View Full Version : Burning It Up (closed challenge)

Nov 19th, 2001, 07:42:45 PM
Videl scans the battleground, waiting for Vega to show up. She had gotten a message that he wanted a fight among Sith Lords so she accepted since she wasn't one to ever pass up a good fight. Glancing over at the sun that was begining to set, she smirked slightly as she noticed the sky was red because of it, almost blood red in fact, a ideal color for battle even though since it was between an old friend, there wouldn't be any death on this day. Kuroi and Shiji watched and waited with her, watching the horizon line for his approach.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 20th, 2001, 11:47:20 AM
The wolfs scent alerted his sents as he felt the beast that was held within him drive at his mind to be released to wreak havok upon the over grown dog. He resisted, of course, as savaging Videls pet was no quite proper etiquette. Also the fact that 'wolfing out' would leave him highly invulnerable helped in his decision.

A most interesting duo of... familiars you have there, Lordess Videl, he said in his usual regal tone, approaching in full view of the Sith's line of sight.

He was not currently armed, though his sabers hilt could be seen beneath the slight folds of his dojo shirt. As was correct to his character, he walked with a confident step, his arms folded neatly over his chest.

Nov 20th, 2001, 01:35:41 PM
Videl looks over as she hears Vega, smirking slightly as she listens to his thoughts.

They serve their purpose when needed and I'm never alone with them here......well shall we begin?

Videl said quietly as she watched her opponent.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 20th, 2001, 01:52:43 PM
Her abruptness in conversation didn't suprise him - the Jedi were ones for small talk, distractional conversation to try and delay their end - however the Sith were a whole different story, and preffered, in his opinion, to get straight down to the matter at hand. The duel.


His hand moved downwards sharply as he snatched the metal cylinder from his thick cloth belt. Spinning it between his fingers for a moment or so, he laughed snidely beneath his breath. Gliding his thumb over the ignition switch, he sent a brilliant beam, yellow in hue, bursting from its well worn sanctuary. It's deep white core illuminated Vega's features in the dusk light and gave him an unholy aura that did in no way complement his appearance.

I seed you first move, Lordess. Have at you.

With that, he took a defensive stance, swiping his saber upwards sharply to guard across his chest, his feet shifting apart.

Nov 20th, 2001, 02:28:15 PM
Videl smirked again, the lack of the need to stall with talking was one of the things that was good about sparring with fellow Sith. Drawing out her saber, she ignited quietly and then charged forward. Vega looked slightly confused by Videl attacking so obvious as to what she was going to do as he blocked her but Videl's actions were never what they seemed. Before he could really think about it though, Videl's knee slammed into his stomach and upwards under his ribs, knocking all of the air out of his lungs. But he hardly had time to register that hit before Videl's elbow connected with his throat, causing him to wheeze even more before he was knocked to the ground as Videl brought down both fists on his spine. Moving away a bit, Videl waited, laughing slightly at catching her opponent off guard as she had done many times over her years of fighting.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 20th, 2001, 02:41:05 PM
And there on the ground he simply lay. His body motionless, he patterned his breathing to slow it to an inaudiable soft inhalation and exhalation. In his mind he had no doubt that the rest of his encounter with Videl would be similar to what had just happened if he didn't work swiftly and efficiently.

So he did just that. Pushing himself up into the air with a Force shot from his palms, he flip in mid flight to land himself on Videls flank. Spinning on his heel, he darted forward, spinning his saber at his side to create a deeply coloured arch. Bringing the defence sphere forward to cover his body, he leapt into the air to come crashing down upon Videl. The shield disengaged and the saber blade drove forward towards the Sith's collar bone, whilst Vega launched a sturdy steel-toed kick against her upper chest.

Nov 21st, 2001, 01:07:56 PM
Videl blocks Vega's saber and takes the hit but a wry smile crosses her features again. Starting to fall backward, Videl moves with the speed required of an assassin as she once was long ago and kicks Vega at the base of his neck as she flips backward. As soon as her feet touch the ground, she lunges forward, punches Vega in the stomach then grabs him by the head and slams his face into her knee. Giving Vega a few seconds to recover, Videl begins to do something very odd as she begins to attack him but not actually coming close enough with her hits to make contact. Vega attempts to attack back but Videl smoothly dodges and blocks while keeping it up. Giving him enough time to pick up the pattern, Videl suddenly connects with a roundhouse kick to his face. Vega's upper body is pushed sideways a bit by the hit but holds his ground. Sweeping the ground with her foot, Videl first kicks some dirt into Vega's eyes then brings up her hand to his face and shocks him severely with Force lightning. Since Videl's force experience was enough to stand up to the masters, her shock was much stronger than what Vega was used to as he falls to the ground only be slammed into it even more as Videl pushes him deeper into the dirt by standing on his neck with one foot.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 25th, 2001, 08:46:45 AM
OOC: Sorry about not posting, I've not been up to posting lately. Will post soon.

OOC2: Big apologies, Videl. Will post soon, I promise.

Dec 12th, 2001, 02:32:28 PM
ttt....still waiting, Vega......