View Full Version : Even Angels Fall: My Sacrifice

Warren Azalin
Nov 21st, 2001, 07:19:29 PM
<marquee direction=up scrollamount=1><font size=5 font color=Blue><center>Even Angel's Fall:
My Sacrifice</center>

<center><font size=2>Hello my friend we meet again
It’s been a while where should
we begin…feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
Of perfect love that you gave to me
I remember

When you are with me
I’m free…I’m careless…I believe
Above all the others we’ll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

We’ve seen our share of ups and downs
Oh how quickly life can turn around in
an instant
It feels so good to reunite
Within yourself and within your mind
Let’s find peace there

When you are with me
I’m free…I’m careless…I believe
Above all the others we’ll fly
This brings tears to my eyes
My sacrifice

I just want to say hello again

(Lyrics by: Creed)</marquee></center>

The skies where abuzz with activity as ships began to exit hyperspace over Talus, well after a short security check. Most where full or cargo, or other such commodities heading for The Sith Order. Among the crowd, or rather lost in the crowd stood one ship with an objective unlike the rest, and a Cargo that would not last five minutes on Talus, but it had ways of getting in and getting out. The Ship had no name, but the Cargo... well that was a different story, the ship was vacant except for two figures sitting almost silent in the dark shadows of the ships control center. They both had a name of course, unlike the ship; to the right piloting sat a Jedi, a Jedi Master to be more precise. His name was Warren Azalin, and next to him sat his wife, a Jedi Master as well, Amalia Azalin. It was a rare event for two Jedi as powerful as these to venture into Sith territory, but they came for a reason, they came for a Homecoming; Warren's Home. He had not been born on Talus, for his Home World was Ambrelia, but he had grown up on Talus, and now he came back searching for answers of his past. He didn't care if it was not property of The Sith Order, because he had no intention of either opposing them, or letting his presence known. His true objective was in the ruins of his old home, far from the reach of any Sith. Before all that thought he would have to make it pass the security, then again that would be easy for one using the Force.

"This is Talus Control 116, identify yourself and your cargo."

Warren smiled as he opened the comm channel and flew towards the security window.

"This is ship number 180-740-1477, we come with confidential Cargo. I highly doubt your high enough of a rank to know what it is captain."

Warren could feel the anger rising in the security officer as he spoke back, with words Warren was hoping for all along.

"Well, we'll see about that now won't we. You are ordered to dock at Docking Bay 19, and wait until someone gives you the ok to leave again."

Warren sighed as he let out an ok, making sure that the guard was sure this was all of his own doing, and not put into his mind by anyone else. At that thought alone Warren smiled, the guard had played into his own hands.

Within minutes Warren had docked the ship and stood outside waiting, waiting for a guard to come check his Cargo, or for that mater lack there of. He didn't have to wait long as a scrawny looking fellow walked in soon after and confronted him.

"Is this ship number 180-740-1477?"

Warren nodded as the officer continued.

"Ok Sir, I'll have to ask you to step away as I check your Cargo."

Without even wasting a breath on the officer Warren waved his hand before the man with little ease.

"You do not need to check this Cargo, we are of no trouble."

The guard seemingly lost in a trance was slow to respond

"I do not need to check this Cargo, you are of no trouble."

"You will let us go and speed us on our way."

"I'll let you go and speed you on your way."

With a full grin Warren walked back into his ship as he flashed Amalia a smile. She couldn't help but chuckle at what she had seen, after all she knew what had truly happened. In less then few minutes Warren and Amalia were back on course, heading for a destination only the two of them knew about.... and for good reason.

Amalia Azalin
Nov 21st, 2001, 09:03:07 PM
Amalia could do nothing but smile when in the presence of her husband, Warren Azalin. There wasn't a moment that passed by that she did not have joyful thoughts of him. When Warren invited her to go to Talus with him, she jumped at the chance. Why shouldn't she have, it meant alone time with him, something that the two did not often get to share together.

"I just wanted to Thank You," Amalia said as she looked upon her husband.

"For what?" Warren said.

"For letting me come along with you, you know it means a great deal to me, letting me share in your past experiences."

And so, she did thank him, by kissing him. Not just a little kiss, one of those long and seductive kisses, the kind that only two lovers shared when alone with one another.

The two slowly pulled apart, though unwillingly.

"Did you like my Thank You?" She whispered.

She had finished asking her question just as they pulled into Talus' atmosphere.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 22nd, 2001, 12:06:22 AM
*Horrible. Completely and utterly horrible. The lack of anything resembling Alderaan Ale was just not a good sign, nor a good gesture for a guest. Corellian would have to do, he guessed. He pounded in his order then quickly snapped off the holomenu. How can they not offer such great Ale? Pure evil, that's what it was. Of course... this was Sith Territory, where evil is around every corner.

The Sith Order, a Sith faction that was allied with The Sith Empire. They owned Talus. And as a friendly gesture, Snack decided to visit a TSO planet. Not on some mission to find out about what is going on in TSO, nor to meet with any TSO members; it was just a vacation Snack needed to get away from it all. And what better way to show no hard feelings with his the Empire's allies... an Empire which Snack would die for, than coming to visit a planet of theirs. See how things are different, even maybe culture himself. Yet still, no Alderaan Ale. Ah well.

Snack stood from the chair at the desk in his hotel suite and walked over to his bed. A window on the other side of the bed over looked the city. Looking out as the busy traffic of small shuttle ships and other frieghters flew by brought a mind of thought and wonder into the man's mind. Why was he so enthralled by simple things. It could have been the fact that everything to him had more than a simplistic way of things, unanswerable questions, and impossible problems, with unlimited reasoning. That, or just the fact that he was ammused by simple things.

A knock at the door startled Snack, who had to shake his head and jump up from the bed to fully gather his wits. He spoke to himself as he walked towards the door.*

I hope this beverage is good...