View Full Version : Roll Call: How many times do you plan on seeing AOTC?

Nov 21st, 2001, 10:35:52 AM
Let's have a thread dedicated solely to how many times you plan on going to see AOTC and how many tickets you plan on buying.

3-4 times
If I like it as much as TPM then I'll probably see it 3-4 times. The first midnight showing I'll try to drag my wife along (we have in-laws nearby this time around so we don't need to hire a baby-sitter.) That weekend will be with the wife and son. Then maybe 1 or 2 more father and son outings. Altogether that's 5-9 tickets.

5-7 times
If I like it as much as Empire then I'll probably see it 4-5 times. If it becomes something my son gets hooked on then maybe 5-7. But that's only if it's something HE wants. I'm not dragging him to something he doesn't ASK for and I'm not going to the theater by myself. I'm too damn old and I've got too much to do. So that would be 6-15. Obviously it's to GL's benefit to make a movie my son likes as much as his Dad. ;)

Nov 21st, 2001, 11:05:18 AM
If it is as good as TPM, I will probably see it about 10 times. Of those, probably half will be with my wife, so chalk me up for about 15 tickets...

If it is better than TPM (highly likely), then maybe 12-13 times.

If it is worse than TPM (not gonna happen - and that's not a dig on TPM - I loved it), I'll still probably see it about 8-10 times...

Nov 21st, 2001, 11:11:17 AM
I’m probably good for at least 2 in theatre viewings and mind you, this is coming from someone who generally waits for all movies to come to Direct TV, so getting me into a theatre for a movie more than once is almost unheard of. I did it for TPM and I will most likely do it for this film as well. Who knows, if it's really as awesome as I hope it will be, maybe I’ll go see it three times. :)

Nov 21st, 2001, 11:17:13 AM
I rarely ever see a movie in the theater more than once. Star Wars is my one exception though. Seeing a movie in the theater is just such a better experience than seeing it on TV. And they obviously won't be in theaters forever, so I figure get your fix in while you can...

Now, what the theaters should do is show all 6 back to back (with intermissions, of course) and sell an all-day ticket for like 30-40 dollars... I'd go... :) Very likely it would never happen, but it would be neat...

Nov 21st, 2001, 12:23:14 PM
Once. I dont have many people I can go with, and I dont like the idea of going more than once

Nov 21st, 2001, 02:31:03 PM
lol, what?! You don't like the idea of going more than once to a Star Wars movie? You spend this much time talking about it only to see the film one time? Dang...

I will be there between 50 and 75 times. No guarantees on the 75 number because darnit it took me 8 months to get to 50 for TPM, but I'll probably make 75 my new goal. I need to keep outdoing myself. :)

Nov 21st, 2001, 02:37:22 PM
were I to make a list of th best cinema moments, the top would be TPM. That is because I saw it once, so all the excitement was in one rush, IMO

Doc Milo
Nov 21st, 2001, 02:37:55 PM
Well, I saw TPM 12 times in theaters, so seeing AotC will come close to that. Although, many things have changed since TPM in my life. It's become much busier. I'm in a committed relationship (heading toward marriage) with a wonderful woman (who has two kids, one seven year old son, so that's at least one viewing right there!) but that takes much of the time I used to have to see TPM away. I know I'll see it at least once with her alone, once with her and her son, and perhaps once with her son alone. Then there are other family members who I will drag to see it. Hopefully I can get to 12 like I did for TPM, but most probably it will be around 5-7 times.

Nov 21st, 2001, 02:47:27 PM
100 times (if it's) half as good as TPM.I will post my ticket stubs(as soon as I get my scanner fixed or new one) But as I have said I'm sure alot of viewings will be at the 1.00 theaters.I'm also sure I'll get a bootleg copy on vhs half way through it's run,so look out 600+ total viewings of TPM I'm going for 1,000 of AOTC:)
I really,truely am CRAZYO_o . It'll be hard now I'm not my own boss but it's not completly out of the question.

Nov 21st, 2001, 06:01:14 PM
I saw TPM 21 times in the theater, so I plan to see AOTC at least that many times, if not a few more. 25 is a nice round number. Besides, there's no cheap theaters here anymore, so $9-$12 per ticket is a bit too much cash after awhile. And limiting myself to cheap nights would suck. Bottom line is, at least 21 times.

Champion of the Force
Nov 21st, 2001, 07:35:27 PM
If it sucks, only once (I doubt it will suck though). :)

If it's good, probably 2 or 3 times.

I can't see myself seeing it anymore than that considering I visit the cinema barely half a dozen times each year.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 21st, 2001, 08:24:19 PM
I'd saw TPM 7, the most that I have ever seen one movie, the most before that was three for me. I would like to go see AOTC 10, if I have the money and can find people to go with, though if I need one showing to get to 10 I might go by myself.

Nov 21st, 2001, 08:46:49 PM
It gets harder doesn't it Doc? There just isn't time to go and crank out dozens of viewings when you have so much to juggle. I can see how only seeing something that you'll end up seeing multiple times anyway just once in the teather can make that ONE viewing different and unique. I'd never really thought of it that way. That's an interesting way to look at it Reaper.

Nov 22nd, 2001, 08:38:39 AM
Well I saw TPM 24 times in the theater - I didnt' really plan on seeing it that many times, but it kept bringing me back. :p

I saw ANH 21 times, ESB 11 times and ROTJ like 16 or 17.

I'll see it twice on opening day, and probably twoce more over the weekend, after than who knows, it if has that annoying ESB-cliffhanger wait three years-to-find-out-what-happened ending then I probably won't see it as much as TPM.

Also, if I think it sucks I won't see it too many times.

Nov 22nd, 2001, 10:29:42 AM
it if has that annoying ESB-cliffhanger wait three years-to-find-out-what-happened ending then I probably won't see it as much as TPM.



Nov 23rd, 2001, 03:24:25 AM
I saw TPM 5 times in the theaters, and I think I will like AOTC a lot more than TPM, so probably somewhere around 6-10 times. I can't afford to go dozens of times, nor would I want to.

Nov 25th, 2001, 03:02:28 AM
Probably twice. Unless I can find a date to go with some more. :D

I saw TPM 3 times in the same day (once at Midnight of the opening day, then at 10am, then at 3pm). And I didn't even like it all that much. Just went with some friends.

Nov 27th, 2001, 07:31:36 AM
haha, I do not understand some of you guys.

You will not go see a movie again if there is nobody to go with? That's kinda lame. I love seeing movies with my friends, but hell I will see any movie as many times as I want regardless of whether I am alone or not. I saw TPM alone probably 35 times out of my 50. Maybe 30, but definitely more than half of the time. The first few times I saw it were all with people, then in the middle of the summer it was just like maybe I went with someone, maybe not, but more often not. By the time I was cranking out the viewings for 50, I saw it almost entirely alone at the end there. I like seeing a great movie alone, nobody to distract me from it and I can peacefully evaluate it, contemplate it, etc, without being bothered by anyone else.

The first few times I love the group experience and that is even good for ten to fifteen viewings, but after that I like to enjoy the SW films alone.

I will be ashamed if I don't reach 50 viewings of AOTC. I will have let Star Wars down :) Haha.

Anyone here who said they will see the film more than ten times, bravo! I salute you :smokin

Darth, it will have the cliffhanger ending like ESB, lol. Lucas has said that before. That will make me want to see it more, actually, because of the lack of finality. I cannot stand it, so I'll have to see it over and over each time hoping in vain that the ending will be different and there will not be a cliffhanger! Haha, j/k.