View Full Version : The Trials of Aura (open challenge)

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 14th, 2001, 01:11:49 PM
Jedi Knight Aura enters the ancient Sith ruins fully aware the dangers that await her. Sensing the evil emanating about her yet stands undaunted in its presence. Taking a seat by the far wall she lapses into a meditative state as she collects her strength and focus.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 14th, 2001, 01:40:52 PM
From within the shadows of one small set of crumbled ruins a dark force ebbs outwards. The force signature of the Sith washed itself of the melancholic setting with ease, as Vega did not in any way try to hide his presence.

He sat, perched crouching, a toothy grin on his face as he watched the Jedi who sat some distance before him. Moving his hand very slowly down to his hip he withdrew, with a slight clink of metal, the cylindrical hilt of his saber and hovered his thumb over the ignition button.

Letting your guard down like that is awfully dangerous, he said into the girls mind, fading himself into the shadows to prepare for his attack.

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 14th, 2001, 02:20:07 PM
The Jedi Knight known only as Aura, is abruptly aroused from her meditative slumber by a vile voice stinging what was her serene thoughts. She reels towards the Sith activating his saber with a confident demeanor. Aura instinctively rises as she backs away from the man, a hand sliding to her light saber hilt.
"Please, there is no need for violence. I am just a traveler on a quest. I mean noone any harm. My name is Aura. And you are?"

Aura looks deeply into this Sith, as she senses he wishes to do her harm. She remembers the wise words of her Master to avoid any confrontations if possible. She feels this darksider will not walk away as her hand grasps the hilt tighter in response to his aggressions.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 15th, 2001, 02:15:35 PM
Van-Derveld...Vega Van-Derveld, he hissed forcefully, ducking his way under a juttied piece of stone work to step out into the dim light of the area.

A quest you say? Enlighten me.

Bringing his saber upwards sharply he caused the blade to crackle as its tip caught against the stone of the floor, his face cracking into a stone set dark mockery.

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 15th, 2001, 04:04:27 PM
Aura nods as he offers his identity to her. Her emerald green eyes are transfixed on his radiant saber he wields with an obvious ardent and malicious goal in mind.

"I am a Jedi Knight. It is expected of the Jedi to serve and protect the innocent. I sense there are tormented victims in this area in need of my assistance. Now please, let me be on my way."

Aura sighs as this verbal interaction will undoubtedly ensue into a battle. She is aware of the malignant nature of these darksiders and wishes not to invoke his wrath. She positions herself back a bit from the Sith to maintain a safe distance if he strikes. Her hand still on the hilt sequestered at her belt as she knows she may have to employ her saber in self defense.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 16th, 2001, 02:04:55 PM
Canting his head only slightly to the side, he took a few swaggered steps forward to place himself within six foot or so of the Jedi. Inhaling deeply through his nose subconsiously, he picked up on her scent, noting it mentally and comparing it with others he had encountered, deducing she was in no way related to anyone he had crossed.

He smiled somewhat, but it was not a warm smile. More of a sickly smile, one a snake might gave before lashing out at its unsuspecting prey.

My, you are quite naive, aren't you? You believe I will seem you walk on by?

His free hand clenched into a fist as the dark energy around his body seemed to shift downwards into the ball of his hand, swirling around his knuckles in unseen serptine shapes.

No such luck, he said with a grin, thrusting his hand out infront of him spreading his fingers, sending a powerful Force push towards the Jedi.

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 17th, 2001, 11:20:56 AM
Consumed by a potent surge of the dark force, the Jedi Knight is effortlessly ejected off her feet and shoved backwards on the coarse ground, her robe shredding on the jagged rocks below tearing at yielding flesh as she skids on her back to ultimately come to a halt eight meters back.

Aura then rises to once again reclaim her footing, ignoring the throbbing pain of her innumerable abrasions. A bid to her own defense demands she unclips the light saber hilt by her belt. Her thumb depresses the ignition button giving birth to a lucent cobalt blue core one meter in length.

Any apprehension is arrested as she clutches the activated hilt in a powerful double handed grip. Her focus centers on the darksider with a staunch determination to induce her premature demise. She regards this adversary through the sage eyes of a Jedi Knight.

"I see there is no reasoning with you, Vega. I once again ask you to grant me passage."

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 19th, 2001, 02:03:15 PM
And you expect me to grant you this? I think you might be even more naive then I previously credited you for, Jedi. Perhaps some bloody wounds will help your realization of the truth, eh? he laughed cockily, his stance straightening up to his maximum, 6 foot 2, height.

Why don't you try and pass me by then, hmm? Perhaps I will grant you passage, perhaps not. There's only one way for you to find out.

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 20th, 2001, 04:22:14 PM
"There is no ignorance, Vega, there is only knowledge for a Jedi. I am neither naive nor blind. I am fully aware of the corrupt souls that drive your kind. I am merely seeking a peaceful resolve."

Aura initiates her trek about the Sith maintaining a 5 meter distance. She allows the force to envelope her, sharpening her focus and reflexes. She expects an attack but shall be fully prepared to render a capable defense.

"The force shall decide what happens now."

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 21st, 2001, 11:54:11 AM
He could have attacked immeadiately. He could have. That didn't mean he would. Which of course he didn't, as that would be what she expected. He simply allowed her to pace by him until her motion exceeded where his line of sight spanned to.

Then, then he moved. Turning sharply on the ball of his foot, he shot forward in a leapt, thudding against the ground a metre of so behind Aura. She spun, instinctively, at the sound of his descent and as he brought his saber outwards towards her torso in a swift arc, he wasn't suprised that his first blow was fruitless. Grinning, he jabbed again more sharply, then slashed upwards diagonally in an attempt to gash across the Jedi's chest.

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 23rd, 2001, 09:47:51 AM
Jedi Knight Aura, strong with the force, steps back releasing her left hand from the hilt while greeting his advancing blade with a counter clockwise swinging arc, staving his attempt to rake her chest catching his blade on the inside for a parry right. She then transports her blade with a lunging thrust to his lower left side stepping forward closing the distance, the deadly barbed core ascending to Vega in a cobalt hue mere inches from him.

Aura has no doubt this Sith is a seasoned combatant and expects a skilled and swift response. She mentally prepares herself for a reposte, her eyes fixed on this deadly adversary bent on her destruction.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 25th, 2001, 08:49:54 AM
OOC: *will post soon* sorry ^_^;

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 25th, 2001, 09:13:09 AM
AOK I will meditate while i wait lol.:zzz

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 26th, 2001, 12:35:28 PM
The beam rushed towards his body with haste, it's tip a mere foot away from his upper chest before Vega moved to defend, or attack as the case may be. He swung Seraphim up in a jagged zigzag of quick swipes, knocking Aura's saber once to the left then to the right before binding it and pushing it downwards.

His footing at the time was perfect for what he next performed. Sliding his left foot out quickly, he hooked it around the outside of the Jedi's right leg, raking it backwards sharply to knock her off guard. He did not wait for her to gain balance or fall to meet the ground, but instead lunged forth once more, aiming a brutal impaling lunge for the center of her chest.

OOC: :D sorry about the wait.

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 26th, 2001, 01:43:11 PM
Jedi Knight Aura's eyes widened in surprise to the lambent energy beam about to collide with her chest. His skill with a saber was remarkably flawless. Vega's aggressive lunge forward and staunch foot behind her hindered a successful retreat, so she twisted left only to be impaled in her right breast. The pain from the blade was excruciating as Aura let out an involuntary scream sending out ripples through the force. Tripping back she slid off his blade stifling further audible sounds of pain, doing so staving his dark objective of driving the blade all the way through her torso.

After connecting with the ground, her left hand clutched the wound at her chest as she began to feel faint. The wound was deep but not life threatening. Summoning the force, Aura utilized the control pain technique. The Sith gave her no time for recuperation as he attacked with consecutive thrusts and slashes that the Jedi Knight evaded with a series of spinning rolls. Finally tapping into her reserves of strength she rose to her feet. Vega's eyes vividly hungry for the kill as they narrowed on her with a vile regard. Her right arm now hanging loosely due to the chest wound damaging muscles around her shoulder area. With the saber now grasped in her left hand she approached Vega spinning 360 degrees clockwise, then 90 degrees left as she closed the gap between them, her blue blade nearing his left ribs horizontally, to suddenly be arched up in a back handed motion.

The Jedi Knight being determined not to allow this Sith to conclude her existence, yet fully aware her wound will pose a great disadvantage in fending off future attacks.

Vega Van-Derveld
Nov 26th, 2001, 01:55:57 PM
The blue beam cut upwards across his torso, it's dip penetrating his flesh deeply for a foot diagonally over his chest before Vega could react. His over confidence was often his downfall, and allowing Aura to cut in on him was only over looked due to his progress in taking out her ability to perform well with her right arm.

His chest seered as his ribs dug awkwardly into his insides upon his retaliation of the Jedi's offensive. He mimicked her full spin, moving on the ball of his heel to lash out with a horizontal arc, aimed at her mid section.

Jedi Knight Aura
Nov 26th, 2001, 02:19:59 PM
Aura having sensed the danger, jumped back in response to his incoming blade, her saber too far to her left for an interception of his blade. Her reactions now becoming slower as she received the second wound, a slight gash across her stomach. Dropping to one knee, fatigue is written on her face while composing herself to stand back up to face her dark opponent.

"Vega, we are both wounded. Wouldnt it be beneficial for us both to tend to our wounds before advancing further in this altercation?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 1st, 2001, 06:30:01 AM
Are you so completely deluded that you believe I will actually accept that offer?

Striding with an ever present regal egotisticalness towards Aura, the Sith Lord grinned devilishly as he brought his saber up above his head and aimed for a devistating strike upon his head.

OOC: sorry about the wait, my access has been limited.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 1st, 2001, 08:14:57 AM
Aura's request was answered by the Sith's blade converging over her head in a brazen attack. She responded swiftly by elevating her blade diagonally up, greeting his with a succession of phosphorescent sparks raining down on the two combatants. Pivoting on her right heel she twisted her wrist to carry his blade to her left leaving his right side open as she then dropped her blade towards his right shoulder bordering on his trapezius muscle.

OOC: No probs, welcome back :)

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 9th, 2001, 05:45:21 AM
Pushing his heels down into the ground quickly, he threw his shoulder backwards to dodge the strike. The blade soared past his shoulder, catching the skin to pierce it somewhat causing a grimace from Vega. He quickly swung Seraphim up to meet the saber, leaving his back to Aura. Flicking the blade upwards, he sent the Jedi's saber into the air as he aimed a quick kick at her torso.

OOC: ^_^;

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 10th, 2001, 11:32:41 AM
His fervid kick exerted her to tumble back-first to the ground as it connected with her solar plexus, the contact temporarily stunning her. Her reflexes and strength were tried by the wounds she sustained previously. Vega charged his felled victim using the opportunity as an advantage. Calling her saber hilt back to her left hand he dislodged, she barely had enough time to fend off the virulent slice to her chest bearing down on her. Using brute force, she caught and held her adversary's blade at a different angle than his.

Vega was utilizing his weight to push his blade closer. His knee was planted on her mid-section preventing her from an evasive roll. She grimaced in pain as he sliced her there before, his knee grinding against the wound. Their eyes connected as she could read his murderous rage, the merciless crusade to annihilate another Jedi was in his grasp. As he could read the dire worry her sage eyes betrayed due to her vulnerable perdicament.

Struggling with her adversary she lifted her right wounded arm slowly and painfully, with a palm held out, a large rock hurled towards the Sith's back, if he didnt roll aside the impact would prove deadly due to the escalated speed of its path.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:09:27 AM
Looking down at her gave him a demented pleasure he got from all moments like this - he had the Jedi cornered and there was nothing she could do. Or was there? It seemed she was attempting to assault him from behind. A little tumble could easily remedy this.

Driving his knee more firmly into her body, he let the guard of his saber down momentarily to get onto her right shoulder with his free hand. Rolling backwards, he brought Aura through in the roll with him, tumbling them both over just as the rock was soaring towards them.

The stone struck the central area of the Jedi's back, however Vega did not totally escape damage - Aura's saber scraped across his body as the two came down from the roll, with Vega now looking up at Aura.

OOC: ^_^;

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:52:59 AM
Sensing her precarious position as Vega rolled her in the path of the rock, she twisted her body in response to the perilous threat. The rock acting as a guided catapult, was now seeking Aura as the exposed middle of her back caught the brunt, damaging muscles tearing at flesh, but by contorting protecting her spinal cord.

The momentum of the shock, pitched her hard to the ground into Vega, his blade mere inches from her throat as the two were confounded at the sudden alteration of deportment. Before he could even level the blade against her, she dove off him sliding on the rough terrain. She was badly injured and couldnt get up, applying the pain control technique once again before the Sith got back to her.

OOC: O_o

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 19th, 2001, 08:03:36 AM
Vega followed suit, rolling through the dirt towards his opponent. Both were in pain, that much was obvious from the throbbing force signatures that ebbed from their bodies. No matter though, Vega would push on - he would not fall to a Jedi. Not ever.

Welcome to the last few moments of your life, scum, he hissed forcefully, pushing his body upwards to crawl towards Aura. He dove at her, missing his chance to pin her one more but in doing so successfully thudding a downwards jab into her gut with his fist.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 19th, 2001, 09:41:45 AM
The Jedi Knight's damaged back from the rock, foiled her undertaking from eluding the fist that hammered unmercifully into her gut. Rolling from the Sith in a bent up position, heaving from the punch, she took some time to get her breath back as the wind was knocked from her.

Rotating back, she lashed out with a marked kick to his face as he was on the ground as well. She struggled to drag herself away as her back demanded recuperation. Aura was exhausted, which prevented her from expending the force to its fullest, so she decided to avoid this Sith as much as possible to gain much needed rest to restore her depreciating strength.

The force was at her reach, as she lapsed into mild meditation to draft its power for healing.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 20th, 2001, 03:56:24 AM
The warm trickle of blood couple be felt snaking its way down his face - she had either bust his nose or his lip, which he was not sure. Either way, it was hurting substantially, sending the pain to his brain in the form of tiny stabs.

"Get back here... coward," he growled quietly, hefting himself to sit up, some of his blood splashing down against the concrete by his hands as he did.

Vega looked to Aura and frowned. She had entered some Jedi meditational state, no doubt one that would - in the end - heal her cuts and bruises. He crouched low for a moment, resting on his knees before eventually pushing himself upwards, springing rather sluggishly - due to his injuries - towards the girl, whipping Seraphim into view with a crackle. The blade hummed loudly as he did a short leap towards the girl, strafing himself to the side only slightly so that he might bring the saber quickly around to the back of her neck, his free hand hooking around her body to grab her neck in a tight lock.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 20th, 2001, 04:05:12 PM
Alarmed at being attacked during meditation, the Jedi Knight nevertheless acted expeditiously. She leaned to her left as she swept her right heel with a consolidated kick to his crouched side, awarding her the opportunity to drop flat to her left, freeing her self to avoid certain decapitation of his arching blade.

Aura then flipped up, semi refreshed by the brief meditation. The light fueling her fortitude.

"You Sith just dont back down do you?" she said in a flat tone.

She walked to Vega slowly. With her left palm out, the force expelled its power into the Sith Knight, pushing him back several meters. Aura motioned into a defensive stance awaiting Vega. The Sith was entering an unrestrained rage. His eyes mirroring the fires of hell driven by the demons that dwelled deeply in his diabolical soul.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 21st, 2001, 04:11:43 AM
It was now that Vega would began to loose his control. As had happened so many times before, his inner being would decide that a tactical move with a 80% accuracy rate would be worthless against a vicious lash with a 10% accuracy rate. It was often his downfall, so he needed to work fast and gain some ground.

What a stupid question, Jedi. Do you know nothing of your opponent?

Vega heaved his breathes now, chest lifting up and down rhythmically as he brought his saber across his body in a one handed guard. In his current state he didn't want to chance a saber scar, and therefore took it into his own hands to turn the fight into melee combat.

Looking around, his eyes were caught by some wreckage - large pieces of stonework broken away from the ruins. He grinned as he called onto into the air with the Force, pushing it speedily towards Aura.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 21st, 2001, 12:13:28 PM
With a honed instinct, the Jedi Knight intercepted the stonework from different angles with sweeping curvatures of her blade. She caught an edge of a piece of stone at her left shoulder as she grunted in pain, blood seeping down her arm.

The Sith raced forward as Aura waited for his attack. She could feel his intense rage multipled by previous experiences with him. He was digesting the battle, using it to build his power, traits of a Sith. The Jedi relied on her knowledge of the light, calming any fear as she stood intrepid before the evil Dark Knight.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 22nd, 2001, 03:48:41 AM
Using the ground as a lateral springboard, the Sith Knight kicked his heels against the ground and sprung himself into the air, a twist of pain spiralling up his ankle as he landed behind Aura. Vega quickly brought his saber towards her, striking out with a swift lash at her shoulders. The Jedi Knight spun around, quickly parrying the blow as the darksider drew back, swinging in for another shot at her kneecaps.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 22nd, 2001, 07:44:26 AM
The Jedi Knight launched herself over the blade converging on her knees, the side flip enabling a speedy escape as she landed unscathed.

"I just state the facts, Sith Knight."

After commenting to him, she then turned to her adversary and raced towards him, halting in a lunging thrust to his left side. The Sith Knight pivoted on his right heel spinning left 90 degrees while backing up to avoid the stab, then caught her blade from the bottom and raised her blade high. He side stepped in to Jedi, side kicking her midsection. The blow sent Aura back a few steps.

Vega then manuevered the hilt in his hand at a right angle to his forearm and sprinted to the Jedi carrying his horizontal blade to her upper chest. Aura swiftly raised her saber vertically up, the wound at her shoulder weakening her as she pressed against his blade. He pushed on, getting a foot behind her as he tripped his prey, spilling her to the ground, looking down with a sinister laugh.

Aura rolled to her feet as he lashed out at her crouched form. Through the force she spoke to him.

~You are not a Master yet. There is still time for you to elude a dismal fate of a dark destiny that will corrode you from the inside out.. Allow the light to penetrate your soul. The darkside will ultimately destroy you.~

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 23rd, 2001, 05:46:55 AM
Aura's saber swept towards the top half of his legs with force enhanced speed, allowing minimal time for the Sith to react. The blade caught against his thighs as he jumped himself backwards, hissing at the pain.

It is you who will be destroyed by the darkside! he yelled, his voice somewhat hoarse.

Vega let out a beastly roar as he threw himself at Aura, jumping into the air to bring the outside of his left boot towards the Jedi's face, his right foot following.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 26th, 2001, 04:00:39 PM
His boot nicked her face as she bent back a bit, avoiding the full force of the blow. She then lowered for a sweep as he landed and trained her saber near his throat.

"No, the dark shall destroy you as its blinded servant."

Vega snapped her blade away with a roar, kicking into her kneecap that took Aura by surprise, as she knelt in pain. He steered his blade towards her chest as she dropped flat back to avoid it, raising her blade as the Sith pounced on her to prove his point.

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 28th, 2001, 03:49:07 AM
Vega drove his knee down hard into Aura's chest, landing down on her, his face close to hers, speaking through his teeth.

"I am no servant."

His nostils flared as he rammed his leg down against her body once more, his saber following as he tried to impale her, unsuccessfully, into the ground. Again, he lunged, this time more at the middle area of her body.

Jedi Knight Aura
Dec 28th, 2001, 08:31:27 AM
Gritting her teeth in pain at the multiple slams onto her chest, Aura spun right, exposing her left side to the Sith Knight, unsaddling his knee as he missed her midsection, slightly grazing it. The heat of the blade distracted her as he fell on her side, pinning her there, moving in with his blade at her throat. Her awkward position made it difficult to halt his blade, yet she managed, binding it to the ground with a sharp arc. She knew during the turmoil of a battle, the force cannot always be used in defense as it requires focus and total concentration. Their struggle continued as she leveled her blade at his leg, securing her movement by her front.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:04:51 AM
Vega whipping his blade from beneath hers with a deep crackle of static, rolling himself back away from the floored Jedi Knight. He sprung backwards and kicked his boots hard into the air, corkscrewing himself back to his feet with a now constant thudding of pain hammering at him.

He looked down at Aura, his breathing loud.

"Give up. Now."

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 7th, 2002, 12:35:44 PM
Aura smiled to Vega as she rose up on her feet.

"If surrendering would asure my safe passage from here, I would bow down in defeat. A Jedi craves not victory and violence. Will you grant me my leave?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 7th, 2002, 01:38:53 PM
The Sith lowered his weapon and took a few paces towards Aura to bring himself within a foot of the Jedi, his head tilting slowly downwards to meet her line of vision.

"You surrender so easily... it is pitiful."

Vega swept the blade of his saber upwards and strike at Aura as he turned away on the ball of his right foot, sending out a Force push back at his opponent to attempt to knock her over - hopefully leading to his saber dragging straight down to the center of her body in a cutting slash.

Jedi Knight Aura
Jan 7th, 2002, 02:39:51 PM
It was too late for Aura, his blade found its target sketching a deep line over her midsection, simultaneously cutting and cauterizing as an enormous spray of blood decorated Vega's robe. She fell before his feet, noting the satisfied grin on her adversary peering down on her, suddenly changing to one of extreme rage as her blade connected with his lower back and side in a pronounced aft attack to render her foe wounded as well. She crawlwd from him holding the gaping wound at her abdomen dropping to the turf many times from shock, pain, and exhaustion.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 7th, 2002, 02:49:05 PM
Vega's body arched forward as the saber struck at his back and he hissed loudly through his teeth, a thick growl rumbling in his throat. He cursed loudly and spun to look at the Jedi, his pupils slitting down into thin black dots. He snapped his head back around and began to pace away from Aura, the pain in his body making his vision shift into and out of focus on occasion.

"You live for today. If we meet again things will not turn out the same.."