View Full Version : Too many Harry Potter threads?

Champion of the Force
Nov 20th, 2001, 09:33:19 PM
Maybe it's just me, but it seems as though some posters have an urge to post a brand new HP thread every time something happens with it.

The latest culprit has been Jon - posting a big announcement regarding the BO total for Monday, despite the fact that Darth23 has already posted a discussion about it in another thread dedicated to HP.

I'm all for posting :), however I'm wondering whether we should try and keep the discussion contained within a small number of threads?

Nov 20th, 2001, 10:05:10 PM
How about either taking a current thread, or making a new "official" Harry Potter thread and sticking it to the top? At another board I visit on occasion (dedicated to videogames), they do that whenever a big release comes out - There's a 400+ post thread like that at the top right now.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 20th, 2001, 11:27:53 PM
It wasn't just Jon both buff and Fox did one too and now it is getting out of hand I admit. I started the first one but it is mostly about the LOTR vs HP battle so I guess there could be an extra one just about HP but 4 is too many, I'll move Jon's into the LOTR vs HP thread just to fix that I will keep the other two up for now though.

Champion of the Force
Nov 21st, 2001, 03:37:15 AM
I was thinking of doing something similar to that Nup, but I wanted to know what the others thought.

I'm not too bothered with multiple HP threads *if* they deal with different aspects of the film, but having 3-4 dedicated solely to its boxoffice performance is ridiculous, especially when they're of the format of 'HP makes # million today', 'HP makes another # million this day' etc... . Moving Jon's thread into the HP vs. LOTR thread (BTW, maybe we should rename that thread to something like 'Harry Potter Boxoffice' since its pretty much become the main HP boxoffice thread now) was a good move. I think we can leave the others since some have appeared to have died off already. However if people persist in posting multiple threads on the exact same subject (like daily boxoffice earnings) we might have to step in and just point people to the already existing threads.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 21st, 2001, 08:30:57 PM
I think that is good idea Davwj and about renaming it I originally was hoping that we keep it that because I was hoping to keep it that because I wanted to use as the forum for LOTR too but now I am thinking that by then it may be too long so I guess when LOTR gets closer I will just start a separate one for it.

Nov 21st, 2001, 10:13:15 PM
There were too many HP threads. It was a pain in the butt tracking them and posting in them. We probably could have done with just 2 of them. Nipping Jon's early was a good idea. I think the HP V. LOTR should definitely stay and at least one other to focus on just HP and not LOTR.

Does Potter's number's impress you?
Harry Potter VS LOTR
29.45 million friday for Harry

The Friday thread has died down so we don't have to bother with it. I think those first two are enough. They've sort of taken different paths so they should be okay for now. By the time LOTR comes around it'll merit its own threads. Ithink it would make things simpler if JMC started an "Official" LOTR B.O. thread. Maybe that will keep LOTR B.O. discussion focused there. We'd then have other aspects covered in plot or character threads. I really think the plot of LOTR is going to generate more discussion here than HP's storyline. Aside from the money, no one's actually talking about the movie. I think we'll all be more interested in breaking down LOTR.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 22nd, 2001, 12:20:24 AM
I just fixed the HP thread it is now just box office I will put a LOTR one up in Dec, I figured its better to just keep them seperate now. I think you are right Jedieb, LOTR will generate a lot of threads and I am wondering how we should handle it. I know we will need one for the Box office but i am wondering fi we should just have one about the movie and thats it. Oh well I guess we will have to see how many ideas come up on the 19th.

Champion of the Force
Nov 22nd, 2001, 12:59:20 AM
Regarding how to deal with potential LOTR threads, this is my take:

1. If the thread(s) is question deal with an area that isn't covered by any existing threads, leave it open (eg. Do Potter's numbers impress you? and HP vs. LOTR).

2. If the thread(s) in question are just going over territory that can easily be covered in existing threads, close it (eg. $29.45 million on Friday and MONDAY totals - Potter crumbles!).

The former have reason to be in their own threads, but the latter are only spreading out the discusion needlessly from other threads.

That's the way I try to handle such situations with multiple threads dedicated to the same subject. :)