on the revival of the GJO.

Champion of the Force
Dec 29th, 2001, 06:21:22 PM
GJO is the single most important Jedi group to ever grace this board.
Of course it's been pretty much the ONLY Jedi group, except for the brief stint by the New Jedi Council. :)

I wouldn't want to see the GJO falter either. I see a new Jedi group as merely an alternative to the GJO - not a replacement.

Then instead of planning a new group, why dont we set our attentions on the revival of the GJO.
Would be a great help if they would actually get involved with these discussions. It's a bit hard to help a group revive itself if the group in question is not participating. |I

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 29th, 2001, 08:15:32 PM
I agree, the GJO needs to be strengthened. Somehow the council members need to be RPers who not only are good, but have time to plan things with the group (or for the group). Now, I'll be honest, I've forgotten who is on the Council. But isn't JK Leia Solo on it? I honestly haven't seen her around in over two months besides maybe one post or two.

And its a shame. I miss her! (besides we never got to finish our fight! ;)) But if she is still on the council, should she be replaced with a more active member? Just a thought.

I know I'm not a part of the GJO, but I am willing to help out in whatever way I can. I *am* a mod there in the two free for all forums already (although I haven't gotten to do anything yet. Dang.)

And somewhere in this post I think I had an idea or maybe two, but I am not sure. :p

Champion of the Force
Dec 29th, 2001, 08:36:35 PM
Due to the lack of Jedi response here, I went to GJO forums and posted a thread linking to this discussion:


Now hopefully we'll be able to get some feedback from the Jedi themselves, which would save us having to second-guess their thoughts on the matter.

Nichos Marr
Dec 29th, 2001, 10:02:05 PM
Okay I've only read half of this thread, but I'll give my input anyway.

Over the past two months, I've been trying hard to increase Jedi activity at SWFans. I took on two apprentices at a time, when in the past, I've always refused to do that. I went to Rama's Corner and picked a fight with Rama to get some Jedi/Sith interaction. I even made a second Jedi in hopes of using him to fight Sith and the evils of the Galaxy. All of it doesn't seem to be working. The only way GJO is ever going to get fixed is if everyone pitches in. How is that possible when barely anyone is around?

Letsee there are what...Two maybe three active masters at GJO? I know all of the other masters really do try to be as active as they can, but real life can get in the way. In the past I used to help out GJO by managing the shipyards. I don't do that anymore, although I have asked to help out. I've asked to do various things (other then recruitment, can't handle that ><).

I don't mind roleplaying with a Sith or a Dark Jedi. I've asked to be in roleplays with Sith, I've invited some into my roleplays in the past. But no one goes out of their way to invite little old me into a roleplay :p

The Sith always complain "Oh you Jedi aren't active at all. You do nothing!" I don't know, is this supposed to make us feel better? Is this supposed to motivate us? I know it's the truth, I've seen less Jedi activity. Even at GJO itself.

Why don't the Sith ask us individually to participate in their RPs? Most of us aren't hard to reach at all, unless a certain person is inactive. I'm always open for a roleplay using my Jedi character.

I don't have good answers to GJO's problems. But I'm willing to help if someone has a plan to revitalize the group. I don't think a new group will do much good.

These are just some of my slightly askewed opinions and ramblings.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 29th, 2001, 11:19:16 PM
Remeber, i speak with a good deal of insight to how GJO runs. Or doesnt right now. It appears headless. The major Masters have moved on or just arent contributing, a lot of the Council is nt contributing. I'm rapidly becoming the last of the original members. I also wanted to give up running GJO a long time ago and personally I dont really want to, cause it should be someone else's turn.

GJO's biggest problem was the reliance on a small band of members. Now they are going for various reasons look what is left. Not a lot now. The rot really started when TSC was defeated at cc.net and roleplaying just died there.

Look, I dont have an answer right now either. But we need committed Jedi to avoid what happened at cc.net. Maybe first stage is to organise a Council of current Jedi Roleplayers, instead of the Council right now that half that are not about at all. Maybe a scattering is needed and a freeflowing GJO, one without a true base, or armies, or navies. The only reason we have those is to make sure we dont get removed from our home and I think we would prefer not to have them.

Interesting observation about rules and red tape, cause thats what a lot of us didnt want when GJO started :(

I will repeat one thing - DONT start a new Jedi organisation. It will kill GJO. Sorting out GJO is what should be done first.

Ummmm..... while I was typing this, I had an idea. For thouse who are either playing Jedi or willing to, what would the thoughts on having a IC conference on this and roleplay the solution out?

Shade Magus
Dec 29th, 2001, 11:37:00 PM
hey i would love the roleplaying conference..and i would take on a few apprentices as a jedi, but until i am promoted it can't happen

I try to rp as a jedi as often as i can, but i don't won't to but into something with that many people because at the moment I have shade in...let's see.....4 or 5 rp's.

Dec 29th, 2001, 11:37:10 PM
I don't really want to sound like I know what I'm talking about, but as an observer what I've always found tragic at the GJO was that someone would want to be recruited into the GJO, but no one would take them on as padawans or even reply to their threads. Those guys could potentially grow to be the next generation of faithful rpers, but are instead subjected to mass training and older Jedi humoring them with "lift a rock"-teachings. If I was ignored so early on like a lot of them are, I would probably just have forgotten about sticking around here too.

Far be it from me to know a solution for this, but recruiting should become a higher priority.

I'm not criticizing, just offering a potential course of action.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 29th, 2001, 11:51:22 PM
One of the problems that I have seen at GJO, and with my experience witht hem, is what Hart and others have refered to: Lack of training and those who wish to train. When Snack was a Jedi, he had to switch master, maybe 3 or more times because one master would become inactive or just wouldn't post to training.

As Lightheart, same thing. First two masters he had he undergone "true" training. ((I did talk it over with the first one Lightheart had, and understand his thoughts and the like, which is why I asked for a second one)). Second one told me that he couldn't do much training because of time constraints, so I went into one of those Force Class things. A good temporary answer for lack of master, to put a bunch of padawans into a class, but I myself never really liked those, as it didn't give true "master/apprentice" bonding and interaction. The last Master Lightheart had I haven't seen nor heard from him in over three months. So I haven't had Lightheart active in that amount of time...

I'd love to help out in anyway I can, bringing back Lightheart into the mix of things once more, but as a Padawan, I'd need another master.. one who'd train for the duration. Not much, but it's my contribution to this whole lot.

Jedi Knight Squall
Dec 30th, 2001, 01:00:10 AM
hey i am starting to make a new jedi board for the new age of jedi. I know what you are all thinking, how can someone new like this start a board and expect people to join? Well to tell the truth I have rped for almost 2 staight years so give me a little credit..even though this is onlyy my second jedi character..but hey just give it a try and help me out. I could train a few there..and if there are any jedi knights that would be willing o help then by all means please help. I think that only thing i will need help with the most is the graphics of the board so if someone could help me with that then please e-mail me or im me. http://pub28.ezboard.com/bthenewjedi. there is the addy for the board.

Arya Ravenwing
Dec 30th, 2001, 02:47:09 AM
I thought the issue was still being decided. Looks like half and half, one for a jedi board and others against. I think that GJO will suffer more if we start a new one.

Do the IC Jedi council/talk/conference thing. It sounds like a really good idea. Also, I'll see if I can't concoct a super RP to draw Jedi back to the board. MUahahaha! **runs off to her study**

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 30th, 2001, 03:37:19 AM
For thouse who are either playing Jedi or willing to, what would the thoughts on having a IC conference on this and roleplay the solution out?

I think this would be a good idea. Would GJO mind if, when they escape from the clutches of Visc, Aaron and Dasquian attended this to sort things out. After all, though they are not part of GJO, they are Jedi.

Dec 30th, 2001, 03:39:03 AM
Originally posted by Jedi Knight Aura
Strong IC and OOC. I like you Rama. You Sith slay me. :)

Then instead of planning a new group, why dont we set our attentions on the revival of the GJO.

Oh we can slay you in more ways then one.

I think the that is a very good idea. You don't know how intertwined all of this is. Even if you wanted GJO.........or TSE, or TSO, or BH.......or anygroup that has had an impact or a strong presnce here to fail you couldn't and shouldn't attempt something like that. It's like a house of cards.........you start pulling cards out wildly the whole thing is liable to fall apart.

And I really personally want GJO to be contiune to be the Jedi group. I didn't use too........I was upset at their lack of activity and all that jazz. And then I talked to man......and I he told me his fears and pains about GJO and it's future and I totally understood cause I had gone thru the same thing. And That's when I realized how Intertwined everything is. I wanna get back GJO back on it's feet, because if we get GJO back on it's feet........then other groups will get back on their feet. It's all linked.....if Major change happens at a group like GJO it effects us all. Regardless if it makes you no longer want to Rp........or you miss the old days. It effects you. We should help them.......Help themselves. And in turn they should help us help ourselfs.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 30th, 2001, 03:59:13 AM
Rama....I completely 100% agree with you.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 30th, 2001, 04:05:20 AM
I have not seen a truer or more to the point important statement than what Rama just said. I'm in as well 100% agreement.

Roleplaying at cc.net used to be strong, but TSC just gave up there on day and the forum collaped in a day. I kid you not, one day and a thriving RP community just died.

Even with a replacement group, think about what the potential damage could be if GJO or TSE were to cease to exist tomorrow.

Daquain - I;ll be honest. I dont see GJO responding to Vis at all right now. I'd say that for GJO to join in on any fights, this issues must be sorted out first and now, not later. And I would say anyone with a Jedi character would be welcome to say their bit in an IC conference, cause it concerns everyone.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 30th, 2001, 04:11:55 AM
Dasquian was referring to an RP where he and his brother are in the clutches of Darth Viscera. When they escape, they would like to attend the conference also. At least, I think that was what he meant. :p

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 30th, 2001, 04:13:38 AM
Yeah that's what I meant, Sorry if it sounded otherwise :)

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 30th, 2001, 04:19:20 AM
Ahhh. I see now.

I think the conference would take place presuming everyone could attend, in some ways happen outside of board events so everyone can have a say.

Dec 30th, 2001, 06:19:57 AM
I personally think a second group could go either way. In a way, it could screw one of the two up, but could also result in prosperity, as you have similar groups, yet different, catering to the needs. What happens if we just stay as the one group? More people, same problems? Might not work y'know. Blame me, most of the rules were put forward by me :\

Would the GJO be willing to alter its system of recruitment? Perhaps modify its arrangement to the satisfaction of others whom may consider applying? The group is in need of more Jedi as well as the SWForum. There has to be some kind of give and take here.

I dont like the idea of new people walking in and joining above someone else whos putting the effort it, IMHO. Some people only get training for 3 months or so, as theyve excelled. That isnt long.

I don't mean to sound rude, but the GJO is rather ignorant of its own position...

You dont sound rude, I just dont have a clue what youre saying :)

I agree, the GJO needs to be strengthened. Somehow the council members need to be RPers who not only are good, but have time to plan things with the group (or for the group). Now, I'll be honest, I've forgotten who is on the Council. But isn't JK Leia Solo on it? I honestly haven't seen her around in over two months besides maybe one post or two.

council is voted for every 3 months. The way it works is that you need 30%(I think it's that, should know, I instegated it :)) of the total votes to get on the council, with a minimum of eight members. There shouldnt be a problem with Leia not being round. 90% of the council is on at some stage in the week, and Bel would be on had her computer not blown up. So how do you decide changes? Not active for a week? Thats a small holiday, why cut them? A month? No point then, you're nearly ready for the next lot. Also, remember that you actually need worthy people to be a member. You dont just dump on the first Jedi that appears.

Now hopefully we'll be able to get some feedback from the Jedi themselves, which would save us having to second-guess their thoughts on the matter.

Can you try to sound less like he havent got involved at all? :)

How is that possible when barely anyone is around?


I don't mind roleplaying with a Sith or a Dark Jedi. I've asked to be in roleplays with Sith, I've invited some into my roleplays in the past. But no one goes out of their way to invite little old me into a roleplay

Same here, and Im useless at writing multi character RPs(but hey, least you get RPs this way, eh Ferris? :))

It appears headless

Hey, I AM still there right now :)

Those guys could potentially grow to be the next generation of faithful rpers, but are instead subjected to mass training and older Jedi humoring them with "lift a rock"-teachings

ROLE PLAYING. Playing a role. Lifting rocks is called LEARNING :)

One of the problems that I have seen at GJO, and with my experience witht hem, is what Hart and others have refered to: Lack of training and those who wish to train. When Snack was a Jedi, he had to switch master, maybe 3 or more times because one master would become inactive or just wouldn't post to training.

Sorry about that btw. Thats why I stopped traing mainly, I was doing nothing for people. Luckily, noone left due to me.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 30th, 2001, 08:48:55 AM
I would be in favor of meeting IC, and I updated the list for Davwj:


Problems identified:

1. Not enough people coming to SWFans - especially Jedi. Many are just sticking to their own group boards and not venturing out.

2. People have problems/issues with other people (either from other groups or even within the same group)
(a) Refusing to work with each other or anyone else involved with them.
(b) IC and OOC are getting mixed up together.

3. Promotions based only on time served and not on ability or current activity with the roleplaying.
(a) Resulting in a lack of masters available to train new roleplayers.
(b) Groups are being run by people who are out of touch with the goings-on in the roleplaying.

4. Lack of new ideas to keep the roleplaying interesting.
(a) OOC Communication is not effective or sometimes even present between opposing factions.

5. Too many are allied - not enough enemies.

6. Too many with "I must win" attitudes.

7. Roleplayers not roleplaying their characters 'properly' - Jedi not roleplaying good guys adequately, and Sith not roleplaying bad guys adequately.

Solutions proposed:

1. Try and get the groups more tied in with SWFans.
(a) Have a big monthly event where everyone comes along and takes part.
(b) Make participation on SWFans part of the training process for new apprentices (ie. they tag along with their masters in roleplays etc).

2. Talk to other players and discuss plans.
(a) Use AIM, MSN, ICQ, this forum etc.
(b) Jedi would probably react favourably to this.

3. Setup a new Jedi group to give the 'good guys' some beefing up in numbers.
(a) Have it hosted here via a official group thread on SWFans instead on a private group board.
(b) Make sure it is somehow differentiated from present Jedi group to avoid repetition and encourage diversity - this would probably help membership.

4. People should accept and roleplay losses more often.


5. Hold an IC meeting of all active Jedi and make a decision based on the results.


Dec 30th, 2001, 10:26:55 AM
Not to demean or put down either TSE or GJO, but I just had a look at the first page of the Roleplaying and the Storytelling forums and found that topic starters with affiliations to either group only account for 11 out of 50 of those threads, roughly one fifth of the more active topics as of late. That number seems pretty low to me to say that the absence of GJO or TSE in a day’s time would end RP on this forum.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that the groups are not integral parts of the forum’s history, but it appears to me that those two groups aren’t the backbone of the community any longer, as they were when I first arrived. This community has grown beyond being based around two groups and has a new life of its own in many ways.

Things do change as time goes by, just as they do in real life, they do here in our community, adjusting to the changes and finding solutions that fit with the times is what I think needs to be done. I have no answers as to what should be done, but I don’t think trying to make things the way they were in the past is really a viable solution. SWFans has moved beyond only being based only around a primary Sith and a primary Jedi community and perhaps we should all try to embrace some new ideas instead of the old.

Maybe I don’t make any sense, maybe I am completely wrong, but those are some thoughts I have on the situation.

Dec 30th, 2001, 10:38:41 AM
you cant count it like that. Im doing two RPs, that would be uncounted due to me not starting them.

Jedi Knight Squall
Dec 30th, 2001, 11:44:39 AM
I wasn't talking about making a whole new board to take over the role of the GJO. I just meant to do something like Jeseth said, just beef up the numbers and maybe make a few more Knights to train others. Plus it could give some of the new ones at the GJO some time to venture out and meet new people and get ideas on wat to do in rp's.

Chaos Alexander
Dec 30th, 2001, 12:35:07 PM
IMHO, I think both TSE and GJO are dragging down in a couple of ways. I remeber about 2 years ago when I started as Pivo, we had RP's like The Kala Stone (Sorry If I killed the name, I'mrunning from a tired memory), Son of TurboGeek, and things like that. They were great. Now the only real RPs between the groups are indivial battles. I love both groups. I don't think the boards could run without them. I have Rped as characters inboth groups. Verse Dawnstrider was a Jedi Knight, and on the Council. I have offered the GJO, I would bring him back to help with RP's and training. They may still be talking about it. I have no Idea. I sent almost every council members a letter. I have heard no news besides "we're still waiting." sence last week. I will not lie. i am to blame as well. I plan to think of a RP and ask a jedi or two to help out. The two groups don't like the Vong. I plan to use that as a plot. I just think we all need to get more involed with each other.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 30th, 2001, 03:41:57 PM
The vong aren't even a group anymore.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 30th, 2001, 04:18:09 PM
They're not a group, but they're still a race in Star Wars, Jehova.

Chaos Alexander
Dec 30th, 2001, 07:16:24 PM
If a few people made some Vong names for a RP it would work. They are a race in the SW Universe. That is like saying that we can't have Jawa's because there is no group for them.

Shade Magus
Dec 30th, 2001, 09:56:50 PM
you know chaos...now that you mention it...i don't ever recall a jawa character...i think i am going to make on just for the fun of it.

Dec 31st, 2001, 03:56:54 AM
You can't look at like "This is broken let's get a new one." Im gonna use a analogy that I know is true at my house. You buy a VCR, and it works great......you get a lot of enjoyment out of it. But then one day it breaks. You should just go have it fixed.......the VCR is still good. It still has lots of life left in, but you don't wanna put the effort into fixing it. So you go out and spend 3 times more money to buy a new one then it would have taken to just fix the old one. And what happens to the old one? It get throw in the Garage, the corner....behind the TV. And so you got a shiny Brand new VCR........but oh no.......2 years later it breaks as well. Well we could fix this one, but do we? No......we do the same thing again. And Pretty soon you have a pile of VCR that you never really needed just cause you didn't wanna put the effort into fixing the first one.

And GJO is getting treated like that.........it's "Broke" We should be trying to fix it. But what do we want? A Brand new shiny new Jedi group.......and we'll just get rid of that one when it's broke too. We should put more effort into fixing what broke, instead of hideing behind the "things change" guise.

Dec 31st, 2001, 04:31:52 AM
By Chaos Alexander:

I just think we all need to get more involed with each other.

I think this is the best statement yet.

I find ppl dont always intereact Sith/Jedi roleplays because in the back of their minds maybe they feel they are gonna get shafted somehow.

Maybe we just need to talk to each other more and initiate some storylines.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 31st, 2001, 06:28:25 AM
Rama: But I want a DVD player!

Aside from inter-group participation, are we adressing any real issues?

Well, a few. GJO is obviously filled with internal problems, and we simply don't get enough training done.

Everyone's general gripe is that there simply isn't enough new blood coming in, and the people that we have here aren't communicating.

Well, we've started on the second point. Hopefully that will bear fruit of some sort.

I think, aside from people being more active in training and fixing GJO's current issues, there isn't really too much we can do to get more people here.

Chaos Alexander
Dec 31st, 2001, 09:47:33 AM
The sexy Sith said I was right!!! ::Does the Famous Dawnstrider happy dance.::

On a serous note. I know I don't talk to the other groups as much as I should. It seems that all the Jedi/Sith RP's (The Few out there) are just mindless battles. I know what I am about to say will sound wierd, but, me and my friend Sten the Chimp were talkin' last night about this. I thought of this idea based off one he had. A terroist group (Like the Black Sun or something) finds a Super weapon or a pleage or something. Both the Jedi and the Sith know it could wipe out everything. So they set aside there differences to stop and destroy the Weapon, pleage, ect. That was just an idea I threw out there to make a point. Luke Skywalker and Vader were to waaay different people. Yet, they had to come together at the end of the movie. Why? They had a common goal. Sometimes RP's like that is what is needed to make ties better. I'm not saying that the two groups should always be friends. Why would we have two groups then? You get what I mean though.

Dec 31st, 2001, 11:03:17 AM
i don't ever recall a jawa character

Nikit and Jawa Durden

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 31st, 2001, 03:37:26 PM
ROFL Rama I just got your comment--I dont feel like doing the quote thing. You can slay me anytime.:)

**paints an X on her front, giving Rama a wink**:)

A conference is a good idea. As for what Fett said about not wanting new ppl to get ahead of others in rank, well I can see his point at not being fair to those who put time in for training, but then the present problem will only be amplified..Too many Padawans, not enough trainers.

On a TC Jedi board they are testing newcomers to see if they are deservant of their rank, Knight or Master. Would you and others consider this trial? Many of the rpers thinking of joining and resurrecting the GJO have trained hard in other nics. It isnt like we fell into RPG. The trial would be held to test force knowledge, saber abilities, etc. to see if the applicant is ready for a rank.

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Dec 31st, 2001, 03:58:30 PM
Well if there are too many padawans and not enough trainers.. then that kind of means maybe there isn't a shortage of Jedi after all, just a shortage of those available train. So why don't we ask some of the veteran roleplayers (who have been around since close to the beginning of the boards like maybe Rama or LL or DT) to volunteer to step in and become temporary guest Jedi Master characters summoned from the depths of the galaxy or something.

I was thinking a new temporary jedi NPC (non player character) or something along those lines for whoever wants to help the Jedi out. Just long enough to help get the bulk of the new recruits trained so that the flood gates can be unplugged and more padawans could get trained and get out on the battleground or wherever.

Once things are caught up a bit and people are going up in rank in a timely fashion like the rest of us have always done on the boards, then the guest Jedi Master characters could just have some fitting departure of respect for doing a service to GJO. Just an idea..

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 31st, 2001, 04:49:06 PM
Capital idea, Dara. This is the give and take I was referring to earlier...

If Rama and other vets are willing to slap on temp Jedi robes, Aura will let herself get busted down to Padawan--I will have to rp I am joining a new order or something of that nature..Now let's see if you can get the other Rogue Knights on this board to follow in suit.

What do you say Rama? Want to shape Aura into a traditional Knight lol?

I did kinda feel guilty jumping from a TC board to the SW Forum board as a Knight. Ah well..New Year new rank.. :rolleyes

Dec 31st, 2001, 04:51:36 PM
I find ppl dont always intereact Sith/Jedi roleplays because in the back of their minds maybe they feel they are gonna get shafted somehow.

Yeah........you just come in to RP and find yourself in the middle of some massive story that has like 47 different parts and now by just simply being there 15 people are now on your back IC and OOC. It's just not fun.......I wouldn't want to get involed with something like that. Unless I was on the inside track and knew everything, I'd be in way over my head. And those details are rarely posted to where someone could find out what they are getting into ahead of time. THose kinda details are always closely guarded Secerts.

another thing is the fact that this place is turning away from "Game" and more to "Writters Club". This place was intended to be Game........not a store house for Fan fics. I don't know much about Table top RPs........but I do know you don't know who is gonna win. You don't know if you WILL kill the Orc, you just get your Magic, or your sword, or your Bow....and you role the dice and hope for the best. Thats not how this place works at all anymore......everyone involed knows who is gonna win and how it's gonna turn out before it starts. That like sitting down to play Monopoly and going " Ok you'll start strong and get both Parkplace and Boardwalk, but I'll buy all the Railroads and Electric companys and wear you down till you'll have to give up. Agreed? Ok! LET'S PLAY! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE" THat's not fun at all, why even play. Everything is all laid out nice and neat, why even bother reacting to stuff........you know how it's gonna end. What's the point?

And me a Jedi Master? Are you on drugs or something? :lol

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Dec 31st, 2001, 04:53:36 PM
Thanks Aura. Oh and I didn't mean at all to put this on someone else, so I want to clear that up just in case. I too played a Jedi in TC when the SW rooms first opened so I would volunteer myself to play an NPC Jedi to help out GJO. I'm willing to do what it takes to help out the situation as well, just let me know. :)

:lol I am not on drugs Rama! Maybe just a bit delusional at times but hey, I bet you could play a jedi again.. ;) if you wanted to, that is.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 31st, 2001, 04:56:56 PM
Lol geez....What then? Maybe I will just stay a Rogue Knight..Rama the Jedi..heh:lol

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 31st, 2001, 05:00:09 PM
Welcome Dara..

Besides with you guys as new nics, who would bloody know who you were, so your face is intact..Not lost

**looks at Rama and chucks a beer at him**..:)

..Rama cut it out lol.Its not even 12:00 yet and your're already startin.':rollin

Dec 31st, 2001, 05:00:28 PM
Hey I was a Jedi once........

Just not a Jedi Master.........I don't know enough about the Jedi to be a Jedi Master. I could pass as a knight(Cause that was what I was before I left) but not a master. I'd do it to help GJO out, but I wouldn't want it to be a long term thing. Just to help out.

Dec 31st, 2001, 05:02:04 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Knight Aura
Welcome Dara..Besides with you guys as new nics..Who would bloody know who you were..Rama cut it out lol.Its not even 12:00 yet and your're startin':rollin

but im like this all the time..........24/7. Time has no meaning to me.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 31st, 2001, 05:05:20 PM
Rama: The point behind Story RPs is to achieve a desired end. There is often a framework that leads to a conclusion the RPs parties are willing to agree to work towards. It is, however, the happenings within the framework that are the real effects. A good example of this is if you and Hobgoblin teamed up to destroy an NR base on a planet and Hob betrayed you and left you stranded. The end goal of the RP is accomplished (destroying the base) but there was something that happened that "made it personal" between Hob and Rama. That would provide the base for other RPs and interactions, like between Hob and Eve Siren or Varlon Konrad (apprentices of yours).

No, I don't have plans to do that. It's just a realistic example. And I wouldn't ask you to do it, either. I, unlike Dara and Aura, am not on drugs. :) j/k

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 31st, 2001, 05:07:52 PM

Knights can train..Remember Obi Wan Kenobi?

Cmon let's do this!!!!o_O

Dec 31st, 2001, 05:13:47 PM
I'd only do it for GJO.........that is I'd train people who were members of GJO. And i'd have to get their approval on something like this.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 31st, 2001, 05:14:06 PM
Oh, yeah. And if anyone cares, the character Pierce Tondry will soon be heading in a very Jedi direction.

We now return you to your regular broadcasting.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 31st, 2001, 05:25:53 PM
**thinks its time to give up her Rogue ways and head for the GJO for the new year..**

If I am accepted as a Padawan Im not giving up my threads here..Im a Taurus, half German and Irish, fighting is in my blood. :p

Forgot to mention English and French too--maybe that stabilizes me.:)

Dec 31st, 2001, 05:39:26 PM
I think Daras suggestion is a good one.

I also think that pre-planned rp's have a place here as much as the ones where everyone "wings" it. The good old days were when you never knew the who or the what was gonna happen. But then that also often ended in fighting and finger pointing, which is a right pi**off for everyone.

My point was more for everyone to communicate enough to know that the motives behind character actions are not bad ones. That dialogue happens enough between parties to keep the story fun and enjoyable for all players, even though in the story there may be a winner and a loser.

For example, my Base is on the verge of being overrun by Cizeracks, but I know the ppl behind these chars are not out to "destroy" Hera, but we all just want to have an interesting and unique scenario play out.
It helps alot to know that.

I also think maybe a "trial" roleplay might be good fun. For example, all the current jedi and sith and everyone just start a thread and jump in. It wont be one that "counts". It will just be like a "dry-run" for everyone to try on for size. There are enough of us in this thread here to participate and start the puppy rollin...?

Dec 31st, 2001, 05:40:17 PM
ps) Nice dance moves, Chaos ;)

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 31st, 2001, 08:16:24 PM
On a TC Jedi board they are testing newcomers to see if they are deservant of their rank, Knight or Master. Would you and others consider this trial? Many of the rpers thinking of joining and resurrecting the GJO have trained hard in other nics. It isnt like we fell into RPG. The trial would be held to test force knowledge, saber abilities, etc. to see if the applicant is ready for a rank.

At GJO, Promotion to Jedi Knoght is done by Council vote and usually, it's pretty obvious someone is ready. So, as to an established RP'er taking up a Knght character and training Padawans, I have no issue with and it is a really good idea - as long as said Padawan is not lured away. That said is my only concern and I doubt that will happen anyway.

More I think about it, the more i like it. Any other Jedi see an issue, cause I dont think I do.

I have to say, seeing Rama actively coming out in support of GJO.... aamazing and really, really, really cool.

Anyway so I dont see anyproblems with established roleplayers taking Jedi characters and helping out. Fact is, that is awesome.

FYI, I'll also place out how Jedi Masters get promoted. Firstly, senior memebers of GJO (Like Yog, Me, Figrin or Leia) watch the Knights. When we see one that is porgressing well, I might take a guise and just do a bit of poking around to see how good they really are. If they are good and ready, I will test them. Tests are never announced, it's always done in different and unexpected ways and the test will normally be done in a way to extend the Knight to the maximum. The senior members may also throw some obstacles up as well. For instance, Leia and I got Akabbrim to help us create the illusion Ogre was going to kill Leia unless Laim Jinn went to the Dark Side. Laim had a fit when he found out it was all faked, but he passed with honour and is a worthy Jedi Master. Passing this test is not easy and some do fail, tho the way we set it up, they dont know. One or two Knights have been placed twice under this test without their knowing, failing once, but passing second time.

The judges are the senior members and if they are good enough, I'll then name them to the Council and state they are ready for promotion. That's really a formatity, cause if I recommend them, they're certainly good enough.

Oh yes and if we remember, they have to answer "How feel you?"

So, there's the Master's trial. The other rule we have is that anyone trying to be political for a promotion automatically does not get tested. It's done solely on ability and commitment and is not voted on or discussed openly. The present system means some will never be Master in rank, but the Masters we have are always top class and truly worthy.

So a warning for you Knights out there.... if something odd happnes be on your guard. I might be setting you up :)

Aaron Belargic
Dec 31st, 2001, 10:20:06 PM
If the Greater Jedi Order allowed my brother and I to maintain our ranks of Jedi Knight, perhaps through a trial of some sort as Master Turbogeek explained, then I'm sure that we might consider joining the group and taking apprentices of our own.

Number 62
Dec 31st, 2001, 10:28:11 PM
My input might not matter sense this guy is just a padwan. Plus im not sure if some one said it. but it dont matter how may new recruit you get if their master dont even repely and their padwans training thread. In my opinion if your going to help the site you need to make(unless they have a reason) the master post in there padwans training thread so you get new knights ect.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 31st, 2001, 11:32:43 PM
I would volunteer to take on a Jedi Knight nic to help train padawans. But I don't know, I don't have any Jedi experience, although I'm pretty sure I could wing it ;)

And I'm all for starting a random RP to draw everybody in. Something that requires team work, and the outcome isn't certain from the start, eh?

How about....there is planet on the far reaches of space, near the edges of the Known Regions, where a huge temple of unknown defences guards an object/something for the Jedi. Something really really good....Like a holocron or something that the Sith would either want for their own designs, or just would much rather see it destroyed than in the hands of the Jedi.

Everyone could converge on this planet, the Jedi with the purpose of retrieving the object, and the Sith/Dark Jedi with the purpose of destroying it, or getting it to USE to destroy the others. Depends on what the object is.

Any one have any other thoughts? (Also, a thread in the OOC forum would have to be started for OOC planning, back talking, etc etc. ;) I find it makes things interesting with a separate thread for OOC discussion, and that is what I usually use my Study for.)

Aaron Belargic
Jan 1st, 2002, 12:03:01 AM
And I'm all for starting a random RP to draw everybody in. Something that requires team work, and the outcome isn't certain from the start, eh?I've seen these kinds of propositions made before, but they rarely do jump start any sort of change...

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 1st, 2002, 08:23:48 AM
Aaron, Im with you on your decision on taking the Knight trials. If the council feels Aura is not ready, so be it, I shall start as a Padawan. I appreciate the GJO council for offering the trials, and considering my idea. If Aura passes, if granted onto me, will take on Padawan learners.

I however, strongly urge, any outsiders volunteering their services as a trainer/Knight/Master, to have some experience in playing a Jedi. Dara and Rama both mentioned they played Jedi in the past. I feel one should'nt even consider training a Padawan unless they have had the exposure in portraying a Jedi above that title. You cant just hop into the role. Strict character separation must be adhered to, particularly when one is used to playing a darksider. It takes ample time to enact a seasoned Jedi character, requiring accumulated knowledge of the lightside. The ones whom have acquired the familiarity of this role in the past, will successfully be able to scale the 'delicate' obstacles.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 1st, 2002, 09:09:55 AM
As my brother says, I would be glad to help in the training of Padawans. I have ample time to do so, and though I may not have played a Jedi too often here before, I've been playing a Sith for over a year now so I've seen enough to know how they work ;)

Chaos Alexander
Jan 1st, 2002, 12:40:44 PM
"I was had a Jedi Knight character on the Jedi Council!!!! Anyway I like De'ville's idea, it sounds cool as hell."

Master Yurza
Jan 1st, 2002, 01:45:17 PM
I agree with De'ville also....I ahev a Jedi character and from my understanding it won't be that long until he becomes a knight so I'll be able to help the training. In fact I already have two Padawan if they don't find other masters before i become a knight.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 1st, 2002, 02:57:16 PM
I actually think I can make this so it isn't a "random" RP, as you put it Jeseth. Give me a week and I'll see what I can come up with.

And Aura, although I have never played a Jedi, I do believe I would be up to the task. However, I also am sort of busy with all my characters and my RPs, so if I am asked I will help out. If not, I won't. :p Simple! :D

And now...back to work...Ugh, whose idea was it to be open on New Years?

Aaron Belargic
Jan 1st, 2002, 03:57:16 PM
Well, Dasquian and I humbly await an opportunity to prove ourselves to the Greater Jedi Order. Aura, perhaps we shall see you there then, then? :)

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 2nd, 2002, 09:35:47 AM
No offense intended De'Ville, but playing a Jedi Knight to code isnt all that 'simple'. It takes honed experience. A trainer has to be at least a Knight. Unless the GJO is willing to allow an unorthodox approach to the training of its learners until it is at full strength, having anyone without Jedi experience train its Padawans under an assumed rank. **shrugs** Helping in other areas I am sure would be appreciated as well. You are offering creative ideas for storylines.

When things get set up Aaron. There seems to be a stalemate again.

Another idea for a storyline could maybe be a search and rescue of a captured Jedi in a Sith guarded fortess. Or perhaps have a Sith be held prisoner and stand trial for his/her atrocities. The Sith could then send a task force.

I dont know Aaron, I for one am starting to get turned off by all this. I may just remain a Rogue with no group affiliation. Just stay with my fictional clan, Noble Warriors of Light. I was awarded the rank of Knight on another board and Jedi group. I earned my title and contrary to my previous post, I rather not relinquish my rank if Aura fails to meet with the GJO standards. I may just add a new nic as a Padawan.

Aaron Belargic
Jan 2nd, 2002, 03:21:39 PM
Fett and DT seem to be two of the only GJO members here... :( And now the discussion is over it seems. :\

Morgan Evanar
Jan 2nd, 2002, 06:16:59 PM
I'm not a member of GJO?


I'm not really sure that I agree with DT or Rama on not making another group.

Maybe GJO has had its time or something. I dunno anymore. But saying "NO NEW JEDI GROUP" is rotten. Who are we to dictate what others would do?

Arya Ravenwing
Jan 2nd, 2002, 06:23:46 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
..if I am asked I will help out. If not, I won't. :p Simple! :D

I didn't mean to imply I thought training Jedi was simple. :p You misunderstood me Aura.

And I don't expect to be asked. Although I don't know why someone like me wouldn't be considered if you want high ranking Sith to take on Jedi nics as train Jedi. :rolleyes Its not like I just fell off the apple cart. Anyway I don't have time for it so its a moot point.

The idea is progessing, probably when I get back from Kentucky in four days I'll post something about it in OOC.

Nichos Marr
Jan 2nd, 2002, 06:36:52 PM
I'm here Aaron. I just choose not to say anything and read, until I have something important to say.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 2nd, 2002, 06:49:09 PM
Originally posted by Aaron Belargic
Fett and DT seem to be two of the only GJO members here... :( And now the discussion is over it seems. :\

Anbira and Jubei disagree as well, Aaron.

The way I see it anyways is that GJO has always been a federation of jedi groups. I mean, thats even the way it started, and there's always been somewhat of a fundamental split between the pacifists and the more warlike guardians, and even the less common illusionists. Under a microscope, its a microcosm environment. If there isn't a separate Jedi sect created, then there must be a more rigid caste determination in GJO, I think. More order and purpose. Perhaps creating a series of Jedi classes that a character can fall into, each with their own viewpoints, interests, etc. At the moment, GJO is more of a mob than a faction. Believe it or not, I've been a Jedi for a while. About a year and a half, actually. Was even here before there was a GJO to speak of. So maybe I'm not very vocal...but I'm there, and I'll put my 2 cents in when I can.

Jan 2nd, 2002, 11:32:51 PM

Since whatever I say here will not matter in the long run I guess I'll be short and to the point.

1) The GJO getting help is a good thing! If they want help, all they have to do is say so and they will have people who want to help them knocking down their doors, windows, even walls to help! I've got a Jedi Character myself and I can help out in posting stuff here, it's just that he can't be a member of the GJO for obvious reasons.

2) As for this place becomming a writers haven rather then a traditional RP I'd have to agree. A lot of people want to just flatout win but I'd rather have a good fight/thread/running in the streets and not care to see who wins, who has the most territory, or what character LL creates this week. There are tons of good people here who would like to get more involved but can't because they don't know the right people and that erks me to the point of no return.

P.S. It's gotten to the point I can't even post here with out making some people mad, and these people turn around to the people that listen to them and say " I Think Firebird is an Idiot and should not be taken seriously because I am God!" Then these listeners sing a Hymn and flame me for being cryptic.

Here is what I see as a problem, as non-cryptic:

1) We got a couple of people who have joined groups that are enemies to one another. How in the heck am I supposed to trust that person? :| A lot of stuff has gone down in the past year that would have been alot harder to pull off if people would chose one group and stayed with it!

2)Planets and the NR(Or lack of NR) Where is the New Republic, who is supposed to stop TGE or TSE from taking over the galaxy? I really hate to say this, but fleet RP's would be more fun if there were someone who would stand up to them. And everytime the NR shows up it is for a moment so they can say we're here, battle like one person, and then leave.

3)Planets: Attack of the Numbers!: And when the NR does get on it's feet it might as well call itself the Rebellion again. We've run out of real estate people! How many more planets might be out there? I don't know, I could create a few but then where would they fit in relation to the other planets in the SWUniverse? Could they be located in the unknown region of the Galaxy? Or are they all in clustered so tightly an astronomer might be insane to try and calculate the orbits of these planets, and the stars that they rotate around, and watch them crash into one another!

4)Rping at boards? When I first saw The GJO create their own RP forum I was skeptical that it would work and that we would ever see the Jedi from that group again. Now with TSE having one I am more afraid that TSE's members will retreat into the shadows and never return here! I'm sorry but splitting both Bar's at Both boards was a huge mistake! I can see that protecting RP's from idiots is a good idea, but since when did it become the norm to create a forum for that.... Never mind, don't answer that I told myself I wasn't going to get into anymore fights about the Arch...err Storytelling board.

So to sum it all up and keep it clear for those who might miss the point here are the four problems:
1)Too many people in opposing groups!
2)The New Republic's hiding, yet again!
3)Astronomers warn that they will have to create new constilations because new planets are being uncovered in the weirdest of places.
4)Now lets all hide and maybe the big bad Firebird will go away!

P.s.s) My Doctors tell me this is a long post and they are putting me away in a rubber room for trying to write a short post.

Number 62
Jan 2nd, 2002, 11:38:20 PM
I'm here to:D
but I put my input and no one said anything so :x
But if all the padwans that are coming in become jedi then there be at lest 6 or 7 new jedi. Might take a few months and the Master have to post in there training thread but it might be kind of better.

You know theres more bounty hunters posting on the gjo site then jedi so try and get them to join.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:40:02 AM
1) What are the obvious reasons? They aren't obvious to me (then again, I'm known for being dense at times)

2) Some people aren't happy with the direction its taken twoard writing, while others (such as myself) much prefer it. Proably the biggest complaint about the writing direction is that its much much MUCH harder to break into.

I think thats what some people are getting hung up on. I don't have a solution to that. I guess people just need to be more patentient and accepting of different styles.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:47:26 AM
I'll tell you what I miss.

It's the random fights that get silly. It just lightens the place up and those fights can get very active. I can't remeber the time I stepped unnannounced into a fight and panned someone.

Or the hecklers that would gather on the sidelines and munch popcorn.

Or a random act of stupidity. It's all nice to be serious and all, but I have to say a bit of larrakin is a good thing.

* considers Firebird's post *

Points well made actually.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:51:13 AM
Dr. Rex Cramer here, for those who don't know me, I'm the one who sedated Firebird earlier this evening. I'll repost the points in a manner that even a child understands.
1)Too many people in opposing groups!This one is very streight forward.

2)The New Republic's hiding, yet again! Another streight forward point, it goes downhill from here.

3)There are too many planets being held by too few which replacesAstronomers warn that they will have to create new constilations because new planets are being uncovered in the weirdest of places.

4)People not comming to the SWFans boards because they have their own place to RP replacesNow lets all hide and maybe the big bad Firebird will go away!

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:52:01 AM
I personally don't like the silly stuff, simply because from a ROLEplaying standpoint, its very absurd. The only person who gets away with truly silly stuff is Virgil Titus. But he is insane =]

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:03:47 AM
Bah, you never saw me in full cry against TSC ^_^

Fighting Lady Vader, who was nude to defend agaisnt a wedgy and she got panned instead. She was roleplaying a sexy Sith and I was the up and coming Jedi prankster ^_^. I wish I saved that thread.....

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:08:03 AM
*shrugs* Amusing but rather unlikely.