View Full Version : Jonathan

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 6th, 2001, 12:37:53 PM
Hey Jedieb, Davwj do you think Jon has gotten out of hand on that hacker thread that you started Davwj. He is calling Doc basically a moron because of his belief in God (Now Jon started that discusssion so he gets the blame there too). I was going to defend Doc because I don't feel he should be talking to him like that what do you all think.

Champion of the Force
Dec 6th, 2001, 06:11:46 PM
I've been away for the past day or so and I've only just dropped into this forum to see what's been happening.

You 2 handle this as you see fit. I haven't visited the thread in question as of yet and probably won't get to for a while.

Sorry for not being here (again). My holidays are *supposed* to start next week so hopefully I'll be around more often then. :\

Dec 6th, 2001, 08:59:43 PM
I sent you a PM about this earlier today JMC. We can hash it out here. I've been talking to Doc and trying to calm him down. I've suggested that he IGNORE Jon from now on. Doc has told me he plans to use the IGNORE feature in the future, but that he plans to get a few more points across in that thread. That should settle the matter for now.

JMC, you may want to consider sending Jon a message and discussing his posting "style" with him. There's no way I could do it, he just wouldn't listen. I would simply cut and paste some of his more insulting comments so he could have a look at them. It may help him to see how his comments look out of context. He may not realize how he comes across. He needs to know he can't talk to newbies like that when AOTC brings them around here. I think there's a good chance he'll listen to you. Then again, I thought Rocky and Bullwinkle was going to be a good movie so I'm probably way off base.

Dec 6th, 2001, 09:07:57 PM
Well I just read Jon's last post and he did apologize to Doc. That should end things for now. But there's still this:

I don't think I come across as arrogant just because I disagree with people.

That's one of the things that bothers me. He just doesn't think he's being arrogant. No matter how many people tell him otherwise. Again, I leave it up to you to decide what to do. You've got my support whatever you decide.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 6th, 2001, 11:14:51 PM
Thank God for that I think I helped to calm him down in my last post I was pretty nice about it I think and just told him he needs to calm down. I don't know if he gets carried away with what and doesn't think about what he puts down that is probably the case, he just puts his foot in his mouth too often.

Champion of the Force
Dec 7th, 2001, 02:10:51 AM
In light of recent proceedings, I found a very interesting comment on TFN:

Hardcore fans are idiots.

Star Wars fans, Tolkien fans, Radiohead fans, Nick Cave fans or whatever the subject, they’re all pretty much the same. They’re all convinced that they are the enlightened few who truly understand the band/film-series or whatever, and as such genuinely believe anyone who doesn’t like the band/film is inferior to them. Whenever someone writes a negative review, someone will post a topic about it and they’ll all gather round for a mutual back-slapping-fest, sneering at the supposed idiocy of the reviewer while smugly wallowing in their own sense of superiority. Needless to say, if anyone on the actual board dares to criticise whatever it is within earshot, they all take it as a personal insult and react accordingly.

In summary, again: Hardcore fans are idiots.
Hmmmmmm ... ;)

Dec 7th, 2001, 11:00:54 AM
It's a shame that the word "fan" even has to be in there. Some people really are that narrow minded. They're completely obllivious to the fact that they're not that much different than fans of other "band/film-series ." Jon's no different than an obnoxious Trek fan who thinks Star Wars is simplistic and dumb downed for the masses who buy movie tickets like "sheep." (One of his favorite words to describe religous people.) That description fits him to a T. There's nothing wrong with being a big fan of something. I love Empire and wouldn't think twice about defending it from any criticism. But it's something completely different for me to label anyone an idiot if they don't see things my way. To be condescending while I do it is even worse and it doesn't encourage new posters to join the board.

We'll see how this plays out in the Spring. But "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 8th, 2001, 12:08:41 AM
I'm not too worried I think:huh But really I more worried about trolls especially somebody like Jida Geki(sp) or however you spelled his name who came on here bashing SW from time to time, I got into with him once because he was calling us all fools for like TPM, I think Jon really let him have it one time though the last couple of times Jon seemed to have ignored him actually he was just about ignored by everybody and hasn't been seen since. And it could be worse we could have the return of whoops i don't want to say that name around Jedieb;)

Dec 8th, 2001, 09:46:28 PM
Don't say those NUMBERS! DON'T!!!!!!!! :eek

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 9th, 2001, 01:23:59 AM
Why are you scared he might come back:p Seriously though I expect new trolls to surface next year but hopefully one of them won't be arguing that there is a new conspiracy involving AOTC;)