View Full Version : Winds of Fate: Return of Konrad (Open challenge to any Jedi Knight or Master)
Varlon Konrad
Nov 26th, 2001, 07:55:34 PM
As the Sith Lord began to descend the ramp of his personal craft, the Dark Brood, the temperature of the air in the immediate area quickly began to plummit as the clouds above began to circulate slowly. With a crack of thunder, an icy gust blew across the battlefield as Varlon's boot touched it; frost quickly forming on the grass as the temperatures dropped to slightly below freezing. These signs, caused by the Sith Lord, were a clear challenge to any Jedi that might be in the area. Crossing his arms across his chest, the Lord waited as the winds picked up again, causing his pitch-black cloak and his sun-bleached braid to flap in the wind.
Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 27th, 2001, 08:03:12 AM
Jedi Knight Aura making her way across what seemed to be some kind of field, is abruptly startled to witness the severe climatic changes. Frost deposited its icy blanket over the once tepid grassy terrain. Feeling the increased chill in the air, Aura folded her arms to warm herself from the chilling wind. Looking up she sighted a lone man. Through the force she knew of him to be of the darkside. She continued her trudge across the field hoping he wouldnt want to be bothered with a female Jedi.
Varlon Konrad
Nov 27th, 2001, 09:56:36 PM
The Lord's eyes darted over to the young woman as his ears picked up on the sound of frost-covered dirt crunching below her feet as she walked along. He kept his eyes trained on her as she neared slowly, and then slowly uncrossed his arms; letting his hands drift towards the pair of twin darksabres that he always carried with him. In the distance, a rumble of thunder rolled moments after an unusually dark bolt of lightning cascaded across the clouds themselves.
No one but a Jedi would be as irresponsible enough to wander into this kind of drastic climate change. The lord thought to himself before smirking. Seems that I have found my prey afterall...
Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 28th, 2001, 11:08:04 AM
Aura sensed imperilment as she briefly glanced over to the darksider sliding his hands to his weapons. She paused momentarily arresting her hike as she began to converse with this dark stranger.
"I am Aura, a Jedi Knight. Judging by the position of your hands on those hilts, I doubt you are here to engage in pleasantries. Violence proves nothing sir. What can you possibly hope to gain with a heated altercation?"
Aura fixes her emerald gaze onto this darkside warrior as she awaits a reply.
Varlon Konrad
Nov 28th, 2001, 07:02:12 PM
"Removal of a pest," The Lord said as he quickly lashed out at the Jedi with a concentrated blow born of the Force. With his opponent momentarily occupied, he pulled free from his belt one of the two twin darksabres and ignited the twin blades, their coming to existence marked with a stereo snap-hiss. Their gentle stereophonic hum filled the air as the winds died down and the climate began to stabilize as the Lord let his grip on the elements around him fade. "The Force is put to waste if not used as a tool to control those whom are less fortunate. A pawn to the Republic is all a Jedi will ever be, so I shall spare each and every one I face the humiliation of such an existence. Their liberation marked by their death."
Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 30th, 2001, 10:50:02 AM
Aura gets shifted backwards a few meters from the darkforce tendrils, calling on the force herself to stabalize her stance from the vaporous assault. She scrutinizes the malevolent being before her, lofting a brow at his sober affirmations.
The Sith Lord, now wielding an activated twin bladed saber, coerced Aura to ignite her own. Unclipping the silver cylinder at her belt, she thumbed the black button in a recessed niche on her saber hilt. Instantly, a cobalt-blue shaft of light energy just over a meter in length was unleashed with a hissing-spit, humming low and mournfully. She then gripped the hilt in both hands seizing a defensive stance.
"Your twisted and infected conceptions will only serve in procuring your premature demise, Sith Lord."
Varlon Konrad
Nov 30th, 2001, 07:01:06 PM
As the sith lord began circling his opponent, he slowly spun his sabre in his two-handed grip, the weapon's sickly green blades humming slightly louder. "Such a presumptuous young lady you are," He mocked as he faked a thrust to test her reflexes. "If you are settled in your belief, you may have the first move, madam."
Continuing his circling, the dark lord waited for the Jedi woman to make her move, knowing that it would place her at a greater dis-advantage that what he had already estimated it to be.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 1st, 2001, 08:57:25 AM
Aura spun 1/4 a turn clockwise from the feint to her right side. The Sith Lord was clearly enjoying toying with her. His face cotorted by a baneful grin. She was dealing with a weapon she never encountered before. Dual cores emerging from one hilt. Her Master warned her many of the Sith have abandoned their single sabers for this dual bladed replacement. Now she had to face this demon and his foremost weapon. Aura calmed the anxiety taking hold of her, speaking to herself softly.
"There is no fear, there is no emotion, only peace."
The Sith egged her on to strike. Aura thought to herself it was only a trap he was waiting to snare her in. She let loose a sigh of reluctance as she had to deal with this darksider devoured by his own black soul.
Aura positioned herself back two meters from her opponent's front to use distance as her ally. She then stepped in for a simple thrust to his left shoulder. Aura was sure he could easily deflect the thrust, but she was merely testing his reflexes and skills as he had previously done with the feint attack.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 1st, 2001, 03:48:18 PM
Shifting his footing quickly, Varlon sidestepped right and turned his body ninty-degrees, letting her sabre's blade pass a handful of centimetres from his chest. Pivoting two-hundred and seventy degrees, the Lord shoved her back with the Force as he thrust his hand forward, palm facing her chest. Satisfied with the effects, he began circling Aura again, his twin blades keeping him bathed in their sickly green halo.
"That's right, young lady, give into the hadred for my kind," Varlon said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper, but clear in her mind. "Let your hate for us and the pain you've felt by our actions give you resolve to strike me down. If you're capable of doing this, then you will have broken your bonds to that weak Republic."
Again, the Lord faked a strike, this time an underhand slash that became a small spinning flip that landed him an extra metre from his opponent. Regaining his stance and returning to circling like a predator, Varlon began performing more intricate spins with his sabre.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 1st, 2001, 06:50:57 PM
"Hate, the abomination that fuels the darkside, entrapping its followers to a dismal fate. This instrument of evil I shall never adopt, Sith Lord."
After being forced back, Aura resumed her stance to be introduced to another feint attack she was prepared to defend with a sweeping downward arc. The Sith's agility was unimpeded as he displayed his command of the double bladed saber, wielding it artfully.
She remained uninhibited as he circled her, playing into her hidden fears dissipated by the Jedi code. Aura had every right to hate his kind, having lost her parents in a Sith raid as a child. The wise words of her Master prevented her from falling prey to the darkside as a Padawan. He trained her well, instilling the Jedi philosophy deep into her psyche. Through his adept tutelage she became a noble warrior of light, a Jedi Knight.
"The just Republic I shall always serve with honor, till the time arrives when I become one with the force. Your words of corruption shall never sway me towards the dark path. I am a Jedi, like my parents before me."
Aura maintained her focus on the Sith Lord as she spoke softly the words of a light warrior.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 2nd, 2001, 03:15:15 PM
"Then you shall die a pawn to the petty republic," Varlon said as he crouched down. "As the Jedi have for decades."
His eyes darted to the left momentarily to a moderately sized stone hunk five metres away. The dark lord suddenly charged on Aura, but lept into the air mid-way as the stone suddently hurtled towards her. Landing behind her, he spun on his heel to face Aura, and attacked her again with a wave of compressed air, that this time threw her forward towards the rock.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 3rd, 2001, 04:41:41 PM
A rush of air propelled the Jedi Knight forward, closing the distance with the incoming dense projectile. Summoning the force for enhanced speed and agility, she rolled left, greeting her right shoulder to a sharp edge of the rock. Giving flesh tore on impact, but she managed to evade the majority of the object with a minor abrasion. The rock now securing its new target zeroing in on the Sith. As she regained her footing she shifted towards him.
"Your dark ambitions shall be averted."
Varlon Konrad
Dec 3rd, 2001, 06:33:54 PM
Thrusting his hand out towards the onrushing stone projectile, the Sith concentrates a powerful wind to throw the rock off course, and into the trunk of a nearby tree. While the force of the impact wasn't sufficient enough to topple the tree, it sent out a storm of wodden shrapnel, a perfect weapon for the dark lord. Raising his hand above his head, he suddenly swung it down, with his first and last fingers pointed at the Jedi. A powerful gust of wind accompanied his strange hand gesture, sending the expanding cloud of splinters shooting at the young Jedi woman, like hundreds of small darts.
"Only if I am slain, young one..."
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 4th, 2001, 08:08:54 AM
The force guided the Jedi Knight, addressing the onslaught bearing in on her. Without hesitation her saber was employed, intercepting the rush of splinters steered by a dark force intent on perforating her body. Her reactions were expeditious, deflecting most of the barrage with consecutive sweeps of her blade, catching the darts in various angles of her saber. 12 splinters managed to make it past her defenses, boring into her right thigh and calf. Blood oozing out around the makeshift daggers slicing through her skin. Stumbling back, she took a knee. Ignoring the pain, she held out her right palm. A large three meter branch was levitated from the destroyed tree, sailing at the Sith Lord like a homing spear. It took tremendous control that leveled its toll on Aura's strength, between the pain of her numerous wounds and the use of force, yet she would not allow the Sith to succeed to taking her out.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 7th, 2001, 08:15:57 PM
Varlon pivoted on his left heel towards where she had taken control over a large branch from the mauled tree, only moments before the massive peice slammed into his left shoulder, the tattered end puncturing his shoulder several dozen times, and shattering the bone itself. The force of the impact easily felled him to the ground and tore free from his grip his twin sabre momentarily, causing the blades to extinguish themselves without a body to command them. Growling in a low, gutteral tone, the lord heaved off of his self the massive branch with the assistance of the Force before rising back to his feet. With his right arm, the dark lord called to his hand his twin sabre, but this time only ignited one blade, which came into being with a snap-hiss.
Charging, Varlon let out a nearly inhuman howl as he went on the offensive, tugging Aura closer with the force as he thrust his sabre at her with his good arm.
OOC: new siggy ._. wai!
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 8th, 2001, 11:18:33 AM
The force was cogent with the Jedi Knight as she resumed her bearing rising in time to meet the rush from the Sith, yet her wounds posed an injurious obstacle for agility. She was carried towards his blade, her right splintered blood-soaked leg arresting a favorable and swift retreat.
As his blade closed in, she swept her saber under his to shift it away, but due to their now close distance and the fact he quickened his attack with the force, she was pierced below her right shoulder. Her face contorted in pain as his blade buried itself in a few inches cauterizing and sizzling flesh. Her right shoulder had already been assaulted by the rock, now it was useless. She would have to engage left-handed.
Aura's trained reflexes exacted her to fall back flat away from his blade, whereas she got her good leg behind his right ankle, maneuvering her right leg to push up against his left shin to offset his balance. The pain was excruciating as more blood oozed out of the bigger splinters inplanted deep into her thigh. She used the time to roll away, pulling out the splinters in her leg and cauterizing the skin, pressing her cobalt blade against the numerous puncture wounds to stave the loss of blood. Her failed attempt to control her reaction was evident as she cried out. Tears of desperation swelled from her jade eyes.
OOC: me too :)
Varlon Konrad
Dec 8th, 2001, 05:37:53 PM
The lord stumbled back as he wrested against gravity to regain his balance, of which he did, but not without nearly falling over a small rock outcropping before hand. Shifting his balance, the resourceful dark lord hurtled his sabre up into the air, and then turned to unleash a black bolt of Force energy upon the already mauled tree branch which had only moments before damaged his shoulder. As his weapon reached the apex of its ascent, Varlon commanded his new wave of wooden projectiles. Pivoting, the dark lord again unleashed another short, but powerful bolt of black energies on a larger tree, not far from Aura, as a distraction from the onrushing wave of smoldering splinters from the branch.
Raising his arm to the sky, the dark lord called to his hand his twin darksabre.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 10th, 2001, 12:02:27 PM
The wooden spikes were introduced to her blade as she knocked the volley off course, rolling to a side allowing the force to guide her from further danger. Rising up, she limped behind a large boulder to protect herself from a consecutive onslaught.
Aura bought the time to administer the Jedi pain control technique to quiet the throbbing at her shoulder and leg. Instantly the pain diminished allowing her to focus on her adversary. Appearing from the boulder she walked to her opponent, saber in her left hand.
"You leave me no choice." Aura spelled out.
Raising her saber she quickened her stride to the Sith, her advancement delivering the tip of her blade near his left upper ribs. Aura thought she would take the offensive as her life was in great peril by this formidable enemy.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 10th, 2001, 06:03:25 PM
The lord stepped back several steps from the Jedi Knight before leaping towards her, striking with his sabre like a serpent. Whilst not quite quick enough, the lord's speed was sufficient to allow his blade to bite into the flesh of her hip before he continued his charge past her. Skidding slightly to a halt, Varlon spun on his heel and brought his blade down to a very open, but suggestively offensive stance, awaiting the Knight's response.
"As if you had one to begin with, young Jedi," The lord spoke in a chillingly cold tone as his deep gaze penitrated into her being. His years of training at the end of an Agiel allowed him to ignore the pain, and focus on it to draw strength from it. "After you turned away the idea of shedding your role as a pawn."
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 12th, 2001, 01:35:49 PM
Stepping to a side, her hip was slightly grazed, the stinging bite furnishing her with much discomfort. Her undeterred reply only fueled the Sith's contempt for her kind. His visage warped by a vile smirk.
"If you perceive me as a pawn, then I am humbled to be given the honor of serving as this so called 'pawn,' for the revered Republic. For they symbolize morality and virtue, alien to you and your putrid world of corruption.
"If your crusade is to eradicate me, then let it be you who casts the first stone." The Jedi Knight stood her ground, contemplating his relentless wrath sure to be leveled upon her.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 13th, 2001, 11:48:04 PM
The lord blinked a moment, and then let out a bellowing laugh before regaining his posture. "Such a one-sided view your masters teach you Jedi," He spoke in a quiet tone. "Even we have morals and virtues, even if they do vary from those you Jedi believe in.
"How trusting the Republic as well as your masters are about teaching you truth about the Sith," He said before leveling his arm towards her, and then performed the ever well-known throat-slit gesture. From the shadows came a flurry of blows born of the Force. A left hook catching her in the jaw, quickly followed by a body-blow to her stomach, immediately trailing behind a swift blow to the base of her spine, and finished with a sharp blow to the other side of her face, sending her sprawling from the sheer force of the impact. "You should have taken my offer when you had the chance, young one."
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 15th, 2001, 07:56:15 AM
The Jedi Knight was accosted by an apparition of the force, as her head suddenly jerked up by an ethereal collision. She then doubled over as it plunged into her mid-section, extending around her to the lower back, then following with a consecutive assault to her face, finally knocking her to the ground. Stunned by the barrage, she remained still, mustering her strength. Focalizing on the vast array of splinters carpeting the turf, they spiraled into a spinning vortex, enshrouding the Sith in a tunnel of timber, hindering his sight, biting into his skin like a swarm of bees.
Aura got up to a kneeling position, the force circulating through the young Knight, her attentions on her adversary and his disconcerting perdicament.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 16th, 2001, 10:50:16 PM
With an almost wolf-like howl, the whirlwind dispelled itself in a shower of high-velocity splinters, several of which bored through thinner trees, as well as Aura's flesh in several places. Returning his full focus to Aura, the Lord lashed out, his temperments at the Agiel allowing him to ignore the pain from his numerous wounds. From his fingers blazed an ebony bolt of concentrated Force making contact with a large pine nearby her, the heat from the bolt superheating the sap within the mighty tree, causing it to explode from the inside, sending splinters and shards cascading into the air and around with an audible thump from the escaping gaseous sap. Using the cover of the explosion, the Lord charged on his opponent while using the Force to clear himself a path through the smoldering rain of debris.
"Yes, wound me. Give me more of which to draw strength from!" Varlon shouted as he slashed at the Knight with his sabre.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:46:37 AM
As the Sith dissipated the vortex and assigned more splinters careening towards the Jedi, she dropped flat to the ground, stung in both shoulders by a couple of the wooden daggers. Her pain was distracted by an explosion of the pine behind her. The force warned her to defend at her incoming enemy as she flipped over in time to fend off his blade slicing downward and parried it to her left, rolling right to jump to her feet.
"Back to sabers again I see."
Aura knew this Sith must be stopped. She rushed him in a lunge, faking a thrust to his right flank carrying her blade in an arc across his stomach, if he didnt react in time would end the battle.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:53:14 PM
The Sith lord pivoted on his right heel, adding momentum to his return slash which impacted with the Jedi's sabre, nearly tearing it free of her grip from the sheer force behind the young man. Stepping back a yard or two, the Lord again charged on the Knight. Suddenly gripping her by her throat with a Force hold, the Lord threw her towards him as he thrust out towards her breast, aiming to impale her left lung.
"Once engaged in combat, it is a duel to the death, Jedi," He said in a harsh, venomous tone.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 19th, 2001, 08:49:36 AM
Her throat captured by an imponderable hold of the force, was launched to her enemy and his barbed blade steered towards her chest. Addressng the force, the Jedi Knight veered her body 90 degrees counterclockwise, buffeting his blade away with a left parry, slamming into him shoulder first as they both ploughed to the ground.
The battle now took place on the loam as they wrestled one another to get the upperhand. She got on top of the Sith only to be cracked in the forehead with his hilt as he threw her off and reversed the positions. The bash to her head temporarily numbing her senses.
Straddling his dexterous foe at her waist, he used the advantage of his station to bear down with his saber towards her chest. Aura was straining to counter his blade as gravity was on the side of the Sith. She then kneed him in the spine with her good leg striving to relieve herself of the burden. He leered at her grabbing her right thigh from behind, and squeezed the damaged muscle that was perforated by splinters. The Jedi Knight's face wrenched in obvious pain from the pressure of his hand meant to deter further assualts to his back.
He continued driving his blade closer. His weight keeping her rooted. Aura closed her eyes, the force circulating through her, assisiting her perilous plight. Suddenly, five large rocks sailed to the Sith from several angles, his upper back and head, left and right sides of ribs, and chest. The Sith had to act quickly or risk the impact.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 21st, 2001, 10:30:38 AM
OOC: Sorry about being so slow in replying, Aura. Been somewhat busy lately :\ I'll try to be more prompt in replying now that things are cleared up a bit. Also, excellent writing skills. :)
Sensing a slight disturbance around him, the Lord leaped off of Aura, pushing off against her and landing into a roll not far behind. Quickly flipping back to his feet, lurched to the side somewhat as one of the stones impacted with his already damaged shoulders, sending him to his knees, but only momentarily as he leaped into a perfectly vertical leap, enhanced by the force. Below him, the remaining projectiles pounded themselves into peices with a loud crack as they struck eachother with fury. The Lord plummeted back to the ground as gravity took hold of his body again, landing on his feet and smiling as he took up a stance hinting on attack.
"Very good, Jedi," He said in a low, hiss-like tone. "Tap into your fear, and your hate, as it makes you stronger. You might actually defeat me then.."
Faking a charge forward, the Lord hurtled his sabre into the air and brought his hand forward, releasing a short-lived, but powerful bolt of Force lightning into existance, its tendrils biting into the flesh of Aura. Raising his hand to the sky, Varlon's sabre returns to his hand, it's blade humming in a deep tone.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 21st, 2001, 11:57:33 AM
"Fear, hate, a Jedi is devoid of these things. Emotions make one not strong."
Aura was just getting up replying to the Sith when a dark bolt of lightning was unleashed upon her. She was pitched back down to the ground screaming as the energy crossed with the light within her. She gathered her focus to quiet the pain and to dispel the tendrils as she rose again to her feet, vividly drained by the experience.
A rush of wind carrying debris from the turf knocked the Sith off his feet as Aura beckoned the force.
"You cannot turn me, dark one. The light breathes in me."
OOC:Ty Varlon..I have good and bad days for writing lol. I think you are very creative and a skilled writer--no probs about the delay :)
Varlon Konrad
Dec 24th, 2001, 04:55:01 PM
Pulling himself off the ground, he chuckled slightly, suddenly hurtling his sabre at the Jedi, accelerated by the Force as he rose to his feet. Not waiting for the blade to pierce its target, the Lord gained a Force hold on several other objects in the area, ranging from broken brances to shattered stones, and accelerated them towards Aura as well. Reaching out, his lightsabre stopped mere millimetres from her breast, and shot back into his waiting hand as the branches and stones continued at his target.
"And it shall die with you!"
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 26th, 2001, 03:45:00 PM
Caught in a force assault, Aura intercepted the debris as some of the branches and stones raked her sides. She was still drained by the dark force entering her body as she looked down to see a saber dangerously close to her chest. Closing her eyes expecting her fate, the saber suddenly reversed direction and was called back to its Master.
"If what you say is true, then why didnt you kill me when you had a chance?"
Aura was in shock from the attacks and the near death experience multiplied her diress. She cleared her mind of emotions that were attracting fear. desperation and worry, awaiting his retort.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 28th, 2001, 07:01:46 PM
"What makes you think that I haven't?" The Lord said, or it appeared so. As the Sith Lord charged on Aura, bent on killing her, he faded into nothingness. It had been nothing more than an illusion of the Sith Lord.
Leaping down from a tree behind Aura, the Lord landed on the ground with a thump of his boots, aiming to stab his sabre towards the base of her neck. "You are now reunited with your friends and family in oblivion!" He shouted as he brought the blade down, aimed at severing her skull from her spine.
Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 29th, 2001, 08:24:17 AM
Combined with the aural thump of his boots aft of Aura, and her senses honed by the force, the Jedi Knight descended to the ground before Varlon's blade met its intended target. She then spun around, 180 degrees, catching his blade from below as she rose to her feet holding his blade at bay, now parried to her left.
"My time to become one with the force is not for you to decree, Sith Lord."
Aura then pivoted and pushed him back with a side kick to the midsection. She was conserving her energy to replenish her strength, welcoming the light of the force to abet her in this impending quandary.
Varlon Konrad
Dec 31st, 2001, 12:37:40 PM
Locking his gaze on her, Varlon's eyes seemed to change from their usual hazel, to an inky black as he changed his stance again, this time blatantly pointing out his next move, or so it appeared to be. Suddenly extinguishing his blade, the Lord entrapped the young Jedi Knight in a powerful Force hold, "the cage" as he had come to call it. He laughed as he approached the disabled Aura, landing a punch across her jaw as he stepped up to face her.
"Is that what you think, Jedi," He said with a smirk and head butted her, the Force restraints he placed upon her keeping her from falling from the force of the blow, or in her own defense. "Or did you forget my decree when you turned away your only chance at salvation?"
Laughing again, he landed a body blow to her midsection and then backhanded her across the face, making sure the lightsabre's hilt grazed her skin. Locking his gaze upon her again, the Lord released his constraints as he hurtled her back several metres, into a rocky outcropping and clipped his double-blade darksabre back to his belt.
"I'm finished toying with you, now die…" He hissed and released another powerful bolt of Force lightning onto the Jedi.
Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 1st, 2002, 10:01:54 AM
The bondage the Sith Lord encased her in, presented a hindrance in the circumvention of the many percussions that befell the young Jedi Knight. The fact that her body could not give way to the impacts, made the collisions that more caustic.
Finally freed from the restraints, Aura was pitched back into a cluster of rocks, the accelerated jolt bruising her back. Her face was streaked with blood from the multiple assaults by the Sith Lord. The air was hammered out of her lungs from the potent body punch as she struggled to regain her breath.
Aura barely had enough time to roll from the mass of bolts tracking her, searing her side as she escaped the bulk of the dark energy. Rising to her feet, she tapped into her reserves of strength as she called upon a two meter log, casting it at Varlon as it spiraled towards him in a boomerang fashion, disrupting his flow of the force to enact his own defense.
Varlon Konrad
Jan 13th, 2002, 07:20:59 PM
OOC: I'm so sorry I haven't replied... just been feeling like a sack of **** as of late. x.x; I promise I'll be more prompt...
Dropping to the ground to prone, the Lord rolled and shot the large wooden annoyance out of the skies with a well-timed bolt of Force lightning, sending it raining across the fields as smoldering splinters. Flipping back to his feet, the Lord drew his sabre again, panting moderately from exhaustion. "Come on, Jedi," He gasped slightly as he growled. "die already.."
Raising his blade towards the skies, he leveled it towards Aura and kicked a small stone about the size of a baseball into the air, and then smacked it towards her with the butt of his sabre.
Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:42:33 AM
Deflecting the rock with a sweeping parry of her blade, it careened off from its intended target. Aura smiled at his commentary.
"Sorry to disappoint you, Sith Lord, my time is not an an end yet, nor shall it be any time soon."
Let me be on my way and you can avoid further annoyances.
Varlon Konrad
Jan 14th, 2002, 10:27:19 AM
With a snap-hiss, one of the sickly green blades of the Sith Lord's sabres once again came to life, bathing him in a light hue of light. Crouching slightly, he suddenly sprang at her in a sprint, and shifted his sabre in his grip so he could take full advantage of the sixty centimetre-long hilt. As he neared, he thrust his blade out towards the Jedi's forehead, shouting a war cry in his native tongue.
Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 14th, 2002, 11:25:25 AM
The barbed core neared her cranium as she dropped back flat to evade the lethal thrust, rolling away from her enemy, then jumping up to her feet. Aura raised her saber to bear in a powerful double handed grip, awaitng his consecutive attack with practiced patience. All negativity and fear was dispersed as she focused on the battle at hand preparing a speedy defense.
Varlon Konrad
Jan 14th, 2002, 11:45:11 AM
As the Sith Lord turned to face his opponent, he locked his lethal glare onto Aura's. His eyes, once a deep brown, were now twin, stormy orbs of depthless rage. As he broke into a run at her, time seemed to slow down, as the image of Varlon blurred as he neared. Leaping at her, the blurred after images contiued to follow him through each move, making it harder for him to trace. Landing in front of her as his blade met hers, he growled in a low, seemingly demonic tone as he forced her back with sheer physical strength.
"Now, young one," He said, his voice distorting from whatever was within him taking further control. "If you will not die physically, than you shall mentally!"
Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 17th, 2002, 10:15:56 AM
Aura was transported back as she slid a half meter, she focused on the force in an attempt to discipher his true form, blurry and intermingled with the others. Upon hearing his threating utterance, she braced herself for a mental assault.
"You have much confidence in your abilities Sith Lord. A careless flaw to underestimate your opponent."
Varlon Konrad
Jan 17th, 2002, 07:29:42 PM
Slashing at her, the Lord knocked her blade away as she blocked his, leaving her practically defensless as he kneeled down to smirk at her. "Not only will I destroy your mind," He said, smiling at her as his mirage faded. "But I will steal your every secret, every precious memory, ever last bit of information you knew from your mind.."
Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 18th, 2002, 08:28:21 AM
Stepping back from his knelt form, she pondered if he was capable of such a feat, as anxiety was quickly calmed at the grim prospect of loosing all that she was.
"Dont make me destroy you, Sith Lord. I cannot allow you to do this. Wounding me is nothing compared to what you are contemplating to attain from my mind."
Varlon Konrad
Jan 19th, 2002, 05:32:32 PM
"You, a Jedi? Kill?" He laughed and stood, taking up a battle stance. "About the only way you will kill me is by having me asphyxiate from laughing too hard, girl.."
Bringing his blade down low, he charged at the Jedi and shifted the ignited end to the rear-facing projector as he neared, slashing with it as he skidded to slow himself as well as prepare to evade or flip in the event of a counterattack.
Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 20th, 2002, 06:17:33 PM
Her enemy's tricky maneuver made its mark on the young Knight, as she tried to avoid the lethal tip bearing in on her, catching her in the upper left flank in mid stride. Aura's wounded leg, sluggish from the previous splinter wounds, hampered a speedy evasion from the lunging Sith Lord's saber.
Dropping to a knee, her hand shot out reflexively to her pierced flank, the acrid stench of fried flesh from the cauterized wound fouling the air. Looking up at him, she witnessed the grin of satisfaction playing on her adversary's vile visage, at the gratifying pleasure of running her through, boring his blade through the Jedi's body, twisting it while ripping it up to her lower ribs, adding to the damage of the fallen Knight.
Aura felt the shocking blow overcome her, as she dropped her saber, and pitched back to the turf, sliding off his blade, stifling a scream as she was engulfed in agony, denying him further gratification at her misfortune. She was beaten, and awaited his final strike to send her to the other side, becoming one with the force. Her emerald eyes, swollen with tears of pain, had no effect on the merciless Sith Lord leering down on his prone victim, like a predator toying with his prey before the kill.
He whirled his saber, in a manifold of feigned stabs, halting his blade mere inches from her vulnerable chest area, playing on her fears she was controlling with much difficulty due to her dire perdicament and serious injury, weakening her hold on the force. Aura could only accept her fate at the hands of the relentless darksider, intent on delivering her premature demise, and supplementing the relished trophy of a Jedi Knight to his expanded array of prizes.
Varlon Konrad
Jan 21st, 2002, 08:07:39 PM
The Lord coughed sharply from exhaustion placed on his body from pushing it so hard, but continued to smile upon Aura and her pain. "You aren't worthy of a speedy death, girl," He spat extinquishing his sabre only to smack the Jedi across the face with it. "Had you even turned away from the Jedi, or that blasted republic, I'd grant it."
His glare turned more lethal as he placed a boot down on her throat. "No. Because of your stubborness, I will let whatever scavengers that live on this measly world kill you, that is, if nature doesn't kill you first." He growled at her and cackled to himself. "I hope you enjoy pain, Jedi, because you'll be suffering quite a bit until it finally ends."
He clipped his blade to his belt and pulled his boot away, allowing Aura to gasp and cough violently as she regained her breath. Turning away from her, he glanced over his shoulder one last time at her. "Let these last hours of existance serve as your lesson as to why you should have denounced that petty republic and the Jedi code."
Returning to his ship, the Dark Brood, the Sith Lord walked up the boarding ramp and closed it behind him before sitting into the pilot's seat and punching in the start-up sequence, making sure to keep an eye on the Jedi thoughout the two-and-a-half minute ordeal. With a whine of powering up repulsorlifts, the Dark Brood lifted off the ground and the wings that gave it it's name folded down. Angling towards the heaven, the shuttle shot off into the skies.
Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 22nd, 2002, 10:39:42 AM
Waiting for the Sith Lord's departure, alone and mortally wounded, Aura painfully activated the homing signal in her ring, a survival accesssory of every NWOL Knight. As its sophisticated signal sought out her kind, she lapsed into a hibernation trance, softening the shock to her body and preserving her vitals till help arrived.
Eventually, it would, as a Rogue Jedi, an outcast of her clan and an old friend, came across her signal and proximity. Shaking his head at the damaged woman lying prone before him, he lowered to carefully carry Aura to his ship. Having lost his wife, Cassandra, captured in the last Sith raid, he blamed the Council for abstaining from ordering a rescue party, due to the enormous number of Sith involved, outnumbering the Jedi Knights. In his eyes, this failure and weakness of the NWOL Council, ensued in his wife's torture and execution, and his abrupt departure from the clan.
His accumulated bitterness at his wife's death, altered what was once a revered Knight, adorned in the light side, forever to be transposed to a Dark Jedi, as he procreated his new path to the cryptic side. The desire for revenge engulfed him in a shroud of divine retribution, denying any future life as a Jedi.
Setting Aura gently down on a cot, having a droid tend to her wounds, he glanced down briefly at his once comrade, his deceased wife's best friend. He spoke to her through the force, as if she could hear his words in her dire state.
"Still seeking out the noble fight for the oppressed innocent, I see, my foolish young friend. Judging by your grievous wounds, you no doubt tangled with a Sith Lord. Look what it got you, mis-guided Jedi. If I had not been in this sector, you would be dead by now. In time, only your skeletal remains would have marked what you once had been. Join me in the darkside, and forget the pitiful Noble Warriors of Light, as they no doubt have forgotten you and your frivolous quests."
Darth Revanche, the new name he had given himself, decided he would take Aura to the planet of TSE, there, her wounds would be addressed and she would attempt to seek out her fellow Jedi, only to be confronted with the entire Sith Empire. Revanche mused at the thought of Aura dealing with an army of Sith warriors, or better yet, a reputed, powerful Sith Master. She would join them or die, as he was prepared to do, and fight by the side of the Sith, his new compeers. If he and Cassandra had joined them in the first place, his beloved would still be alive. He didnt blame the Sith for her death, they were at war, only his reluctance in joining them sooner, and dismissing himself from the decripitude of the NWOL.
Orbiting the planet, he entered the correct access codes, confirming his identity, having been given them weeks prior in exchange for information on the Jedi clan.
The Sith Master, Jedah Lynch, and Aura Sunrider, would soon convene in the tavern, Rama's Corner. The ending result would mold her into a breath of what she once was, no longer a Knight of the NWOL.
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