View Full Version : The Gathering

Lord Gue
Nov 16th, 2001, 07:24:59 PM
The whole fleet was here, assembled like space was flat, in row after row with the largest ships in the front and the smallest in back. The end of the line couldnt even be seen from Michael's vantage point aboard the bridge of his vessel.
"Soon, very soon..."

Nov 16th, 2001, 07:53:00 PM
*Cloak sat back and observed his leader at action, it had been very long since he stepped foot inside the bridge of an Imperial Warship. He felt at home, it reminded him of his glorious past with SIN and the Nexus*

Sith Ahnk
Nov 16th, 2001, 08:01:56 PM
(The Falleen way is the only way.)
(Gue had led his life in a Falleen manner. He put forth cold, heartless, knife in the heart manipulation, where other simians would go for warm, heated, guns blazing revenge. Gue never allowed a detail past him... he was maticulous. Even with raw access to the incredible power of rage filled attacks he could draw from the dark side of the force, instead he bent it too, manipulated the very essence of life to contort to his will.)
(It sometimes suprised Exel that Gue was not a Falleen, and he often had to conceal his suprise when he remembered he was in fact a monkey.)
(He offered as he stepped onto the warships bridge, and stood formally to await his commands.)

Christpher Gue
Nov 16th, 2001, 08:04:49 PM
He smiled as he looked out upon the vastness of the ship. He stood near his father's side, this would be most glorious and entertaining. The Order of the Galaxy must be fulfilled by any way possible to bring peace to the galaxy... this was his mission and goal.

Radon Monty
Nov 16th, 2001, 08:29:02 PM
Moff Mont was proud of the vast number of ships assembled here. He was proud to be the htird in command. He sat in the command chair of his Imperator Star Destroyer called Nanata. He awaited his masters speach.>D

Lord Gue
Nov 16th, 2001, 08:58:08 PM
"Be ready, Inquisitor. There are dissidents among us; they may be captains, admirals, even might be higher reaching than that, who knows. It is your job this day to make sure that disease does not spread to the rest of our Empire. This uprising ends here, and it ends now. You have full authorization to capture, torture, or kill any whom have shown within reasonable doubt to be rebel's to the Empire"
[I]With that he turned back towards the veiw of ships, oh so many ships...

Admiral Lebron
Nov 16th, 2001, 10:39:37 PM
(If this are TIR ships. How 'bout No. They are all engaged and trapped in battle. Also currently under command of Rear Admiral Vorran. So, any complaints?)

Radon Monty
Nov 17th, 2001, 02:31:55 PM
Admiral, my ship is not under your control. It is here and will stay here until Lord Gue has need of it.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 17th, 2001, 05:33:14 PM
( Your ship was at Kamaar, if I am not mistaken. Which has an Interdiction field surronding the fleets, along with about 400 unfriendly vessels.)

Lord Gue
Nov 18th, 2001, 07:04:15 PM
1. There is no battle left, the fight is over, not that you have any idea.
2. They are all still gathered in their prospective positions.
3. Quit messing with things you have no place in.

Nov 19th, 2001, 12:11:12 PM
her feet step up heavy behind Lord_Gue and Christopher and the rest of the people. She brings her fragile hand up grabbing the middle of her sunglasses sliding them down a bit over the bridge of her little nose looking around. She thinks about this a big grin creeping across her thick lips. She simply nods lifting her sunglasses back up over her eyes
Sure thing!
She thinks to herself still as she moves her eyes up and over Lord_Gue and past him towards his Son Christopher, quickly turning her glance back around the surrounding area the same sly grin on her face the whole time.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 19th, 2001, 03:20:01 PM
( 1: There is no actual post the battle is ended. Leave AIM to AIM.
2: Meh.
3: Leave AIM to AIM, I haven't officially agreed to anything, because it would be hard to be talking to you and fighting a battle at the same time. So, I can take your actions from Heir and Starla as acts of treason under the Imperial Charter and shoot arrest you. I am pretty sure a fully armed and operational Super Star Destroyer can take out a shuttle. Especially when the shuttle ain't going nowhere from a nice big interdicition field. )

Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2001, 07:59:23 PM
1. Why else do you think it has stopped?
3. You are already arrested and taken, and from this point hither all your posts shall be ignored in this thread

Admiral Lebron
Nov 19th, 2001, 08:13:26 PM
(OOC: 1: I still want a post.
2: You can't take me without permission. I gave no permission. Also,I still want to see how a shuttle can excape a tractor beam, then jump to hyperspace. )

Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2001, 08:42:26 PM
OOC: I can take you wherever I want without permission, I just cant kill you. And you mean the renegade ship and commander? The ship never jumped into hyperspace, it was about to when it got tractored, Racktus then contacted the tractoring ship and is waiting for a response.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 19th, 2001, 08:50:01 PM
OOC: And that would be the Umaro. A SSD. Not a rouge ship. And no, you need my permission for captures and shootings too.

Lord Gue
Nov 19th, 2001, 08:57:23 PM
OOC: All I need permission to do is kill you. Im not killing you so i dont need permission. Secondly, the ship going against my will is a rouge as per my will.

Nadia Raine
Nov 20th, 2001, 05:04:18 AM
The mood was eire as Nadia walked the halls of Lord Gue's ship. She could hear her own footsteps echoing and even though she was not alone she felt as if she were the only living being on this deck. It was the first time she had been outside the protection of the Shadow Empire's fortress walls since she had joined their group.

It made her uneasy, not knowing where her teacher Shadow Knight Darth Misery was. Although Nadia was an established fighter and could hold her own in any battle this way of life was new to her. Since her teachings began the new abilities in which she was experiencing seemed to frightened her a great deal and she did not like the level of insecurity that she felt when Misery was not around, especially when she was unsure as to what type of role she would play in this game.

Bumping shoulders with one of the crew men Nadia was snapped back to reality, at the same time tossed to the ground. If these were normal circumstances and Naida was feeling herself she probably would have stood up and slit the young man's throat. Seeing the expression on his face she knew immediately that he had seen the look in her eyes and knew her irritation with him. Bowing quickly and apologizing profusely he helped the fiery redhead to her feet then turned in the other direction and scurried down the hall at a hurried pace. Nadia looked after him for a moment then continued her journey.

Nov 20th, 2001, 09:16:19 AM
o_O OOC: Why do you need permission to kill him, when he is arrested..and you already killed him?...

Sarin Vorran
Nov 20th, 2001, 01:54:42 PM
OOC-am operating under the premise that my fleet has withdrawn from the Kamaar battle, been mauled but not destroyed, and
-1-Admiral Lebron is still alive and has command
-2-I am commander of the First, Second, and Third Battle Groups
-3-nor further action will be taken against Admiral Lebron without the OOC notification of Both Moff Mont and myself since my email and AIM are down.

IC-Battered, bruised, but by no means defeated, Rear Admiral Sarin Vorran stood on the bridge of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Hayes and looked at the remains of the Fleet he commanded. They were bruised from battle, but they were now a hardened, crack combat unit that ould go down in an inferno of glory before yielding a kilometer of space.

He neeled on the hologram pad. " Admiral Vorran, reporting as ordered..."

Admiral Lebron
Nov 20th, 2001, 02:49:56 PM
OOC: Gue what you seem to be forgetting is that 1) The Rouge Captain happens to be a self-demoted Admiral who is well respected. 2) Communications are generally down in the war zone, 3) A tractor lock is enabled. So if this really is after that thred, I have been treated with bacta and am fine, not to mention in command of the fleets, while you have no significant forces, not to mention I wouldn't let a single ISS agent aboard any of my ships. So, you can take it my way, or we can argue this out. I will win either way.

Seth Darkserpent
Nov 20th, 2001, 03:09:45 PM
(OOC: Just a message, no battle has ended. TGE is still attacking GE/TIR. Sarin, you cannot leave the battle due to the humongous Interdiction field that your ships would be destroyed in if they attempted to leave.

And I'm very unclear on how Lebron was captured. During a war, would he not be in his SSD surrounded by loyal guards?)

Admiral Lebron
Nov 20th, 2001, 06:00:51 PM
(OOC: See. Told ya the war wasn't over. )

Lord Gue
Nov 21st, 2001, 03:51:48 PM
OOC: Addressing Seth first...
The Diktat has accepted the terms of our defeat and had assured me that hostilities were over. As for Loyal guards, The ISS is the most fear security group in all the empire, to stand in their way would be to kill off your whole family and everything you hold dear, and besides that those guards would be loyal to the emperor as they would be to the empire.

Now to Lebron...
Even if that captain is well respected, he is still aiding and abedding a wanted criminal and thus is a rouge. A direct beam transmission between two ships would have to be block by much stronger ECM than what the opposing fleet is putting out. To my knowledge you have yet to have escaped the ISS shuttle and been brought aboard the other ship.

Admiral Lebron
Nov 21st, 2001, 05:39:31 PM
OOC: Gue... Darkserpent is Thrawn. As for the other issue, No one has a clue whats going on since you haven't made any distress calls yet.

Nov 21st, 2001, 05:52:27 PM
This OOC discussion needs to find a home other than in a topic inside the RolePlaying forum, or else the topic will be moved there.

Lord Gue
Nov 25th, 2001, 06:52:46 PM
OOC: K is whom i made the agreement with, and why make a distress call?