View Full Version : Special Special Editions

Nov 16th, 2001, 06:38:39 PM
Over at TF.N, they have a story where Lucas is quoted as saying that he has already written parts of Episode 3 and has even FILMED some of episode 3 as well as some new footage for the Original Trilogy in order to make the 6 movies more seamless.

I wonder if this story is at all a fake?

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 06:50:59 PM
No its quite real it was on E news daily the other night. It is part of the upcoming SW Tv Guide interview with Lucas I think it hits Monday, R2D2 is on the cover. I put this on another post but I think I did it at the wrong time the trailer hit right after and then nobody read it. Oh well but I said I was thinking they would add Ian in as Palpatine in ESB (please get rid of that old woman) maybe add a scene with Bail Organa right before Alderraan blows up, some scenes of the Jedi temple in ruins and then a celebration scene of Naboo, I think thats all that they should add.

Nov 16th, 2001, 07:30:18 PM
Those would be good. I wonder if they'll add some kind of shot to enhance the Obi Wan / Vader duel. I think they will definetly fix the SE Jabba. I just hope they stay away from flashbacks. As corny as Star Wars gets, I would hate to see a scene where at the end of Jedi, when Luke is getting fried, Vader has flashbacks to his early days when he was still a good boy and remembers where he came from and who he really is.

Nov 16th, 2001, 08:06:53 PM
I knew Lucas had filmed some Tatooine stuff for EP3, but I had no idea he'd done stuff for the OT as well. This could be very interesting. I just hope those DVD's have non SE versions. Please, please, please!!!

Nov 16th, 2001, 08:26:36 PM
I'm pretty sure we're going to get every possible version of the film once they're all completed...

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 09:26:51 PM
I heard some rumors of others things too some were discussed before when this was first rumored for example, they show the Emperor dismissing the Senate and Bail makes appearance here (maybe for those who want to see the emperor in all three films), a hologram of Qui-Gon in Ben's appartment, some more scenes of Boba Fett (I guess in TESB no clue where else you could fit more unless you want to show he escapped the sarlac like we all know that wouldn't happen;)), I read a few others but can't really think of anything else I guess a lot of it depends on what happens in 2 and 3.

Champion of the Force
Nov 16th, 2001, 09:43:35 PM
I remember discussing a possible special special edition back in 99 on TFN. I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas would want to refix some of the glaring errors that weren't fixed in the original special edition.

Nov 16th, 2001, 09:51:50 PM
For continuity's sake, I think a scene of the Emperor in ANH would be a HUGE bonus. He's too important a character to be so conspicously absent from an ENTIRE episode of the saga. That Senate scene you described would be great. And a retouched ESB hologram would be a great bonus as well.