View Full Version : A time of new hope

Gon Du Val
Nov 19th, 2001, 10:17:13 PM
Gon had travled away from the Jedi Acadmey where she was studing with Jedi Master Warren Azalin. She had travled to see the once Jedi temple on the planet of Coruscant. She had been told many stories of the temple's. She had made it to the lower levels of Coruscant, although the night sky was takeing what was left of the sun from the day she still pushed forth. She had wanted to see the temples before the night fully took over. Gon was walking down a street where many thugs and rather interesting people. The cold of the night started to set in between the buildings as she walked, Then it hit her almost like a kick to her chest. And then she saw him.

" Who are you?"o_O

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 20th, 2001, 11:03:27 AM
*Who am I? Who was he? It mattered little, in all reality. Then what was the question? Why was he here? What for? What was she here for? A multitude of questions whose only answer is "The Force". He lived, breathed, and followed the Force. That was why he was here, and why she was here at the same moment. The Will of the Force has now brought these two together, but now... why would it want to do a thing like that?

The Sith... wait, no... the Dark Knight, still on his quest to figure out just what exactly a Sith was meant to be, stood in the shadows of a concealed alley way. He had picked up on a "good" Force signature for a few minutes before, and kept tabs on it until now. He did a good job in masking his own presence for a while, but he wanted to be found.*

"Who am I", you ask? No one of importance, I assure you. But then again, who is anybody?

*His voice was soft, yet audible. Keeping still in the dark, the Knight waited to see her response.*

Gon Du Val
Nov 20th, 2001, 12:08:55 PM

Gon thought about it for a moment. He had yet to attack her so this couldnt be to bad. She was new to this part of life, where the darksiders and the lightsiders hated one another.

Most of Gon's life was a mess and just thrown here and there to live. Her answer was not the best but it was atleast and answer.

She spoke as she pulled her blond hair from her face.

" We are the differences. We are life...And I am Gon Du Val "

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 20th, 2001, 12:23:21 PM
*Smiling as she answered, the Knight took a few steps back into the shadows, hiding hismelf once more. His jet black cloak allowed him to disappear in the alley, even though he was still right there. He reached out with the Force, poking and proding at the girl's mind, trying to enter it as carefully as he could without alarming her.

With some success, Snack tapped in. He began to speak to her mind through the Force, as well as creating an image of himself to her left perspective. The image was life-like; a six foot three, black robed, black haired halucination. It's phantom lips began to move as Snack's voice entered her mind. You speak in depth, Gon. And at a young age. Tell me, young one, you emmit light. Have you a master in the Jedi ways?

As the young Jedi turned to her left to look at the Dark Knight's image, she unknowningly turned her back on Snack's true self. With a quiet hum, his teal blade had powered up as he began to stalk towards her back. His image created by the manipulation of the Force faded out as he twirled the hilt in has hands and broughts the tip of the blade down aimed for her unprotected back.*

Gon Du Val
Nov 20th, 2001, 12:36:19 PM
Gon turned to look at the fake man to her left. But she was taught at an even younger age to walk and talk softly as to hear who might be behind you. She almost answered the image she was not looking at until she heard the hum of the saber. Gon jumped forward and into the image of the man.

She reached behind her and retreaved her own saber. It was a gift from her father. He gave it to her over seven years ago now. Just three days before he left and never returned. The elegant soft blue blade snapped to life. The low glow casted an interesting shade upon her skin.

" I have just recived a Master of the Light. His name is Warren Azalin. Although training is a touch abnormal right now. "

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 20th, 2001, 02:49:20 PM
*Snack's eyes widened as she said Warren's name. He haulted the forward momentum of his saber, stopping it before it could connect with Gon's blue blade.

The mention of Warren surprised the Dark Knight somewhat. It had been some time since he had seen his long time "friend"... Since their fight which ended in a draw. Maybe this would be the reason why he was here.

A smirk crossed the Knight's lips as he thought about the fight he should have once more with the infamous Jedi, Warren Azalin. Flipping his saber in his hand so that it was now pointing up instead of down, Snack took a few steps back.*

So, your Master is Warren? In all honesty he is a good master. Hell, anyone who can train a Jedi who has defeated me in battle is deserving of credit. It's just a shame he cannot beat me...

*Snack's cold dark eyes drilled two holes through Gon's own. He advanced on her once more, not in his full "attack mode" though. It would be fun playing with this one.*

Gon Du Val
Nov 20th, 2001, 03:03:29 PM
Gon looked at the Darksider as he stopped his attack upon her.

" Yes my master is Warren...And I hope he is a good master, I shall need it."

Gon watched as the man twisted his blade into an upward fashion. Their eyes locked as she watched him. He moved forward once more towards her and she only held her saber. She knew as much as to not attack this one. He could kill her in a second if she made the wrong move. Her temper and patience were going to be tested here and now. She warned her master of her temper, but that came from her many years alone. Master Warren had told her he would help her with it but only if she wanted to master it herself.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 20th, 2001, 03:24:38 PM
*His teal blade met her's with a clash of brilliant sparks. But for some reason, Snack's blade continued forward. Gon had no real defense behind her block. Snack's blade hit hers, and forced it out and away, her handdling on it not very strong, but she was able to keep a hold of her weapon.

The tip of the teal blade sliced through the Jedi's cloak, just barely missing her shirt. Smoke meandered up from the burnt cloth. Looking at her in a confused manner, the Knight brought his saber in close to himself and disengaged it.*

I can understand you not attacking, but not giving yourself a stronger defence?

*He threw out his left hand, palm out, a short distance from his chest. The action harbored Force, and pushed it towards the Jedi. The Force connected with her chest, pushing her back a few feet.*

Gon Du Val
Nov 20th, 2001, 03:45:48 PM
Gon was thrown a few feet from where she had been standing. Her saber was still in her hand as she watched the Darksider dis-ignite his own saber. The smell of her jacket filled her nose she then removed it from her body. The white shirt that was hidden bye the tan jacket took on the odd blue shade of her saber.

She heard his words "I can understand you not attacking, but not giving yourself a stronger defence?

There is nothing I need to do. So you cut me, you have not killed me "

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 20th, 2001, 10:51:51 PM
Ah, but even without a proper defence, I could kill you without breaking a sweat.

*To prove his point, Snack quickly dashed forward, and in behind Gon. His left hand and arm hooked under her left shoulder, putting her in a half-nelson. His right hand went under her right shoulder, causing the Jedi's arm to rise up. The upper right arm of was grabbed by Snack's left hand, pulling now both her arms in towards her neck. Snack was careful not to get his arms or body cut off by the Jedi's saber. It was held in her own right hand, and now was a foot or two above their heads.

Smirking, the Dark Knight ignited his teal blade once more, which he held in his right hand, and brought the blade horizontally mere inches away from the young Jedi's neck. Lowering his head towards her ear, he whispered.*

It's weak, even for a Jedi, to not defend. It shows no faith in yourself, nor in the Jedi ways which you believe in. Do you want to be remembered as "The Weak Jedi"?

Gon Du Val
Nov 25th, 2001, 04:57:03 PM
Gon struggled at first to get out of the grip. She then thought about where her hands are. ABOVE her and with in her right hand was her saber. Although she could drop her saber down onto the sith. But she didnt think that was to smart.

Gon could feel the siths blade near her neck. She pulled every once of power she could and kicked up at the mans face. Her leg thankfully could contorte into extinsive kicks. Her foot shot past her head and above her shoulder. Towards the mans face as his arms held her arms above her head.

Nathanial K'cansce
Nov 26th, 2001, 04:32:26 PM
*The toe of the girls boot connected squarely right between the Knight's eyes. The force of the hit, added with the surprise of the attack, caused Snack to jerk his head back. Only, his whole body stumbled backwards as the sharp pain traveled through his head, giving him a nice headache.

As Snack stumbled backwards, his upper body jerked up and back momentarily. He kept ahold of the young Jedi in his arms, and picked her up from the ground. The movement of his arms towards his face, while still intertwined with the Jedi's, wrenched the girl's shoulder, stretching it out in ways it normally should not stretch.

After the two or so seconds of the initial reaction, Snack relinquished the hold on Gon, and continued to stumble backwards, this time bringing his left hand up to his face, feeling for any blood or bump. The toe of the boot managed to slice a small cut in his forehead, allowing some blood to flow out slowly. He wiped it away on his left hand, and cleaned it on his shirt. Blinking a few times, his eyes refocused and glared at the Jedi, Gon. Anger beginning to run rampent in him, he held out his saber once more, the tip of the teal blade pointed directly at her. With a sneer, he charged at her, ready to impale Gon head first onto his saber blade.*

Gon Du Val
Nov 29th, 2001, 05:37:20 PM
Gon was quick to turn to face the Darksider the moment he let go of her.

She saw the man start to make his way towards her with his saber out. She brought up her own saber in a defencive manner and side steped to the left as he got nearer to her. Their blades clashed and sparked, as her blade and his blade clashed. Gon spun around the darksider and was now looking at his back. She was not one to attack but only defend her life. And from what she could see, a Lot of defending was needed.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 2nd, 2001, 01:59:29 PM
*The Knight stayed in place as Gon spun around behind him. The young Jedi was not going to attack his open back. He could feel that.*

The only way to get rid of us is to Kill us. So what are you waiting for?

*His evil smile reappeared as his anger begain to subside once more. Though it was common for a true Sith to live and act upon his anger and to allow his anger to make him stronger, Snack did not consider himself a true Sith. He had the aspects and mind set of what was considered to be a Shadow Jedi. He learned both from the Jedi and Sith, and realized that the two were quite similar. Their only difference lay in their use of the Force. The Jedi used it for good, defence and to protect. The Sith used it for attack and power. It was all a mind set of how one uses it.

He turned around to face Gon, his smile still present.*

If you will not, you will die.

*He opened himself up to the Force, reaching out and taking control of it. He focused in around the Jedi girl's vunerable neck and began to squeeze his grip of the Force around it. The invisible hand grabbed ahold of her windpie, crushing it ever so slowly, driving any air out of her system, as well as keeping any air from entering. He tightened the Force Choke on her, kowing that in a few minutes or even seconds, she would pass out from lack of oxygen.*

Gon Du Val
Dec 17th, 2001, 03:20:04 PM
Her hands moved up and around her neck as his force grip started to constrict her breathing. Her eyes widdened and she started to panic. In all her time she had never fought a Sith. Nor another person with the force. Seeing how her training was not nearly even started nor done with she worried.

Gon called upon the few things she knew. And from what she could tell she needed to stay focused. The force was drawn near to her and she pushed out ward. She centered her mind on her throat and closed her eye's. Now her mind took over and she saw everything as if her eyes were open. His grip on her slowly diminished as she gasped for air. Her hand were shaking and her chest rose and fell swiftly. With her eyes still closed she felt the Sith getting closer to her...

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 19th, 2001, 05:54:39 PM
*His grip on Gon's neck waivered a bit as the Jedi began to use the Force to re-open her air passage. Snack could easily have used more Force power to strengthen his control, but he found that would be wasting his own energy. Letting go of his hold, he watched as the Jedi fall to her knees, kneeling over to replentish her air supply; her eyes still closed.

The Dark Knight made his way over to the fallen Jedi, noting that her saber had been dropped and now lay on the ground at her feet and powered down. Kicking it further away, Snack reached out with his left hand and grabbed Gon by the neck. Making sure he had tight hold of her, he slowly began to pick her up off her knees to her feet, then off of her feet. He stopped when her eyes were even with his own. Her eyes were filled with exhaustion and pain.*

Let this be your first lesson in dealing with one of the Dark. I'd finish the job, but that would say a lot about me... a Knight killing a padawan who has had hardly any training. I might follow the Dark ways, but I still have honor and respect. There would be no honor in killing you, and I'd gain no respect from the deed.

*He sneered and pushed out with his left arm, throwing her just a few inches back and to the ground. With his saber powered down and clipped to his belt, he lifted the hood of his cloak over his head, concealing his face. Snack turned to walk away, but turned his head back to the Jedi.*

Be sure to tell your master, Warren, that I'm looking for him.