View Full Version : EP 3 Casting News

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 1st, 2001, 07:22:37 PM
The force.net has named some rumored actors/actress who might be in EP III realize it seems to be mostly rumor and also there are no spoilers because they don't try to guess who they might be playing
Episode II is nearly finished. The effects work is in the home stretch, with hundreds of effects shots done and primary filming complete. They are dubbing and looping the sound, and doing the score. Is it to early to think about Episode III yet? Absolutely not.
Today we've got part 1 of 2 with a short list of actors heard to be in consideration for a role in the last Star Wars movie ever. Keep in mind that these are real possibilities, and they are not definite. It is early enough to not know much concrete, but this list of potentials can spark some discussion and the direction of the final prequel.

Some of the names on this list and the followup report tomorrow are familiar, like Gabriel Byrne who was mentioned twice in August (here and here) and Lara Cox a few times as well (here and here).

Will they actually pan out? Certainly more than a few from these lists will make the final cut. Here's the scoop:

GABRIEL BYRNE - Pretty obvious since this casting has already been rumored everywhere but I can tell you what stage they are at. As far as I know he hasn't met with Lucas but has met Gurland at least twice. The only stumbling block is that he would like to see some kind of script before he signs, but the deal is as good as done.
ROBBIE COLTRANE - I believe that he is a Scottish actor who has been in some Bond movies and is a big T.V star in the U.K. Rick McCallum is a BIG fan of his and met him on the set of a film he is making with Jonny Depp about Jack the Ripper. Gurland has also sounded him out to see if he would be interested and the response was positive.

LARA COX - She was on the list that you guys got hold of last year and she's being thought of again this time. That's all I know about this one.

CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON - Another name that appeared on that first sheet although nothing came of it. This time however things have gone farther. They've been in contact with him and he is interested.

GEORGE SHEVTSOV - His name has been mentioned and that's about all.

KEN STOTT - From what I know he has as good as signed. Was wanted for AOTC as well but isn't in that film. Don't know much about him either

That was the first part here is the second

ROSHAN SETH - Again he is as good as signed from what I know.
WILLEM DAFOE - This is where you might start to think this is all fake. Willem Dafoe was considered for the role of Jango Fett in AOTC at Lucas' request (he's a fan apparently) Gurland met him and they discussed it. What happened I don't know, but Temura Morrison got the part. Since then they have been in regular contact with him and it looks like he will appear in Episode 3.

ROBERT ENGLUND - I told you it gets unbelievable. This guy is the actor who plays Freddy Krueger. I'm 90% sure that he is being thought of to provide a voice. That's what I've been told but would they be thinking about voicing characters this early? I don't know but he is a name that they are looking at.

DAVID HAIG - Don't know anything other than his name is mentioned a few times on some lists.

Here's a few more details: Roshan Seth was in Vertical Limit with Temura Morrison, Young Indiana Jones and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Willem Dafoe was in Speed 2 with Temura Morrison as well as Clear and Present Danger with Harrison Ford. Rounding it out, remember that David Haig was also part of the Young Indiana Jones series.

Now besides Englund I can believe the rest of the casting moves (I guess Englund could be a voice the same with Coltraine I think it would be weird to see either one of them in the movie) Also I am thinking either Byrne or EccLeston (played the villain in Gone in 60 seconds) will play our old fave Tarkin, but it really hard to say if any of these rumors will come true.

Captain Vriss
Dec 1st, 2001, 09:11:45 PM
Kewl information Jedi Master Carr.

Champion of the Force
Dec 1st, 2001, 11:49:05 PM
Just so you all know, I have used this thread as a reference for a News item I have posted on the SWFans portal page:



Jedi Master Carr
Dec 2nd, 2001, 12:03:26 AM
Great Idea Davwj maybe we can get some conversation about it.

Dec 2nd, 2001, 02:35:04 PM
Agreed - I don't think I could see Coltrane or Englund in SW. I just don't know if they fit. Both, however, could provide good voice-overs. I think Byrne would be a pretty good choice for Tarkin - he just has the look...
But, it is way too early to tell - I'd treat all of these rumors with a grain of salt.

Dec 2nd, 2001, 02:42:43 PM
Dafoe would be near perfection. Coltrane is good, maybe as a politition.

They need Buscemi, Campbell and Scott though ;)

Dec 2nd, 2001, 05:29:45 PM
I'm still championing for Gabriel Byrne.