View Full Version : 'Forum Leaders' list

Champion of the Force
Nov 24th, 2001, 11:49:15 PM
I just noticed this on the main page. Just a few queries:

1. How does the list work? I ask because I know Ogre has another alias as a mod/admin, yet it doesn't show up on the list.

2. Is the admin list supposed to be titled SWFans.Net Forums SWFans.Net Administrator?

3. Do we wish to keep our own admin/mod list in the FAQ now that we have this 'Forum Leaders' list? One good thing about the list is that it tells the user when one of the mod/admins is online.

Nov 25th, 2001, 12:55:25 AM
Yes, I do have a second account that is a Moderator, but since it is assigned no forums it isn't displayed in that list. The names are pulled directly from the database based on user groups and moderation assignment. I also had another Administrator account, but stipped its authorities since it was not really neccessary.

The Forum Leaders is a new feature of the upgraded version. I did a little cleanup of the templates to exclude the location field and attempted to make it so that invisible status would not be hidden on it from admins, but the if statement in the PHP code didn't leaver enough room the way it was structured for me to modify it successfully, and I don't know enough about PHP to completely rewrite the if statement either, except to the point that all users can see if a mod or admin is online regardless if they have selected invisible, but changed it back to the original.

The titles can most likely be changed via the templates, I failed to notice how it was stated. :x