View Full Version : Newsweek on SW Trailers

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 03:29:06 PM

This is an article on the SW trailers, now somethings I agree with him except for two points: his dislike of TPM, I still love of the movie and how can he call Jar Jar an offensive character? I can't stand people who buy into that racism crap, Jar Jar might be annoying but he is not racist. Second he makes the point that the fans don't seem to care, WTF does he surf these forums. Go the force.net and the forums are packed with people discussing it before it comes out waiting in there to see it, I think that current thread is well over a 1000 posts long. And look at the activity in here it's probably 5x as busy especially the films forum we have 5 threads actively going since yesterday, (six if you count the Long Countdown) this is the most activity we have had going in here in two years at least, so he knows nothing about the online communtiy. The reason why it is not as noticable is because Lucas has decided to put the trailers on the bigger films this time. Sure people noticed when the trailer came out on Meet Joe Black and Wing Commander because the trailer helped those movies, its not going to do a thing to Harry Potter. Sure it might have helped Monsters Inc slightly but Harry Potter will make 70+ regardless.

Nov 16th, 2001, 05:35:32 PM
I sent Adam Rogers an Invite to this place .A place where he can get his facts RIGHT.