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Prince Simus
Dec 8th, 2001, 01:16:43 PM
The singing quartet handled their instruments like professionals, while emitting melodious tunes of relaxation across the room. They had been paid to entertain the guests of the Flamewind Casino with popular jizz tunes that were heard throughout the Galaxy. This quartet was comprised of a Bith, an intimidating Talz, a Kitonak and an Ortolan. This exotic band was obviously an expensive one, as many patrons subconsciously noted. Their musical instruments were top of the line and seemed brand new. They were dressed in expensive silken clothes woven from skilled hands. Yes, it seemed as though the band was not having any financial problems. It did not really matter, their lives were insignificant compared to the lives of others. If this band were suddenly gunned down in a pirate raid, they would not be missed. A new group of musicians would simply be hired to replace them.

There were others, who did not care about the musicians at all. No, they were more interested in the size of their wallets. It was intriguing how credits could drive a desperate person into doing almost anything. Money was an important motivational factor and could buy one almost anything. It was a pity that credits always ended up being spent on useless things. The Flamewind Casino specialized in sucking the credits out of one’s pockets, or so to speak. Admission into the casino was two thousand credits alone. Quite a substantial amount, but it had been justified by the free drinks served at the bars, and the free meals that could be obtained at the food court. The Sabacc tables were always high stakes games for high stakes gamblers. The slot machines were efficient in ridding one of their credits, yet the patrons kept on coming back. Obsession was also something that could be exploited by the strong, if and when needed to. The rich had an obsession for credits, and how to obtain more credits. Ironically, it was only the rich who could afford to waste money at the Flamewind Casino.

The Flamewind Casino was located in the thick of the Oseon system on asteroid 5794. The asteroid was one of the largest in the system, and could house up to forty million beings at a time. The Oseon system itself was totally comprised of asteroids. Seven distinct bands of asteroids orbited Oseon, the primary star in the system. The Oseon system was named after Gadfrey Oseon, a legendary crimelord. He operated a travelling circus that served as a front for his illicit operations. Legend said he got into trouble during a performance on Nal Hutta, and fled to the most remote area of space he could find. There, he discovered a star system made up of seven belts of asteroids, which eventually came to be known as the Oseon System. He was forced to remain in the system because of the occurrence of the Flamewind, and he began dreaming of using the wondrous natural event as a tourist attraction.

The Flamewind of Oseon occurred when the system's primary star flared up in a spectacular display, once a year. A major influx of tourists is seen in the Oseon system during the Flamewind. The asteroids are primarily vacation sites and pleasure spots for the filthy rich of the galaxy. The system itself was also the home to a huge population of mynocks, which is why any ships travelling through the system were well advised to protect their ships from the parasites.

Mynocks were not the only parasites to plague the Oseon system. There were many more, all different sizes and all different shapes. Criminals, animals, pirates, Imperial renegades and much more had made the Oseon system their home. Most notably, one parasite operated under the very noses of the people of Oseon. This parasite, in his own respect, was not only a man of physical and mental power, but also of newfound wealth. He often declined any public outings or parties, although there were many. It was not unusual for a rumor to sprout up here and there about one of the most wealthiest men in the Oseon system. Unbeknownst to most, many of those rumors held some form of truth to them. The man’s occupation in the Oseon system was newfound, having been there for only two months.

In the past two months, Belli D’rue a fat human from Kalarba had sold the ownership rights of the Flamewind Casino and unexpectedly fled the system with all of his belongings. The man responsible for purchasing the ownership rights of the Casino was known to the outside population as Prince Simus. He was the current topic of discussion for those who had nothing else to talk about. Only the upper echelons of the Casino’s staff had any interaction with him at all. Although most were not reluctant to admit that this Prince Simus had done a great job in managing the casino. Since his arrival, he ordered the construction of a new wing to his casino. The Flamewind Casino’s overall performance substantially rose, as some found themselves returning each and every day. Another kilometer of rock had been hollowed out of Asteroid 5794 to make room for a hotel resort. Indeed, it had been expensive, but Prince Simus and his staff found that the hotel had been a potential gold mine. The wealthy tourists from all over the Galaxy accessed it daily. The patrons were pleased, and that was one of the main reasons they returned.

Sadly enough, when one had obtained wealth, enemies were not far around the corner. There were other wealthy dignitaries in the Oseon system that completely despised Prince Simus for his good fortune. Casino owners found that most of their previous customers had been swayed away by the flashy Flamewind Casino. It was not only the disgruntled casino owners and the rich folks that wanted this Prince Simus, whom they’ve never seen or spoken with, locked away. The law enforcement agency in the Oseon system had heard rumors of this Simus character operating with narcotics and illegal substances. The constabulary had yet to find evidence against the dignitary, but they knew they would find something. Undercover officers were a nice way of uncovering useful information…

“My lord, you have two visitors.” The man who spoke was decidedly weak by the way he looked. He seemed to be in his late forties, although he possessed determined eyes. At his side he wore an ancient DL-44 blaster. “They are waiting outside your chambers, for admittance. Shall I let them through?”

“Tevendro, do they have an appointment?” The voice emerged from what seemed to be an empty room.

The aging human could only see what was through the cracks. There were no lights, just darkness. He did not understand how Prince Simus could live in such inhuman conditions. At the moment it did not really matter, one day he would unravel part of the mystery. He spoke back, “Yes, Prince Simus. They made an appointment to speak to you last week.” He glanced at his datapad in between intervals, to make sure everything was correct. Simus did not appreciate insolence.

“I do not recall agreeing to any appointments.” Simus shot back, the anger in his voice was evident.

“It says here that they wish to speak to you about your current,” Tevendro paused and lowered his voice, “life crystal imports.”

Simus was interested by what his underling had to say, for once. He would have known if an appointment had been made for him, yet he had not been notified. Simus was not short minded, at all. He could recall each and every event in his life that had taken place in the past five months. He could smell Tevendro’s fear in the next room. His ever-faithful servant was afraid he would displease Simus. The Prince could feel past the walls, even further then that. Two life forms stood just outside of his quarters in the spacious waiting area he had formed for his business associates. They felt a small amount of fear as well, interesting he noted. Their presence could only mean one thing that would answer all other questions that he had presented before himself. These beings outside of his door were members of the law enforcement agency of Oseon. Simus smiled to himself. A rarity that no one, even Tevendro, had the pleasure of seeing.

“Oh yes. Them.” Simus decided he would have a bit of fun. “Allow them in, and express my deepest apologies for keeping them waiting.”

“Yes…Prince Simus.” Tevendro was confused. This did not sound like Simus at all, and when Simus did not sound like himself he was plotting something. The aide walked toward the door and opened it, quietly. He allowed the two humans in, one man and one woman. The woman had dark auburn hair and a slim form. She had obviously been put through a rigorous physical training program. The man seemed fit as well. He wore two blasters at his side, and his hair had been slicked back. These officers had dressed up like street rogues or common smugglers. Simus could see through the crack of the doorway. They had entered his chambers, and were slowly making their way toward the half-closed door. It seemed like an eternity before they finally entered.

“Welcome, to my quarters.” Simus called out from the dark. His voice seemed more like an echo. A few lights above illuminated the room in an eerie glow. Still, they could not see Simus or pinpoint his location.

“Greetings, Prince Simus. I’m Jax Raan and this is my business associate Ulija Kerr.” The man spoke first, keeping his hand near his blaster.

“Are you sure of that fact, Mr. Raan?” As Simus spoke, something moved in the shadows…Something large. It wasted no time in waiting for its prey to react. Jax felt a block of ice form in his stomach as the head of a serpent revealed itself. This serpent could easily swallow an average human full. Jax relieved his blasters of their holsters and fired round after round at the serpent. The female Ulija fumbled for her own blaster. Both undercover agents fell back, unable to scream or move as the reptile struck out at them, teeth and all. It was only after a few moments that they realized this serpent was not real, but a shadow. Both were shivering in the fear of the after effect. It seemed the serpent had been created by a holoprojector of some sort…But it looked so real.

“Your arrival displeases me.” Simus called out from the shadows. “I did not want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice.”

Darkness consumed the two…

Tevendro M'klo'rish
Dec 8th, 2001, 02:31:12 PM
Tevendro had only turned his back for a few moments before the screaming began. At another point in time he would have interfered to make sure that his Master had things under control. Simus was different then the others he had served while working as a personal aide. The Prince had strictly forbidden any interference when dealing with associates. He disliked being bothered by anything, no matter how significant the situation was. Tevendro touched the bruise on his forehead and grimaced slightly. The last time he had disobeyed Simus, the dark Prince had struck him down for insolence. Yet, Tevendro was not angry at Simus for bringing harm upon him. This was the first time in Tevendro's life that he felt as if he was being controlled by an invisible leash. His Master had a tight grasp on his life, quite possibly forever.

The blaster fire ensued, but only for a few moments. It ended abruptly, and silence followed shortly after. Tevendro strained his ears further then he already had, waiting for any possible sound that would dictate the current situation in the secluded room. He was seated quietly, on one of the couches in Prince Simus' expensive chambers. The cushion felt soft on his legs, almost soft enough for him to drift off to a peaceful sleep, yet he did not. It was his job to be near his Master all day to intercept calls and insure his continued exsistance. Some would call it a useless life, but Tevendro was proud of himself. He was possibly the only being to ever see Prince Simus in his true form. The man was even more daunting then his voice. His eyes, those eyes bore right through Tevendro and peered into his soul. It had been an experience he would never forget.

I wonder if I should help Master Simus. The room seems too quiet for my liking. Tevendro shifted in his position uncomfortably. His spotted fingers brushed past the blaster that he wore at his side. It was new, state of the art and very efficient. Tevendro liked using it, and he wasn't bad at hitting his designated targets.

~ Tevendro! ~

The humanoid almost fell off the couch and on to the floor, as he heard the voice in his head. It was undoubtedly Simus' daunting voice that dominated his cranial passages. Quickly Tevendro stood up, and pulled his blaster out of its holster. He checked the power coupling on the weapon, and decided it was ready to use. He put the setting on kill. "Yes, Lord Simus?"

~ Put the blaster away, you spotted fool. You will not need it. ~

"As you wish, Prince Simus." Confused at how his master could notice such a detail, he put the blaster back in place. The humanoid brushed a strand of white hair back, and stared directly into the doorway of the secluded room. He was dying to know what had happened in the room, since the arrival of the two pilots. "What is it that you wish of me?"

~ Kindly lead our two guests out to their ships. We have reached an agreement. ~

The voice boomed on in his head, giving him a slight headache. He just simply nodded, not knowing what else to do. At that moment, both of the human pilots walked out. They had smiles on their faces and seemed quite alright. Tevendro held back his surprise. Just a few minutes ago he had heard screaming and blasterfire. Now these pilots seemed to be in perfect mental and physical health.

"Your master Simus is quite a reasonable fellow." The young woman stated.

"Yes, he offered us much. I feel as if we're ripping him off." The man chuckled, and patted Tevendro on the back.

"Yes, Simus can be like that." Tevendro lied. He thought back to his days as a Historian. He had come across a derogatory book that told the story of a series of great Dark Lords. These magicians and sorcerors could wield magic as easily as breathing air. They could do unexplained things, like levitate objects, and hide themselves from others. Tevendro hadn't given the book much credit, but now it seemed as if these dark sorcerors actually existed. How else could he explain the telekinetic thought waves his master sent him? What else would explain the unexpected behaviour from these two pilots? Perhaps Simus knew how to distort minds and convince people using this magic.

Tevendro shuddered at the thought of anyone possessing that kind of power...

Prince Simus
Dec 9th, 2001, 02:18:05 PM
Simus was eager to exit the dark room he had confined himself in for the past seven hours. At first he simply meditated on the past, his current situation and what was to come in the near future. The future was hard to see or to pre-determine. Simus enjoyed hypothesizing situations, but this was a different kind of situation. Even a Gammorean would be able to tell that Prince Simus was rich, from his casino operation and every other pie he had his gauntlet in. Credits were just materialized possessions that meant nothing to Simus. They were the means to very few ends, and they did serve a purpose.

Simus heard the door clicked, but focused on feeling anything through the other room. His instincts came up short, and he only felt himself, and the slow pulsating of his heart. The door creaked open further, and Simus stepped out of the dark room. As he passed through the door slammed shut once again. He was surrounded with brilliant lights and expensive furniture. The faint sound of music could be heard from the casino downstairs. Yet another grand audience was visiting his grand casino. Simus shook his head, listening to the laughing and partying that ensued beneath his feet. He could feel all of these people having a good time, races of all kinds reveling in the spleandor of the festivities. It angered him that they had no idea what was really happening, or what could be happening in the future.

A bottle of vintage wine smashed against a hard bar stool just a few meters away from where Simus stood. His own gloved hand was clenched in a tight fist. His face, hidden behind a mask of darkness was stricken with anger and rage at the stupidity of these inferiors. He calmed himself down, feeling slight nausea form in the lower recesses of his stomach. Although Prince Simus wore a dark attire and looked more demon then man, he was human. With humanity came mortality and a susceptibility to weakness. Simus was human, but he was not weak and anyone who said otherwise would cease to exist.

He pulled his hood back and summoned a bottle of boose. The wine floated through the air, as if being grasped by an invisible entity and set itself down on Simus' palm. He popped the cork out and raised the bottle up. The tip of the glass bottle touched his lips and he drank, toasting the future and what was to come. An excess amount of boose caused some of the liquid to drizzle down his unprotected cheek and splash on his garments. Simus did not cease to drink, although his throat and sensitive senses cautioned him otherwise. The boose was extremely strong, and would make a normal man drunk with just taking a few sips. Simus was quite sober, and quite aware of what he was doing.

He rested the drink down, sighing at the feeling of refreshement in his body. The man swiped a robed sleeve across his mouth, cleaning off the traces of alcohol. There came a tap at the door, which was totally unexpected by Prince Simus. Without even having to touch his hood, it slithered back into place, concealing his face. Simus silently slipped past the furniture that lay between him and the front door of his chambers and waited silently. He heard a series of knocks again, this time even rougher then before.

"Room service." A muffled voice called out, through the other side of the door.

What in the name of Yavin? Simus reached out, trying to discover this man's intent. There were four of them, he discovered. Almost too late, in fact. The Prince dodged out of the way, smacking into a nearby dresser. A laser bolt blew the handle right off the door and ensured its journey across the room. The door itself was torn open moments later by a Gammorean-type strongman. This sudden attack was unexpected, and Simus was unprepared. Beside the muscled man, three others rambled in, wearing vision goggles and holding large blasters.

Simus growled at his latest discovery, by the patches on their shoulders. They were sent by Hobbo Nev, somewhat of a rival in business. He moved his hand forward, just as soon as all four of them turned their heads. The three with goggles were immediately thrown back in to the bar counter. The strong man just lost his footing for a small moment. Simus was unsurprised. These mediocre criminals proved no threat to him. He raised his hand and cupped it in a tight round hold. The strong man's eyes went wide with fear and rage. For the last few moments of his life, he successfully managed to claw a piece of skin off of his throat. The man dropped dead on the floor, the blood from his throat wound had done a successful job in staining the floor rug.

The Prince raised his head off the ground, watching as the three other assassins began to retaliate. He picked up a wooden chair and flung it at the nearest one, killing him instantly as it smashed his face in. The other two had taken cover behind the bar counter, pointing their guns upward. They shot, releasing blasterfire that severed the small chain of a chandelier. The chandelier fell, and all Simus could do was roll and cover his head. The glass splattered everywhere, causing a terrible mess inside the Prince's chambers.

<font size=1>Click

<font size=2>Simus opened his eyes cautiously, feeling pain in his left leg, and all along his shoulders and hips. One of the assassins had a gun pointed at his head, while the other spoke on what seemed to be a commlink. The Dark Prince closed his eyes and prepared to finish both of them off and end this petty squabble. Another round of blasterfire ensued, causing Simus to open his eyes. Both of the men that had just been standing and alive now lay dead on the floor. He turned to the doorway and there stood Tevendro, holding his DL-44 blaster in silence. Smoke drifted from the end of the nozzle, travelling down the hallway. Simus stared back at him, feeling rage instead of gratitude.

"I am sorry for not arriving here sooner." Tevendro spoke quietly, surveying the chambers.

"Indeed you should be, although now is not the time to punish you." Simus hissed in anger. "Prepare a shuttle, we will be making a trip to the Library Asteroid, 4325."

Tevendro stood there, and remained silent.

"Now!" Prince Simus scolded with impatient anger. The shout caused the old man to come to. He nodded quickly and rambled out of the room, holding his blaster up high.

The time had come for Simus to accomplish what he had really sought out to do in the first place. And there was much work to be done. First he would need to tend to the various glass shards jutted in his skin.

Tevendro M'klo'rish
Dec 9th, 2001, 08:50:52 PM
It was the crash that summoned Tevendro out of his dreamy haze. He'd followed the two pilots to the exit of the casino and saw that they were taken to the Spaceport only a kilometer away. The old man found himself with a few moments of free time, and purchased a bottle of Corellian brandy. He was handed a small complimentary glass, although he didn't really need it. Tevendro slowly left the casino area, wishing he could have just an hour to himself to squander some of the credits that rested peacefully in his side pouch. He couldn't remember playing an actual game of Sabacc or accessing a slot machine in over a year. Even during his time serving the other owner of the casino, the aide was not allowed to socialize or have any kind of fun of his own. Perhaps if he asked Simus, the royal dignitary would grant him a few hours of his own. No, Tevendro. To think such is foolish, you are a servant.

The Humanoid was passed by a beautiful female accompanied by a muscled man. He seemed rather protective of the female, giving Tevendro threatening glances. The spotted man shifted his eyes downward, pretending not to look at the woman. The thought of marriage, or a relationship had crossed his mind each and every day for the past seven years. Oh, how he wished he could find a better job, although he was qualified for nothing else. Many still frowned at non-humans, even half breeds. Xenophobics made Tevendro very angry, angry enough to kill. He lifted his head proudly, and glanced back at the passing man, and his female entourage. The man noticed this proud stance, and stopped in his tracks, mildly surprised. He took his arm away from the female's shoulders and turned toward Tevendro.

"You got a staring problem, old timer?" The young muscled man asked, threateningly.

"Yes, I couldn't help but notice that your shoelace was untied." Tevendro stated calmly. A trick that always worked with big idiots such as this human. He replied with a, "Huh?" and glanced down at his foot, as Tevendro had expected.

"Hey, idiot. My shoelaces are perfectl--" The man was cut off, as soon as he caught sight of what Tevendro was holding. A DL-44 blaster, quite an antique, yet effective. The humanoid must have grabbed for it when the muscled man took the few seconds to stare down at his footwear.

"I suggest you keep on walking, and think twice next time, before you want to act tough in front of your lady." Tevendro gave him a look of utter disgust. The young man turned around nervously and bounded back toward his lady friend. Both of them quickened the pace of their walks and rounded the hall within seconds, leaving Tevendro alone once again. The humanoid shook his head, and began the descent up a staircase that headed toward the guest rooms. Even further up, was his Master's chambers.

<font size=4>CRASH!

<font size=2>Tevendro heard the crash loud and clear. It came from the upper levels of the casino. With his blaster still in his hands, he sprinted up the stairs, and down the hall. His Master was in obvious trouble, and he had to find out if he required assistance.


Tevendro could smell the puff of smoke that exerted from his blaster barrel after he had released two shots. Both were dead on, striking the black assassins down from the stances of pride and accomplishment. Tevendro was impressed by his own marksmanship, but he sank into the shadows as quick as he'd bursted into the room when his Master stood up. Prince Simus' anger was evident without the aid of facial expressions or the Force itself.

"I am sorry for not arriving here sooner." Tevendro spoke quietly, surveying the chambers.

"Indeed you should be, although now is not the time to punish you." Simus hissed in anger. "Prepare a shuttle, we will be making a trip to the Library Asteroid, 4325."

Tevendro stood there for a moment, gauging out his Master's decision to leave this mess. Simus doubled his request in anger, enough to make a dead Bantha move. Tevendro nodded and quickly exited the room, heading for the turbolift on the east side of the hall. It would take him up to Prince Simus' personal docking bay. Simus had purchased a small gunship, somewhat like a Maurader Corvette. Its advanced shields could take a beating, and its gunners were automated droids, with excellent precision. It was named Tear of Adega by Prince Simus, a name that bore no relevance in Tevendro's uneducated mind.

"Ready the ship, Prince Simus has requested that we leave at once for the Library asteroid." Tevendro ordered the docking officer, using the few spare seconds to catch his breath. Everything was happening so sudden, and the old timer felt...old for once in his life.

"Who will fly the ship, sir?" The officer asked, issuing orders to the various mechanics, seated at a card table.

"I will, for the duration of this trip." Tevendro answered.

"Watch out for the flamewind, sir. It's due in about three days' time." The officer cautioned, following Tevendro up the ramp of the ship.'

Tevendro was surprised by that remark, Flamewind is here already? Has it been a year? My, where has the time gone... The old humanoid turned to the man and nodded confidently. "The journey will be short. I am sure Master Simus is aware of this."

"Okay then, shuttle should be ready for departure in fifteen minutes, after pre-flight checks. Suggest you pack up in that time." The officer said.

"No need to pack, but thank you for your suggestions." Tevendro stated glumly. I wonder what business Prince Simus has on the Library Asteroid. I'll probably never know...