View Full Version : Jedi On the Hunt IV: Recovery (Graem)
Nov 26th, 2001, 09:43:07 PM
Graem pilots her ship into the main hanger of the asteroid base, Dragon's Roost, the main platform for his small fleet. A driod waits outside the ship, and zips in as soon as Graem lowers the ramp, taking Alpha, and putting him onto a hover stretcher, while a blue-skinned Metathran that Graem, who had gone out of the cockpit after the landing, didn't recognize hovered around the fallen Jedi's stretcher.
"How is he?" the Metathran asks, looking anxious. He notices Graem staring at him, and extends his gloved hand. "Oh, I'm Sidar Kondo, second in command of Dragon's Roost, and Pheonix's Nest. What did our young friend here do?"
Graem N Snowbringer
Nov 29th, 2001, 12:16:28 PM
:Graem smiles slightly and shakes the Metathran's hand firmly before replying:
"He got himself into a fight which he was lucky to come out alive from so it was a normal day's work for our young friend.
I've done what I can to aid his healing and recovery but I feel you will be better equipped to help him further from now on.
I would like to stay until he is healed, if that is allowable?"
:As she speaks Graem surveys the area around her and sighs a barely audible sigh of relief:
Nov 29th, 2001, 06:34:03 PM
Sidar smiles, and looks to Alpha, saying, "That sounds about right."
He turns back to Graem and says, "You can stay as long as you like. Alpha has told us that you can be trusted, and you make a good ally. We'll see that he gets the best care."
With that, Alpha's hover stretcher is sent to the med bay.
************************************************** **
A week later, Alpha walks slowly into his own room, the first time in all the time he's been back, and changes from his hospital gown into his normal shape-changing jumpsuit, which takes the form of a pair of baggy black pants, and a flowing black, sleeveless shirt. After he shoves his feet in some boots, the Jedi heads to Graem's room, which is fairly close by, thanks to Sidar's arrangements. He knocks on the door, and smiles as Graem opens it.
"Look who's back, and feeling just as good as ever." Graem takes a look at Alpha, and replies, "I thought you weren't supposed to make it out for another week!"
Alpha turns around, and lifts his shirt, revealing a series of stones embedded in his spine. He puts down his shirt, and turns back around, saying "Those are Spirit-Stones. The black ones enhance my healing ability, and the blue ones amplify my Force powers. They are the ones that helped me get out a little early."
Alpha looked quite a bit more mature, and looked a lot different too. Along his face, he left the scar of the one that runs through his eye, and in place of his destroyed left eye was a cybernetic replacement that looked exactly like his other eye, except that it was pure silver--both pupil and iris.
"So, what was it you came looking for me for?"
Graem N Snowbringer
Dec 2nd, 2001, 07:06:37 PM
" I need your assistance on recovering something sentimentally valuable to which was taken from me shortly after my family was slaughtered, and it is vital that I recover it"
::Graem's head spins as her mind sends her back the day years ago when she arrived back at her parents' home to find death and destruction....scenes which would haunt her dreams and waking moments until she took her last breathe in this life....
She becomes aware of Alpha's concerned voiceand immediately snaps back to the present to find her young friend looking concerneedly at her:
"Think you can help me? It's nothing too dangerous or risky :she smiles broadly before continuing: ok maybe it IS dangerous and risky, up for a little adventure?"
Dec 3rd, 2001, 12:07:16 PM
Alpha smiles.
"Of course I'm up for it. For starters, you're my firend, and I'd go just to help you. But since this has some danger in it, then that gives me an added incentive. You know I like fights or other things that have a chance of killing me..."
Dec 4th, 2001, 06:53:45 PM
Alpha cocks his head to the side, and asks, "So, when do we leave?" The Jedi Knight was anxious to get to his room, and pack up his toys.
Boy, is the council going to LOVE this. Me helping a Rouge Jedi, and probably going to go against the Jedi code. Oh well, I'm never going to make Mastre anyways, so I might as well help out a friend.
Graem N Snowbringer
Dec 6th, 2001, 04:42:53 PM
"we will depart as soon as we are ready to leave,
You'd best go and pack your toys my young friend"
:Upon saying this Graem begins to pack up her belongings and weaponry before making checks on her ship, while awaiting Alpha's arrival.
She doesn't have long to wait and after only a short duration they leave the safety of Dragon's Roost and begin their long journey...:
Dec 7th, 2001, 10:34:03 PM
Alpha sits back in his seat on Graem's ship, his Pyro-GX fighter craft tagging along on autopilot, since Alpha had suggested that "Bring a craft made for fighting anything", and smiles.
A few hours ago Alpha had loaded up a few crates of weapons, and then a few backpacks of explosives and other things, and had gotten an amazed reaction from Graem.
What are you doing? Going into a war zone?
It never hurts to be prepared Graem. And besides, you mentioned it might be...
With that Graem has just smiled and shook her head, taking off.
The Jedi Knight looks to Graem, who was seated to his left, and asks, "So, Graem, what exactly are we going to get? And who are we going after?"
{OOC: I have an idea Graem. I'll send it in a few minutes from now.}
Dark Lord Seyester
Dec 9th, 2001, 10:24:41 AM
ooc: got your idea...awesome. It'll be a cool thread to work on, besides i've always wanted to know more about Alpha's past.
Graem looks up from the controls and monitors and looks at Alpha with a masked look in her eyes and Alpha could sense she had her emotions well hidden from him.
"We're going to pay a visit to an old enemy of mine, a close cohort of my dear departed uncle.
Seyester holds something which rightlyfully belongs to me as it was taken from the hand of my newly slaughtered father".
:Her voice wavers slightly before she recovers herself:...
"I have waited until this day to set about finding this man, he far exceeds me in physical strength and Force abilities but he has been weakened by a strange malady from which he cannot recover and I feel it is time he paid the price for the crimes he committed against my family"
:Graem's eyes shift to staring at the controls once again before mentally stating to her young friend...:
This little adventure is going to be dangerous and risky for us both, but for Seyester it is going to be fatal
Dec 9th, 2001, 01:57:55 PM
"Good. I enjoy seeing someone pay for their crimes. You said his name was Seyester?"
Getting Graem's confirmation, Alpha raises an eyebrow, masking his surprise and fright. "I think I know him from somewhere. Do you by any chance know if he went anywhere near the Dominian sectors?"
Graem looks at Alpha curiously but doesn't mention anything except the answer...
Graem N Snowbringer
Dec 9th, 2001, 04:00:50 PM
:Graem nods ever so slightly...worried by the expression on Alpha's eyes and on his face:
Dec 9th, 2001, 09:12:38 PM
Alpha becomes aware that he was letting his emotions bleed through, and quickly, and visiously clamps down on his emotions, his mind reeling.
"Oh well...I'll find out when we meet the dude. When do we get there?"
Not hearing the answer, Alpha's mind goes back to the time where he can only glimpse flashes of his family. A long time ago...
Alpha was a young child, three winters old, and about to hit his fourth. His father comes out to the main room where he was, and Alpha could remember him swearing, hearing a "Damn that Sith! Sey is making it miserable here!"
His father ran into the house, telling Alpha's mother to get him out. He was five winters old. The parents were talking in hushed whisers, and Alpha could only make out the words, "Seyester", and "Get Satine." The next thing he knew he was outside the house, leaving his father, and later hearing of his parents' deaths.
Alph had often heard about a Sith Lord looking for a Capashen, hearing that he was trying to eradicate the last of the family. Could it possibly be him that murdered his parents, and was looking for him? IF it was...
Alpha stops there, his hands clenched into tight fists, the Force a turbulent storm around him...
Graem N Snowbringer
Dec 12th, 2001, 03:56:09 PM
:Graem could tell that Alpha was lost in painful memories from the past, but she also knew that he could destroy himself if he let if rage and grief overwhelm she had let hers overwhelm her those years ago...
We will find him and he will pay the price for destroying your family...he's a monster and it's our duty to put a stop to his destructive ways once and for all. Hr has been in my grasp before but he escaped, nearly costing me my own life. I also owe him a great deal for helping slaughter my family. I will enjoy hurting him as I did with my own uncle. Revenge will be sweet for us both.
:With those words Graem turned to the controls and sent a coded signal to a friend and associate of hes, who was monitoring Seyester's travels on his home planetoid of Seyester's Lair....and this was where Alpha and his friendly Rogue Jedi who was verging on Dark Jedi, were headed:
Dec 13th, 2001, 12:31:06 AM
Alpha quickly changes moods in one of the lightning fast swings common in teenagers, and asks, "Graem, youwant to be inconspicuous, right?"
After getting a "yes, but..." from Graem, the Jedi Knight unstraps his restraints on his seat, and jumps to his fet with a, "I'll be right back." and heads to where his weapons and other things are stashed. Quickly finding the proper case, Alpha unsnaps the lid, and grabs a packet of hair color. This was his disguise kit, a fairly valuable tool for a Warrior Jedi Knight that occasionally does spy work. Opening the packet, Alpha dumps it onto his hair, letting the nanotech things turn his hair from the shocking silver to a normal brown. It also smoothed down the locks he normally kept the hair in, leaving the hair at shoulder length, and flat.
Once that is done, Alpha grabs a pair of contacts, and puts them in, the contacts changing his eye color to an extremely light blue color--light enough that he could be called a mad-man. Tieing back his hair into a ponytail, and cursing at how long his hair had gotten it--he had never really noticed while it was in locks--Alpha makes his way back to the cockpit.
"So, how long till we get to where we should be?" He asks. Graem turns around in her chair, and jumps, a blaster coming to her hand so fast it seemed to magically appear there. Holding up his hands, the Jedi Knight smiles and says, "Whoah Graem! It's me! You said you wanted to keep a low profile, so I changed some appearances. I mean, how many fourteen year old kids have silver eyes and bright silver hair? And who's going to notice a fourteen year old that looks normal?"
As Alpha says this he takes his seat back, and grins at Graem, who smiled slightly as she put her blaster up, clearly amused. "You have rather long hair," she remarks, to whichAlpha replies with: "Oh be quiet. IT just didn't seem that long before..."
Graem N Snowbringer
Dec 13th, 2001, 01:28:35 AM
"It wont be long now. Seyester is an unsavoury dealer in all things immoral or highly illegal.
I know for a fact he deals in child slaves....
Every so often he has gatherings of other traders in his fully protected estate, and we will be heading, as arranged with his minions, to one such gathering.
This ships's ID number and markings have been altered. Seyester will not recognise me but he will be able to realise we are Force users but we can minimise the risk of detection"
Dec 13th, 2001, 03:56:19 PM
"Well, I'm sure he won't recognize mne anyways. And I can make it appear that I'm Force-blind"
Graem's Force sense of Alpha suddenly disappears, letting him appear like a normal kid. Just as suddenly, it comes back.
"See? And he can't recognize me from the five winter kid I was..."
Graem N Snowbringer
Dec 13th, 2001, 06:14:36 PM
"Good....but you look so....normal. I'd never figure you for a Jedi Knight looking like that.
Just be prepared for anything and everything. I have a feeling our friend may be expecting us, but I will not back out of this little escapade. Besides we can have some fun while we do some monster hunting".
:Graem smiles, easily hiding her true emotions from her young friend.
Her mind was in turmoil about the upcoming battle that she was sure would ensure.....
She deeply regretted bringing Alpha along but she knew what had happened to his parents, for she had been there when it had occured, but her memories were scattered and blurred.She feared in her heart that she may have been part responsible for Alpha's loss, even though she had vowed to his dying mother to do his best to protect the child, and that she had done, from the shadows
:Graem knew her mission was now regain her possession and to find out if she had had anything to do with Alpha's loss:
Dec 13th, 2001, 07:43:39 PM
"Normal? Well, I guess I do look a bit more normal. Should I gets rid of the scar too?"
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:31:08 PM
Before Graem can give him an answer, the proximity alarm goes off, warning them of their imenent return to realspace.
"Are we going to head to the market place first? We might be able to "sneak" into an information database, so we can find some of the info you need." The way Alpha said "Sneak", and the words he left hanging, unsaid, left no doubt that Alpha was going in one way or another. And, Graem realized, Alpha was also going in for himself. That more than anything else.
"What kind of weapons are allowed in anyways?" Alpha says, his hands going to make sure his four dagnas--one on top and bottom of each wrist-- still rested there, and then checks the other weapons on his belts, wondering which, if any at all, he will be able to take...
EDIT--TTT again *poke poke*
Graem N Snowbringer
Jan 7th, 2002, 12:18:22 PM
"We're taking no chances, most of the traders are armed in some ways. Seyester has elaborate security precautions in place.....mainly to protect him from such people as us, but we can take weapons with us as long as they are not hidden...lightsabers may prove to be a problem but we will deal with that if a problem arises.
We aim to get inside the compound, which should not pose a deterrent to us both but seyester's fortress is heavily protected with all sorts of devices which we may fail to detect....also every being that enters the compound is scanned down to the subatomic level and also scanned genetically to ensure no-one from Seyester's past gains access to his powerbase but we have a way of avoiding that issue.
Be the way the scar can staybut your weapons may have to be scaled down I am supposed to be selling you...
:Graem busies herself with sending a transmission to the surface as they re-enter realspace...placing a signal within the innocent landing request, which would enable them to gain access to the compound without too much trouble.
"Are we ready to have some fun?"
:Graem grins...but behind her eyes lies steely determination to ensure Seyester would soon join others in death...:
Jan 7th, 2002, 06:31:13 PM
And Graem's expression is matched by Satine's, the Knight eager for battle, and ready to see if Seyester actually was the one to kill his parents.
"Downsize my weapons? How about my katana, lightsabre, pouch of shurikens, and a blaster? Fairly small arsenal if I do say so myself..."
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 6th, 2002, 11:53:25 AM
Graem smiles and shakes her head.
"Who ever heard of a slave being armed? Just take what you feel to be essential to your survival. I have sent a coded transmission down with our landing request so we shouldn't be detected when being scanned".
Graem busies composing herself for what may come and feels a tingle of dread work it's way down her spine. Shaking off the negativity she prepares to leave the ship as it glides into it's allocated docking bay.
Just as she readies to leave she takes off her lightsaber and reluctantly leaves it behind, along with her family medallion, a pendant engraved with a blazing flame encircling a blade with a Snowbringer family snow crystal of dazzling ice white at it's centre. The crystal seemingly loses it's radiance somewhat as Graem removes the medallion from around her neck, perhaps for the last time....:
Are you ready Alpha? Just don't be your usual cocky self and we won't end up in trouble!
Graem waits for Alpha to ready himself and suddenly she finds herself in a dark part of her past, seeing images she dreaded seeing again.....
Aug 6th, 2002, 03:40:28 PM
Satine grins at Graem, and takes off all his weapons but his wrist sabres, putting leather arm bands over them to cover the weapons. Putting on his sleeveless trenchcoat, Satine's armor morphs into baggy cargo-pants, and a large cargo shirt.
"Well, shall we go?" he asks, pulling his hair back into a ponytail.
{OOC:I probably repeated some things in this but..*shrugs* And wasn't your old name Graem D snowbringer? :)}
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 7th, 2002, 04:56:48 AM
ooc: yep it was but I decided to change the middle name just for a change...the N stands for whatever you think it does, I don't even remember! :huh
ic: Graem strides purposefully out of the ship into the deserted hangar....more than a little surprised that there was nobody reception commitee...nothing
Glancing around she mentally notes the lack of any kind of presence within the hangar, not even droids of any description had made an appearance since they had landed.
Feeling Alpha's presence behind her Graem debates with herself whether they should leave now or face whatever is coming. It doesn't take long for her to realise that there is no turning back...
Without warning a trio of vicious looking guards appeared. The lead thug motioned that Graem and her slave should follow.
Graem memorised their route as they were ushered through a maze of corridors...
After a while they came to the main compound's security entrance.
Before them were dozens of unsavoury characters from planets far and wide, all of them slave traders.
Off to one side were the slaves, being prodded through scanning equipment by cruel guards.
Many slave traders glanced round to look at the newcomer....all being unfamiliar with Graem's credentials and reputation as a slaver...which were, of course, non-existent. Some slavers avoided her piercing galnce, which was just as well as she detested the likes of those around her, although she could do nothing to stop them at the moment, but the time would come.
Graem studied the security devices in use and hoped that she and Alpha would remain undetected for the time least until the time came to seek her revenge.... :duel
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:40:56 PM
Graem, when we finish here, this place is going to be vaped, and the slaves will be freed...Even if I have to do it with a bike and a peashooter. Satine sends through the Force, making sure to act submissive, and taking a hit from a stary electrowhip, hissing softly at the pain it causes. He continues to follow his friend.
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 7th, 2002, 01:53:26 PM
"Peashooter huh?"
Graem smiles at Alpha's mental comment but soon they are being herded to the main market square and for the first time Graem sets eyes on her quarry.
As she stands against the wall waiting for proceedings to begin Graem gets the sense that all is not as it sees and she becomes more vigilant of her surroundings...
ooc: Tony feel free to get us into any situation you want to and I'll pick it up tomorrow...we need some action and some suspense. Em
Aug 7th, 2002, 06:22:52 PM
{OOC:With pleasure Em...:D Trouble is what Satine does best! :) lol}
Satine follows Graem, but is hit again by a stary whip. Losing his temper, but at least remembering to keep their cover, Satine jumps at the slaver with the whip, growling. He barrels into him, and takes him down. Before they hitt eh ground, Satine begins to pummel the man's face into a bloody pulp.
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 07:06:34 AM
Alpha....just don't get yourself killed
Graem pushes through the crowds as she senses some are about to deal with the troublesome slave...
Graem draws one of her blasters and senses out the impression that she is not to be messed with....and fires once into the air to get the attention of the crowd.
"Anyone who touches my property will die slowly"
Alpha finds himself being dragged off the now unconscious guard by Graem's Force enhanced strength. She sets her young friend down and silently tells him to ease off on the anger.
"What if I destroy your slave for ruining my guard?" came the voice Graem had tried vainly to erase from her mind..
Graem felt Alpha tense for another fight....but he was still maintaining their cover for the present time.
"You could try but you wouldn't succeed, he won't die easily I can assure you"
"Your arrogance hasn't changed Graem....but just tell me one thing before chaos ensues.....did you really believe that I wouldn't sense your presence? After all you are my flesh and blood....don't tell me your parents never told you the truth before they died?"
Seyester obviously expected Graem to get angry and he wouldn't be disappointed but he didn't realise who it was who had just battered his guard half to death. Graem just hoped that Alpha wouldn't give himself away just yet....things were just getting interesting.
The crowds shrunk back and Graem and Alpha found themselves surrounded....the ball was now in the court of the opposition and Graem was just going to let what may come.
Just let the slaves free, you achieved what you set out to do Seyester
Don't you mean Master Seyester? I'm sure some people would love to hear what you participated in as my student....I've been searching for one person who would be interested in hearing that you helped kill his family....any ideas who I mean my young student?
ooc: I know this goes quite quickly but I thought it would liven it up a bit...and we can learn more about Alpha's past soon. Is that ok Tony?
Aug 8th, 2002, 07:23:34 AM
{OOC:SOunds good. :)}
Satine rasises an eyebrow when he hears that Graem is kin to Seyester, and then, anger begins to bubble up in him.
"Don't you mean Master Seyester? I'm sure some people would love to hear what you participated in as my student....I've been searching for one person who would be interested in hearing that you helped kill his family....any ideas who I mean my young student?" Seyester asks, and Satine's fist ball up.
Please tell me he's not talking about me, Graem...Is he? IS HE?!
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 07:48:12 AM
I'm afraid he is Satine
Seyester sees the reaction invoked by his words and soon realisation dawns upon his face.
:Graem just stands, trying to figure out what to do next:
Aug 8th, 2002, 07:55:54 AM
Why in the nine unholy hells did you not tell me this before? Satine sends, and then drops the masking of his Force signature, showing how pwoerful in the Force this Jedi Knight, Warrior, and Defender realy was. Igniting the hidden wrist sabres, Satine growls, glaring at Seyester.
"You found him."
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:00:58 AM
I didnt' want to tell you the thing that would hurt you the most....go ahead and hate me if you want to but I won't let him kill you
How touching should have killed him when you had the chance, he'll kill you now you know that...why don't you tell him what happened. I'm sure he wants to know....
Seyester adknowledges Satine in his true form but doesn't do anything to arm himself yet....
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:10:16 AM
Satine looks coldly at Graem.
"What happened Graem?"
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:17:52 AM
Satine, I never meant for any of that to happen.....I guess I just tried to erase the deaths of my own family by being with my Master....he and my uncle wiped out my family so I know you're angry with me.
I don't know why Seyester chose to kill your family but he did and he made it part of my training to join him. At first I wouldn't but in the end he forced me to. I didn't take any pleasure in butchering innocents.
I'm sorry
Are you sure you're really sorry?
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:27:24 AM
"I believe you Graem..." Satine says, raising his sabres, and pointing them at Graem, making Seyester reel back in surprise. Then Satine jumps at Seyester, swinging his left sabre.
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:32:45 AM
Graem takes on two of the guards who were about to intervene, hitting one squarely in the chest and throwing the other in the crowd of onlookers.
Graem becames too involved in Alpha's attack on Seyester and does not sense the growing danger to herself and reacts slowly to the blaster shot aimed at her from a slave owner, barely managing to deflect the brunt of it.
Seyester is almost too slow in arming himself but dives to the side whilst igniting his own lightsaber.
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:37:20 AM
As another guard is about to shoot Graem, Satine blasts him into a wall with a Force blast, and then slashes at Seyester again.
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:43:00 AM
To both Alpha and Graem's surprise reinforcements arrive and point numerous weapons at them both.
Graem finds herself forcibly disarmed within seconds and a blaster pointed at her head.
Youngster you are free to leave but she is not. Feel free to continue trying to kill me but you will not succeed my young friend. Join me and seek your vengeance.
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:48:14 AM
Satine disengages his wrist sabres, and takes them off, throwing them to the ground.
"I won't join you Seyester."
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 08:57:41 AM
Alpha what are you doing?
So what are we to do with you both now?
Seyester motions for Alpha to pick up his weapons.
You can keep your weapons my young friend. Come, your education of how your family died will begin soon.
Graem, come join us. Your future will be decided soon my child. You will be my student once again, or you'll die if you disobey me again.
Graem is flanked by guards as she follows Seyester to his quarters. Alpha seems distant as he too follows, unsure of what is to come
Aug 8th, 2002, 11:44:20 AM
Satine uses the Force to retrieve his weapons, and, also, becomes ready to grab at the long dagger hidden in his boot.
"Seyester, if you so much as pluck a hair from Graem's head, you will die. By my hand." Satine says, following Seyester, keeping an eye on his friend being flanked by guards.
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 12:34:57 PM
I won't have to probably will after you see the extent of the damage Graem herself caused to your family.
After reaching their destination the guards remain outside as the trio enter a spartan room, filled with only the basic amenities and a holoprojector set up....ready for use
Graem knows there's nothing she can do to stop the train of events that will obviously ensue so she leans against the wall, watching the most hated person in her life taunt her young friend...
friend? how can I call myself Satine's friend? I should have saved his family but I didn't.
"I'm sure you don't need me my room here still habitable?
Aug 8th, 2002, 12:47:49 PM
"Graem. Please stay." Satine says, looking her in the eyes. "You can explain to me why you did it."
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 12:54:38 PM
....Fine I'll stay but that doesn't mean I'll necessarily tell you why I did it. I don't think I can tell you fully. I'm not sure myself.
Graem stays leaning against the wall, only looking up as a gaurd enters the room carrying her lightsaber and medallion...which she takes and puts back on.
The rest of your posessions are in your room my child but I thought you would want these at least. I know you haven't any other reminders of those you think of as your family
As Alpha prepares himself what may lies ahead Seyester goes to the holoprojector and activates it...scenes from a time Satine would rather forget are displayed in their horrifying detail...whilst Graem relives those very scenes in her mind....
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:15:21 PM
A woman, runs away, Seyester fires a weapon, killing her. Men run at him and Graem, trying to protect their Lord, and avenge their just killed Lady. Seyester and Graem murder them with ruthless effieciency.
Seyester runs on, while Graem stays behind, finding that the woman was still alive.
"Take care of Satine. Take care of my child!" was what she says, Clasping Graem with frantic strength. Graem promises to, and the woman dies, a small smile on her face. Graem takes the child that was in the corner, a small boy of about 5 to 10 winters old with blazing silver hair and eyes. She leads him away, telling him to wait for her till later.
It switches scenes. Seyester was in a duel with a man resembling Satine. Their swords clashed, and Seyester otions for one of his soldiers. They shoot the man in the back. He falls, dead, with the body of his second son thrown on top of him.
Satine wishes he could just shut his eyes, and forget about it all, but he can't. For some reason he is glued to the holo. He watches it through. When the images stop, and silence envelops the room, all that they could hear was sobbing. Satine's sobbing. He glared at Seyester more then Graem, wanting to spring. Wanting to kill him.
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:20:59 PM
I know exactly what you want to do but don't taint the loving memories you have of your family by killing him. You're not that sort of person. I tried to look out for you but I couldn't all the time, then I lost track of you for a long time. I'm sorry. Do you want to take a walk and talk?
Seyester watches Alpha carefully, not sure whether he will attack or not.....
Graem switches off the holoprojector and looks into her friend's eyes.
I'm sorry I ever brought you here Alpha
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:23:58 PM
Satine takes a deep breath, aware of how close he has been traveling to the Dark Side. Closer then in many months. He closes his eyes, not bothering to wipe the tears away.
Don't be sorry. I needed to know what happened. And yes, let's go for a walk. Satine stands up, noticing Seyester in his way. with a casual glance, he shoves the Sith to the side. Hard. Walking to Graem's side, she notices that Satine looked older. Aged, and better for his travels.
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:34:53 PM
Graem leads the way out of Seyester's quarters and out into what she remembered to be the training courtyard.
Do you hate me Alpha? You can leave now if you wish. My place is here now, that I know in my heart. I've spent too long running away from what I am
Graem walks away from Alpha slightly and looks at her surroundings as she awaits Alpha's reply
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:39:57 PM
Satine looks around.
"I should hate you...but I don't. In reality, I owe you my life. both for the times you've helped me, and for that time back then. If it hadn't been for you, I'd probably be dead a couple times over now. And I'm not leaving. not without you."
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:46:30 PM
Why not? It's not like you owe me anything...only the deaths of your family.
Alpha was slightly stunned at the tone of Graem's voice. He didn't realise the [pain she has suffered because of what she had done to his family and to him.
It gets worse that just killing your family, I nearly killed you shortly after I took you from the carnage...the Dark Side was becoming harder to resist. Just kill me and put me out of my misery, please
Graem N Snowbringer
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:49:12 PM
As Graem and Alpha are outside talking Seyester is preparing a few surprises for his reluctant daughter and his friend. Surprises which could ruin their friendship for good.....
Aug 8th, 2002, 01:52:44 PM
"You coward." Satine says. This time it was Graem's turn to become stunned. "you want to die rather then face what you've done? Well, let me tell you soemthing. I've been dead, and you won't find any more comfort there, then here."
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