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Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:17:24 AM
Since the Joke is over.....

Well, I wish I would of seen that thread or I would of saved it. But it has been my experiance that people here at SWfans today want to Win everything they can get, weither it be a planet, a fight, or a thread and thats ok, but now we have basicaly bad guys with out any good guys to fight. And what happens when they start fighting back, when they start taking planets and destroying fleets and doing what the bad guys have done for a year now. How many of them will leave?

One thing I'd wish we would do is take all the planets away from everybody, divide them into two groups, give one group to the NR another to the Imperials, and have only them run the fleets.
And then we should make taking a planet a huge undertaking that affects everyone.

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:20:01 AM
Well then, I stand corrected about the members of the GJO who are present, but those who are here still are few in number, and for the most part are the only Jedi to visit SWFans.net with any frequency.

Most of what Firebird said is about right, except a few things I don't agree with: The NR and planets. There are plenty of planets out there for conquest. You don't even have to make them up:


As for the NR, well that can't be helped. The NR is ruled by secondary character, much like Imperial Intelligence HQ was, and that group more or less just faded away and only comes around every once in a purple & yellow moon to do anything. Groups like the NR need to be run by active characters. Some people can RP secondary characters adequately and others can't, and some RPers are just inactive altogether yet do not wish to relinquish their hold on a seat of power.

I'm actually in favor of what Firebird proposed, letting the galactic governments control all the planets, and only letting groups have their one designated planet. This would mean that

It causes stagnation.

I do agree that opening RP forums on those group boards is only going o hurt SWFans in the long run... This community is just going to start segregating too much. It's good to be separate, but not so separate that the interaction just stops completely.

[Edit: Firebird, what about the groups that don't conquer planets, but use them as mining stations or centers of commerce?]

Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:45:31 AM
You could show me a map that had nothing but planets on it. That won't solve the problem. So few groups have control of most of the planets it's retarded. It really doesn't matter anymore if I have five planets or he has five planets, that point is moot. There is no connectivity to anything, no sense of urgency, and no oppisition to stop the take overs. And then what happens after we have them? They sit there, and sit there, and sit there, once again no connectivity, no reason to take them back or defend them or stop the attackers from taking it.

It also makes bookkeeping a mess with who has what planet, like Yavin for example. I thought TGE had it, so when did the New Republic get it, other stuff like that. That would of made a really good role-play for everyone to do. But it got handed over kind of silently, so no one could say anything when it changed hands.

You can increase the number of planets only so much, it doesn't help that people have held on to the major planets (Coursant, Bespin, Yavin, Degobah, Hoth, Ord Mandell, planets that have been major points in the SW story) and not needed to defend them, or attack them.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:53:48 AM

A fight with no purpose, direction, rules or clarity. Come on in, the curry pies are warm

Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:07:40 AM
LOL, I'm there!
Now for the Ad campain!

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:20:32 AM
Your link is dead for me. I have no access...

Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:22:44 AM
I have access to edit his post. (since that is the link he left, one to the editing of that initial thread post) Should I? nahhhh.

Here is the link that should have been posted. :)


Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:33:37 AM
Jedi Cadet: Jedi Padawan (Cant take padawans)
DragoonAngel Tigris: Sith Padawan, no master.

sorry I didnt post befor but I didnt see the thread.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:34:49 AM
With PilotAkito Advertizing for us people will be sure to come, if they read their forums that is.

As for stagnation...

How much more stagnatent can we get around here right now? Nothing is changing in a major sense, and I don't see it changing for some time. It's been what a year that the Imperials have held Coursant and the Jedi have had their hidden base. It has been atleast a year since TSE has had an attack that has been beaten back or opposed to.... ect, ect...

As for busness intrusts, are there any we should know about. Thats kind of a tricky question to answer since one of the groups has ties to everybody. Can we even attack anyone without upsetting them?

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 08:05:52 AM
OMG I didnt know u played Arya!!! geez.....good job in the character separation field. As a matter of fact I think you did mention it once in here, I probably wasnt paying attention.:)

Sorry, I guess we both misunderstood one another. eh....

Yes, I am sure you are 'up for the task' as you put it, especially seeing how you got one over me in having no idea you played De'Ville.:) I know you trained apprentices in TSO. I was just hoping ppl with Jedi experience would help train. But who am I to say, I am new to the board.
I am sure you could 'wing' a Jedi with all of your experience, and would prove a fine training asset to the GJO if asked.

When the GJO was at its full strength, I was fighting Sith, Dark Jedi, Bounty Hunters, Storm Troopers, and Royal Guards in TC RPG rooms, loosing quite a few Jedi and Rebels in the process. If you have ever faced a Royal Guard with a double-bladed glaive, fighting a Sith is a walk in the park. **sighs at glaives**

No offense Sith ppl, but if you can feel it rl, those weapons from hell are quite nasty. >_< TC duels are very different, requiring different skills and tricks. Like a game of chess, takes alot of stragedy and visualization.

Ok, instead of talking about it, why dont we have the trials soon? Again I will go back, 'on the contrary of my word, for the last time' and kick the rank out of my sig and nic, if I screw up in the trials.

**mumbles in old Corellian and thinks she received far too many amputations by double-bladed glaives, effecting her decisions.**

Ps.s.)My Doctors tell me this is a long post and they are putting me away in a rubber room for trying to write a short post.

LOL Firebird1, good to see Sith with a sense of humor!:rollin

Btw, I play Lt Lujayne Forge. I posted a while back and had only 1 reply, and he never finished the thread, so I figured no one was up for it. It was an rp against a fictional stormtrooper raid.

There were Rebel/Imperial altercations on the ground as well in the movies. If anyone is into any ground action. I can rp an X-wing, but my knowledge of SW fleet style rps are limited. I am willing to bring her back and annoy some Imps. :) Why dont we just simply make an enjoyable classic old NR thread with Rogue Squadron against some TIEs? We can even get Isard in on it, if she likes, and add some spy intrigue, as she was well known for brain washing Rebel pilots. Ppl from the other groups could get a secondary character and rp storm troopers/ TIE figher pilots, Royal Guards, etc..


We could have one bing shabang and incorperate all the groups and try to get a NR group started. I am just tossing suggestions.

Arya??? You back at Kentucky yet, lol? Would you consider playing a Rebel pilot? You play a smuggler, very close. :) I am sure many Jedi would enjoy playing an X-wing pilot.. Any takers?

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:04:38 AM
I guess I will disagree here on the trials thing as I think it will diminish the ranks of those who have earned it over time... I realize that the jedi situation is serious but I just think the temporary jedi knights or masters can get the influx of new people applying at GJO trained and then the organization can take care of itself.. it's just how I feel about things, that's all. I would rather see that tried first before the walk in and get your instant rank method. *shrugs* :\

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:52:51 AM
As I mentioned in another post about that Dara, true, you do have a valid point. I realize TSE, as well as other groups, go through a series of ranks, taking a while to step up the ladder. It is only fair that other groups follow in suit.

Hm.. On the other hand, many wont join if reinstated as a Padawan in the GJO. Pertaining to the lack of trainers and all, I see both sides offer good debates. I did earn my rank, but I guess other groups dont count in the rank situation of the GJO as well as TSE.

**thinks again scratching at her stitches from the glaive wound**

Dara how would you feel about this option? If Aura fails in the trials, I will stay by my word, change my nic and sig wording **sighs** to plain Aura Sunrider and finish my Knight threads. They can just be her future.

If I pass, I remain a Knight on this board, but on the GJO board, I train as a Padawan to my current SW Forum rank, and wont train others unless on this board. Maybe the other Jedi would agree to this as well. Its a fair compromise I feel. This way they we can keep our titles on the SW Forum board and threads and rise in rank like everyone else has on the GJO board. :\ What you think?

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:26:53 PM
Well I do thank you for your thoughtfulness in asking my opinion Aura, but I am just one of many here on the boards and I may be in the minority in opposing the trial method. I don't know at this point. I do see that you are trying to reach a compromise and all, but I don't think dual ranks would help either. I think it would just confuse things.

The only place I know that we have done different ranks for the same character would be in two roleplay settings which do not interact, i.e. The old Gungan board versus this one. Some are Lords and Masters on that system while here they are Warriors and Knights.

In my opinion, we need to get more people trained so they can train others. I have had apprentices move through ranks quickly if they were proficient so why can't those who do well go through the same process instead of the instant trial earning thing which I don't know.. I just still don't like, lol, sorry.

I remember when someone else wanted to come in and just be a Sith Master on the old SWFans board. It caused a huge discussion and if I remember right, the majority who spoke up against instant rank of any kind talked about the process of character development on a board by an established SWFans active group where it can be documented as like a character history.

To me, it's not a matter of who can play the part or not. There are lots of awesome roleplayers around who could have done that instantly already but instead have started at the bottom and gone through the character development on established SWFans rpg boards because that's kind of how it works here. I'm probably rambling a bit at this point but I hope you understand my points a little better in all this.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:28:19 PM
I'm glad someone got the joke! I try to be funny, really I do! :D

Going through Trials is up to the people involved with that person and what rank they want. Although I don't see a reason for it for ranks such as Jedi Knights or Sith Knights I see it being something that has to happen for some one to pick up the Jedi/Sith Master Rank. It's more of a tradition thing then a requirement. I thought that the Jedi did something similar to TSE in reguards to their Jedi Knights, meaning after a number of fights with the Bad Guys they would be promoted. But in reality if someone wants to go through their trials for the rank they can do that too.

As for seeing Rogue Squadron in action again, I'd love to see that happen, heck I've got Jedi Neo with a Headhunter now that might be able to help them out. The reason I suggested to take the fleets down to basicaly two sgroups and to make it harder fo people to take planets is that right now the Fleet RP system (not just the rules) is way too big and way to complex for anyone to run for long periods of time without getting into an argument or having people give up. Even if it means we have to reduce the number of planets that people can take away from one another through a sector type deal (Like has been disscussed before).

Think of this idea like this. Say we reduce the number of planets that can be conquered to 20. We give ten each to the New Republic and The Imperials. Then in order to take over a sector of space they would have to take one planet. But they can only take one planet at a time, meanwhile the defenders can't attack unless they defeat the attackers. After about three months of this the side with the most planets will control Coursacant. This means that both sides will have to fight for control of Coursacant, possibily with a battle there every three months. This also means that both sides will have to use the Jedi and Sith to tip the scales of the battle, either on ground, in space, or anywhere else that they would be needed, and ofcourse you really couldn't go into battle without them because your enemy would most defentily use them to their advantage.

Look in the RP as Firebird I'm evil, out for blood, and constantly wrapped up in plans but in OOC forums like this I try to play the lovable stooge who comes up with ideas that (I think accutaly) people usually ignore, weither because I somehow start up flame wars or I start up or the ammount of people who don't care anymore. I'd just like to see a change that would help people enter the RP more often and help their respective sides win.

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:19:43 PM
Well, I agree with Dara, but if more of the current Jedi don't start to train others and fast, there's not going to be a lot of other viable solutions. Planets and IC politics are really the least of this boards worries for the time, and that would be a discussion more suited to one of the threads that Tondry started for Fleet rule discussions, right?:

Problems identified:

1. Not enough people coming to SWFans - especially Jedi. Many are just sticking to their own group boards and not venturing out.

2. People have problems/issues with other people (either from other groups or even within the same group)
(a) Refusing to work with each other or anyone else involved with them.
(b) IC and OOC are getting mixed up together.

3. Promotions based only on time served and not on ability or current activity with the roleplaying.
(a) Lack of masters available to train new roleplayers.
(b) Groups are being run by people who are out of touch with the goings-on in the roleplaying.

4. Lack of new ideas to keep the roleplaying interesting.
(a) OOC Communication is not effective or sometimes even present between opposing factions.

5. Too many factions are allied - not enough enemies.

6. Too many with "I must win" attitudes.

7. Roleplayers not roleplaying their characters 'properly' - Jedi not roleplaying good guys adequately, and Sith not roleplaying bad guys adequately.

Solutions proposed:

1. Try and get the groups more tied in with SWFans.
(a) Have a big monthly event where everyone comes along and takes part.
(b) Make participation on SWFans part of the training process for new apprentices (i.e.: they tag along with their masters in roleplays etc).

2. Talk to other players and discuss plans.
(a) Use AIM, MSN, ICQ, this forum etc.
(b) Jedi would probably react favorably to this.

3. Setup a new Jedi group to give the 'good guys' some beefing up in numbers.
(a) Have it hosted here via an official group thread on SWFans instead on a private group board.
(b) Make sure it is somehow differentiated from present Jedi group to avoid repetition and encourage diversity - this would probably help membership.

4. People should accept and roleplay losses more often.

5. Hold an IC meeting of all active Jedi and make a decision based on the results.


6. Establish a system by which new Jedi can enter a trial to earn higher ranks.
(a) Invite experienced roleplayers to RP high ranking Jedi who are capable of training or contributing to the Jedi cause.

7. Remove ownership of planets from all groups except major governments and commerce factions (i.e.: The Galactic Empire, The New Republic, The Cizerack Pride, and TriOptimum).
(a) Bring this up in the next Fleet oriented discussion.

8. Have groups volunteer to shut down their roleplaying forums.


Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:25:20 PM
7. Remove ownership of planets from all groups except major governments and commerce factions (i.e.: The Galactic Empire, The New Republic, The Cizerack Pride, and TriOptimum). Shouldn't the specifics of this be discussed more before it is moved into being a possible solution?

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:32:52 PM
Well, the list said "Solutions proposed," so it seemed as if the way we were doing things was to list the options people bring up and then have a reference for discussing them. I added a note on the bottom to indicate that it would nee dto be discussed further. Is that ok? I can remove it if you'd like.

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:34:11 PM
Ok, I didnt know the board history. Grrrrrr...I sense through the force my honor is going to get me bumped to a Padawan....

**sees Dara is proficient at pushing her honor buttons. :)

**rings up Ogre for a nic alteration**

Im not doing anything yet till my threads are finished. To update you Dara, it has grown quite complicated. Chaos tends to take Aura prisoner to TSE. Seems I had best escape him. :) Wouldnt want a self proclaimed Knight incarcerated in TSE. An immediate means for execution no doubt. ;) Im still locking horns with 3 other Sith of TSE; Vega, Varlorn, and now Yurza. I managed to attract trouble in Rama's corner. **sighs**

If what you said is true about facing the bad guys, Firebird1, I should be a Master for lasting.;)

As for your fleet rpg..How would I get a Rogue pilot in there? Take on an SSD all by my lonesome lol? Lt Forge is too young to paint pretty pictures in space with her obliterated X-wing. :p

Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:35:24 PM
Originally posted by Aaron Belargic
(i.e.: The Galactic Empire, The New Republic, The Cizerack Pride, and TriOptimum). I was just curious about these specifics. They had not been mentioned in the thread until you inserted them.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:38:40 PM
Just a quick opinion. If the Jedi are going to do that rank trial thing, the Sith should too. Bit unfair if you let an experienced Jedi fly up the ranks, while an experienced Sith is stuck down at Padawan.

Also, IMO, you shouldnt be able to start at Master. To me, Master isnt a rank in the same as Padawan or Knight. For example, I feel from what Ive seen that to be a Master, you must have fully trained someone to Knight. Youd have to skip that, which is a bit unfair for people who hae put the effort in

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:44:09 PM
Originally posted by Firebird1
One thing I'd wish we would do is take all the planets away from everybody, divide them into two groups, give one group to the NR another to the Imperials, and have only them run the fleets.
Originally posted by Aaron Belargic
[Edit: Firebird, what about the groups that don't conquer planets, but use them as mining stations or centers of commerce?]

That last part of including The Cizerack pride and TriOptimum/The Vagrant Order was my idea, since removing their right to own planets/fleets effectively kills their original purpose within the RP.

I also said "in example," since those are examples only. :)

Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:45:15 PM
Still doesn't contain the specific group names you mentioned in the proposed solution. :p

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:50:01 PM
LOL ok I surrender!! No bloody trials for Aura!! I will contact Ogre and have my sig and nic rearranged. As for my Sith entourage in the threads, seems I am backed into a wall facing an untimely firing squad. eh..I will figure something out.O_o

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:59:49 PM

I'd like to note the entire firing squad is composed of people who almost strickly play Sith.

I personally would not mind Aurora having a trial to become Jedi Knight so that she could train other philosophically like-minded Jedi. She has a very different approach and perhaps some competition would spur those who have gotten lazy in the GJO on.

Does TSO hurt TSE? No.

Would another Jedi group hurt GJO? We don't really know, but probably not.

I think we should be able to do this because we need a little competition, and whether GJO falls or not is up to its members.

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:08:47 PM
Thank you, Morgan. I really appreciate the compliment and idea, but it wouldnt be fair to single me out. I will rp as a Padawan soon. Now who wants to train this head strong Knight er.. Padawan lol?

**surrenders to the Sith firing squad**


Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:17:08 PM
Well, I agree with Morgan, Aura. If you demote yourself to Padawan, you're not going to really get anywhere for a long time. There are rarely any Jedi out there who consistantly train their Padawans, and you'll just be lost in the system for a few months. I am going to keep my rank unless the GJO gives me a trial and I fail it. :\

Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:28:10 PM
I myself like the idea of a new Jedi group establishing themselves here on the SWFans.Net forums, be it within open RP topics or closed ones in the ST forum. I think the idea deserves a little more encouraging and praise. I for one agree with Morgan that there can be another Jedi group without hurting GJO as a possibility, and given time maybe the group can become part of the agglomeration that GJO started as, yet still be a separate entity.

Change has to be accepted and worked with. We can all wax on about "how things used to be" but that really gets us nowhere, just as I in RL can wax on about how things were when I was a teenager but can never really go back to being one. The past is the past and the here and now includes change that must be dealt with, not shoved aside to go back to the past.

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:37:31 PM
I have an idea... Does someone want to start a seperate thread as a roster to see who would join this new group? It wouldn't be a discussion, only a list. Everyone can post under the name they'd be joining as. If the group were to be decentralized, then it doesn't really matter who is in it, there isn't going to be any power grabbing. Everything we do could just be done right here as Ogre said.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:03:28 PM
While in the past have called into question and said would ignore any TC person who came in claiming to be a Master or some nonsense the fact Aura is willing to start out as a padawan, has engaged in actual RPs and has even spoken here when few Jedi have and due to the state of the Jedi at this time dont think it would do any serious RP harm to let her start off as a Knight, especially if someone like DT wants to give her a test so she can prover herself.

Not too often would like the idea, but currently if it helps to boost the jedi up am for it.

As for the second Jedi group, the Jedi are never the most popular group to begin with RP wise, many enjoying being the bad guys, be it Sith, Dark Jedi and/or Imps, toss in random BH's, mercs etc. To make a second group would severely deplete potential recurits for both Jedi groups. Its like having one store open on a block that barely succeeds with the people it has, someone sees that store is there and opens another thinking it can succeed or do better. There is not enough people to go around for both stores and both worsen and collapse over time.

The solution to the Jedi problem is at GJO, making another group with Sith or DJ people making up the new group isn't much of a solution at all. At most it makes a select group of people in charge of yet another group. Wow. That really solves the problem. *sarcasim* Certainly not a permanent solution nor a driving force to encourage the Jedi at GJO to really get into gear.

Originally posted by Aaron Belargic
(i.e.: The Galactic Empire, The New Republic, The Cizerack Pride, and TriOptimum).

I was just curious about these specifics. They had not been mentioned in the thread until you inserted them.

Oddly enough I question why those select groups were choosen, in fact calling TriOptimum a major anything is definitely stretching it, even the Ciz is a part time group at most although definitely not aganst them retaining their fleets or the like due to being rather fair in how they go about businness.

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:08:43 PM
Well now we are getting somewhere. I agree with Ogre and Aaron as well.

We may get the same feed back about another Jedi group causing the GJO to falter.

Yes Aaron, it does take a long time to go through the rank from Padawan to Knight, 'unless' there are consistent trainers.

I for one, am going to go about this the traditional way like the others have, and start as a Padawan. As Dara mentioned, time is not an issue in obtaining rank.

Yes there are other dark groups, so why shouldnt another Jedi group be allowed to progress on the SW Forum board. There can be training right here. TSO remains uninhibited by the presence of TSE. It is up to the dedictated members of the GJO to maintain its strength. Sure it needs help and many here were offering, but nothing is getting done.

I am telling you one thing though, the same debate is going to start up again about reviving the old group rather than starting a new one. Until this is all ironed out, I will remain a Knight. At least I am willing to start from scratch.

Seeing Jedah's post he is right, in a way. There arent many Jedi recruits to go around, and starting another group will only compromise the rosters of both groups.

As for allowing me to keep my rank if I pass the trials, if no one objects to the idea, then I will keep it. I just get alot of feedback where ppl say thay start at the bottom, so everyone should as well. I agree with this out of all fairness. I however, did start out on another board and group.

Jedah, I think being a lightsider is funner lol. Thrill of the chase, sorta speak. I was never one to start a fight like a darksider, but I am always happy to oblige in counters.;)

Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:10:35 PM
I did not support the creation of another Jedi group as a solution to GJO’s problems at all. I think it a way to create a more creative and fun atmosphere here for the plethora of darksiders that run rampant with little or no opposition.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:13:48 PM
Would another Jedi group hurt GJO? We don't really know, but probably not.

I think we should be able to do this because we need a little competition, and whether GJO falls or not is up to its members.

I would think I know GJO better than anyone and I could answer this question with a high expectation of being right. Starting a new Jedi group would finish off GJO's presence here and I think will kill it in the long run.

When I get to work, I'll expland more on this and a few reason. I'll also give and few ideas that may prove helpful with the Jedi, which go back to the original philosopy of GJO.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:17:03 PM
GJO has a RP presence here? I have seen very little sign of that over the course of the last six to eight months.

A few individuals of the group yes, but as a group my opinion is they don't

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:17:26 PM
Oddly enough I question why those select groups were choosen, in fact calling TriOptimum a major anything is definitely stretching it, even the Ciz is a part time group at most although definitely not aganst them retaining their fleets or the like due to being rather fair in how they go about businness.They were examples of groups that are either governments or businesses, and the ones that came to my mind first. :)

Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:24:30 PM
GJO has a RP presence here? I have seen very little sign of that over the course of the last six to eight months

Please try to be constructive, you really do lose the care to post when you have admins digging at you

Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:25:36 PM
I apologize for my bluntness.

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:27:05 PM
ReaperFett, most groups here do get a bit of flak from the admins now and again, they don't stop posting though, or refuse to. They just move on. The GJO has stopped coming here and posting as a group for the last few months and there was no real reason for it that I can clearly see...

Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:36:16 PM
Originally posted by Jedi Knight Aura
Yes Aaron, it does take a long time to go through the rank from Padawan to Knight, 'unless' there are consistent trainers.
Looking over this thread and what is happening to Aura and her position as a Jedi Knight has raised another question in my mind. I may have missed some RPs on other boards I frequent less, but I am curious how it is that Marcus Q’Dunn is a Jedi Master. I know the name hasn’t hardly been RP’d here at SWFans at all.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:39:50 PM
I did not support the creation of another Jedi group as a solution to GJO’s problems at all.

I didnt mean to say you did so no worries there:)

I think it a way to create a more creative and fun atmosphere here for the plethora of darksiders that run rampant with little or no opposition.

Said it for a long time, we do need more Jedi, very much so. But do worry a new Jedi group isn't the exact answer. As it is wouldnt mind seeing more Jedi however dont believe a second Jedi job composed of people mainly under more alts to pick up any slack is exactly much of answer at all especially if those people dont have time to really contribute to their jedi characters.(IMO)

Sure it needs help and many here were offering. But nothing is getting done.

Boardwise most things take time, its a painful truth. Finally some talk is actually happening so something might actually get done or the Jedi might iron out their problems. If they are or not I dont know, dont see what goes on in the Jedi forums. However just saying nothing is being done and making a new group so quickly is pushing it a tad isnt it?

TSO remains uninhibited by the presence of TSE.

Comparing the number of recruits Sith groups get and Jedi groups get is two vastly different things. People like being the bad guys and tend to flock to them more. Being a Jedi requires a different mind set and tends to get fewer people joining up due to it being a more demanding role to play or at least is the common perception. TSE as it is gets so many new people asking to join its often almost absurd, TSO on the other hand gets far fewer.

Making a second Jedi group would just dilute the recruitment pool even more than it is and cause a huge problem for GJO and limit those that join any new Jedi group unless its basically just secondary based characters.

Aaron Belargic
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:41:38 PM
Marcus Q'Dunn is DT's real name. :)

Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:44:01 PM
I knew that, but last I knew DT was a corpse and then an evil clone. :p

EDIT: As I said earlier, I probably just missed something somewhere. I’m not bashing anyone, just curious.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:53:16 PM
I knew that, but last I knew DT was a corpse and then an evil clone.

I've yet to see a good clone:)

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:04:59 PM
On a lighter note, if this were a reality, TSE would have wiped us Jedi all out by now lol, and we wouldnt be having this discussion as the others and I would be one with the force.:)

They are huge! I have seen their Apprentice roster list, geez....

**Aura thinks of persuading some apprentices to the lightside** j/k? ah, maybe :)

Im pretty neutral on all this, I have seen sound debates stemming from both sides. Whatever is decided is fine with me.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:15:45 PM
On a lighter note, if this were a reality, TSE would have wiped us Jedi all out by now lol, and we wouldnt be having this discussion as I and the others would be one with the force.

Ironic enough we could have done that some time ago but due to the state of the Jedi and no one wanting to be responsible for potentially the destruction of an actual group and cause some grief an attack was scratched. It was simply feared too much of a large scale attack would result in us being the winners IC and ultimately losers OOC wise.

IC we want them kissing our boots and then dead.

OOC hope the Jedi make a come back because without them, the RP isnt as fun and may die out if there are no good doers to keep things going.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:19:24 PM
I've yet to see a good clone


Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:20:53 PM
**declines to kiss boots and blows a kiss instead and leaves for the night** :)

Jedah Lynch
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:26:17 PM
I've yet to see a good clone



I stand corrected

**declines to kiss boots and blows a kiss instead and leaves for the night**

The last female Jedi who did that I killed:)

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:48:57 PM
Errrrr........ yeah, you could say you missed a few things.

How do you explain three years of sliegh of hand and trickery and character illusions? Even when I think about it, it's all mindbending :x :x


That's the short summary. The long summary and the stepping out of the closet is Sick Cycle Carosel.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 05:05:10 PM
Thanks for giving me a clue. :x Sorry.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 3rd, 2002, 05:19:37 PM
Originally posted by Firebird1
or what character LL creates this week.

Kiss my grits.

Oh, and if anybody pulls the plug out of the Ciz, I will jam a hedge-trimmer up their rectal orifice at an obtuse angle.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 07:13:31 PM
I think that settles any planetary redistrubtion ideas that may or may not be introduced into the thread.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:08:44 PM
First off, I was trying to be funny LL so please take a joke!

Second, who said anything about getting rid of the busnesses. I just said there was a bookkeeping problem with them having treaties all over the place! If the Imperials or New Republic want to donate a planet and invest in any of those groups fine with me.
In reality I'm talking about drasticaly changing the way fleets are done and the way planets are handled. I'm sorry if that does not please someone to the point that they have to quote me!


This way no one has to read what I type for themselves!

Listen people, I believe in KISS which means Keep It Simple Stupid! It's really a very good consept that could work wonders in this situation. That means keeping the one Jedi Group and possibaly making one Sith Group. That also means making one NR group and one Imperial group. That means Slicing the number of planets down to a managable level, changing the bookkeeping to make it simpiler, and keeping those with busnesses held accountable for their deals.

As for a new Jedi group, I believe that it would not solve the problem. From what I read here they just need trainers, they have everything else they need there.

Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:23:15 PM
Dr. Rex Kramer here... Don't worry I'll be checking Firebird's eyes tomarrow!

Morgan Evanar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:30:45 PM
I'm now appointing myself cheif of the antitrust watch. This is monopolistic behavior and I simply won't stand for it.

I'm calling for TSE and GJO to be split.

Joking. But really, cmon.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 4th, 2002, 12:13:14 AM
Firebird: I'm having trouble following you.

If you could list your points, I and others would probably apreciate it.

I'm really farkin confused.

Jan 4th, 2002, 12:42:50 AM
Dr. Rex Kramer here, I'll try and break this down, but bear with me.

Originally posted by Firebird1
First off, I was trying to be funny LL so please take a joke!

That is an appology to LL if he was offended in any way.

Second, who said anything about getting rid of the busnesses. I just said there was a bookkeeping problem with them having treaties all over the place! If the Imperials or New Republic want to donate a planet and invest in any of those groups fine with me.
In reality I'm talking about drasticaly changing the way fleets are done and the way planets are handled.
This states that there can be busnesses, it's just that they need to be watched by both sides. Look a busness means someone is trying to make money basicaly, wouldn't it be profitable to sell a ship design, a weapon, or anything legal.

I'm sorry if that does not please someone to the point that they have to quote me!

This way no one has to read what I type for themselves!

I guess here Firebird went nuts, so I had to sedate him

Listen people, I believe in KISS which means Keep It Simple Stupid! It's really a very good consept that could work wonders in this situation. That means keeping the one Jedi Group and possibaly making one Sith Group. That also means making one NR group and one Imperial group. That means Slicing the number of planets down to a managable level, changing the bookkeeping to make it simpiler, and keeping those with busnesses held accountable for their deals.
Listen would you rather eat at a Fast Food restraunt where they had some complex rules of behavor, where you had to sing a song, do a dance, or jump through hoops to just to get to the counter. I know I wouldn't, so why the heck do we need to have such a complex arrangment of groups, fleet rules, planets, ect?

As for a new Jedi group, I believe that it would not solve the problem. From what I read here they just need trainers, they have everything else they need there.
This is where Firebird says he does not think that a new Jedi group would help anyone out in the long run.

Now I've sedated Firebird so lets hope that he doesn't see this post.

Gon Du Val
Jan 4th, 2002, 12:56:51 AM
Alright I have read this and I do agree with the people having to start at the bottom and working their way up.

I only say this because I at TC was a Jedi Knight almost Jedi Master as Gon. And I was a Sith Master as Athena Lady Darknss.

I followed A LOT of TC people here to the boards and I know Aura is a TC person who Athena knows all to well....

But other people from TC that had to start all over again were....

General Scorpion :cool
Lady Razielle
Dalethria >D
Darth HERA :cool
DarthEve :crack
Jedi Obi_Rhon/Lady Vader Rhon/Dara Shadowtide :smokin
Jace Darklighter/Kendrick Lynch :rollin
Admiral Jyener
Lady Callista
DarkLadyJade :rolleyes ( you know I still love you!)
DarkLordMaim ;)

Each person had to start over and you didnt see me fighting to stay my rank of Sith Master or Jedi Knight... Aura it is only fair to take the fall upon which I saw you said you would at one point of this thread...

Morgan Evanar
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:05:08 AM
So all of you are willing to shoot someone down who has the needed experince in a supposedly absolutely dire situation.


You can't have your soup and eat it too.

Is the situation as dire as everyone is claiming and we really do need people absolutely desperately...


Is this perhaps an alarmist farce and things aren't as bad as they are being blown out of porportion, like every other minor indcident here.

GJO has problems, and many of us are trying to get them fixed right now.

But if we are as lacking with personell as you say, having Aura around would be really apreciated on our end.

So which one is it?

Jan 4th, 2002, 01:10:56 AM
In the end it is GJO's decision weither or not she gains that rank. Nothing I or anyone else can say on this matter can solve that.
If the GJO wants her to be a Knight or a Master so be it. It is up to them, not any of us here.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:13:43 AM
Thank you. Then all of you who aren't in GJO please do not adress the matter further.

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:13:44 AM
This was posted not seeing the other prior posts and would not have appeared had I seen them.

Jan 4th, 2002, 01:20:26 AM
Dara, please stop.
This is an issue that should be debated by the GJO not the rest of us.

There are other things we can do to make this board competlive and fun.

Gon Du Val
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:21:47 AM
Hey I happen to Be GJO Im padawan Gon Du Val My Master is warren azalin..........

So its my place to say things.... I didnt think I could start out at Knight although my time in TC has said I can handle Knight... I knew from others that the bottom is where you start when you are in a new area...

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:23:04 AM

The question of Aura will only get referred to me anyway in the end, thence.... Aura, could you please either PM me or contact me on AIM of Darth Turbogeek please?

Jan 4th, 2002, 01:57:48 AM

First Ogre now Dara, who am I going to apparently stamp out next. This is an OOC Forum kids. It means we can say alot of things we could not say in the RP forum. You think right now I care if People tell me that my ideas are stupid, against the norm, won't work, or that I'm wrong. Heck No! And then you delete them, saying that they were not constructive I wonder WTH is going on here!

And if you think that telling me on AIM that I should edit out my post and then you go ahead and do it yourself is the right thing to do, then your wrong as well. It doesn't matter if it's me, or anyone else from TSE telling you to stop, you don't need to go that far!

Just about everyone I have talked to on AIM for awhile has said that their opinions mean squat, then I see this happen. I still don't know what Ogre and Dara are thinking, but I know they did not have to go that far. They are as entitled to their opinions as everyone else here. They did not have to go that far.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 4th, 2002, 02:48:34 AM
I was goign to add some thoughts when I got to work, wasn't I?

Errr..... now what was I going to say.....

Oh yes! A few ideas.


1) Would a new Jedi order work?

I dont think so and this is why I think so. Who would run it? Would it be just a play thing? Would the leaders get bored and put it aside after a while?

Starting a new group is not something to be done on a whim or to fix a problem, that doesnt work and well I know that. Looka t the successful groups that have lasted. Only two (TSE and TSO) grew out of group problems and if anything, prospered, altho you dont see TSO here much now - plus, TSC had a habit of exploding. GJO has only really had one slplit and that fell over fairly quick, but it was damaging. New groups that have prospoered generally do so cause they fill a gap and are not really in competition with one of the major groups. TBH, TSE and TSO are not competing against each other, each serves a purpose.

GJO on the other hand was formed out of three Jedi Councils merging and it serves a wider base. Almost by default, a new Council would be in competiotn and as I know, groups in competition dont last. One has to survive,t he other will die, due to factors like lack of interest, members, etc. Would a new Jedi group work? No, cause GJO fulfills a purpose and is more than good enough, if someone gets the collective boot into them and gets GJO awake. There are no problems here a more active GJO could not fix.

Next, a new Jedi group would lack one critcal factor. Names. Big names attract players. GJO has got some of the biggest names if they bother to use them. Any new group would pale in the future simply because they lack a Marcus, Yog, Figrin, Morgan, Leia...Get a name like one of those and I might believe it could live for a while. Believe me, reputations also make a group.

The training problem is can be fixed. The solution is already here with the volunteers. And then we could get serious about adertising again. we already have the things a group needs to survive, we just need to use them. I think concentrating on a GJO fix is a far better and much more long term option than anything else.


If you want to run a Jedi outside of GJO struture, Marcus Q'Dunn is a good person to see IC first. I've got an idea running around the back of my head that may be useful, but I'll chat to some other Jedi first before saying more for now. Has to do with the methids of testing Padawans to Knights and Knights to become Masters that might be interesting

Jan 4th, 2002, 03:33:21 AM
Dr Rex Kramer here, I have put Firebird out for the night, so from now on in this thread I present to you.... Jedi Neo.

Jedi Neo
Jan 4th, 2002, 03:35:10 AM

Aaron Belargic
Jan 4th, 2002, 04:40:07 AM
Well, as I said, all you need to do is start a thread in which we could have a sort of trial or meeting and I will show up and lend my talents to the GJO. My brother would be quite willing to as well. :)

Jan 4th, 2002, 05:28:35 AM
Does TSO hurt TSE? No.

No because they orgin is very differnt then this. TSO was created to inject new life into the sith......or to be more active RPers like this is being propsed for the Jedi.

It's history lesson time.......

Way back in the Before times.....there were just Sith and Jedi, no other groups roamed these halls. But their was a kind of split.......you'd have to ask DT about this, I don't know the details. Anyways some people went to Courscant City........some Stayted here.....and with that came a split in both Jedi and Sith Groups. The Jedi at Courscant City became the GJO, the Sith at Courscant City became TSC. Back at Swfans the Jedi and Sith Remained Nameless for a long time. Till the Sith took on the name of The Sith Empire. The jedi to my knowledge never took a name. Anyways.....Basicly the CC.Net people came back. GJO and SWFANS Jedi became one group. TSE and TSC didn't.........almost did, but it never happened. TSE and TSC were at odds for a long long time. But Itala's "I have to rule everything" attitude kinda lost him supporters. Soon a lot of TSC members broke away and Formed TSO. TSC disappeared, and Itala Made TMC. Anyways.....TSO was never meant to serve the purpose that a new Jedi group is meant to serve here. So it's very different.

Oh and if you guys do want me to play a Jedi and Train......just say so. I'd be gald to do it. I think I can bring that old Jedi back up to the top.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 4th, 2002, 06:42:32 AM
Aaron - your on. If I dont start that thread tomorrow, please go ahead and start it yourself. Actually, it would make sense for you to start and search out one of the Masters of GJO. Your call.

Rama - (oooh boy, I never thought I'd say this .... ) Absolutly, I'll accept that offer. But I think the GJO Council needs to say yes as well and not just me. Actually, give me a hoy when you next see me online to discuss

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 4th, 2002, 08:24:42 AM
The last female Jedi who did that I killed:)

Your opportunity and female Jedi awaits you at Rama's, Jedah.:)

I followed A LOT of TC people here to the boards and I know Aura is a TC person who Athena knows all to well....

It would seem I let the Jedi cat out of the bag. Apparently my rp style has given me away. O_o

I stated I was willing to start as a Padawan. I have ppl saying I would benefit the GJO as a trainer, and should maintain my rank. I also mentioned if ppl objected to the idea, I will resume my rank of Padawan. I see we have objections. I feel like I am stuck in 'no man's land' on a WW1 battle field.>_<

Darth Turbogeek, my cover has obviously been blown, and my TC nic has been discovered, unless Athena didnt tell anyone. I dont care if she did, but I had honor in the nics I played in TC, and wouldnt want other TC veterans to loose their respect in me as a rper. I am going to sign up soon for the GJO, because frankly, I am getting battle fatigue. **sighs**

I also agree with the numerous issues brought up in here. Another group would do more harm than good for the GJO. I am a veteran of RPG so am doing this to stand by a 'veteran' group. I intend to regain my rank with increased velocity, so I hope I get a trainer who will be able to see me to Knight's status in break necks speed. I also am not familiar with the way the GJO trains its Padawans. This way, I can learn their style.

Morgan, Ogre, Aaron and others, I appreciate your input on my behalf. The fact is, I was in the Legion in TC, and cant go against former Legion ppl whom no doubt, know me by now. It is only fair to to climb up in ranks like the rest. I made my decision on this. Please, no more debating on my behalf.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 4th, 2002, 10:11:46 AM
Your opportunity and female Jedi awaits you at Rama's, Jedah.

Posted. A bit late but posted.

It would seem I let the Jedi cat out of the bag. Apparently my rp style has given me away.

Posting styles are very hard to overcome, although its been done at times....

I feel like I am stuck in 'no man's land' on a WW1 battle field.

The issues of rank is always a heavy debated one that has existed long before you came here. Many others have faced such things and fared much worse due to their demanding attitudes. You've actually fared far better better than them and at least show you are willing to work with the system. Thats a good start.

Overall there have been two types of TC people that came to Swfans. Those who were coceited and tried to force their rank and ways on the peopl here making many to dislike them until those TC people left and those who worked with the people here deciding to have fun Rping and usually making a good name for themself. Necessary to say its easy to see which ones failed and which ones succeeded.

Anyways good luck.

Your off to a good start.

Jan 4th, 2002, 12:30:04 PM
I find this rather odd. Aura is being relegated to be a Jedi Padawan while Rama, who hasn’t been a Jedi for over two years is being granted a position that makes absolutely zero in character sense. Aura has done a better job of playing a new Jedi here than anyone I have seen besides Jubei in over a year, yet she is being stepped on and pushed aside because a veteran wants to do it instead. I myself don’t see that as displaying a want to help new people or GJO, I see that as a way for the veterans to congratulate and pat each other on the back while alienating the new people and current members who work hard to try and get what they have coming.

Jan 4th, 2002, 12:42:13 PM
This is an issue that should be debated by the GJO not the rest of us.

Thank you. Then all of you who aren't in GJO please do not adress the matter further.

Nothing is set in stone yet with either

Jan 4th, 2002, 02:18:33 PM
Dr. Rex Kramer here: Is the argument over yet?

OOC: Gost I feel the need to register a Jerry Springer account!

TSO Naval Officer
Jan 4th, 2002, 03:27:52 PM
Fire...no offense taken at all :) I knew it was a joke.

The Ciz statement is serious though :wings

As for Aura, I intend to discuss the matter within GJO and arrive at a positive conclusion.

(This is LL, obviously)

Jan 4th, 2002, 03:52:56 PM
Here is Aura’s IC resume, which is all dated within the last 30 days and all of which still actively happening in open threads in the RP forum:


Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 4th, 2002, 04:18:46 PM
**dodges mortar fire in 'no man's land' again as she jumps into the trenches.** :)

Ty Ogre for the compliment you gave me.:)

I dont mind starting as a Padawan. Everyone else progressed from the bottom, I should as well. I think Rama only planned to be a temporary trainer in the Knight nic. Dunno.o_O

Lord DarkStar
Jan 4th, 2002, 04:59:51 PM
TSC disappeared, and Itala Made TMC

Which me and Vis almost destroyed before Itala got thrown off SWfans and took what was left of his group with him :D

Darth Vader
Jan 4th, 2002, 05:31:51 PM
YOU and Vis?


Also, since Aura has referrals who can vouch for her RP history, I see no reason why she shouldn't be considered a Knight.

Lord DarkStar
Jan 4th, 2002, 05:55:47 PM
yes ME and vis, i'd show you the thread...but it appears to have disappeared...

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 4th, 2002, 07:27:57 PM
Hey! What's wrong with Aaron and Dasquian? :( They are nice boys, damn it!

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 4th, 2002, 07:27:58 PM
Aura's and Rama's offer is being discussed in GJO

Come on the discussion threads are open...... say something in the right place. Say it now. If you have access to Avalon, speak now. We also have a few other threads for discussion, Jedi get in there and give your input.

Darth Vader
Jan 4th, 2002, 07:38:40 PM
I remember the thread, as I was the one who started it in the first place.

Jan 4th, 2002, 09:39:27 PM
Just a little 'aside' re: Aura and her rank -

When I came the boards - I came from TC as a Sith Lord.

I joined TSE and requested Ogre as my master, but I still remained a Sith Lord. I was not busted down to warrior or disciple. Whether this was oversight or simply deemed unnecessary as those who knew me, knew I was a responsible RP'er, I dont know. Things like that didnt really seem to matter much back then.

My points is that I came with the attitude that I needed to be taught the ways of the boards and had much still to learn. And have tried to roleplay with that in mind along the way. Aura seems to me to be of the same mindset.

So, imho - the general consensus is that Aura is an experienced player, there seems no need for her to start from scratch completely.

Rules and structure are vital in this community, but sometimes a little common sense calls for some relaxing of such rules.

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 4th, 2002, 10:06:15 PM
I completely agree with Hera, but the choice is really Aura's to make, so I won't really push her to keep the rank if she doesn't want it. I myself personally would like to see her keep it. :)

Jan 5th, 2002, 01:32:01 AM

I could tell everyone once again that this issue is being debated by the GJO and is their decision....

Well I just did that... DOH!:x

Jan 5th, 2002, 02:08:00 AM
A notice to those posting in this thread, before you make another please see this one:


Jan 5th, 2002, 04:35:29 AM
yet she is being stepped on and pushed aside because a veteran wants to do it instead. I myself don’t see that as displaying a want to help new people or GJO, I see that as a way for the veterans to congratulate and pat each other on the back while alienating the new people and current members who work hard to try and get what they have coming.

The personal rancor reflexed in the comment I don't intend dignify with comment, but I would like to say that I didn't go looking for the spot. I said i'd do it if they want me too.....they don't have to do actually give me a spot. And I don't expect to be patted on the back by anyone. Aura is good....she shows she knows what she is doing. I don't really care what rank they give her.....it does not matter to me if she is training Jedi along side me, or if she is training Jedi by herself. I don't care. Im just willing to help if they want or need my help. Don't go dragging me into your personal opinon.

Lord DarkStar
Jan 6th, 2002, 05:26:14 PM
Originally posted by Darth Vader
I remember the thread, as I was the one who started it in the first place.

you only started it if your name is itala marzullo

Jan 6th, 2002, 05:34:47 PM
Rama - (oooh boy, I never thought I'd say this .... ) Absolutly, I'll accept that offer. But I think the GJO Council needs to say yes as well and not just me. Actually, give me a hoy when you next see me online to discuss

Sorry didn't see this..:p

Anyways Yeah i'll Im you next time im on.....I was wanting to talk to you about some things anyways so that works out for me.

Darth Vader
Jan 7th, 2002, 12:37:11 AM
Let me refresh your memory then. Operation Long Knives was not started by Itala Marzullo, Darth Viscera, nor by Lord Dagger.

It was started by The Lounge Lizard.



Jedah Lynch
Jan 7th, 2002, 06:57:25 AM
Lounge Lizard is Darth Vader?!

Darth Vader is Anibraa?!

Anbiraa is a clone of Anbira?!

Anbira is a Jedi?!

Wanst he Sith? And before that a Jedi?! And before that a Sith?!



<center><img src=http://tselynch.clanpages.com/swinsideout/headexplode.gif></center>

Wow....glad I wasn't him:)

Jan 7th, 2002, 07:17:09 AM
Scanners :)

Lord DarkStar
Jan 7th, 2002, 03:53:14 PM
Did TMC get destoryed in OLK? i think not...that wasn't the thread i was refering to

Jan 8th, 2002, 01:40:42 AM
I don't think so....last I knew TMC was still around. In Fact Itala was over at TSE plugging it about a month ago, but as for it's status at SWFANS and what not.....I don't know,But i don't really think it really matters either. He's banned and I think his group as sworn off RPing here.

Darth Vader
Jan 8th, 2002, 01:47:05 AM
You can conjecture about how many last gasps the fish out of water made before croaking, but OLK did kill TMC @ SWFans, plain and simple.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:22:52 AM
No, it was the banning that finished Itala off. While OLK was clever, if they really want to, they could have continued on.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:36:03 AM
Well, here I am back again. Hey Aura, I didn't know you didn't know I play Arya. :p I thought everyone knew that by now. :D No harm done.

GJO's business is GJO's business. I'm going to keep my nose out of it. As for Firebird's suggestion of reworking the planets and groups...I say its not a good idea. (Sorry Firebird, but I know you were expecting someone to say that, so I didn't want to disappoint ya ;)) It will take too much cooperation on the part of all the groups. And no matter how we try, not everyone will cooperate. I, for one, wouldn't want to have it tried and fail ...because then we can all kiss Swfans goodbye. And I like it here. :p

If GJO wants to demote Aura, as she has stated she is willing to do, or if they choose not to, I really dont' care! She is a good RPer...capable of handling a padawan rank as much as a Knight. As long as she and GJO are happy, I am happy as well. (the same goes for those hot twin Jedi guys as well ;))

Now...I have some reading to catch up on. :p Make that LOTS of reading! Four nights missed is an eternity! ...okay not really. But NEARLY...

Jerred Rez
Jan 8th, 2002, 05:26:50 AM
Well, all problems and solutions (for the most part) were brought up, and solutions proposed. Since I started this thread (this is Jeseth, for those that don't know) I am now closing the discussion. If anyone wishes to take these solutions and problems and use them productively then this discussion got us all somewhere... if not, then I guess not.

Thank you all for taking the time to participate, and if anyone wishes to pursue any of these solutions please do so in another thread, so as to allow new comers to be privy to it. I bet no one is going to be willing to skim through about 350 posts, so to continue posting about it here will only make board-wide participation more difficult. :)

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 8th, 2002, 11:04:32 AM
For all who spoke up on my behalf at keeping my rank, a heart felt


Also my thanks to all who said I was a good at being a Knight and deservant of the rank. It is only fair to the others I start as a learner. I am just glad I found this board and all you class A folks.:)

Aura will soon be a Padawan..Actually according to my last encounter with the vile TSE Sith Master, Jedah Lynch at Rama's corner, I should be in my other nic by now lol as Aura lost her memory. Ty Jedah lol it affected me RL..Where are my keys? heh

Im waiting for a sig alteration and will rp in some new threads as Im closing the old ones soon.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 8th, 2002, 11:19:21 AM
Since I started this thread (this is Jeseth, for those that don't know) I am now closing the discussion.

Telling what people to do now? Who would have known normal posters could dictate policy around here.

Would you like to tell them how high to jump next?

I bet no one is going to be willing to skim through about 350 posts, so to continue posting about it here will only make board-wide participation more difficult

Considering some people are still posting in the thread and some have been keeping up with whats been said so far seems the 350 post count has not detered many.

Ty Jedah lol it affected me RL..Where are my keys? heh

The evil vile Sith Master has placed them in a base guarded by vicious animals that shall devour you whole if you go near it.

*Finishes raiding her fridge and runs out with food*

In other words, they are on the table.:p

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 8th, 2002, 12:30:47 PM
The table that is surrounded by the man eating animals, lol?

**Aura takes Jedah's hand full of fridge raided contraband and pulls him to the gate harboring the animals, then does a quick force enhanced spin as the reputed Sith Master gets hurled through the gate distracting the carnivorous Rancors as she dashes to liberate her keys, returning to close the gate behind her, then convienently changes the pass code.** :p

You better have your fun with me while you can lol, changing pic and rank soon. :)

Jerred Rez
Jan 8th, 2002, 04:48:19 PM
Jedah, I'm not dignifying your attitude with a response.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 8th, 2002, 05:49:23 PM
Jedah, I'm not dignifying your attitude with a response.


The table that is surrounded by the man eating animals, lol?

**Aura takes Jedah's hand full of fridge raided contraband and pulls him to the gate harboring the animals, then does a quick force enhanced spin as the reputed Sith Master gets hurled through the gate distracting the carnivorous Rancors as she dashes to liberate her keys, returning to close the gate behind her, then convienently changes the pass code.**

You better have your fun with me while you can lol, changing pic and rank soon.

You have spunk.

I like it. I'll destroy it IC but I like it.


Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 8th, 2002, 06:05:29 PM
**Aura hides behind the safety of OOC**:D

Jan 8th, 2002, 07:33:27 PM
I don't think this issue is anywhere near resolved, so I don't think the disccussion should be stopped. Doesn't matter who started it....not like this is RP. =p

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 8th, 2002, 07:42:47 PM
Well, then take this as my suggestion that the discussion be continued in another thread, because this one has largely gone off topic for the last 25 posts or so, and it would make it easier for people who just come in to follow up if we were to move this to another area where we can discuss each solution that was proposed in detail. If you want to continue it here, then alright I guess, but I just think it'd be good to continue somewhere else and use this thread only for refrence.


You are right though, I suppose it's not really my place to close the discussion, but as I said above: take this as a suggestion as to how more people can be included in the discussion.

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 8th, 2002, 11:25:14 PM
I doubt the brief deviation from the initial subject will compromise participation in this thread as it was intended. Occasionally, light humor relaxes tensions and gives one time for reflection. Rama is correct however, the issue has not been solved and remains a debatable chapter.

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 9th, 2002, 12:41:54 AM
I didn't say it had been resolved, but we did find a lot of solutions to work with, and due to the fact that this thread is very long it might make it very difficult for people to begin participating if they haven't been following from close to the begining... My suggestion is only so that it can give some more RPers a chance to jump in and help with the solutions. There were a lot of people from the GJO missing and maybe it might be a good idea to split the thread up and use different threads to discuss different problems and/or solutions.

Jan 9th, 2002, 01:11:58 AM
Thanks LD! :D
I didn't expect anything to come from it, but I'm happy that people at least listened!

As for splitting off this topic:

If you want to, but I'd rather see one thread dictated toward fixing the problems of this board, not two or three ir Five. (I got three other things I can talk about. :p)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 9th, 2002, 02:38:50 AM
You are welcome Firebird. :D

Discussions...I hate discussions. I think GJO is discussing this at their board. Lets let them discuss it amongst themselves, and then when they reach a decision about what they as a group have decided to do, they should come here and let us know how they need us to help them.

Also..I think we all have things we've decided need to be worked on. Like actually approaching Jedi OOC to get them into RPs... *shrugs* But hey, what do I know.

Nayala Palain
Jan 9th, 2002, 02:56:48 AM
Aura I have not said a word to annyone. I am a Vet of TC as well and I know how much time and work each person puts into their names. My name is very very very worked at TC. Her being a Sith Master there and all. And god knows the BACKground is SO damn LONG! :lol

But nah I didnt tell!

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 9th, 2002, 08:45:31 AM
Actually Lilaena, you know more than you realize. :) It is up to the GJO. We can only assist their plight. :)

Lol, its ok Athena. I wouldnt mind if you told all the groups everyone of my past TC aliases, as that endeavor no doubt would be extremely time consuming, seeing as it is probably is into the hundreds. j/k :) It is just tough for me. I came from 2 recognized TC groups, both of which are disbanded now. I held a senior rank in the DS, and you know what group I am talking about. *sigh*

Lord DarkStar
Jan 9th, 2002, 04:12:19 PM
As i remember LL, someone managed to get TMC out of OLK, and me and Vis finished off what was left of them

Jan 9th, 2002, 09:53:43 PM
OMG!! What a pain to read this whole thing, I guess thats what I get for leaving :x . Anyways I appoligize for my lateness and if I ask a question that has already been answered, its late.

If the Sith did infact make another Jedi board ( Given that its not a clone of GJO ) wouldn't that take some of the pressure off of GJO? While GJO "repairs" itself the Sith could be busy fighting the Sith's alts.

Sanis Prent
Jan 9th, 2002, 10:08:41 PM
That someone was me...as we can't exactly kill them all without permission.

But OLK was the singular event that took that whole group and its assets and obliterated them into the stone age. You got the table scraps.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 10th, 2002, 01:18:04 AM
Aura, :D, the "what do I know" was my tired sarcasm. I hate people arguing about things like thing. Especially when it is being dealt with.

Now, as to the demise of Itala Marzullo and the remnants of TMC...*I* did it!

No, seriously, I don't really care who says they "killed him" it doesn't really matter. Such a death would have taken place AFTER his banning, as you can't kill someone without permission. I can't see him ever agreeing to death. So its a moot point, DarkStar, sorry. I've heard at least three people (I think?) claim to be the ones who killed the infamous Itala. Who cares! He's gone! Let the record show that Lilaena does not care, and in her history, the entire TMC clan was lost in a wormhole never to be seen again.


And no, I don't care that wormholes don't exist in Star Wars!


Jan 10th, 2002, 03:45:46 AM

Kids, go to bed, your keeping your parents up!

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 10th, 2002, 07:26:56 AM
LOL@that. Firebird you come out with butes. :)

I know Lilaena :), OOC arguments leave a bad taste in my mouth.:x

I thought it was agreed a second Jedi group would all but dissipate the GJO?

Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 10th, 2002, 01:36:18 PM
And I still think its irrelevant. If someone wants to found another Jedi group, no one should stop you or protest.

Arya Ravenwing
Jan 10th, 2002, 05:35:26 PM
Ah, but a second Jedi group started for the purpose of re-invigorating the GJO...it sort of was determined that wouldn't do any good.

Of course, no one is saying that an individual can't start whatever sort of group they want.

Jan 13th, 2002, 09:51:39 AM
One problem I used to have has been solved by this board. The PM service. It got to the stage where it was impossible to contact people if you didnt want to e-mail. So many of the older RPers used to stay hidden away on their secret IM names, only telling people they liked. Now, that's all right for chatting, but what if someone wants to discuss a RP? Or query something? Just before Christmas, there was a day when ten people were on my list. 6 of them were three people with two accounts(two of which were using some dumb program which lets them keep an away message up and chat), 2 were away, and 1 didnt RP. So, that left one person. Now, I know he wasnt it, and another person who showed up a short time after let slip he was talking to people not on the list, on one of their hidden accounts.

No real point to this, the PM thingie eases this. It's just something that bugs me. It was getting to the stage where a new person didnt have anyone they could turn to

Anyway, rant over :)