View Full Version : The Echoes of Space

Nayala Palain
Nov 20th, 2001, 02:30:24 PM
Athena had landed within the largest spaceport on the Elegant city planet of Coruscant. She exited the ship although she didn’t take her main weapons. Upon her ship she left her light whip and blasters, and many of her other daggers. She only took with her, her saber and sith dagger. She walked slowly from her ship and into the space port. The last time she was there she was on vacation to find her sister Razielle. Athena was going to to find something for her Master. She would only need a few others hours to find this gift.

It was early morning on Coruscant, but few could tell the difference unless they were on the lower levels of the city.

Athena was thinking to herself on just where to get the gift she was seeking. She had hidden her force signature, seeing how the Jedi vistied here often and for all she knew one of the people around her was Jedi. Then she heard footstep from behind her. She spun quickly, her ebony black velvet cloak twisted around her body. Athena’s eyes danced from Violet to Crimson. Good for this person she was not mad.

The seconds felt like hours as she allowed a slow yet still deadly smile to cross her lips, her left hand moved and pushed the hood of her cloak away from her face and off her head. Her blondish-brown hair hung around her shoulders.

" Im sorry Did i frighten you? I don't normally turn around at the sound of footstep. And one can never be to cautiouse here on Coruscant."

Her words were soft and steady.

Warren Azalin
Nov 20th, 2001, 10:20:25 PM
Night turned to day above the skies of Coruscant as citizens went about their daily lives, from officers in the New Republic to Jedi, all walked the streets in unknowing silence. It seemed on this day a certain Jedi moved stealthily through the crowds, making his presence to most nothing but a mirage. In these streets he did not exist, and if he did... well then they would wish he rather not exist. He had come her with a simple mission, one so easy even a three year old could handle it, but it seemed the Jedi were short on help so he had offered. It had been a simple routine mission: Talk to some Senator from some outta the way Planet, stop them going to war over some petty differences, and hopefully be home before dinner. Something was different about today though, even after all had been said and done something did not feel right. The Jedi could not put his finger on it but something was wrong....

"Something just doesn't seem right.... Maybe it's the memories, or maybe something deeper....."

Warren remembered the last time he had been on Coruscant, the fight he had with Trace and Sumor, and what the end result of that fight had been. Without thinking he put a hand on his shoulders, remembering the pain he had felt all those months ago, but Abaddon had helped heal the pain.... That though was another tale.......

"What the.........."

A slight shock leapt through the Jedi's body as a hooded figure walked by him. He didn't know what it was but something was wrong here. Slowly and silently he began to trail the figure, making sure not to be known.... or at least thats what he had hoped.

"I'm sorry Did i frighten you? I don't normally turn around at the sound of footstep. And one can never be to cautious here on Coruscant."

The woman pushed back her cloak as her eyes seemed to change from Violet to Crimson. Although Warren could not feel anything in her presence he could see something in her eyes, something that made him distrust her words and made him want reach for his saber. He was wise with his words as he began to speak, he hoped to catch her in a lie... or at least find out more of her presence here.

"Caution is a very simple word, some might be cautious but not need it at all. Most people on this Planet have dual natures, if you know what I mean. So tell me, what is your business here?"

Nayala Palain
Nov 20th, 2001, 10:35:59 PM
Athena smiled as the man spoke to her. Although she was in a touch of a hurry she knew better then to blow off a question from anyone. This could tip off a Jedi to her being here. Her eyes danced from the left to the right.

" Honestly, I am shopping here for a gift."

Athena looked at the man if he was a Jedi he would feel no conflict with in her story for she was here shopping. Although the object was not what a Jedi wanted others to have. Her cloak was pulled around her as not to show anything to give her away. Athena played it off as if she was simply cold.

" And you sir? I would think Maybe leaving from a trip? "

She studied the mans clothes, for simple facts lead to the answers one seeked. His taste of clothes pointed out the one fact she needed. His robes spoke the words he didnt. She was in the presence of a Jedi.

" So tell me Jedi...is there anything else you wish to know?"

By this time Athena had gripped her dagger with in her right hand that was hidden under her cloak. And a deadly smile creapt upon her lips. Seeing how she was cald in deadly onyx black more and likely the Jedi knew she was Sith.

Warren Azalin
Nov 23rd, 2001, 11:21:57 PM
Some say that Actions sometimes speak louder then words, that you could tell a persons objectives by how they acted. This was not the way with this woman though, with her words revealed more about her then mere actions.....

"So tell me Jedi...is there anything else you wish to know?"

The fact that she called him a Jedi said a lot about her, even more so then her digging her hand into her own robes (for a weapon no doubt). Warren could sense no false information in her words, that much he could tell. She was telling the truth about coming for something... a gift as she had said. If he was right though, which he would bet money that he was then she was a Sith, and on top of that her gift would be obviously something of power, no doubt for another Sith. Warren would have to stop her, that much he knew....

"There is one last thing I would like to know......"

Letting his calm facade slowly fade Warren let his hand rest upon the hilt of his saber.

"Just how did you know I was a Jedi? Sith....."

Nayala Palain
Nov 25th, 2001, 04:42:47 PM
With nothing more then a smile she looked at the Jedi that stood before her. She watched his hand fall to his saber hilt. She also knew he would not attack her first.

" Easy Jedi, The robes big white flag and then the hilt of a light saber. Not many common people carry them. "

Her right hand was gripped around her sith dagger. The coldness of the hilt warmed her hand for the darkness was part of this weapon. It was a gift from her Master.

Athena knew she could not afford to fight the Jedi now. But she also knew she would end up fighting him anyways.

Athena finally knowing the facts would start to stack against her soon. She called upon the darkness that was her living soul and life. A cold gust of wind filled the spaceport as her ebony black cloak was thrown from her body. It reaveld a small but well trained body. Black leather combat pants and calf high steel toed boots. Her black leather shirt formed to her body. Athena gripped her dagger in her right hand and then within her left her saber snapped to life. The classic snap-hiss then low grummbling humm of her blade filled the Space port.

With but a elegant and fluid motion she brought her blade around in a low arc towards the mans legs from the left, as her dagger screamed from the right towards his face.

Warren Azalin
Jan 8th, 2002, 07:25:39 PM
The air around the Jedi Master began to slow down, almost to a halt. In his minds eye the world around him became clear as day as the Saber and Dagger where both drawn out. The Snap-Hiss of Salvation brought a smile to the Jedi's lips as he prepared himself for battle, for the endless struggle. The blades came at him elegantly and swiftly, but in his mind's eye he broke apart her attacks before she even knew about them. Seconds later the Jedi stood alone a few feet back, his robes tossed aside in a heap. Standing clad in black and wielding his Blue Saber Salvation the Jedi waited for the Sith to make a first move; or at least one that he was at least expecting. He would be sure this was a fair fight... one way or another.

Nayala Palain
Jan 8th, 2002, 08:03:15 PM
Athena watched as the Jedi gripped and ignited his weapon. The color of the blade was lovely. A soft blue tone with a low grumbling hummm. Athena thought about just attacking then running she was not trained well enough Yet to fight a Jedi Master alone. She was never one to run from a fight although.

Athena always hated how Jedi waited to be attacked. And Athena hated always having to attack to get Jedi into a playful mood.

Seconds later She rushed past the Jedi in a blur of black and violet from her body and saber. She reached the back of the Jedi and spun embedding her sith dagger into his back. The middle of his back just between the shoulder blades. One of the few places his arms couldnt reach. No matter how he twisted. It should give her enough room so shes not killed.

Athena skilled in the art of Illusion started to think of things she knew of this Jedi to show him. Few things she knew would work but she remembered one thing.

Warren Azalin
Jan 9th, 2002, 03:10:50 AM
The blade rested between flesh and muscle as it tried to pierce the bone of the Jedi Master, to no avail. The blade had come close to hitting bone but Athena had misjudged strength at the very end, giving him time to react. He would react in time of course, but he would let her think she had the upper hand. After all she pierced him where she thought he could not reach, where no man could reach. The Force was not part of her equation though, and if it was she had not really put his hold over it into place.

"Now, Now Sith. Do you really think this blade will do more then just mock my abilities. It seems you have much more to learn if this is all you have in store for me..."

The Jedi let out a small chuckle as he used the Force to pull the bloody dagger from his back. In truth it had hurt more coming out then it had going in, he would have to remember that next time. With little ease he closed the wound on his back as he spun the dagger above him, letting it once in awhile stop and point itself at the Sith.

"You know I find it ironic I have yet to know your name. It seems in these troubled times most people decide to fight first and ask questions later. Call me old fashion but I'd rather know who my opponent is."

Warren grinned slightly, knowing that Sith took pride in themselves and usually would jump at the chance to announce themselves before a kill. This one was mistaken if she considered him an easy kill though...

Nayala Palain
Jan 9th, 2002, 08:08:40 PM
Athena knew the Jedi would use the force to grip and remove her dagger. Although the point to was cut and harm the tissue that is under the skin. He was holding her dagger and mocking her with it as it floated above the Jedi.

" See Jedi Even My dagger is above your old ways! "

She called upon the force and her dagger flew back to her hand.

" alright old Fashion... I prefer Jedi its shorter but its what you want to be called. "

Athena had heard his request

~~"You know I find it ironic I have yet to know your name. It seems in these troubled times most people decide to fight first and ask questions later. Call me old fashion but I'd rather know who my opponent is."~~

" Alright If you want to know so bad. I am Athena Lady of Darknss. I am a Sith Knight within The Sith Empire. Trained under the watchful eye of Sith Lordess Dara ShadowTide. Anything else you want to know? "

Athena watched the Jedi. He had yet to move his shoulders where she knew he would soon feel the ach and burn of the twisted Sith Dagger.

Athena ran at the Jedi and flipped over his head. Within the jump she kicked out wards and her foot connected to the back of his head. Causing the Jedi to stumble forwards a little.