View Full Version : Style Set Reference

Nov 29th, 2001, 01:42:13 AM
Mainly for my own storage of information. :p

Jedi (Default) (Styleid=1)
--Jedi (Default) Replacement set
--Jedi (Default) Template set

SWFans.Net Original (Formerly Default) (Styleid=25)
-- SWFans.Net Original Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Red (Styleid=14)
-- Star Wars - Red Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Green (Styleid=12)
-- Star Wars - Green Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Orange (Styleid=13)
-- Star Wars - Orange Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Gold (Styleid=10)
-- Star Wars - Gold Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Purple (Styleid=17)
-- Star Wars - Purple Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars Blues (Styleid=16)
-- Star Wars Blues Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Sith (Styleid=18)
-- Star Wars - Sith Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Rebel (Styleid=20)
-- Star Wars - Rebel Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars - Imperial (Styleid=21)
-- Star Wars - Imperial Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars – Shipyards (non user selectable) (Styleid=29)
-- Star Wars - Shipyards Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars Episode II - Light (Styleid=11)
-- Star Wars Episode II - Light Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Star Wars Episode II - Dark (Styleid=23)
-- Star Wars Episode II - Dark Replacement set
-- SWFans.Net Original Template set

Basic - Light (Styleid=9)
-- Basic - Light Replacement set
-- Basic Template set

Basic - Dark (Styleid=15)
-- Basic - Dark Replacement set
-- Basic Template set

Text Based - Light (Styleid=22)
-- Text Based - Light Replacement set
-- Text Based Template set

Text Based - Dark (Styleid=8)
-- Text Based - Dark Replacement set
-- Text Based Template set

vBulletin Standard (Styleid=29)
-- vBulletin Standard Replacement set
-- vBulletin Standard Template set

Portal (still in development) (Styleid=30)
-- Portal Replacement set
-- Portal Template set

Champion of the Force
Nov 29th, 2001, 04:24:44 AM
When the portal theme gets completed, can we rename it Default so new posters get clued in as to what styles there are and where it fits in?

Nov 29th, 2001, 04:36:00 AM
You think we should make it the default? I have been considering that since I started designing it. I think it is about done now, I just need to get the details of how we are going to operate the News forum all figured out and maybe one or two news topics going in there before I actually complete the set up and open it, announce the portal, and add all the links to the portal to the other styles. I just finished all the graphics earlier.

I haven't got the text based styles set up for vbPortal yet, because I need to r-upload the base vbPortal theme and make some modifications to the templates, considering that would be easier than trying to modify the fancy smancy template mods that are present now.

I think the portal theme would do well as the default. I know it works well in Netscape 6 and IE 6. (tests Netscape 4.x) :x It tears Netscape 4 to shreds bad......:( Looks like its the header table stuff that affects it the worst. The portal page at least loads well enough to read stories, while the forums don't hardly load at all.

Champion of the Force
Nov 29th, 2001, 04:43:11 AM
You think we should make it the default?
Well you did say that was what you hoped to do in the other thread, which is why I suggested the name. :)

But I do think it would be good for the default theme. It matched the original portal page so visitors won't feel like they've gone to a totally different site.

Nov 29th, 2001, 04:46:29 AM
Yep, I agree. A nice disclaimer/requirements text mesage in the top center message/announcement section after an introductory welcome would be good to have, and include links to the respective sites.

Best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.x + and Netscape 6.x + ...etc.

Champion of the Force
Nov 29th, 2001, 04:51:55 AM
According to our statistics, 96% of our visitors are using IE anyway.

Of course, 96% of our visitors are mainly regulars :), so that figure may change when the SW fever takes hold and we get more people looking around.

Anyways, I'm now trying to apply the 'Portal' theme, but it still displays my original Basic theme, even after a super refresh. Problems with the theme or is it just my computer?

Nov 29th, 2001, 04:55:31 AM
Are you having any trouble logging out of your account?

If so, you may need to delete your cookies and log back in, that was what was happening to me last night.

Champion of the Force
Nov 29th, 2001, 05:17:48 AM
Now that you mention it, yes I am.

Tried to logout 3 times now, but it still keeps me logged in. :\

Guess I'll have to clean the Cookies folder out again. :grumble

Nov 29th, 2001, 05:23:51 AM
That happened to me once over at the vbulletin forums and I found a topic mentioning what the issue was. That is the only reason I thought to give it a try earlier today. Usually I hit log out and just log back in in the form that comes up, or I just hit "Clear Session" before I lock my PC and walk away.

Champion of the Force
Nov 29th, 2001, 05:36:28 AM
Ok, working now. :)

Looks sweeter with the fonts now fixed. Good work :). I also noticed that you've set the main table width to 95% (instead of 90% like all the other themes). I've actually been toying with the wdith in the Basic - Light theme lately and I think the lighter themes do look better being wider, since the gaps on the sides etc. are more noticeable.

The only problem that I can see with this otherwise wonderful theme is colours of the option buttons in the posts (search, alert, profile, edit etc). The white and light grey colours look great on the New thred/Post Reply buttons, but on the others the text is getting a bit small and thus the colours make them harder to read. I think the alternative icons used earlier today when I commented on them may be a better alternative.

Apart from that, it deserves a clap:


Nov 29th, 2001, 06:05:47 AM
I just wanted to stick with the buttons that were a part of the Chrome theme I acquired from the phpportals website, that match the header and such, maybe sometime if I am feeling very inspired, I’ll redo the text in black on the smaller buttons.

Okay, much easier solution, I used the same set from another Light colored style.