View Full Version : Gue's RP campaign idea ...

Champion of the Force
Dec 3rd, 2001, 07:02:22 PM
... it would seem I'm not the only one looking for an alternative. :)

First off, thank you for reading my thoughts on this little issue, and if you could humor me through till the end I'd be most grateful.

My idea is to start a new SWFans campaign setting, now you may already be scoffing at me, but just hear me out. You might be wondering where this setting could be held at? No, not the unknown regions, but a good guess I'll give you that. Nope, not Vong space either.

What im thinking about is a SWFans fan fiction that ive started reading a week ago that I find truly spectacular. If you wish to find out more about the source im working from, go to http://www.newimperium.org. I wish, that if you do like my idea, and that the other admins do as well, that one of you may switch over and become and admin for the new setting.

A brief description of what im thinking is as follows: In a galaxy not very far from ours lies an enemy, deep in waiting and with a fanatical belief that our galaxy is truly theirs. They've been mustering for 25,000 years and want nothing more that to destroy us all. The New Imperium is the governing body of this giant military machine, a huge senate of represenatives from worlds encompassing the entire galaxy govern it, with a democraticaly elected diktat presiding over it. Under the senate rules the warlords, ruthless military leaders that control vast expanses of territory in NI space and fight each other to further their own power. Planetary populations are tought that these warlords are even gods to be worshiped, and this belief is even reinforced by the lesser jedi of the region, who's job it is to brainwash the population. More powerful jedi can reach the rank of admirals or generals, but the most powerful is the warlord himself, with his grand master under him to control and lead the jedicon, as they are called in this galaxy. Also, the jedicon use both sides of the force equaly, calling it the 'true force'.

This is only a rough outline mind you of what i have in mind, I dont want to continue further and bore you with meaningless details if this does not yet intrest you, I await your response at your next convienence, thank you for your time...

Post your thoughts. :)

Dec 3rd, 2001, 09:00:51 PM
I'll comment and add thoughts here in a little while.

Dec 4th, 2001, 03:31:56 AM
I think such an idea would be best suited being pitched to the posters/regulars of the RPing forums. It isn't really our place to dicatate to them the settings of their role playing.

That is one of the main things about the role playing that I liked when I first arrived and I think many others feel the same way. How few restrictions there really are.

Champion of the Force
Dec 4th, 2001, 04:06:26 PM
I agree. Afterall, it's written into the rules that users may include their own specific rules/limitations etc. in their roleplays provided that they clearly advertise them at the beginning of each roleplay.

If Gue really wants to push this, I see no reason why he can't do something similar - create his little campaign, have each thread labelled so that people are aware it's part of the campaign, and have a list of rules or links to rules located elsewhere that specify any special requirements. That way those who don't want to take part can simply avoid any threads related to the campaign.

From what he's given us I'm assuming that he's thinking of an alternate storylione-type scenario like what I was thinking of that's seperate from the current 'setting' that has it's own specific storyline, groups and events.

I'll PM him back telling him to just post this in OOC and find other's thoughts about it, and also just post a bit of advice on how he may wish to run it if it does go ahead. :)

Champion of the Force
Dec 4th, 2001, 06:33:29 PM
Gue responded back - he wants one of the staff to post the idea on his behalf (he thinks people will automatically reject it if he posts it). He also made mention of how his idea would work 'on another board' or something along those lines - he wasn't very clear.

I replied back to him asking for further elaboration as to how it will fit in with the current roleplaying and also pointed out that regardless of who posts the idea someone needs to be able to answer any queries in relation to his suggestion and we can't act as go-betweens all the time for him.

Champion of the Force
Dec 4th, 2001, 07:43:22 PM
We've traded a few PMs between each other, and what he plans to do is discuss the idea with some other roleplayers and then post his idea in OOC if they support it.

His mention of having it 'on another board' was reference to its different setting and his want to keep it seperate from the current roleplaying. I told him to set it out like I described above.

Dec 4th, 2001, 09:38:04 PM
Thanks for working with Gue on that David. :) A non RP involved party was probably best in that situation with his "just because its me" gripe.