View Full Version : Anti backlash article:

Nov 22nd, 2001, 06:56:29 AM
From <a href=http://leesmovieinfo.com/special/StarWarsFan.htm>Lee's Movie Info</a> site:

E. Charl Hattingh, columnist for BOFC

"You're Not a True Star Wars Fan!"

Who is your favorite Star Wars character out of all of the movies? Is it Luke? How about Leia? Or does young Queen Amidala strike your fancy? Oh, do you like the bad guys instead? Boba Fett maybe? Oh, no, what about Darth Vader? Or is your favorite Darth Maul?

Well, you know who my favorite character out of all the Star Wars movies is? JAR JAR BINKS!!! What, do you have a problem with that? Is Jar Jar too goofy for you? Is he annoying? Well, sorry pal, You're Not A True Star Wars Fan then.

I know, you think I'm an idiot. How can I possibly think that Jar Jar is the best character from the Star Wars universe? Truth be told, my favorite character of all is Han Solo. But I don't hate Jar Jar. I don't create a site where people can see how many different ways they can kill Jar Jar. I don't care for the "Phantom Edit", where in Jar Jar is left out most of the movie, or so I've heard. In fact, I enjoyed Jar Jar.

Now the teaser for Attack of The Clones has premiered and again people are complaining. "The teaser doesn't show enough" (Of course they didn't show enough. I wanted to see the whole movie. But I guess that's why they call it a TEASER). "The menacing breathing of Darth Vader should've been replaced by music". Whine, whine, whine. It seems that, just like Michael Jackson, George Lucas can do nothing right these days. Now Lucas plans on premiering a longer-than-two-minute preview in front of Harry Potter. And let me just predict what so-called Star Wars fans are going to complain about this time: "They show way too much of the movie in the preview!"

Will this whining never end? Damn Jar Jar Binks for ever happening! It's his fault that so many people seem to dislike Star Wars. Or is it?

Think back a few years ago. Remember when the Special Editions of the first trilogy came out in theaters? Remember all the money they made? Remember people whining about how silly the added footage was? Oh yeah, you remember the people whining, don't you. That's where it all started. This feeling of discontent has been building up ever since then. What do you people want? These are Star Wars movies we're talking about! Some of the greatest movies ever created.

Okay, I know there are still Star Wars fans out there. Phantom Menace did sell over two million copies on DVD its first week out. And the $430 million it made in the theater was a huge success, even though it didn't break Titanic's record (But remember that Menace came out over a busy summer season, and Titanic had hardly any competition for something like three or four months). And many of you will still turn out to see Attack of The Clones (Even those of you that keep complaining, and will no doubt continue to until after Episode III is released).

You're probably thinking that I am the biggest Star Wars fan of all time. No, I'm not. In fact my favorite movie is either The Godfather or The Godfather Part II. But still, Star Wars has had a huge affect on my life. I started writing after I saw The Empire Strikes Back (the first Star Wars movie I ever saw, and subsequently rented the other two and watched them with a bright smile). When I discovered this wonderful fantasy world, I was filled with excitement. I wanted to create something like that. One of the first things I wrote was a sequel to Return Of The Jedi. About forty or so pages into it, I realized that I didn't have what it takes to write Star Wars. Of course I was also fourteen at the time and new to this country, so that didn't help. But Star Wars had stirred something inside of me. And it continues to do so with every movie, or piece of a movie, or the mention of something to come in a Star Wars movie. That's what these so-called Star Wars fans have lost somewhere along the way. Do you remember the magic when you saw Star Wars for the first time? You couldn't believe your eyes and ears. This was something special. And it CONTINUES to be. Phantom Menace wasn't just another movie. It's Star Wars! And be thankful for it. Once again you're being transported to a galaxy far, far away. And so you should look forward to Episode II, and Episode III, and maybe if you quit complaining the great George Lucas will grace us with Episodes 7 through 9 (I know, I know. He said he's not going to do those, but a dreamer can dream can't he?). It sure as hell doesn't help if you complain.

Everyone just take a deep breath, relax and enjoy. It's Star Wars!

Nov 22nd, 2001, 09:53:21 AM
That was well said, I wish people would quit their goddam complaining, those losers give us all a bad name with all their whining. Unfortunately, we've had many of these open letters/editorials to cranky fans, but I seriously doubt it will EVER end. People have become so emotionally attached to these movies, as many of us probably have, but their problem is that they haven't realized that these aren't their movies, and that these movies aren't made specifically for them. I think we're stuck with them for good...

Nov 22nd, 2001, 10:25:35 AM
Did he say his favorite films were Godfather I & II? HE'S NOT A REAL STAR WARS FAN!!!!! ;)

The most ridiculous example of what he's talking about that I've seen recently were the petitions to have the title of EP2 changed. Anyone hear from these cry babies lately? No, because the title has grown on us and we now accept it. It really does fit in with ESB and ROTJ. Look, it's one thing to have a negative intial reaction (Did you say "Attack of the Clowns?"), but it's quite another to begin whining and whining and starting petitions. What the hell were they thinking?

Rick MaCalum: "Morning George, hey I love that shirt you're wearing today. Plaid is such a bold statement! Only a true visionary would have the courage to go against conventional fashion and wea.....

Lucas: "Rick do you have something for me?"

RM: "Oh yeah, I found something on the net. It seems some fans are upset about your title for EP2."

GL: "Really? Let me see... Holy cow! There must be over 20 signatures here! Rick STOP THE PRESSES! Call everyone and tell them we've got to change the title immediately! Dozens of fans have spoken!"

Nov 22nd, 2001, 11:19:16 AM
On the other hand, these lame-asses do give us something to gripe about and make fun of!


Nov 22nd, 2001, 12:11:49 PM
I still disliek the name AOTC. To me, it is still an awful, awful name, with none of the mystery of the others. So do others. Just those who thought they might make a change shut up. Face it, some do have the opinion it is awful :)

Nov 22nd, 2001, 02:31:32 PM
That's cool, a little animosity is fine. People can call the title whatever they want to. Just don't petition to change it. That's nonsense! :)

Nov 22nd, 2001, 05:49:36 PM
I think the problem is that people become so emotionally attached to the movies and they have their own predictions and thoughts as to where it should go. When George Lucas puts a stake in the ground and says "This is what will be happening", its no wonder that it doesn't mesh 100% with what people think should happen. The thing is, it doesn't matter one inkling what you think should happen - these are George Lucas' movies and shouldn't he be allowed to decide how to make them?

As for me, are there things that I wasn't 100% happy with? Yeah. Were there things I didn't like all the way? Yeah. But I'm not going to say that they should be different. I'm just happy that we're getting two more movies - regardless of how they turn out. George Lucas could very easily have stopped after Ep. 4-6 and said "You know, these three films are really good and people like them, let's not ruin a good thing..." But instead, he took a risk to make three more movies, despite having to overcome insanely high fan expectations and having to put up with people complaining that they could do better... I give George Lucas a lot of credit for taking that risk - Way to go George!!!

Incidentally, I know a guy who is one of the complainers we all speak of, and it bugs me so much. On the day that the title was announced, I personally really liked it, but I could see how it could be a little ammunition for the complainers. Sure enough, first thing in the morning I had to listen to his rant about the movie and how it should be something else... *sigh* I guess some people will never learn... :rolleyes

Nov 22nd, 2001, 06:03:09 PM
That's the thing, it's one thing not to like the title, but it's something completely different to think that you actually have the juice to have the titled changed. Organizing polls asking what people think of the title is fun. But a petition to have it changed is just embarrasing. What did they really think was going to happen? DId they think they were going to teach GL a lesson?

reaper still doesn't like the title and I'm sure there are others. I didn't like it but it's grown on me to the point where I don't even think about it anymore. I'm so excited about the trailers that I could care less about the title. The movie is still what matters. McBain's right, our expectations will never match Lucas's reality. I think we're going to get a better movie this time around. That's one of the reasons the title doesn't bother me. A great movie should make people forget about the title.

Champion of the Force
Nov 22nd, 2001, 06:09:45 PM
The most ridiculous example of what he's talking about that I've seen recently were the petitions to have the title of EP2 changed.
Now wait a sec - I signed one of those! :p

Actually I didn't, but I nearly did. The name just reminds me too much of some of those dodgy B-grade movie titles. :)

Nov 22nd, 2001, 07:59:15 PM
A fair enough assessment, but don't forget that star wars came from those dodgy b-grade movies. :D

Nov 22nd, 2001, 08:06:55 PM
but unlike them, it was good :)

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 22nd, 2001, 09:17:06 PM
I'd never had a problem with the title actually. To me it sounds much like Empire Strikes Back which is very corny when you think about it. Also the title does have a pulpish feel to it like it would come from a comic book (I think I have seen several comic books use Attack as titles to issues) or a Flash Gordon Episode and that is really what SW is supposed to be emulating so to me it fits perfectly.

Nov 22nd, 2001, 10:26:43 PM
A fair enough assessment, but don't forget that star wars came from those dodgy b-grade movies.


Star Wars came from those dodgy cliffhanger serials! There's a difference. :p

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 22nd, 2001, 10:58:36 PM
Hey those serials weren't bad a few of them were pretty good, now I admit they had horrible special effects out of a bad episode of Lost in Space but hey I never said they were perfect.

Nov 22nd, 2001, 11:10:24 PM
Fine, but we both agree that they're from dodgy movies/serials

Champion of the Force
Nov 23rd, 2001, 10:27:28 PM
... but unlike them, it was good :)
Exactly. :)

Nov 27th, 2001, 07:41:19 AM
The title, AOTC, rocks. Anyone who says otherwise needs to just be a LITTLE more easy going here and recognize that only a few people know what is truly the best title for a movie that none of us have actually seen, and that's Lucas, McCallum, and those guys. TPM was hammered as a title and anyone who was sitting there passing judgment on its title is and was a total idiot. I don't have any respect for fans that ignorant. The Phantom Menace was a great title and if they actually knew what the movie was about before commenting, they would have realized that as many of the morons did after seeing the film. Sheer stupidity. There is no other explanation for it.

This article at the start of the post, though, is awesome. I agree with what he says. He is far closer to the best Star Wars fan than any of these moronic bashers who spend their entire pitiful lives making fun of ONE film on a forum day in and day out. If they really have so little to do, I could use their worthless time to help me advertise my Websites. I mean clearly they have nothing better to do. They actually take away from society, not contribute to it. People like that are oxygen theives. Not liking TPM is one thing, it's your right, but not liking it and then waking up every morning and going to the same forum to make fun of the same movie for TWO PLUS YEARS is bordering on insanity, not just pathetic loser with no life. They should honestly be thrown in insane asylums.

Frankly, if Episode II were called "two hours of Lucas's fat hairy butt" I still wouldn't care one bit. It's going to be one of the greatest movies of all time, so the title is hardly relevant, but I happen to enjoy it. It's quite aggressive and sounds full of action. It's an awesome title.

Doc Milo
Nov 27th, 2001, 03:43:16 PM
Frankly, if Episode II were called "two hours of Lucas's fat hairy butt" I still wouldn't care one bit.

This begs the question, what if Episode II was (not just called, but actually was two hours of Lucas's fat hairy butt?

Would it still be the best movie of all time? ;)

Nov 27th, 2001, 03:58:43 PM
Maybe to buff... :lol

J/K - I know your heart belongs to Ms. Arthur...

Nov 27th, 2001, 04:57:37 PM
No, but I guarantee it would still make $200 million! :)

All of the media would say, "Oh my god don't see this it's just 2 hours of Lucas's hairy butt!" and all of the fans would be like, "UGG, more backlash, those retarded critics. This is really going too far now."

Then the fans would see it, realize it WAS his hairy butt for two hours, tell other fans, who would say, "That's impossible. I want to see it for myself. I am not missing the greatest Star Wars movie ever just because you are trying to trick me into thinking it's just Lucas's hairy butt."

Like two hours later: "Oh my god that really was two hours of Lucas's hairy butt!"

Then there are tons of people in the public who would find it so utterly unbelievable that they just had to see it.

It would easily make more than Titanic. Sadly, I think a movie like that would probably make more than AOTC ever will because of the "curiosity factor"! haha.

Nov 27th, 2001, 08:39:50 PM
To:Mcbain:shootin Bea's butt is much Smoother.

I'm saying this agian and find it hard to believe.;)I think Jon makes some valid points. I do think if it was a movie about lucas's hairy butt MANY people would go and see it PURELY out of curiosity(well maybe if it's a cute butt:D ) but (no pune) any way, look at how people FLOCKED to see The Blair Witch project Purely out of Curiosity.It has a way of drawing people to it.:D

Doc Milo
Nov 28th, 2001, 01:19:28 AM
Of course, you forgot the fans that will say, "This movie totally rocks! The wookiees are in it!"

Nov 28th, 2001, 07:07:57 AM
Yeah really, lol.

Do you really think anyone would believe that it was just 2 hours of an old guy's ass on screen? I really don't think I would believe that even if every review I read, more than 20, told me that and if I read other media reports about how unusual it was. I would not believe it until I actually saw it. The film would still make like $200 million easily. Then the best part would be to say, "Whoops, print mistake," like two months later, and release the real AOTC, but it would share the same title and technically be the same "movie" in one sense, therefore AOTC would make $450 million plus the $200 million from Lucas's hairy ass and, viola, instant Titanic-breaker! ;)

Nov 28th, 2001, 10:13:20 AM
Hey, isn't saying that AOTC is a great title an example of someone passing judgement? Man, I'm surrounded by IDIOTS! :rolleyes

Anyway, I'm looking forward to EPIII: Bea Arthur's LOVE SHACK! Basically, it's a home video of buff and Bea celebrating their twisted and sick relationship. >_<

Nov 28th, 2001, 04:10:19 PM
:lol :lol :lol :spank :spank :spank

ok serious question,and one I'm sure we are all thinking.

How does Jon know GL's butt is hairy?>_<

Nov 28th, 2001, 07:39:09 PM
Even worse, how can you know that Bea Arthur's butt is smooth?How is that even possible?

Nov 28th, 2001, 08:33:05 PM
I can answer those questions JMK. First off, the condition of Bea Arthur's butt is fairly obvious. I mean look at her, she's a hotty! Second, Lucas' hairy behind. Well.... actually I'm stumped. I can't think of any rational explanation that doesn't involve a hidden shower camera and an unhealthy obsession. Sorry, I thought I could answer all your questions. I feel so inadequate. :(

Nov 28th, 2001, 09:43:19 PM
Yeah, maybe the oil of olay went from her wrinkly face and straight to her ASS!