View Full Version : Gue is going down.
Admiral Lebron
Dec 4th, 2001, 08:03:20 PM
Pouring from hyperspace were Elements of the first and second Bastion sector Fleet. The Umaro leading the way, they all expected that their shields and ship functions would be down for a minute or so.
On the outside of the system, broken up into two divisions stood the reserve Armada's from both the First and Second Divisions, each accompanied by Star destroyer group 7, from both divisions.
While both task forces were on oppisate sides, they each had an Interdictor, and enough power to slow a Star destroy of any size. Gue was going to pay.
Lord Gue
Dec 4th, 2001, 08:19:03 PM
Inside the Ganath system, Michael was loading up on all the planetary supplies he could; people, foodstuffs, anything that might be needed for the journey ahead, as it was unknown when the next time they would be able to make planet fall would be.
Michael was leaning back in his throne aboard his command vessel. The report had startled him at first, Viscera hadnt made a decree against him in quite some time, then the second report from his newly appointed and quickly retreating Grand Admiral Darkcloak saying an enemy fleet was on its way. Perhaps he'd escape in time, perhaps not, but one thing was certain. He would survive, his family would survive. He looked down at his son, standing over the comm watching the officer on duty.
For the future, he would survive....
<font size=1> EDIT: Attepmted to fix HTML formatting to fix table display. </font>
Admiral Lebron
Dec 4th, 2001, 08:25:44 PM
The ship controls suddenly flared back alive onto the Umaro, as if it were a propeller, being spun to life. The Admiral looked out onto the soon-to-be battle field. His first orders we're to turn on the Drawback's massive gravity wells, to capture the rouge's ship.
"Send out two wings of Hammerheads and one wing of Stingray bombers. Have the Leviathan , along with SD groups 5&6 from Div. 1 accompany it, to cut off Gue. As for the fleet, raise shields, charge turbolasers and load missles. At this rate, the fighters will be on him in no time."
Lord Gue
Dec 4th, 2001, 08:39:28 PM
"Sh**" he cursed as his sensor panel flashed to life with multiple attack vectors. He slammed his fist down against his consule as red klaxons flared throught the ship.
"Order Blood squadron luanched immediatly, give me two wings of TIE Drones as well, have them cover our rear. Give me full ion power immediatly, set coordinates to 03/47/74 I dont care what It takes, get us there now!"
[I]Over the paging system a womans voice calls for all piloits to man their craft and launch immediatly.
OOC: Blood squadron ( 18.topic)
Admiral Lebron
Dec 4th, 2001, 08:59:38 PM
Aboard his ever-loved command ship, Lei Lebron, Vice Admiral of the Bastion sector, ordered another wing of Hammerheads onto the battlefield, to eliminate the pathetic excuses of a ship, the TIE droid.
"Sir, the Leviathan, is at it's ordered spot." Spoke out the sensors officer.
"Order them to aim at the underside, destroy the bays."
The Battle cruiser, Leviathan, the first in it's kind, held itself far beyond the Super Star destroyer but within missle range. It's massive bays began to automaticlly load the torpedos into the launch tubes, as they charged up.
The first shots rang out into the battle field, bright blue and oragne streaked across the battle field. More blue then orange was coming out from the mighty warship.
The death that lanced out from the Leviathan, hit on the underside of the Super star destroyer, where the bays would be. It's goal was to melt down the durasteel or destroy the fighters themselves.
Shooting more then a dozen missles and torpedos a second, the smaller warship prooved much deadlier, as the remainder of the Imperial fleet, came up dieclty oppisate of it. Turbolasers beginning to lance out and destroy it.
Lord Gue
Dec 4th, 2001, 09:14:34 PM
Immediatly hundreds of ion cannons and turbolasers began simultaneous tracking of multiple in-bound targets, the fighter squadrons themselves also meanuvering into position as the skys above Ganath were lit orange with explosions and weapons fire as one by one the over whelming number of enemy missles were decimated as the turbolaser mounts swept the space in front of the ships, threatening to overheat with their intensity. The three wings of already launched fighters picking their way through the barrage of missles not targeting them to engage the enemy forces and hold a line for their home vessel to escape.
"Give me full aft shields! NOW!"
[I]A brief but violent shaking was felt as the missles impacted against the shields, causing relativly little damage to the ship overall. Slowly the ship gained speed overall and began to outdistance the approaching fleet.
Admiral Lebron
Dec 4th, 2001, 09:26:57 PM
The Imperial fleet, held back for a second, to regroup fighters, then launched eight more wings in their steeds, the rest of the fleet began to chase after the slow-moving Super Star destroyer. It's shields in general all ready weak, but it was going nowhere. They had a interdiction ship well behind their lines to hold the ship in place.
The Leviathans own three squadrons of fighters along with the twelve squadrons sent out by the other ships to engage the fighters heading at them. Missles, still pounding away at shields and guns gave no relent.
One by one, all across the ships side, overheating was the cause. But that was all that was needed, as the Leviathan, launched another wave of torpedo's at the shields.
"Admiral, their shields are nearly extingiushed." Rang out a sensor officer.
"Perfect. Arm the devestators." Glee covered his face.
Lord Gue
Dec 4th, 2001, 09:34:38 PM
"The fool, he doesnt yet realize"
[I]He turned to his science officer and barked orders at him, soon a complete systems display came up, showing the enemy forces and their positions, as well as the fighters and their relative positions to the main vessel. Michael traced his finger over the display, showing a white pocket, yet undiscovered by his unwitting foe. He turned back towards his bridge crew as they all smiled and nodded, realizing what he had planned and that they were not as helpless as they once thought. In space the Hope turned slightly, breacking around the side of the planet, moving just out of enemy missle range...
Admiral Lebron
Dec 4th, 2001, 09:38:33 PM
The fighters came in fast, one hundred and forty four-forty three strong, they were stingrays, yet to deplete their load. Their tails had already expanded and the first side of their tails launched. More then sixteen hundred missles slammed into the SSD as the fighters pulled every which way in flights of four, to avoid the booms. The SSD, would know be without shields and chunks of armor unless it was some sort of god.
Lord Gue
Dec 4th, 2001, 09:51:01 PM
[I]Indeed it wasnt, but its infamous Blood squadron was god-like in its abilitys. The entire group turned a 180 as it followed the fighter group from a slightly lower angle. They slowly started to lag behind as they drew more and more power from their engines into their mauler-designed ion blasters. As the first stingray launched its missles at The Hope, the squadron opened fire, unleashing a turrent of hell between the stingrays and the SSD. Their weapons opens a wide ray of ion energy, detonating the missles as they passed through and cuasing power outages throught the opposing fighter squadron, though enough missle passed through the barrage to down the rear shields, it mattered not, for the SSD had succesfully passed behind the planet, and out of range of the enemy fleets sensors, blocked not only by the stronger radiation of the cloud, but by the planets gravity.
The fighter squadron slowly used the planets atmosphere to roll around on an air brake to the other side, conserving their power from the massive blast they just created.
Admiral Lebron
Dec 4th, 2001, 09:55:41 PM
Sparrows had been launched to destroy Blood Squadron. Able to hit speeds of 200 MGLT they were untouchable by anything on the field
Gue was just about out of fighters, while the Bastion fleet had lost maybe a dozen or two fighters total. The fleet had once again regrouped and awaited orders to follow the SSD.
The Admiral ordered a gunship to coast behind the planet and to report it's findings using tight laser transmissions.Then he ordered the fleet to push forward, but keep the fighters with the fleet so they were not picked off by a trap. Todays battle may have loses, but not many.
Lord Gue
Dec 4th, 2001, 10:04:49 PM
[I]The fighters were picked up with tractor beams and brought back aboard the ship as soon as they matched velocitys with the SSD on the planets opposite side. On the bridge, Michael watched as the last of the representations of his fighters vanished off his screen, while another of the enemy vessels seemed to be cautiously rounding the side of the planet. It didnt seem like a larger vessel, and it certainly didnt have anything on it to screw with the plan so far.
Michaels fingers tightened around the arm rests of his throne, a panel opening up behind him as his chair slid silently back into a chamber of silence and pitch darkness. As he closed his eyes a silver swirling grew beneath his eye lids. Through the force he viewed the battlefield behind him, a few fighters heading his way, a fleet, some wreckage, nothing more.
His knuckles turned deathly white the tighter he griped his throne as his aura grew with intensity. In deep space a white sparkling cloud began to form from nothing.
Admiral Lebron
Dec 4th, 2001, 10:11:05 PM
The corvette reported nothing immeadiatly, and the fighters once again swooped in, this time, they launched their missles on seek mode, then zipped off, while the hammerheads, went in and fired off a volley or two, then pulled out, only to repeat the manuever, in a different style or spot.
The Bastion Sector fleet came up on two sides of the SSD, with the planet to it's backside. In the bays of several of the massive Star Destroyers sat, Devestator missles. Capable of producing firepower upto 600 times that of a regual torpedo.
Streaking forth from many ships came fifty of these massive missles, other missles and turbolaser and regular laser fire caught into the mix as well, to hide them. Nothing in the galaxy, not even the force could stop all of the missles and turbolaser fire. Let alone pick them out from other missles. Gue, was going down.
Lord Gue
Dec 4th, 2001, 10:15:15 PM
The white cloud virtually covered the entire space where The Hope once stood. It appeared as though Gue had destroyed himself in a force storm. If that had been true, then the storm should have disapated immediatly, as its creator was annihilated with it.
But it didnt, the storm remained, looking as violent as a supernova.
Aboard The Hope, Michael's eyes shown a radiant white as he clenched his jaw to contain the surging energies coarsing through his viens. He had studied very little in this area, but both his master and ex-wife had shown him how, and for that he was grateful. From this point the captain of the vessel would know what to do...
"Bring us about, course 3/9/2.4, head straight for the cloud. We have to escape!"
"Aye sir!"
[I]Outside the ship a few arcs of white energy lashed out and licked the ship, forming a black line accross their path, cuasing no damage but leaving proof of their dark energies. As the missles came in to strike their target they were immediatly detonated by the high level energy field the storm put out. Those that actually got through were immediatly shot down by the SSD's cooling turbolasers...
Khendon Sevon
Dec 5th, 2001, 08:14:35 PM
The Guild-class Star Destroyer Death Advocate came out of hyperspace as a brilliant explosion of colors cleared from the monitors onboard. The ship shuttered for a moment as her computers and main systems shut down, as they did so, an electrical current sparked to life in the generator, a backup quickly rekindling the systems as energy dampening units along with several forms of shielding coming to life around the entire ship. The bridge came back to life as the backup computer brought back the information stored in temporary memory, another few seconds and the main systems would come online.
The black outside of the Death Advocate flooded to white life as lights activated, showing its name written in crimson on the side of the hull. Gun ports opened all over the ship, Defensive Banks being pushed out. The bridge’s red lights dimmed as standard white light came on. “Status report?”
“Vice Diktat Khendon, we’re at 50% operations level. Engine rooms report full, shields report full, weapons report at one-third, communications report full, sensors indicates malfunctions in their backups as well as interference in multiple active sensor systems, all other systems, life support, transportation utilities, etc, are working at 75%.”
“Good enough, launch Black Thorn squadron and Red Throng squadron, have them take point as we ‘limp’ towards Lebron’s formation. Get those main systems online, now.” The skilled crew, who had manned the original DSD Death Advocate, which had been put in mothballs in the Guild Sector and renamed, worked like a streamlined design, each working at an incredible pace, not even needing to communicate verbally.
Twenty-four slim, sleek, deadly craft slipped out of the underbelly launch, blue flames erupting from their aft as they sped towards the fore of Khendon’s deadly creation, taking up two waves of vanguard formations, weapons charged, shields up, systems scanning for opponents.
Gue, your time has come, you’re up against the master now. Khendon thought, a force push behind it, aimed towards the subject of this matter.
(OOC: Post 8, Admin, delete all 100% OOC posts, thanks. Also delete all posts after eight, besides this one.)
Death Advocate
Lord Gue
Dec 5th, 2001, 10:36:44 PM
[I]The ship started moving again, this time straight for the gas cloud. The storm around the ship slowly turning the hull a complete black as its hull was singed and burned by ever increasing lacerations by energy arcs. The main viewscreen had been shutdown after one of the lesser interns had had a seisure from staring at the flashing lights far too long. He was in med bay now, and recovering well as the reports read.
Admiral Lebron
Dec 6th, 2001, 06:24:27 AM
OOC: Gue, just make a new post. Copy and paste.
Khendon Sevon
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:52:30 PM
Khendon smiled, “Activate anti-gravity well technologies, prepare to jump just aft of The Hope.”
“Sir, isn’t that suici-“ Khendon cut the officer off.
“Trust me, youth, I know what I’m doing, prepare all weapons, how are our systems?”
“100% operation, Vice Diktat, we’re ready for combat.”
The Death Advocate shot into hyperspace, pin pricks of blue and white, mixed with red, forming into lines, then quickly back into normal colors as the craft appeared directly behind Gue’s command vessel.
“Targeting, acquire locks. Defensive Banks set to max power, shoot down anything that tries to launch, missiles, vessel, fighters, anything,” Khendon crossed his legs, his grin fading as his face smoothed out and became as calm as the void that surrounded the ship, Gue, surrender now, I don’t want to have to board your ship and hurt more people, Khendon sent the message through the force, as respectfully as he could.
Admiral Lebron
Dec 6th, 2001, 08:00:45 PM
The fleet had moved up, still swarming Gue, but keeping a minor distance of maybe half a kilometer. Turbolasers continued to pour out from the two prongs of ships into the dying Hope.
Admiral Lebron, made sure to tell the fleet to watch out for Moff Sevon, not wanting an accident to happen to a superior, who would be escorting Gue to Coruscant.
"Sir." Piped up a sensors officer.
"Yes, Ensign?" Lebron said in response.
"Their shields are down. Their armor is begining to buckle and melt. "
"Good work. Order the fleet to continue..." He paused. "And order 3 groups to cut him off, from the front."
"Aye Admiral." He barked out the orders.
Lord Gue
Dec 6th, 2001, 08:14:58 PM
OOC: Lebron, I dont know how you could even think you weapons fire is getting through the force storm but think again.
Repair teams had scattered all over the ship, hastily slaping together quick fix jobs on all damaged systems, doing the ol cross of fingers in the hopes they would hold together.
Deep in the bowels of his concentration chamber, Michael recieved another message from the other force outside his storm. He was getting to be quite the bother, searching with his intuition he placed the man aboard the vessel directly behind them, bridge area.. command chair... center stage. He would end these useless comuniques now.
Aboard the bridge of The death Advocate, Khendon was uncrossing his legs for the umtenth time when a shimmering visage of Gue appeared before him, before Khendon could say anything, gue spoke...
"Do not say anything, for they cannot hear or see me. I am only appearing to your eyes, being auditory to your ears. If you do not call off this attack and break off pursuit immediatly I will be forced to take drastic action that may cost the lives of more imperial citizens. This is your final warning, you must take heed"
[I]With that the vision disapated, leaving Khendon to his own devices and The Hope even closer to the gas shell...
Khendon Sevon
Dec 6th, 2001, 08:55:14 PM
Khendon felt suddenly dizzy and brought his right arm down to support himself, “That son of a-“ Khendon cut himself off, “Birch, you’re in charge, see a hole, fire through.” Khendon quickly jumped to the turbolift, located in the rear, and sped quickly to the middle levels, where he departed, armed guards blocking the port, separating their weapons and allowing him to pass through.
Khendon jogged to his quarters, the doors quickly swishing behind him. He knew he wasn’t a match force wise for Gue, but he would have to try something to tip the balance. Khendon lay quickly upon an outreached couch like protrusion from the side of the wall, lifting a book and holding it close to his chest, a small black crystal in the center, one of the books he had collected from the sith temple that lay upon Kyrin.
The Vice Diktat focused on his emotions, letting them take the reins, allowing them to flow through him and into the crystal upon the book, then allowing them to surround the ship, collecting, calling upon the powers which had laid dormant within the book for centuries.
The force pushed towards the mass of dark energies, a brilliant, unseen battle beginning to emerge, small pinpricks opened in the cloud, then holes around a meter wide, Khendon’s eyes, now shut, began to tear under the stress as his face turned crimson. Birch was a quick man, and fired off round after round of Mass Cannons and Turbolaser fire into the holes, which closed off afterwards.
Khendon doubted they would make it through, but he hoped they would, their guidance systems had been locked onto the bridge of the opposing craft, and would soon report how well their mission had gone.
“Comm., on, link to command chair.”
“Affirmative,” said a computerized voice.
“Birch, order special operations teams to prepare, have them load their shuttles.”
Khendon knew there would be serious repercussions for his defile of Gue’s words, but he was happy that he was even able to open such small holes in such a powerful shield, he didn’t believe he would be able to do it again, he lacked the energy and skill, once was almost impossible, but, he had somehow managed to hold them for several seconds, long enough to fire… he hoped Gue hadn’t sensed it, but, as he knew already, Gue had; Khendon began to try and build defenses for the oncoming squall.
Lord Gue
Dec 6th, 2001, 09:09:51 PM
[I]Feeling a counter-force against his own, Gue once again searched out with his mind. He saw the holes forming in his storm, he let them be, for he also saw what was to follow. The energy weapons dissapated easily into space as arc after arc flew across the open area's of the storm, with just enough perscion to strike out and absorb the opposing energies.
Aboard his ship, Khendon heard whispers in his head, most of them forming non-coherent words, but every so often Gue's voice would burst out from among the rest...
"Your going to failshshshshshsuhshuhshyour crew will diesuhsushsushsuhhshsusyour family will never hear from you againshushsuhsuh..."
Admiral Lebron
Dec 8th, 2001, 03:30:40 PM
"Send SD groups nine and ten from division one and from two, send two and four, back to Ganath III. As soon as they arrive, have them open fire on every major city, have them launch fighters to wipe out any small villages and destroy every bit of life on it. " Admiral Lebron spoke to a series of Commanders and Luieteniants, some said yes and ran off to carry out the orders, the rest remained.
"Now, pull the fleet out two one point five kilometers from the cloud and hail Gue. Tell him to drop the cloud and surrender or his people will all be destroyed. He has.. 24 minutes to respond." The remaining of the commanders ran off to carry out the wishes of their Admiral.
Lord Gue
Dec 8th, 2001, 06:55:45 PM
"...24 minutes to respond."
The message had been recieved a short while ago, though nobody knew what to do, they couldnt interrupt him while he was in his concentration chamber. They would simply have to defer to his son, the second in command.
Standing on the second level of the bridge, Christopher oversaw every line of work being done, making sure every operation was being done at peak effiecency. When the message came through he shruged it off. He was not as sentimental as his father was, he wouldnt miss, nor care about the Ganath system once they escaped. What was a few thousand to their right to the empire?
"How long to the system limits?"
"Approximatly 20 minutes sir!"
"Excellent, then we are home free"
[I]The ship edged on curtly as its main persona kept track of all battle actions and had not yet noticed the ships that were turning back to his prize...
Admiral Lebron
Dec 8th, 2001, 10:18:50 PM
Captain Arzia Nu of the Immobilizer 418 Yank, had just recieved word from a messanger, to pack up and move the reserve Aramda to point niner-alpha-beta to intercept the rebel Gue.
The Captain figured it would take fifteen minutes to get the spot, with a minute or so of powering up the gravity well. He had no time to lose.
Lord Gue
Dec 9th, 2001, 06:58:15 PM
The cloud was a mere kilometer from the edge of the vessel before Gue decided to take action; invisioning a giant mouth in space, he took a deep breath and blew for a few moments. Out in space a giant hole appeared in the cloud around the Ganath system, one large enough for a super-star-destroyer sized ship to fit through.
Inching along at top speed, The Hope blast through the opening, the cloud sealing off behind them just as quickly as it had opened.
On the bridge of the ship, Christopher turned to the nearest pilot..
"Set course for Nal Hutta and power up the Hyperdrive for immediate jump"
Admiral Lebron
Dec 9th, 2001, 07:21:28 PM
The Division 1 reserves were pulled from hyperspace, as they came in proximity of the other gravity well producing ship. Captain Nu ordered the gravity wells to charge up as it matched paralell course to the slow SSD.
"Keep distance. Send comm to the fleet, telling them its safe to pull through in Bravo and Tango vectors." His high voice sang out.
He gazed out as small ships began to tear through the cloud two to three kilometers on either side of the cloud-engulphed SSD. Soon, the fight would begin.
Lord Gue
Dec 9th, 2001, 07:51:37 PM
Christopher turned as his main engineer hurried onto the bridge
"Yes sir, you wanted to see me?"
"Yes, why havent we the capability to jump to hyperspace yet?"
"Well sir, our instruments down below are reading a large gravity-well nearby, and of course the internal saftey protocol's automaticaly shutdown any attempts to jump if they are detected"
"Then what are you waiting for?"
"Disconnect the damned saftey protocols"
"But sir, that would be hig..."
Chris stormed up to the enginner, as he back peddled he slamed into a wall behind him.
"Look, my father, no matter how powerful he may be, cannot keep up his little shield trick forever. There is no planet out there for us to fear, so disconnect those damn saftey or ill be sure to make sure each and every one of your children suffers a drawn out and very painful death, DO YOU GET ME!"
"yy.y.y.y..ees sir"
The engineer ran off quicker than he came as he made his way back down to engineering...
Admiral Lebron
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:09:26 PM
The first wave of SD groups that had passed through the cloud had regained power and were defensively swarming the other ships as they waited.
Bit by bit, each ship was regaining power. The SSD engines flared up as if it were poising to go to hyperspace. Admiral Lebron throught that in itself was stupid.[/i]But, let him try.[/i]Lei decided to go on a hunch he had, noticing the increasing power flows to the engines.
"Weapons, ready five devestators. As soon as the SSD drops the cloud launch. And with them, launch every torpedo, concussion missle, and laser bolt we have. Let's make 'em hurt!" Cheers broke out. Lebron was rallying up his men for a kill, and it was working.
Lord Gue
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:18:45 PM
As the enemy fleet jumped through the cloud, Christopher watched intently for the fraction of a second they were visible, for in the time the interdictor fields were droped to allow Lei's vessels to pass through, the hyperspace engines had finished charging.
"How silly of them, personally I would have stayed in there and let the other fleet follow us around until their interdictor field was out of range of the cloud to allow us to pass through, or at least jump through at some other point."
A younger crewman giggled at that as she worked at her station. Turning in her direction, Christopher smiled and continued
"At least he didnt attempt to pass through at sublight speeds, then his power would have gone out in the middle of the cloud, killing his entire crew..."
[I]At that the entire bridge burst into laughter...
Dec 11th, 2001, 08:22:57 PM
*Having arrived in a Wrath Cruser that had entered the area just as the Imperials were just before their Gravity Wells were charged up, a squadron of Howlrunners stays well away from the battle. They form up in an X formation and their Flight Leader speaks.*
Flight Leader: Ok, listen up. This is a Recon mission. We are here to observe and watch. Take an evasive stance and prepair all flight recorders to record everything!
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