View Full Version : Sweet Molt Monday

Nov 16th, 2001, 01:59:29 AM
[Continued from <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7778>The Fall of Alice Rock</a>]

In a flash and shimmer it appeared out of the blue. No thick cloud of smoke, no ongoing parade of bright illustrious fireworks, no huge, obscuring mists, no bing-bang fanfare. Almost like in a blink of an eye. Blink. Nothing. Blink. Something. So simple.

The area didn't appear to inhabitable as no one seemed to be around to notice the interesting edifice that had seemingly found its new home on these grounds. It was a huge crystal with a bluish hue. Within it, the young flame-haired Sith Mistress known as Nuriko Sha stood upright, hands folded over her chest like a mummy in a sarcophagus. Her eyes were closed and one would think.... one would think she were very much dead.

However to walk up to it, to peer into the limited scope it allowed one to view, one would see, clearly, movement of the eyes. As if she were a mouse ducking in a nook, blinking in distress and fear but in reality not opening them once to the world. But that soon ceased and she appeared to be back in her ho-hum dream again.

The sun glistened on the cystral beautifully, the heat and weather marred it not. And at least a full month would pass... the life around, unable to budge such an object, simply had to make do around the annoying thing.

And it? It would be good and wait as patiently as it were able.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 16th, 2001, 05:43:02 PM
The Dark Jedi blinked, turning his head slightly to the side. There was a strange creature before him speaking in an alien tongue. He merely dismissed the merchant with a hand gesture, shaking his head.

"Areno, mine-takeizo."
<font size=1>"Go away, primitive."</font>

Jeseth seemed to be fluent in this strange tongue. The thing just turned and walked away, heading back down the mountain path. A strange shimmer had caught Jeseth's eyes. Somewhere in the distance, something had exploded... These people have nothing that would produce that kind of flash. This mystery had too much allure to leave alone... and after all, Jeseth was in no rush to get anywhere.

He set off towards the light source.

<center>....Four Hours Later....</center>

Jeseth looked over the crystal capsule, not noticing the woman in it. A second later his eyes went wide as he realized that not only was there a human laying inside, but that she was none other than Nuriko Sha, council member of The Sith Empire... His mind was filled with questions, but one thing became obvious. She had to die.

<font color=red>Snap-Hisssss....</font>

Nov 16th, 2001, 06:24:28 PM
As Jeseth's sabre gleamed on the crystal surface, something became obvious. Even though he had seen the flash just today, this huge crystal had obviously been here for a while now... native vegetation surrounded it. Why had it flashed suddenly? Was it calling him? Why wasn't there any evidence of any explosion?

Nevermind that.

He struck his sabre with one quick blow. After something like that, the woman should've been in two neat halves, but instead the crystal gleamed where it had been struck, as if conducting electricity, and cracked serverly.

Hmmm. One more then.

The sabre struck the same spot. The crack suddenly became like an enormous web and then crumbled apart, pieces falling near his feet. The entire structure collapsed. The seemingly comatose Nuriko fell out of its grasp and onto the ground among the shards.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 16th, 2001, 08:23:20 PM
The winged Dark Jedi raised his saber up one more time, his teeth pressing together as he readied to end the helpless woman's life. Then he stopped and considered his actions. A drop of sweat dripped from his brow as the crimson-orange blade stopped just a hair above Nuriko's neck. What is she worth to me... if anything at all. Why is she even here..? He attempted to probe through her mind, searching her dreams, but couldn't get very much out of her. She seemed to be completely out.

Deactivating his blade, he knelt down beside her, putting a hand to her cheek. A crackling spark emanated from the tips of his fingers, snaking around her features and coursing into her flesh. The sparks quickly turned into showers - showers of lightening forged within Jeseth. He inhaled sharply and then released his hold on her, hoping the burst of Force Lightening would awaken her.

Nov 17th, 2001, 02:58:13 PM
<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!"</font> she shrieked and sat up quickly. Her deep green eyes snapped open. Her hair was frazzled by the shock. Nuriko smoothed her hair and looked over to Jeseth.

*SLAP!!* Her hand smacked across his face, almost lightly.

<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"Don't do that! I can't stand electricity!"</font> Her voice was deeper than it should've been. Like a hiss. <font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"Who are you?"</font>

Nuriko stood up and surveyed her surroundings, dusting herself off. She looked back towards him before turning around and walking over the pieces of crystal. Her mouth turned in to a slight frown. She put her hand on her hip, pushing part of her jacket aside and letting it rest over her dragon-tooth blade. Her attention was suddenly caught by a gold ring on her left hand. <font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"Oh right... I lost...."</font>

Nuriko turned her attention back towards Jeseth. <font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"Why did you release me? I'm in neither mood nor energy level to provide you a wish. Sorry.... but hey, jumping the gun was your decision, not mine."</font>

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 18th, 2001, 06:43:24 AM
Jeseth held his left hand up to his face, the black-gloved exterior of it sharply contrasting with his pale skin. The slap hadn't been that hard, but it had caught him by surprise. He had expected her to be a bit more dazed than this... and now he was the one who was off-balance. Rising up to his feet carefully, he narrowed his eyes at her. "Interesting... you don't seem remember me..." His wings pulled against his back in tension, a nervous habit he couldn't seem to shake. "...but I do remember you, Nuriko Sha." His tone was one of accusation. The black-gloved hand ran back down towards his saber, holding on to it for the added comfort it could lend him.

Jeseth wasn't sure what this woman was capable of, but if she was anything like her husband, then he was better off safe than sorry. He had watched holorecordings of her in the past, but most of them were from the shared vault of the Dark Axis. As a council member of The Sith Order, such information was made available to him... but it was vague and distorted to begin with. "You followed me, didn't you? Who else knows I'm here?" The Ambrielian took a few steps back, distancing himself from her a bit more and scanning the area as best he could. There didn't seem to be anyone around except them.

Nov 22nd, 2001, 07:17:49 PM
<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"'Nuriko Sha'..... Oh, you knew the host then, did you? Is that why you broke me out?"</font> She laughed. <font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"Did she owe you money or are you just in the habit of breaking women out of huge crystals? I'm afraid she has no distinct memories of you, otherwise I would've retained traces of them. You don't seem to be a threat, take that as offense or not-- I couldn't care, so I have no desire to fight you. I am Nuriko Sha as much as I am not Nuriko Sha. Whatever business she had with you, I do not."</font>

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 3rd, 2001, 12:06:10 AM
"Ok, then who are you really, if not Nuriko..?" Jeseth's eyes wandered over her body. They narrowed once again as he regained some sense of reality. She was trying to play a mind game with him... wasn't she? But then again, he sensed there was something abnormal about the way her mind was working. "If she didn't remember me, then all the better. I merely thought she might recall me from one of our many but brief meetings... Now, just explain who you are to me, because my curiosity is peaked."

Dec 3rd, 2001, 09:03:45 PM
<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"'Does she have some motive to lie to you or do I?"</font> Nuriko could see the confusion in his eyes. <font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"I told you... I am Nuriko as much as I am not. My spirit is not pure unless it's in a body of my own creation, therefore many aspects of her personality are within me and a part of me as long as she is my vessel. I become her as I wish. If you are so concerned with pinpointing what 'I am', then 'a symbiote' will be all I can say within your comprehension to satiate you."</font>

She walked over to him.

<font face="Century Gothic" color=gold>"It's not that she doesn't remember... it's simply that you were no priority. As you say, your encounters were brief.... I doubt you made such an impression in that brevity. It should be no surprise.... Now answer me... WHAT DO YOU WANT? I have some doubt that I am here and you are there in conversion from any such characteristic as the kindness of your heart or the pure intriquisitiveness of your soul...."</font>

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 4th, 2001, 03:02:43 AM
"You're a perceptive one... and brave. I was going to kill you, under the impression that you were Nuriko Sha... It would have been a long overdue reparation to her husband, and it would have been easy for me to do... but my curiosity got the better of me, and so now here we are - but I have lost my interest in slaying you. You seem so much more life-like now that I'm up close. I take care in studying my enemies, and I did do some reading of sorts on your host."

Jeseth waved a hand ahead of him, signaling for her to walk with him. It wasn't intended in a rude or demanding manner, but was simply meant as a welcoming (perhaps even somewhat of a friendly) gesture.

"Now, I told you what I wanted, and I'm interested in what you want. It isn't just a coincidence that you chose Nuriko as your host, is it?"

Dec 4th, 2001, 08:36:44 PM
Nuriko glared at him. "Coincidence nothing..." Her voice had noticably smoothed out, as to why, no one but she could be sure. "Nuriko Sha killed me.... Technically at any rate, and now... Now I am Nuriko." She held her hand up and watched her wedding ring glint in the light. "So call me Nuriko."

She grinned and walked a little faster, staying just a step ahead of him. "So sorry if you thought it something more. Don't impart your weak mortal ways on me.... I simply mean to exist." Nuriko laughed. "You did 'reading', did you? I somehow doubt you know any more than I. It's a shattered shell. Tell me..." she said, her tone almost of jest. "Nuriko had no role in your life obviously, so I assume her mate did. What did he do to you?"

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 4th, 2001, 09:40:25 PM
"I wouldn't expect to know more of her than you. I merely made sure I was familiar with her public history... As for what her husband... the challenge he issued to The Fold is still fresh in my mind. All in good time it will be answered. let him sit there upon his throne and enjoy his freedom while he still has it." The Dark Jedi almost grinned as he considered the not so distant future.

"- but he's not important now. I want to know more about you. Enigma always entertain me, and you're a mystery to me. I know nothing of your race... and if you know Nuriko so well, then I could stand to learn quite a bit about her from you..." He finally caught up with her.

Dec 8th, 2001, 10:44:14 PM
OOC: I didn't want to leave this wide open, so I'm going to make a closing post for my character in this thread.

IC: Nuriko laughed. "His throne. You make it sound like he's on the toilet." She shifted her eyes toward him. "No doubt you have some witty retort for that remark, but let's just skip that, shall we?" She mused over his question. "My race...."

Jeseth waited for her response. She seemed to be taking her time. Nuriko stopped and turned around, looking him over in disdain. She sauntered close to him and placed her hands on the side of his face, looking into his eyes.

"My race is none of your business." She shoved him away. "Your soul is very... black. I would not give one such as yourself as anything valuable as information of me. Especially without some kind of payment.... but I'd almost wonder. What would you give me? And I come to find, I doubt there is anything YOU could provide me. You can talk to me, say I'm wrong, persuade me. But I'm not gonna wait around for it. ....Touching you though..."

She grabbed his hand and felt it in hers.

"Yes, a memory comes back to me." She giggled and let him go. "Funny... you owe some of the council members of the Empire your life. Seems when they had you in that private chamber, Nuriko wanted them all to jump you and tear you to bits. It would've been quite fun. To bad they were chicken." :lol

Nuriko ran off ahead and then turned back, looking at him. "If you don't believe me... ask Rama about it, since you do love him so much. Fun between us however isn't to be had this time... maybe later, okay?" ;) Flames came from her hands and formed a huge wall of fire between herself and Jeseth.

It was like a burst, and simmered itself down quickly. Jeseth tried to sense where she was and found that he couldn't. It was like she was still here but the force was no longer within her.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:03:01 AM
A she came close to him, Jeseth's hand had slipped close to her waist, stealthy and unseen. A small object was placed upon her clothing, and it quickly sunk in place among the wool. Jeseth was disappointed once she had left, and though he couldn't track her through the Force, there were still alternatives. He grinned slightly as he headed back to his ship. "Curiouser and curiouser still, Nuriko. Some day we'll meet again. Perhaps sooner than you think."