View Full Version : A new Anakin?

Nov 21st, 2001, 03:03:19 PM
Ok typical BUFF post.

I was thinking about EP3. Will there be yet another Actor playing Annie?By 3 anikin should be somewhat older right?and as we all know Darth VAder is a pretty big Guy. I don't see Hayden being the one turned into VADER,It just wouldn't fit.I'm not saying Arnold type actor but someone of some size.I just wouldn't believe Hayden as VADER.Does that make any sense?

Davwj's edit: fixed obvious spelling mistake in title. :)

Doc Milo
Nov 21st, 2001, 03:19:21 PM
Well, in ep3, Anakin will only be two years older than he is in two. I believe Hayden will be back to play him.

About Vader's bulk -- remember, a large part of that bulk is from his support suit, and, also remember, we don't know how much of Vader is actually artificial limbs, too...

Nov 21st, 2001, 03:37:47 PM
I was under the impression that Anakin would be played by Hayden for 2 and 3. I agree that Vader is a big guy, but part of that is simply the suit, of course, and Hayden, while not huge, isn't small either. I think he could probably pull it off.

That brings the tally to 5 actors who portrayed Darth Vader...
David Prowse
James Earl Jones (voice)
Sebastien Shaw
Jake Lloyd
Hayden Christianson

I don't think another would be necessary, and in fact might detract from the continuity. We'd have seen 3 separate actors in the 3 prequel movies. The different actor between 1 and 2 is certainly acceptable, and necessary, but there isn't much of a time difference between 2 and 3 and adding another actor would be superfluous, in my mind.

Nov 21st, 2001, 05:02:02 PM
I guess what you all have said makes sense,But when I look at Hayden and think of him as Vader,I just can't do it.Not only size but ,Hayden has a baby face...but maybe thats the point.

BTW: I didn't know 3 takes place 2 years later:\ Must have missed something:D

Champion of the Force
Nov 21st, 2001, 07:42:55 PM
Considering Ewan and Nat have signed on for all 3 films, I can't see yet another actor playing Anakin now - I've always assumed Hayden to play the role through 2 & 3.

Nov 21st, 2001, 09:12:46 PM
Don't forget to add another name to that list McBain;
Bob Anderson
He played Vader in the ESB swordfights and I'm fairly certain he did the same in ROTJ.

I think Anakin SHOULD have an certain innocense to him. I've got no problem with Hayden's "baby" face. With what we've seen in the trailers it looks as if he has the capability to use that face to show frustration and anger. That's what I'm really looking forward. Anakin losing his innocense and giving into his darker emotions. As for the physical stature, he's much taller than Obi-Wan so they did a good job of casting in that respect. It would look VERY awkward if they'd cast a 7 footer in the role. Plus, there's just not enough time that's going to elasp from EP2 to EP3. I think Vader's suit is going to end up being more cyborg than we realize. I'm thinking most of his legs and arms are gone. Losing his limbs may be the final straw that pushes him over the Dark Side. Now that I think about it, it will probably occur BEFORE it comes to that.

Nov 21st, 2001, 10:31:31 PM
Lucas can always have him hit the weights like a year before filming for episode 3 is set to begin, so he'd probably have to get started pretty soon. Think of it this way; Batman's suit in the movie was ripped to hell, yet Michael Keaton has a relatively regular build. Vader's suit could be the same...

ah screw it, give the role to Buff! :D

Nov 21st, 2001, 10:52:12 PM
GOSH! I love JMK:D YOU have to be the wisest most ,fabulous person on this board NO on this Planet :)

OTHER than me I think someone like Dean cane ,type actor would do.he's a good 6'2 buff, but not to huge.

BUt I think you guy's are right about the suit.It more than likely will be that Vader is more machine than human.

Nov 23rd, 2001, 12:39:40 PM
Just to let you know Hayden Christianson will be playing in EPIII. That was part of the contract he signed.

Doc Milo
Nov 23rd, 2001, 01:48:07 PM
"He's more machine now than man, twisted and evil."

The mechanically inclined becomes the machine. Pretty ironic, hey?

Nov 23rd, 2001, 03:06:37 PM
Yar, fair and true matie! (I'm a pirate today.)