View Full Version : Pitchforks and Halos(open challenge)

Nov 19th, 2001, 01:33:03 AM
OOC: starting again, and no more ooc arguing ppl....

Flanked by an ebony wolf and panther, a young blond woman walks out of a nearby city. Looking through the tendril strands of her unruly hair that always falls over one side of her face, she scans the surrounding area. After casting the empty place an annoyed glare, Videl Ryu sits down on a nearby rock near the path into town, takes out a long curved dagger and polishes it to stave off boredom while she waits for someone to show up.

Jedi Neo
Nov 19th, 2001, 03:20:23 PM
::Walking from the town, Neo was on his way to where he had hid his ship. As he was walking he sensed on the path a dark evil up ahead. He did not know what it was but as he neared the rock Videl was sitting on, he pulled out his pistol and spoke.::

Hay, I know someone is out here, so you can come out.

Nov 19th, 2001, 03:36:56 PM
Videl looks up at the sound, she knew this one's force aura from seeing him at the bar.

I'm not the one who is hiding, why don't you come out and show yourself, Jedi?

Jedi Neo
Nov 20th, 2001, 01:48:55 AM
::Neo walks out to the center of the path, wondering where the voice is comming from.::

Ok, I'm in the open, where are you?

::Neo stands at the ready, with his pistol raised, not being able to find the exact source of the darkness he feels.::

Nov 20th, 2001, 11:45:08 AM
Jedi Neo feels a slight tap on the back of his leg as a panther taps him with its paw then wanders back to where his master was sitting. Videl smirks wryly but makes no move towards her foe.

Like I said before, I'm not hiding, I haven't moved from this spot in an hour....now, Jedi, are you up for a fight or should I just end your life?

Jedi Neo
Nov 20th, 2001, 09:43:47 PM
::Neo looks at first the panther that touched his leg, and then to the Sith who spoke.::

If you desire a fight, then I'm up for it.

::Neo puts his pistol down to his side and keeps his attention focused on Videl, ready for anything.::

Nov 21st, 2001, 01:13:29 PM
Videl smirks wryly

I'm always up for a fight, you might as go first since I will be making the last move....

She says quietly as she draws out her sais.

Jedi Neo
Nov 22nd, 2001, 09:45:31 PM
Alright then....

::Neo then jumps high into the air over Videl. He aims his pistol just a little bit off of her head and fires. The first round goes off with a bang, but since it was a blank, nothing came out of the gun excepy air. This air allowed Neo to twist around and hit Videl in the face with the back of his hand that is holding the gun.::

Nov 23rd, 2001, 03:01:25 AM
Less than a second later, Videl's knee impacts with his groin and her elbow comes down hard on his back. But before Neo can even register those hits, the hilt of one of Videl's sai slams down right between his eyes. His vision blurs as Videl only laughs and pulls out something from behind her back. As Neo tries to clear his impaired sight, something rips into his shoulder before it stops aburptly as Videl laughs sinisterly some more. When his vision clears enough, Neo sees 4 5 inch knives looped by a small ring on them around the fingers of of Videl's right hand with fresh blood glistening on their blades.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 27th, 2001, 11:49:10 AM
OOC: forgotten about this, Fire?:huh

Jedi Neo
Nov 28th, 2001, 03:56:22 PM
OOC: No everything has been a little hectic lately, sorry!


::Neo lands on the ground and immediately charges Videl. He grabs her right arm and twists it around her back. Neo then sweeps Videl's legs out from her, keeping her right arm behind her back until she lands on it. Neo then jumps back a few feet and begins to concentrate on The Force, not for healing, but to help him block out the pain from the wounds in his shoulder and other places.::

Nov 28th, 2001, 07:23:25 PM
Videl doesn't cry out instead she rolls over, pulls out the knives out of her back and begins to mutter a certain phrase over and over in her native language while she tried to keep from coughing since she knew blood would come up. If it had been anywhere else, Videl might have left the wound alone, but the knives had punctured her lung so she couldn't leave it be. It wasn't long before the wounds closed enough that Videl stopped muttering and wiped a bit of blood away from her mouth. A wry smile crossed her features as she stood up.

Interesting, I wouldn't think a Jedi would make such a move, but at any rate it didn't help since I am one of the few Sith that can heal but nice try anyway....

Videl said quietly as she began to tap into the force, surges of force lightning began to form around her hand as she charged it up. Sending the blast at Neo, she then continued to shock him as she lifted him up into the air. While continuing to shock him with one hand, she charged up the other hand and sent out another jolt before using the force to slam Neo headfirst into a nearby rock. Neo slams hard before falling to the ground in a burned, blackened heap.

Jedi Neo
Dec 1st, 2001, 02:30:09 PM
::Neo then stands up and stumbles almost back to the ground because of the fact that he landed on his head. HE concentrates on the Force to reorder his mind so he can finish this fight. Slowly he stops being dizzy and his head stops hurting. He then throws off his jacket, since it took most of the brunt of the electrical fire that was thrown at him. But he did have second degree burns on his body, and the wound in his shoulder was beginning to hurt again. With no time to heal, Neo runs toward Videl. He then crouches and jumps into the air. Neo then kicks Videl in the face, and then on the follow through, kicks the spot where Videl had her knives buried in her back. Neo then does a filp and lands crouching behind Videl.::

Dec 3rd, 2001, 01:28:38 PM
A wry smile crosses Videl's features yet again as she grabs Neo by the back of his clothing and then jabs her fingers deep into Neo's injuries from her knives. Laughing as Neo cries out in pain, Videl lets him feel the pain for a moment before kneeing him hard in the spine. Removing her fingers from the wound, Videl then stabs him again with her knives, a little deeper this time as payback for the wound she was given and makes the slash longer as well, cutting down to his lower back. Letting go of his clothing, Videl starts to seem like she was just going to let him drop, but she reacts quickly and kicks Neo hard in the side, cracking a few ribs in the process and flinging him far off to her left.

Jedi Neo
Dec 7th, 2001, 05:19:55 PM
::Neo holds his ribs, and blocks the pain. Meanwhile he concentrates on The Force, he then once again charges Videl and pulls out his gun and fires his second shot at the hand Videl has her knives in. The bullet hits the knives dead on, but instead of a loud crack that should of been heard, the sound of a water balloon is there. The shell was filled with a fire extinguishing foam that hardens once it has been released. This foam covers the knives and Videl's hand.
Neo then grabs that arm and pulls it forward kneeing Videl in the gut. He then uses The Force to push Videl away, as he picks her up, and throws her down from the rock. Neo's Force Push causes Videl to land in a hole, face up, with a few broken ribs.::

Dec 12th, 2001, 02:31:06 PM
But before Neo can even make another move, he's stopped by severe pain since Videl kicked upward, hitting him square in the groin. Using the time that Neo is dealing with the pain of that hit to her advantage, Videl flips to her feet and punches him in the gut and then backhands him across the face with the hand he covered with foam. Putting her hand up to Neo's face, she begins to channel the force. Lightning surges all around her until the force of it all breaks the foam and the jolt hits Neo full in the face before Videl jabs upward with the heel of her hand to his nose. Neo grabs his face in pain as blood drips through his fingers from his recently broken nose as Videl only smirks wryly.

Jedi Neo
Dec 18th, 2001, 11:09:43 AM
::As Videl smirks at the Jedi, Neo sweeps the legs out from under her making her fall forward. As she falls to the ground, Neo jumps and makes a backflip, kicking Videl in the head, sending her falling backwards. She lands on the ground with a thud and with blood comming from her nose. Neo takes a moment to wipe his own blood of of his face and concentrates on the Force, blocking the pain from his groin which had been kicked again. Neo then stands up, and assumes a blocking postion and awaits his opponents next move.::

OOC: EDIT: Just fixing a spelling error...

Dec 20th, 2001, 01:38:42 AM
Videl remains still for a moment before she flips into the air. Igniting her saber, she points it downward and drops down at Neo. When she lands, her saber stabs deeply into Neo's right shoulder. Using the momentum to her advantage, Videl uses her weight to throw Neo forward in the process as her heel comes down hard into his spine. Videl twists her saber a bit before pulling it out. Turning her saber around, she flips Neo over with the hilt then stomps down hard on his ribcage a few times until the familiar sickening sound of bones breaking is heard.

Jedi Neo
Jan 4th, 2002, 03:17:20 AM
::Neo uses the seconds that Videl wastes while listening to his bones crunch to grab his own lightsaber. Neo then grabs Videls foot, and gives it a sharp 90 degree twist breaking her ankle, he then gets up, grabs his jacket, and jumps. As Jedi Neo jumps he engages his lightsaber, a blast of green unballanced energy shoots from the lightsaber hilt. It makes the surrounding area ablaze with green light, and it propells Neo high into the air....

A few seconds later, Jedi Neo uses the Force to feel how fast he is falling toward the ground where his ship is. He twists and turns, and at the right moment goes limp. Landing on the ground face up, his feet comming to rest at the head of his Z-95 Headhunter. He then climbs up and attempts to climb into his ship when he feels his shoulder weaken and begin to hurt again, and his newly broken ribs begin to drip blood. Neo then crawls up to the cockpit and punches in a couple of coordnates into his nav-computer. They lead to a New Republic Trading base where he might be able to find some help. He can just take off in the ship and just before he blackouts he engages into hyperspace...::