View Full Version : Hunting a Crime Lord (open)

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 3rd, 2001, 06:32:06 PM
Aurelias Kazaar navigated the Flying Dutchman through the heavy traffic of Nar Shaddaa. It had been several months since he'd been to the 'Flying City' above Nal Hutta, since he'd been tracking Sanis Prent and Sieken Kasstra to Kuat and back.

That turned into a real FUBAR mission. 'Least I got paid. With everything going on now...you'd think jobs would spring up...but nooo. Feh.

"Flying Dutchman requesting permission to land on Bay 251," he spoke to the landing pad operator.

"The fee for landing is $1500."

"Fifteen-hundred? Good Lord, why that?" Kazaar shot back.

"It's the economy, pilot," the voice snarled back, "With the galaxy in turmoil, I have to figure out a way to make money."

Yeah, but ripping off customers, Kazaar thought, "Fine, I'll pay it."

"You have permission to land," the silky voice's words slipped out like honey.

Kazaar set his ship down lightly on the landing pad. Before he hit the button to exit the ship, he slipped his blaster out of its holster. He stood up, then jumped from ship to the ground. His black boots klunked against the hard steel of grating as he watched the control operator walk up to meet him.

It was Twi'lek, who like most, smelled horrible. The black wrapping around his white hand was tattered and torn. His white eyes boggled out as he stared at both Kazaar, and his blaster.

"Fifteen-hundred up front please," he cackled, as he glanced at the bounty hunter.

"But of course," The black-haired man reached into his pocket, then threw a bag of coins towards the pasty-faced alien. He grabbed for the bag, then began counting the credits.

"There are atleast 3000 credits in here," The Twi'lek stammered.

Aurelias started walking away, "I know...I'll be hear a while. Touch my ship, and that's the last bit of money you'll ever see. Got it?"

Kazaar didn't have to hear his response to know he wouldn't touch my ship. He slowly strode through the bowels of Nar Shaddaa, in search for a place to get a stiff drink, a good bounty, and maybe a little side action.

His nose curdled at the smell of the Smuggler's Moon. Various different aliens ran across the streets, with humans following. A fist fight broke out between a human and a Rodian, with the human winning. A girl, no more than eight, ran up to the winner giving him a small bag of coins.

Kazaar smirked, then moved towards a place called The Meltdown Cafe. Unsure why he stopped in, he took a seat near the bar, calling for the barkeep. The grizzly human strode up to the Kuat-born bounty hunter.

"Yeh mac, what can I get for ya?"

"Scotch on the rock. Preferably something older than 12 years...mac," the surly human said.

"Be up inna minit," The barkeep replied stepping away from where Aurelias sat.

Pretty busy today, Aurelias thought as he gazed down the bar. Wonder what's going on?

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 6th, 2001, 02:20:14 AM
Kazaar took another sip of his drink. He saw a few people at the bar area, the rest were in booths secluded from the rest of the world. Planning their deeds of discontent and ill-doing more than likely, he mused.

Aurelias took a cigar out of his black jacket pocket, running his white hands over the dark brown wrapping. It was part of his special reserve, Pre-Empire Cigars. Costed a pretty penny to get 'em too. Glad I have my 'contacts'.

Using a small, metal cylinder he plucked a hole in the cigar. Then, as he placed it in his mouth, he lit it allowing the smoke to waft around the bar.

That's when he noticed the two men staring at him. One was odd, or odd for a human, wearing green goggles and looking like something our of a Noir Holo. The other just looked drunk.

Picking up his drink, Kazaar walked up to them, he scoffed, "Can I help you, gentlemen? Or is it illegal for a man to smoke in a bar these days?"

Ryu Warusa
Dec 6th, 2001, 11:34:18 PM
"It might be, you got a light?" I was asking the gentleman that was approaching us. He appeared scum-like, and had an air about him like he thought he was better than everyone else. "Must be a bounty hunter," I thought.

"When did you start smoking?" it was the man to my left, the man with the green lenses, Jerred Rez.
"I've always smoked, you should learn to be more perceptive. Anyways, you're blind. How would you know if I smoked or not?"

Jerred Rez
Dec 7th, 2001, 12:20:32 AM
Jerred lowered his gaze to his glass for a moment. The green hue of his goggles lit up the water, refracting onto the bar-top. He glanced up to the new comer and scanned his body, glancing through the layers of clothing and skin. His goggle gave him several advantages... even if he was blind without them. It was a small price to pay. Funny, his brother would have never realized that when he accidentally blinded Jerred that day, he actually gave him a gift.

He turned to Ryu and whispered in his ear. "Do you think he knows about the bounty?" Jerred ran his hand along the rim of his grey hat, turning his glance to Kazaar. "So, what brings you hear?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 7th, 2001, 12:37:50 AM
Kazaar looked down at the two men, raising an eyebrow.

"Is it any business of yours why I'm here? It was you who was staring at me. I just came in for a drink and a smoke."

He took another sip of his drink, then pulled out his black lighter. Without leaning down, he lit the cigarette the first man had produced. He took his lighter back quickly, then puffed on his cigar again spewing the smoke over the table.

"Unless you got any information about anybody that might be useful around here?"

When they didn't reply, Kazaar changed his question.

"Okay do you know anything about Kollimar Ghent? Heard he had a pretty hefty bounty on his head."

Ryu Warusa
Dec 14th, 2001, 12:48:41 AM
"Kholimar Ghent.... say Jerred, do you remember a bounty on a Kholimar Ghent?" I smoked my cigarette and watched as another pair of bountyhunters? The man seemed slightly impatient, he seemed to have a nervous twitch in his eye.

We were there for a different bounty, probably different than most people in the bar. We were after the Imperial traitor Gue, there was a hefty price on his head and the Vagrant Order could use the extra pocket cash.