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Nov 15th, 2001, 03:29:14 PM
**This thread must be read with the utmost sarcasm.**
;) ;) ;) ;)

Losers, morons, people who desperately need to get a life. I'm surrounded by them. Why? Because I'm surrounded by people who don't devote their lives to Star Wars!I'm surrounded by pseudo-fans who literally make me sick! All around me I see fans who aren't willing to fulfill their duty as Star Wars fans. But that's okay, I don't care. I know what it takes to be a REAL fan.


1) ...You see AOTC in theaters as many times as you possibly can. I will accept no less than 20 ticket stubs as proof of your fandom. And you MUST keep your ticket stubs. They are historical documents proving you've watched one of the greatest motion pictures ever made. I know it hasn't even been completed yet, but it's still one of the greatest movies ever made and you're an IDIOT if you think otherwise!

2) ...You know that one of the reasons Qui-Gon was reluctant to take Obi-Wan on as a Padawan learner was because of his failure with his former student Xanatos. The only way to know this is to read the Expanded Universe. A REAL Star Wars fan reads ALL EU. If you pick and choose then you're a poser and a moron and I really don't have time for you. But I'm still going to keep typing because you people really need my help! Star Wars fans who don't BUY and read all EU are selfish fans. Just where do you think George Lucas gets the money to finance his brilliant epics? It doesn't all come from Box Office receipts. (Of which you should be spending hundreds of your or your parents' hard earned dollars!) A good chunk of it comes from novels, comics, magazines, and anthologies. But there's a more important reason. Star Wars is just more than the movies! Lucas has expanded his universe by approving and supervising the creation of HUNDREDS of new characters and stories. Any self respecting Star Wars fan knows it's their DUTY to immerse themselves fully into the Expanded Universe to fully appreciate the characters and galaxy that Lucas has given us. If you're not willing to commit yourself to reading everything the EU has to offer, both fiction and nonficiton, then I really don't have time for you. Do what you want but I know what I have to do.

3) ...You believe the Star Wars films are the greatest films ever made. They have to be at the top of your list, all 6 of them. Yes, I know 2 haven't come out yet but that's irrelevant because they're Star Wars films and therefore they're going to be great. (Weren't you paying attention to rule #1?) Whenever some idiot claims otherwise, and if they do they are morons, you must be willing to criticize and belittle their opinions on the spot. Because their opinions aren't in line with yours they obvioulsy need to be educated. A REAL fan must be willing to do this at a moment's notice. No other film that you will ever watch can equal or surpass a Star Wars film. Those 6 films made decades apart and by 3 different directors are the greatest films EVER made! None will ever challenge them in quality or impact. Anyone who says otherwise must be exposed as a fool immediately. I repeat, it is your DUTY as a REAL Star Wars fan.

4) As a REAL fan you must not contribute to the success of a film that challenges Star Wars at the Box Office. If you unwittingly buy a ticket that adds to the gross of a challenger then you must make amends by spending 100 times that amount on all subsequent Star Wars films and re-releases. You must do this with merchandising as well. If you purchase novels such as HP or LOTR, then you must immediately spend ten times that amount on Star Wars novels, even if that means you end up with multiple copies of the same book. You can always buy the paperback version of a hardcover you bought. No EU collection is complete without both the hardcover and paperback versions of the same novel anyway. Shame on you for not realizing this ealier!

5) Your commitment to Star Wars must surpass all other commitments in your life. No other social or emotional commitment can rival that of yours to Star Wars. You have no time for girls. Holding hands, kissing, caressing, feigning interest in a girl's major in order to score are all activities that need not concern a REAL Star Wars fan. Time spent with parents and siblings must be minimized and put in perspective as well. Your brother or sister may need your guidance, but he or she must seek it only when it does not interfere with your duties as a Star Wars fan. And we might as well clearly define duty. Many foolishly believe it implies a sense of obligation toward unnecesary abstracts such as family, community, or the particular nation state you reside in. If you happen to spend a large amount of your time in service of your country or your fellow man then you are betraying Star Wars! You should have realized that military service would drastically reduce the amount of time and money you could have spent on Star Wars. You failed to honor the obligations of a REAL Star Wars fan. Shame on you you poser!

If you have failed to live your life by ANY of the rules above then you are not a REAL fan. On the surface these rules may seem like the opinions of just one fan. They are more than that. They are rules set down by a REAL fan and must be followed by those who also wish to call themselves REAL fans! If you don't agree with ANY of my rules then I really don't care. You're obviouosly a moron and not someone who's worth spending any time with. Now I am someone worhty of spending quality time with, but since I'm so busy devoting my life to Star Wars I don't have the time or inclination to share my time with anyone unless it benefits Star Wars in some way. You may think this to be a lonely existance but you're just one of the many sheep who can't see things my way. Go ahead and waste your time with girls, friends, family, and OTHER movies. I really don't care what you think. While you're getting hot and sweaty with that cute girl in the red sweater I'm sitting in the theater by myself watching AOTC for the 61st time. YOU PATHETIC SIMPLE MINDED LOSER!!!!!! :lol

;) ;) ;) ;) :)

Doc Milo
Nov 15th, 2001, 04:01:39 PM
Hey, Jedieb, do you mind if I copy and paste this into another forum (on aol.) There are some there that will get a real kick out it! :)

Nov 15th, 2001, 04:16:15 PM
As always Doc, I am here but to serve. Do as you wish. :)

Nov 15th, 2001, 04:54:35 PM
Dude, if you ever need someone to market your skills, or be your agent, gimme a shout!:lol

Nov 15th, 2001, 05:41:53 PM
Wow - pretty harsh...

A true Star Wars fan shall not know anger...

nor hatred...

nor love...


Nov 15th, 2001, 05:51:38 PM
Uh ,oh I smell trouble:( sniff..sniff ,,,well maybe it's just me:eek

But what if it's your 61'st viewing and you are getting hot and sweaty With the cute girl in the red sweater at the theater?:rolleyes

Nov 15th, 2001, 06:34:15 PM
**Once again, the air is thick with sarcasm.** ;) ;)

Then you should be ashamed of yourself buff! If it wasn't for that girl in the red sweater you probably wouldv'e been at your 161st showing of AOTC. And did you take her to dinner or dancing? That could have been time and money spent on Star Wars. Such indulgences are not the ways of the REAL Star Wars fan. Here you nothing that I say?

;) ;)

Nov 15th, 2001, 06:58:59 PM
Yeah of course,Mcdonalds:) the finest resturant in town.

Yes Sir I hear and Obey:cry

Nov 15th, 2001, 07:11:22 PM
I like this thread; it's funny. :)

"You believe the Star Wars films are the greatest films ever made. They have to be at the top of your list, all 6 of them. Yes, I know 2 haven't come out yet but that's irrelevant because they're Star Wars films and therefore they're going to be great."

I agree with that. Obviously we can expect the next two SW films to be the greatest films of all-time. There is no reason not to expect that after having gotten these four films. Of course, anything is possible, but not really with Lucas at the helm and Williams on the music, ILM on the effects, etc.

Your post is really hilarious. LOL. I like it a lot.

I think every Star Wars fan has a different role in the fan base based on what they personally can do. Someone who is overseas serving our country does not have the same ability to enjoy Star Wars as someone who doesn't even have to support himself financially yet (like me). So, the same cannot be expected of these two people any more than a person making $25,000 a year can pay as much taxes as a person making $25,000,000 per year. There are clearly different standards.

I think some fans express their fandom by spending thousands of dollars on merchandise, other fans express it simply by watching their videos over and over, and neither one is any less valid. I have a large Star Wars collection but I don't even much care about that. I care more about my collection of knowledge and information (my Star Wars Archives) than my material possessions that relate to the saga...

Nov 15th, 2001, 08:11:16 PM
Hey McBain, I think I've got the lyrics to that pic of yours. It's priceless!

"If we must have wars,
let them be STAR WARS!!"

I'll see if I can dig them up.

Nov 15th, 2001, 08:49:29 PM
Damn, this is the best I can do:


And oh yeah,
You're not a REAL Star Wars fan unless you've memorized these lyrics and sung them at a party!

Mu Satach
Nov 16th, 2001, 12:45:28 AM
Oh dood... I was so thinking about this song the other day...

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


thanks. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 12:59:57 AM
:lol That was hilarious Jedieb one of the funniest things I have read in a while. I have one for you are not a true fan if you don't now go and download the new trailer and watch in 200 times.

Nov 16th, 2001, 02:20:58 AM
Give me a few hours here.

I'm at #4 but I just got it. I could easily watch this 200 times and not be bored at all.

Nov 16th, 2001, 08:40:59 AM
;) ;) ** Obligatory Sarcasm Alert** ;) ;)

6) ...You worship Star Wars above all else. Star Wars isn't just a series of entertaining movies. For the REAL fan it is a life altering experience that should lay the foundation for your spiritual wellbeing. The REAL Star Wars fan does not waste his time with anachronistic and self serving religous organizations. That one day a week you spend at whatever silly church you attend could be time well spent on Star Wars! Why some people can be so STUPID as to not realize the only TRUE belief structure that can benefit man is to be found in the films of George Lucas is beyond me. Your tithe should not go towards some ridiculous church that will spend it on food and clothes for the needy in your community. Your tribute could be better spent elsewhere. IT COULD BE SPENT ON STAR WARS!!!!!!!!

Sanis Prent
Nov 16th, 2001, 08:46:52 AM
Somebody's been reading Jon's book :lol

Nov 16th, 2001, 09:33:26 AM

Nov 16th, 2001, 11:15:40 AM
LOL EB!!!! I've got that base covered - having memorized those lyrics (as cheesy as they are) and sung them... I hadn't heard the real thing in years though - thanks... I knew you'd all know the SW connection with that pic... :lol

Nov 16th, 2001, 01:28:45 PM
If you could crank out a rough draft of those lyrics I'd appreciate it McBain. I have a horrendous memory. All I can remember are bits and pieces and Murray's classic delivery. Thus providing ample proof as to why I'm not a REAL fan. :(

Nov 16th, 2001, 02:49:45 PM
Happy to oblige, EB... Since I've changed my pic, here's the pic again... As best as I can tell from memory and your mp3...

<CENTER><IMG SRC=http://www.geocities.com/darthmcbain/nick3.txt></CENTER>

... This is the Nick Winters' show and I do the entertaining, thank you. Let's go out with something really hot for these folks, a big hit out of '77...

Ohhhhh Star Wars
Nothing but Star Wars
Give me those Star Wars
Don't let them end

Ohhhhh Star Wars
If they should bar wars
Please let these Star Wars

And hey, how 'bout that nutty Star Wars bar
Can you forget all the creatures in there?
And hey, Darth Vader in that black and evil mask
Did he scare you as much as he scared me?


Star Wars
Those near and far wars

:lol :lol :lol :lol --- Oh, I actually remember the first time I saw that...

Nov 16th, 2001, 03:56:18 PM
:clap Wonderful! Marvelous! A song for the ages! :clap

Nov 16th, 2001, 04:14:49 PM
oh well, not the first time I've been accused of not bein a TRUE FAN.... :p

Nov 16th, 2001, 04:31:59 PM
Of course the lyrics are only part of it - Bill Murray's delivery is, in a word, priceless...

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 04:48:44 PM
That was great SNL is really good for putting on SW sketches the other memorable one was back when the released the movies and SNL did a sketch on SW auditions and they had Christopher Walken (kevin Spacey played him) as Han Solo, Walter Mathaeu (can't remember who played him might have been Spacey), as Obi Wan Kenobi, Jack Lemon as C3P0, I can't remember the rest I think they had somebody as Leia, Chewebacca, Luke, and Darth Vader but I can't remember who showed playing them, anybody remember?

Nov 16th, 2001, 04:55:58 PM
My book doesn't concern anything of the sort and you should know that. It is purely objective, even to the point that one publisher apparently rejected it because it lacked enough opinions on the subject (TPM). I treated the book more like an interesting history of the film's release than like my personal opinions about it. I never use the word "I" in the entire book, which is fairly normal for any nonfiction book anyway. It is purely a factual account of the events surrounding TPM's release.

I was thinking of writing another book, very controversial, on how Star Wars plays a role as a pseudo-religion in modern society, but I have not yet worked out how I will do this without it becoming too controversial. Maybe controversy sells, though.

"Star Wars isn't just a series of entertaining movies. For the REAL fan it is a life altering experience that should lay the foundation for your spiritual wellbeing."

No, you don't have to say that for all "REAL fans," but Star Wars is NOT just a series of entertaining movies -- that much is clear. Also, it was a life altering experience for me. That doesn't mean it will be for everyone, obviously. It would be naive and pretentious to assume that Star Wars is going to transform everyone as much as it has transformed some of us.

People much older than myself, 30 and 35, sometimes even 40, decided what they wanted to do in life based on the Star Wars films. They enjoyed the films and thought they wanted to be scientists, or engineers, or NASA employees, or movie directors, or special effects artists, or actors even, or any number of other professions.

I became an author because of Star Wars and I owe my career to the saga. I am very glad the films have influenced me in this way, and others, but I can't expect that everyone would be similary influenced. Maybe to some people, the casual fans and general public, the films are just entertaining movies, but to us, YES, the REAL fans, they are certainly more than that.

I don't think anyone on this forum would question that the Star Wars movies are more than JUST movies to us. If they were, we wouldn't be sitting here talking about them, we wouldn't spend so much time obsessing over them, we wouldn't consider our fellow Star Wars fans friends, in some way, and part of a larger community. Star Wars is about much more than just entertainment. I have made lasting friendships through my love of the saga and solidified friendships in real life that were just developing, like with my best friend Bryan who is admittely only a casual fan but his love of the saga is still pure. He's my best friend and a great guy, and we first started hanging out when he spent the night at my house the night that TPM came out. We saw it together and it was really a memorable experience.

Far from being something that separates individuals from their fellow humans, Star Wars should be a saga that brings us closer together and helps us share our common interest with other people who are also similarly interested.

So, if you want to make fun of the fans who have gained a great deal from the saga, go ahead, but that would include almost every one of us here.

Nov 16th, 2001, 05:28:56 PM
Carr, I think it actually was Christopher Walken auditioning for Han Solo ("She's... Fast enough... for you... old maaahhn...") And I think it was Richard Dreyfuss as C3PO (not really him, but a SNL cast member.) I only saw it once, but I remember it being pretty funny.

Nov 16th, 2001, 05:41:26 PM
Well not that he is asking But I have to agree to a degree on Jon's last post.

But you truly are not a Real Star Wars fan UNTIL I say you are :headbash

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 05:42:32 PM
I pretty sure Spacey played Walken in that episode as I recall he was the host that night he did a great job impersonating I remember that. Now that I remember I think Lemon did Chewbacca I'm not sure if they had anybody else though they probably did its been a long time since I saw it. All I can remember is they had Mattahu cussing as he was reading his lines he couldn't understand the part and Lemon was complaining about playing chewbacca I can't remember the rest.

Nov 16th, 2001, 06:42:10 PM
Kevin Spacey/Christopher Walken as Han Solo
Kevin Spacey/Walter Mattau as Obi Wan
Darrell Hammond/Richard Dryfuss as 3-PO

I'm pretty sure that's how it went. Yes, they were indeed hilarious. Especially Spacey's Walken, priceless!:D

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 06:56:07 PM
Who played Lemon? I was quite certain he was there playing Chewbacca (unless I was dreaming) but i can't recall who might have played him unless it was Spacey.

Nov 16th, 2001, 06:59:44 PM
;) ;) ** Obligatory Sarcasm Alert** ;) ;)

7) ...You saw all the Star Wars films when they were originally released in theaters. Only those who saw Star Wars back in 1977 can truly appreciate it for the cultural event that it was. Only those who saw the news reports of the lines that strecthed around the block know the full scope of the Star Wars phenomenon. Only those fans who saw the shock of the entire nation when Darth Vader revealed his identity to Luke Skywalker know the Power of the Force! Only those fans who suffered through the bittersweet pain at the apparent end of the SW franchise with ROTJ know the anguish of those times. Only fans who are over 30 years of age can comprehend the magnitude and grandeur that is Star Wars. It is the REAL Star Wars fan's responsibility to nuture and educate younger fans, but we know they will never truly become REAL fans because they are limited by the circumstances of their birth. It's a shame, but it's the way of the world. Only fools think otherwise. I pity these children, but it is my DUTY as a REAL fan to set the record straight.

Nov 16th, 2001, 07:15:46 PM
"Only those who saw the news reports of the lines that strecthed around the block know the full scope of the Star Wars phenomenon"

I agree. I wish I was there back then; that must have been quite an amazing sight.

Of course, I cannot control when I was born, but being there to see Star Wars develop from infancy would be like living at the same time Jesus was alive and preaching. It would indeed be a special time. :)

The birth of a religion. :D

Nov 16th, 2001, 07:17:49 PM
I feel so...insignificant...born in '78...me....loser....s#it.....:\


Nov 16th, 2001, 07:24:09 PM
Oh man that's a sweet sig JMK!

Nov 16th, 2001, 07:40:40 PM
Thanks, I think I'll put my services to use here. If anyone wants one similar to mine, but with different images / themes, I'll be glad to make one for them. It'll give me a chance to practice some graphic design. :lol

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 09:49:02 PM
I would love one, is there anyway to get one with Dooko in it I think he loos so cool.

Nov 16th, 2001, 10:23:33 PM
;) ;) ** Obligatory Sarcasm Alert** ;) ;)

8)...You have a custom made AOTC sig made by the Artist Formerly Known As Jedi Master Kyle.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 10:31:10 PM
Hey how did you get one before me:huh Hey I want one JMK you have any I would like one of Dooko but hey I take one with Anakin and Padme it that would be cool too.

Nov 16th, 2001, 10:31:19 PM
Oh DUDE JMK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make me one that has like annie with his saber or something like that PLEASE!!!! It will make mty idiotic posts not look so bad :D

Nov 16th, 2001, 10:39:46 PM
:mneh I got mine first! I got mine first! :mneh

Nov 16th, 2001, 10:42:31 PM
DOOOOOOODS! I will get to them, I'm just out of time tonight, probably tomorrow night, if not, then Sunday for sure. Good things come to those who wait lads! I've been in front of a computer since 8 am today! Mine eyes are glazed over and my retinas are severely burned! But you'll have your lovely sigs in the very near future!

Thinking about this...the more sigs I put out, the better the chance uncle George sees my work and hires me! Wouldn't you all be happy then! :lol

Nov 16th, 2001, 10:47:35 PM
Rest JMK, earned it you have. I think we can all agree that the two most important things at the moment are that; 1) You need to get some rest, and 2) You had a chance to finish my sig. Now rest Master, rest...

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 10:48:33 PM
LOL, the problem's been corrected Jedieb I just didn't check my email I should be getting one shortly I hope.

Nov 16th, 2001, 10:49:48 PM
No prob.when ever you get a chance works for me:)
begger's cant be choser's or can they>_<

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 16th, 2001, 10:54:07 PM
No problem JMK, get to it when you have the chance and if you haven't already check you email I changed my mine on the one I want this one will probably make it easier for you.

Nov 16th, 2001, 11:51:51 PM
I'll try to do one of both ideas and email them to you. Dooku would match your avatar, so I'll give it a shot. I hope you guys have ways of uploading them! If not, I'm sure we can think of something.

Doc Milo
Nov 17th, 2001, 04:11:02 AM
Hey, I want one too! :)

Maybe a collage of the various images of Anakin on Tatooine, but including that last saber slash in the Forbidden Love trailer...

Nov 17th, 2001, 11:59:05 AM
Duly noted Doc.
Where can I email it to?

You all can expect to get them by tonight. If I'm satisfied with them that is. :lol

Doc Milo
Nov 17th, 2001, 03:23:51 PM
You can email it to drmilo@optonline.net

And, thanks JMK!

Nov 17th, 2001, 08:09:13 PM
;) ;) ** Obligatory Sarcasm Alert** ;) ;)

9) ...You make a Star Wars pilgrimage at least once in your life. Silly Muslims make pilgrimages to Mecca, so a REAL Star Wars fan cannot be outdone by some mindless Arabic sheep. There are really only three fitting locations for a Star Wars pilgrimage; An Official Star Wars Celebration, Skywalker Ranch, or the Tunisian desert where many Tatooine scenes were filmed. Some fans may think Leavesdon or the Austrailian studios may suffice, but REAL fans know better. There can be NO excuse for a REAL Star Wars to not make one of these pilgrimages in their lifetime. Distance, finance, nor death can stop a REAL Star Wars fan from visiting one of these holy sites. And yes, these sites are holy. To the REAL fan they are as sacred as Jerusalem or Mecca to any mindless religous drone.

10) ...You wear the appropriate attire of the REAL Star Wars fan. A Real Star Wars fan dresses himself in the robes of the Jedi, the armor of the Stormtrooper, the mask of Boba Fett, and the visage of the revered one himself... DARTH VADER. If you do not have the skills to make replica props then you must seek those out who do and purchase your attire. There are certain occasions in which a REAL Star Wars fan must ALWAYS wear their Star Wars costumes; Star Wars movie premiers, Star Wars conventions, weddings, and funerals (your will should specify that your mourners be dressed as SW characters and that you be burned atop a pillar in the tradition of the Jedi). If your prospective spouse objects to dressing as Leia to your Han, or Amidala to your Anakin then you must NOT go through with the marriage. The very subject of marriage leads us to Rule #11.

11) ... You make sure the institution of marriage does not interfere with your duties as a Real Star Wars fan. In fact, if your marriage in any way interferes with your fandom then you may have to reconsider entering into such a time consuming and expensive institution. Spouses and children can be quite demanding. They have to be supported and every dollar spent clothing or feeding a spouse or child is a dollar not spent on Star Wars. And do not forget, the Real Star Wars fan has only one true love; Star Wars. Emotional attachments to actual living breathing human beings are trivial at best.

Nov 17th, 2001, 09:41:20 PM
Man this fandom thing is getting pretty hard! :grumble


Nov 18th, 2001, 02:30:53 AM
I dunno, I think I am pretty close here! I've made TWO pilgrimages that both should count. One all the way across the country to Washington, D.C. to see the Smithsonian exhibit and then another to the second official Star Wars Celebration! The first being in 1987.

I am doing well there.

No but seriously, I wouldn't think a person should come between a fan and his love for the saga. Not to say you should watch Star Wars movies instead of interacting with people, that's absolutely absurd and actually quite harmful to your psychological health, but I mean your loved ones should not be bothered by your love for the saga. You should still have time to see the films and enjoy the saga.

If a girl told me it was either me giving up Star Wars or giving up her, I would tell her to take a hike and I would gladly show her exactly where the door was and make sure she didn't hit her ass on the way out. Nobody tells me what I can and cannot like. That behaviour is unacceptable and if she tells me I cannot enjoy Star Wars, an integral part of my life, she might as well be telling me I cannot be myself, which is unacceptable. Anyone who wants me to change for them is being unreasonable. I am Jonathan Bowen, I cannot be anyone else. So if they don't like me as I am, then that's just tough. They can go find someone else.

Nov 18th, 2001, 10:29:04 AM
My girlfriend has learned to accept my love of star wars. She was kind of resentful of it at first because she thought I loved it more than her, which is nuts, but, as you said Jon, Star Wars is an integral part of my life and it would be completely out of line to demand that I ditch it.

Nov 18th, 2001, 01:54:20 PM
** Sarcasm Alert Turned OFF **

Enough satirical silliness. Let’s get to heart of the matter and discuss some of the messages behind the absurdity. Basically;...

Pointing a finger at someone and calling them a non fan is a Bad thing. I think Aesopeven wrote a fable covering this involving a Bantha and a wolf.

It’s a simple message really. If you look at each rule you can find RATIONAL approaches to fandom that were exaggerated for comedic effect. At least I hope they were comedic. Let’s recap shall we?

1) Seeing AOTC multiple times at the Box Office.
2) Being an avid EU Fan.
3) SW films are your favorite films of all time. You really do like them more than any other film you’ve ever seen.
4) You feel a twinge of guilt because you saw Titanic or ET the first time around and unwittingly helped them take the top spot from ANH.
5) Star Wars is big part of your life. Something that your friends, parents, and lovers readily know. In fact, it’s one of the first things that comes to mind when they describe you.
6) You’re not religiously inclined but you find that some of the themes in SW films have helped develop your spiritual outlook.
7) You’re lucky enough to have been on the planet in 77 and you have bragging rights about being there for all 6 opening days.
8) Well 8 was just silly. So let’s interpret it as SW fans who spend a lot of their online time centered around SW.
9) You go to SW celebrations or sci fi conventions. You may even take a vacation out in Death Valley or Tunisia for the fun of it. They’re both interesting sites even without the SW lore.
10) You’re into replica props.
11) You let your girlfriend/wife know that you love SW and it’s going to take up some of your time. You respect her interests so she should respect some of yours.

The thing about any fan using their approach to SW as a benchmark about how it SHOULD be done is that there’s no possible way ANYONE can lay claim to all 11 of those “rules.” At the very least we’re talking about a short list of people that probably don’t make it out of their parents’ basements very often. So if you do label someone as a “NON” fan then you’re admitting that there are criteria that can be used to label fans. Which means the same thing could be done to YOU! That’s right, you love SW but you weren’t around in 77 so the forty year old geezer smacks you down and calls you a non fan. The avid role player that has not only seen all the movies, but read every EU novel and dozens of source books can slap you down for not being into the SW universe enough. The deep pocketed fan with thousands of dollars of discretionary income can label the struggling college student as a non fan because that poor slob has to spend his $10 on pasta and spaghetti sauce so he can EAT that week. The replica props guy who spends enormous amounts of time researching, creating, and wearing his costumes can scoff at your efforts at not being die-hard enough. “I made my Stormtrooper armor from scratch and wear it at children’s hospitals on weekends. All you do is READ Star By Star? You’re not a REAL fan!” I could go on and on.

Something else I’d like to get into is that anyone of those approaches to fandom can be ABUSED. If all you EVER read is SW literature then at best you’re being myopic. If you truly BELIEVE that everything else (Joyce, Cervantes, Hemmingway, Shakespeare, etc.)
is inferior material and not worth your time then just wearing a badge of ignorance. Same thing with the films. If you denigrate everything else ever made without ever even SEEING most of those films then you’re being ludicrous to the point where most won’t even take you seriously. It’s one thing to take SW seriously, it’s another to make it the focal point of your life. That’s just plain unhealthy. And to expect others to match that level of sad lunacy is a bit sick. It’s one thing for the 2 hours you spent seeing your first SW film on the big screen to be the highlight of your life if you’re young and haven’t had many social experiences. You’re shy and you make something special your own, good for
you. But if you’ve got some years behind you and you can lay claim to marriage, the birth of children, wartime service, and other significant life altering experiences and still make that claim then that’s rather PATHETIC. You’ve become the Comic Book Guy on the
Simpsons. Putting my viewing of ROTJ in 83 ahead of my wedding ceremony, holding my son for the first hour of his life, or some of the best sex I’ve ever had doesn’t make me a REAL fan. It makes me an ass who doesn’t have his priorities straight.

Don’t believe me? Try closing your eyes and picturing yourself spouting “SW is the beginning and end of all existence” diatribes to a listening audience. Then put yourself in the audience and pretend that instead of you on stage there’s a Trekkie up there waxing on and on about Rodenberry, Shatner, and the Enterprise. That’s EXACTLY what the casual observer sees when you go on and on about how everything SW is great and it’s the most important thing in your life.

Anything can be abused. And in believing that those who don’t share your addictions are unintelligent or beneath you you expose your own insecurities.

Nov 18th, 2001, 05:08:02 PM

Well done!

Nov 18th, 2001, 05:19:53 PM
I'm actually feeling a bit guilty over some of the harsher stuff. If I edited that a few times I'd probably cut some of the more unflatering adjectives. Let's just say I couldn't live with myself if I was a gushing SW zombie. It would be PATHETIC for ME to live my life like that, especially with a wife and kids.

Nov 19th, 2001, 06:38:13 AM
Nah, I think you did a good job Jedieb! :)

"It’s one thing to take SW seriously, it’s another to make it the focal point of your life. That’s just plain unhealthy."

I totally agree. Star Wars should be like a stepping stone to your own success and other things in life that are beyond just Star Wars. I mean, you cannot just sit there and watch the SW films all of the time and accomplish nothing yourself, enjoy knowing yourself, and life vicariously through Luke Skywalker! LOL. That's extremely unhealthy.

However, I don't think there is anything wrong with people using Star Wars to get through tough times. Like maybe someone is having it very rough and for a few months Star Wars is what keeps them going. You know, like TPM, or AOTC, or whatever is what helps them wake up each morning and go to work. I know for me, sophomore year was incredibly hard and what really kept me working hard was the idea that at the end of the year, no matter how hard it was, TPM was there and I'd have a blast of a summer. Of course I still had friends sophomore year, but I didn't have quite as many as I do now and so Star Wars was more of an aid. Also, down here at college, I am having another terrible year (seems to occur exactly as new SW movies are coming out!! UGG!?!), and all of my friends are far away. I have made a ton of friends over the last year, but they're not anywhere near me. I hate this college and I don't like the people here for the most part. The few people I do like are not very responsive to actually hanging out. So, in some way, again Star Wars is a nice thing to have at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. It's by no means the center of my life, though. Haha. Most of my time is spent on online business, writing, talking online (since I don't get to talk much in real life anymore), and movies.

Also, anyone who thinks Star Wars books are better than Shakespeare, Hemmingway, etc. has to be really lame. LOL. The Star Wars films have elements that borrow heavily from classic literature and texts. There are some very good Star Wars books in the EU, but there are some very bad ones too. Not one of them realistically compares with anything Hemmingway or Shakespeare has done. I mean, I'm no big Romeo and Juliet fan, but it's still classic work. I actually love Macbeth. I think that's the kind of Shakespeare stuff that rocks, whereas Romeo and Juliet doesn't interest me as much...

To the topic, I do think there are obviously fans who are more dedicated than others and I think it becomes a problem when these less dedicated fans say things like, "Well I have a life, that's why blah blah!" I mean, that's not really very productive. You can be a huge Star Wars fan and have a great, fullfilling life. In fact, if Star Wars IS your life you can still have a great one (umm, take Steve Sansweet or some other guy who works closely on Star Wars where basically it IS their life, hehe). Of course these are the exceptions that prove the rule ;)

In a balanced, healthy life for a Star Wars fan I think the fan makes the saga an important part of his life, but it is just that: a PART of his life. Not the whole. I mean, you have to have everything else that would define a good life. Meaningful relationships, an enjoyable job hopefully, financial security, those types of things. Then Star Wars can just add to that. It's not like you should sit home and watch the Star Wars movies at the detriment to meeting people and working and leading a normal life :)

Nov 19th, 2001, 09:58:36 PM
Crap! I forgot to seriously address the most important point brought up by this thread.


(Sung to the music of the Main Title.)

Ohhhhh Star Wars
Nothing but Star Wars
Give me those Star Wars
Don't let them end

Ohhhhh Star Wars
If they should bar wars
Please let these Star Wars

And hey, how 'bout that nutty Star Wars bar
Can you forget all the creatures in there?
And hey, Darth Vader in that black and evil mask
Did he scare you as much as he scared me?


Star Wars
Those near and far wars

Nov 20th, 2001, 11:12:59 AM
Yeah - how dare we forget what's really important!!! :lol

<IMG SRC=http://www.geocities.com/darthmcbain/Nick.txt>