View Full Version : Justice League

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 20th, 2001, 12:28:53 AM
Has anybody seen this new show on Cartoon Network? The show is about the JLA from DC comics, it includes Superman, Batman, The Flash, WonderWoman, HawkGirl, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern (I think they chose the second Green Lantern who happened to be black to try to give cultral diversity to the team). It first came on Saturday as a 90 minute show dealing with the orgins of the team and there was another episode tonight. It is a really cool show from the producers of the Adventures of Batman and Robin and Batman Beyond. I really liked seeing them potryayed as a team, the best characters I thought were Batman, The Flash (he is hilarious), and Martian Manhunter (he is a really interesting character because he is the last of his kind.) I think its going to come on at 9:30's on Monday every week in case anybody wants to tune in and watch.

Nov 20th, 2001, 12:36:05 AM
I really want to see it .I have heard so-so things about it.But I have always loved the FLASH.I used to want to be the fastest man alive(instead of strongest:D ) but with a 4.4 in the 40 ain't going to happen.Are they showing batman with above average strentgh or avg human strength? Oh well guess I'll know as soon as I get my satilite card back from the cleaners.

BTW. have you watch Smallville? I thought I would hate it BUT it's really very good(could have used someone prettier for Lana though:(

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 20th, 2001, 01:11:21 AM
I haven't seen it I don't get the WB in this area :( so unfortunetly I'm out of luck I have heard great things about it. If you like the Flash then you should watch it because he is really cool in it and very funny he has hit on WonderWoman and HawkGirl and has been shot down both times, it was so funny. Batman is great too. He is pretty much seen with human strength but he is using his superior intellect to defeat the bad guys, he has some great lines too (he is voiced by the great Kevin Conroy who was great as Batman in the other Cartoon series) He also is sticking to his loner roots when Superman asked him to join he said, "I am not much of people person, but if you ever need help and you will. Give me a call." The only one they are missing is Aquaman I don't know why they didn't add him to team. I guess they only wanted 7 and not 8 and they some tough choices there and I read they wanted to have some deversity and that is why they chose Hawkgirl, who is not mainstream at all. And also why they chose John Stewart as Green Lantern but I guess they didn't want to chose the original Green Lantern because he went nuts and killed so many people and the most recent one is still kind of new. I am just hoping they put some of the cooler villain in it. I heard they are doing an injustice Gang thats going to include Joker, and Lex Luther and yes Hamill is doing Joker (it wouldn't be right without him). I just hope they include Darksied, now he is one badass, extremely evil person it would take the entire JLA to take him out.

Nov 20th, 2001, 01:20:16 AM
that really sounds so cool.I really hate that aqua man not in it ,maybe room for cameo's.I do like no robin.
I have heard the flash was very funny.a wise cracker.Have they said when they MIGHT show the pilot(so to speak agian? I should have my card back by thursday.I would love to see it. Oh did they keep true to there orgin's?

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 20th, 2001, 01:37:16 AM
They didn't say but I am sure they will show it again soon, probably on a saturday. They also stayed pretty true with their orgins they didn't get into Batman and Superman I think they just continued with the contunity from their TV series, nor did they get into The Flash, Hawkgirl, except they said she was from some other planet I can't recall which and Green Lantern just established they were major Superheros. The only ones they explored were Wonder Woman they showed her going against her mother and leaving to help Humanity that is basically what happened there. Then there was Martian Manhunter, I don't know much about him really I have never been an huge reader of JLA I just knew he was from Mars, but knowing the producers especially Timm who did the other Batman series, he is big on continuity so he probably pretty much followed the comics there.

As far as Aquaman I read in the TV guide that he is doing a cameo soon in a two parter that should be really cool. Now I hope they just bring on Darksied I would love to see that character do some damage on earth and the JLA come into save the day. Still Darksied is kind of loser he is this big evil being who controls Apoklips and has invaded Earth countless times but has never done anything the JLA always kicks his forces around. That is the only reason why I like Marvel better slightly their villains are better in that regard like Magneto and Dr. Doom at least they occasionally beat the good guys and not always get beat like Darksied.

By the way cool sig Buff, I am glad you finally got it up.

Nov 20th, 2001, 09:35:11 AM
I think this series has a lot of potential because it's being done by the creators of the Batman series (At least I'm assuming it's the same guys.) The old Superfriends cartoon was beyond bad. Stupid Wonder Twins;
"Shape of... a bucket!"
"Shape of... a gorilla!"
"Hey, how come I'm a stupid bucket!"
"Because I need to take a dump and there are no port-a-johns around."

I missed the premiere but I hope to catch it again soon. Cartoon Network does a good job of repeating stuff. I wish they'd have chosen Guy Gardner. He was hilarious. Plus, Batman was always smacking him around. Can't beat that!

Nov 20th, 2001, 11:06:26 AM
LOL EB. I was just about to say - this looks a lot like the old SuperFriends cartoon, although I'm sure it will be a lot better. Believe it or not, I can remember when I used to watch that and actually thought it was cool.

This new show looks like it will be pretty neat, from what I've heard here. I was never too much into the Flash - I was more of a Batman fan. Even when they were Batman and Robin, I always thought Robin was a stupid wus. All he had were those dumb one-liners "Holy LogJams, Batman" :lol At any rate, I'll keep my eyes open for it - looks to be a decent show. How is the animation?

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 20th, 2001, 07:50:08 PM
LOL I was going to bring up the Superfriends it had some good moments but the Wonder Twins were not one of them. I did like the episodes that had them squaring off against the Leigion of Doom which had Luthur, Braniac, Sinsetro, the Weather Wizard, Scarecrow, and the Riddler among others. Also it is the same guys that did the three Batman animated series from the 90's and the one superman series. The animation looks very similar to them it is the same style. But the show is very good, I am glad they did without leaving out the big guns (Superman and Batman) that would have just sucked.

Nov 20th, 2001, 09:31:53 PM
Even as a kid I never liked "kiddy" characters. It was fun to watch Batman, Robin, Superman, Aquaman and the gang take on the LOD. If I remember right I think the cartoon was on ABC. Remember when all 3 networks use to show cartoons on Saturday mornings? Oh crap, I'm dating myself again. >_<

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 20th, 2001, 10:17:04 PM
I remember Jedieb so your not alone at least. I remember watching Scobby Doo, Wacky Races, Superfriends, and Spiderman and friends, man I guess I am getting old too then>_<

Nov 20th, 2001, 10:40:23 PM
I saw the pilot and most of the second episode that was on last night, and so far I think it's pretty cool. I don't read comics much, but it looks like they're really trying to stay within continuity.

BTW...why does everyone have one of those AOTC images? How'd you get 'em? Can I get one? :D

Nov 20th, 2001, 10:46:56 PM
I've been brewing these AOTC images and emailing them to anyone who wants one. Just let me know what you want on yours, and you'll get in within a couple days.