View Full Version : eating brain stew (open challenge to any jedi)

Tempist Opps
Dec 6th, 2001, 06:32:10 PM
It was dusk, and the air was slowly cooling down to a mellow chill. A figure sat in the clearing, watching the flaurescent waves of color spreading accros the sky. The reds and yellows reflected upon the blue of the sky, while deep purples and pinks dug deep into the clouds. It was beautiful, a breif moment of tranquility in a chaotic existance. The figure shifted slightly, and lowered his head. Next to him on the ground lay a blade, a wonderfuly destructive weapon called the Black Blade. It's owner and maker, Tempist Opps, was enjoying this moment, but knew that he could never let his guard down. There were already too many people and creatures who wanted him dead, for one reason or another, keeping his defense up was all he could do.

Behind him, leaves rusteled and a loud thump could be heard, followed by a low grunt of anoyance. The shapeshifter fliped to his feet, , only balanced out by his tail. He was covered head to toe in blue scales, weilding his menacing claws. He grabed his sword from the ground, and looked up to see what had disturbed his peace.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 7th, 2001, 12:11:32 AM
I had discovered Tempist's location. It had been a long time since my first encounter with him in Rama's bar. He seemed cautious in the open space, he seemed like the type that would be far better suited to being stuck in a wretched little corner.

I concentrated on the energy around me and absorbed it. My muscles once again ached from the excess power but it was far worth it for an advantage in speed and agility. I quickly leaped out of my hiding place with my deactivated scythe. While in the air I managed to hit him in the head with it and landed behind him. He turned to face me in surprise and wild bewilderment, his blank expressionless eyes hid his fury.

"Well well, its been a lot time Tempist Opps."

I removed my black cloak to reveal my white clothing and release my now fully healed wings.

Tempist Opps
Dec 8th, 2001, 11:29:49 AM
Tempist quickly fliped to his feet, Black Blade in hand. Such a wonderful weapon, he wondered how a fallen angel would be effected by the four horsemen's pains etched into the sword.

"Indeed it has, and I am still yet to hear your name. What are you, a corrupted jedi, or a corrupted angel? Either way, the corruption shall be removed in due time."

He readied himself into a fighting stance, with no gaps in defense. He had been taught well, and intended on getting massive use of his physical bulk and power.

ooc: black blade is a rune enchanted broadsword. it has the runes "plauge, famine, war, and death" written in it, and the enchantment make's each of the runes take on a literal meaning. plauge is an infected wound, which slowly spreads throught whatever is cut. famine drains all your energy like in advanced starvation, war makes you go insane batteling your innerdemons, and death is.... well, death. i only hit people twice with the blade unless given expressed permission, so it's up to you.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 13th, 2001, 12:26:49 AM
He had a physical advantage, this was something I had no problems with. What bothered me was that black blade he held so lovingly. What was so special about it? I had no idea, but that was no matter he would soon be tasting the dirt and the sword would be buried with him.

"Corrupted? Nothing here is corrupted, lest it be your soul."

With a quick dangerous motion the grey beam was activated. The scythe was a magnificent piece of artistry, discovered in a dark temple on my prison planet. The memory of that day has never left me, exploring the wilderness, stumbling upon the temple. Finding ancient writings and illustrations on the walls, and finding my precious scythe. It really helped in defending myself against the native creatures and occasional visitors.

"Should we start, or are you going to stand there all day attempting to look menacing?"

I focused on the excess energies around us, the Force binding us together. It provided power to those who had the knowlege, and those that didn't suffered. I stood staring at him and keeping my senses open to the Force, it would help me predict his every movement and perhaps find a hole in his defense.

Tempist Opps
Dec 13th, 2001, 05:41:19 PM
"Perhaps, or perhaps I should simply hack you down where you stand...... no, let's see what you got."

As he said this, he made good use of the massive strenth in his legs, and lept over Jehova, landing several feet behind him. He quickly whiped the angel's knees out from under him with his tail, and took a slash at the left wing, as he turned to face Tempist.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 14th, 2001, 12:13:43 AM
As he went to slash at my wing, the Force had helped move my body out of the way. He was to my left now and he was not apparently surprised by my ability to dodge his attack. This set me at a disadvantage, usually most of my opponents are in shock when they see me in fighting form.

I dove at him, he slashed horrizontally, probably attempting to cleave off my head. I was too low and had managed to take him to the ground.

Tempist Opps
Dec 14th, 2001, 06:25:40 PM
As Tempist fell, he dug his claw into Jehova's leg, pulling him down as well. He fliped to his feet, violently ripping his hand back from the angel's leg. He took a downward slash at Jehova, which was aimed twards the small gap in between his sholderblades.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 16th, 2001, 07:06:04 PM
The energy of the Force had decreased the pain to my leg. When he was coming down at my shoulders, a hidden energy had propelled my body out of the way of the blow. A split second later I was back in control of my body and had raised my leg vertically, the blow soon came to the top of the man's head with a crunching sound. I was ready to strike again with my weapon swinging horrizontally at the man's waist ready to cleave him in half.

"Farewell Tempist. I can't say that its been a pleasure."

The grey beam was mere centimeters away from his gut, his life would soon be over.

Tempist Opps
Dec 16th, 2001, 07:49:11 PM
"Yes, it hasn't."

With these words escaping his lips, Jehova found Black Blade imbedded in his hip, slicing deep. The saber fell out of his hands, and Tempist rolled to the side, avoiding the energy. He violently ripped the blade back from the dark jedi, leaving a long, bloody gash in his leg. That wasn't all though, as the first of the runes took on its meaning: plauge. The cut began to fester, and turned dark, early signs of gangreen. Tempist fliped to his feet, Black Blade in hand, and grinned. In the jedi's state of shock, he made another slash, this time twards the angel's torso.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 21st, 2001, 07:17:59 PM
The wound was festering with great speed. The Force held the pain at bay but the blood and the infection were moving quickly, escaping my body. I had no time to concentrate on the wound though, acting quickly I grabbed his shoulders and flipped over him. Before reaching the ground I spread my wings decided to fly straight upward, this would give me the time needed to check on my diseased leg.

The leg felt like it was burning, considering I had the Force helping me out a little in that department the pain was still there. I concentrated and focused the remaining energies that I was using to boost my speed and agility. I would no longer have a physical advantage over him, this would seem like a problem to some but not I, I wasn't planning on relying on physical strength from the start. The energy helped hold the infection back for a while, but I would have to get to the medical center soon or lose my leg.

Tempist was waiting for me, he looked pleased with himself. Soon he would be very sorry for marking me with his blade. A shadowless figure rushed at him, scythe in hand ready to cleave him in two.

Tempist Opps
Dec 22nd, 2001, 04:08:29 PM
As Jehova fell into a Scythe divebomb, Tempist only readied Black Blade once more. His weapon had done well, but he hadn't the time to dwell on it. Tempist readied a few plans and side weapons for the after-attack.

Jehova's scythe connected with the sword, and nearly knocked it out of his hands. The shapeshifter grined, and lept straight into the air. He threw two throwing knives in rappid succession at the angel, still moving on momentum. He landed once more, finishing in a charge at the dark jedi. Now, Jehova would have to decide which he wished to dodge, the knives, or the sword.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 22nd, 2001, 05:22:01 PM
My image was fighting ferociously, this I would not be hurt by the silly blade. While the shadowless figure was getting sliced in half by the sword. My true self had come from behind Tempist, the light from the grey beam was emanating off the back of his boots.

Just as he sliced another gash into the image it disappeared. A real blade sliced into Tempist's back, this time the one getting sliced did not disappear. He screamed in pain as the blade replaced his spine, his ribs being forcefully disattached as the spine was evaporated.

"Fool, my master is the lord of deception. How could you expect anything less from his student?"

I removed the scythe to find that the energy blade had disappeared, it was merely a staff now. I tried to reactivate it but it would not.

"I've cursed the weapon that you are using. The blade is inside his body, stretching to replace the part that was destroyed. You have to keep some of your enemies alive, or you shall grow weak.
He'll be at a disadvantage, he'll be paralyzed since you hit the spine while the ribs and nerves get reattached to the energy."

I had recently discovered the identity of one of the voices, this was him, Sith Lord Marka Ragnos.

Tempist Opps
Dec 22nd, 2001, 05:38:14 PM
The blade was horribly painful, and Tempist felt as if some of himself had been taken away. He fell to the ground, unable to move. He landed on his back, looking up at Jehova, now with a staff in hand. HIs weapon must have been some kind of curse...

Now having his options much more limited, Tempist opened himself up to the dark side more and more, letting it over take his thoughts. Pain. He wanted to bring pain to this one, and very much of it. He reached out with the force while Jehova was attempting to figgure out what his blade had done, and lifted his throwers into the air. They flew into Jehova's sides, one from each direction, slicing very deep. The festering wound and the two large gashes he found himself with would soon drain him of his blood, or atleast kill his senses with the pain. Tempist would have grinned, but he felt where his spine should have been refitting itslef around somthing he couldn't feel. It almost felt like he might be able to move agian soon, but he wasnt sure.

Jehova Eaven
Dec 24th, 2001, 02:28:42 PM
I was bleeding from the two fresh gashes, I could feel my energy slipping. My concentration was going as well, the infection would soon spread wildly without the aide of the Force. I decided that enough was enough, it was time for me to leave this battleground.

"Not bad, you channeled your anger quite well. Let me show you how I use my rage."

I felt tingling in my fingers as my anger was rising. The forthcoming blast would be large, larger than the shot I had tried on Jeseth. Multiple arcs of blue light and energy were released at Tempist's now crippled body.

"I will be taking this to remember you by, I hope you don't mind."

I grabbed his limp tail and bit it off with my fangs, I would have normally sliced it but my weapon was out of order. The blood exiting from his body was a lot, pretty soon his pain would end from blood loss. I quickly made my departure from this forsaken place.

Tempist Opps
Dec 25th, 2001, 05:45:15 PM
Jehova's bite nearly severed the tail, save for a tin band of flesh. That was all Tempist needed. The nerves in his body had finished wraping themselves around the energy, and he could now move, or atleast shift. He pulled the cells in his tail back inward to himself, and re-attached the limb. It still hurt, and the pain of moving the tail was near unbearable, but he could now crawl atleast. He slowly made his way from the feild and to medbay.