View Full Version : Hey Jedieb ...

Champion of the Force
Dec 1st, 2001, 11:33:53 PM
... sorry, but I didn't follow you on this comment:

Damn, I didn't need my special Davwj decorder ring to figure out you meant Titanic surprised everyone and became #1. Where's the need to cop to ANYTHING Davwj? :rolleyes
Ummm, was this a jab at me, or Jon? Or neither?

Sorry, just like to be clear on the comment. :)

Dec 1st, 2001, 11:36:56 PM
It was a jab at Jon. I didn't think you needed to be corrected on your Titanic comment. It was pretty obvious. But apparently what you said set off Jon's SW alert. I wouldn't have said "my bad" if I were you.

Champion of the Force
Dec 1st, 2001, 11:42:09 PM
I like being polite, even if it is Jon. :)

That's what I thought you meant, but from another angle it could be construed that you were knocking me for re-explaining myself when it was obvious what I was saying (ie. my post responding to Jon). So I just wanted to make sure.

Anyway, I look forward to Jon's response (if any), consdering it's the same Jon as the one who, last year, was insisting it was a *fact* that AOTC would be making so much and breaking this, this and this record. :rolleyes