View Full Version : Prime time for taking: Alzoc III
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:33:51 AM
The personal escort ship's side door opened up slowly, steam shooting up from the circular holes in the metallic floor near the side entrance. A lone figure stepped out onto the stone half a dozen feet wide plank. He was followed by two other men, both half a head shorter than him in heighth, they wore a similar uniform as to him. The standard double-breated buttonless jacket with its stiff, upright circular collar. And the stone colored trousers which were commonly wore by most Imperial officers. He wore on the other hand wore a pearl white buttonless jacket, spotless white trousers, which were held tight to his waist by a black belt with a silver buckle. His rank insignia was worn over his left breast, three blue bars on top followed by three golden bars. Underneath those was another three blue bars, and then three crimson red plastic bars; which showed everyone he was ranked as Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy.
He made few clunking sounds as his shiny knee-high black boots hit the stone walkway. As was the sound of stomping feet made by the half a dozen hand picked Stormtroopers who were brought along for this very mission, and would soon serve their purpose. Two taller rather muscular Talz opened large rocky doors -- by its copper handle -- leading into the main chambers. Ewck. I need to remind myself to get rid of these giant white-furred yetis'. But not after they serve me as my personal slaves. He chuckled cautiously under his breath, before walking into the main chamber osentasiously.
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 11th, 2001, 10:33:50 AM
He noticied upon walking into the chamber that it was circular in form. Large, stone pillars supported the entire room and positioned the distance around the orb-shaped room. It was a 6' feet distance each was from the other, excluding the large 14' by 14' feet glass window positioned in the wall to view the outside capital city of Alzoc III. Grand Admiral Vriss descended down the two steps, closer to the center of the room, there was a oval table. It was made from pure Alzoc pearls; the renound pearls that many smugglers and many adventurers wished they could get ahold of.
He stepped towards the large glass window to the north. He peered out into the desolate, frozen plains his right hand sheltering his eyes from the harsh sunlight glaring back off of the reflective snow. Grand Admiral Vriss eyes moved to the left, he spotted a stone quarrey where several dozens of Talz were working in the stone quarrey, and its pearl mine to the southwest. He grinned mischeviously at the unsuspecting mine and quarry, before turning his attention back on the governor.
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 11th, 2001, 10:36:04 AM
"Governor R'essi, I have sent negotiator after negotiator, after meeting after meeting, for you to ally yourself with myself -- Grand Admiral Vriss -- to work together. And, time after time you have ignored my negotiations and scheduled meetings. Why is this?" He smoke smoothly, like a the venomous viper would speak to its next meal, to the Talz governor.
"We do not want the likes of you, The Empire is dirty scum. Imperial Navy is a waste of time. I do what is best for Alzoc, and I think pushing you away is the best thing for it." The white-furred humanoid Talz governor spart harshly at the Grand Admirals, as he got up out of his seat.
He again turned his focus outside the window, and to the stone quarry and pearl mine to the left of him. A sound of gunfire was heard, followed by a thump to the cold hard stone tiles that made up the floor. Alzoc III was his for the taking. No one was in his way.
Sumor Rayial
Nov 11th, 2001, 12:13:11 PM
**Sumor sat on the bridge of the recently finished Apocalypse-Class Star Destroyer of the same name. She was supposed to be on her maiden voyage, a shakedown cruise of sorts, taking the Council member and Military commander to a select number of TSE planets scattered in the outer edges of the known universe, however that mission had changed less than an hour earlier when a message from the garrison commander on Alzoc III announced that a "representative" of some Imperial group had landed and was "negotiating" with one of the Sith Empire's puppet Talz leaders.
Immediately upon receiving the message the Apocalypse and her escorts changed course and headed for the Alzoc system.
A light flashed on the control panel to Sumor's right, reaching over he pressed it activating the holo-projector in front of him. A man in a General's uniform appeared.**
Report General.
"The situation has become more extreme sir. We have just receive a report that one of the pearl mines has been attacked by troops. Sir do you want us to announce that Alzoc is a Sith Empire."
**Sumor flexed his right arm, he was still getting used to the implants that had regained him the use of the arm after an accident in the Dilonexa system.**
No. I'm tired of people thinking they can mess with the Empire.
Has there been any evidence to suggest that our garrison's, fighter bases, or invid hives have been detected?
"No sir, as you know the majority of our bases are dug into the ice of Alzoc. We know that the layers of ice surrounding and above the bases hide them from heat sensors. As for the invid on the surface, we aren't sure if they have been detected, if they have they may have been simply disregarded as some odd form of alien life that posed no threat. After all noone has faced them yet."
True enough General. Very well, begin to deploy your troops and the invid. Keep the fighters hidden until the fleet arrives. Our ETA is....
**Sumor looked over for one of the subordinates to give him their ETA. A young Lt. Commander in charge of navigation held up the sign for twenty three minutes.**
Our ETA is twenty three minutes General.
"Understood sir, we will hold them until you arrive."
And General I'm tired of this. Make an example of these fools, I want no survivors.
"Yes Sir"
**Within moments after ending the transmission the General on Alzoc III had dispatched the orders and scout vehicles, troop transports, and hover tanks started moving from deep within bases beneath the surface. At the same time orders were being "transmitted" to the hive mind and the invid began organizing for their movement towards the capital city.**
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 12th, 2001, 07:02:44 PM
"Captain. . ." Magor Grenuff, a lower ranking but very useful official, spoke in a timid voice at his commander. Captain Vriss's ears almost pricked up like that of a cat's when their master calls out for them. The Magor had broken the only moment of silence the Captain had obtained while conquering the outworld moon, and soon to be system.
"What is it Magor Grenuff?" He spoke with virulence at the young Magor, he tried not to be excessively harsh with him but he hated when those of lower rank had to complain to their commander about trivial purposes.
"Sir. Communications inform us that the Sith Empire have heard about your procedures, with their own planet. We have heard reports about them sending a larger class twice the size of their Imperator-class Star Destroyers, sir. We can only speculate how many squadrons of TIE Fighters or assault gunboats they have onboard." Magor Grenuff responded to his commander. The middle-twenties Magor, rubbed his sweaty palms togther -- before reaching for his metallic grey colored cap.
"And, you want me to do what about Magor?" He spoke coldly; his eyes still peering at the frigid cold plains of Alzoc III. "I see you have only acquired one pearl mine to my knowledgeability. I want you to double your efforts -- I am very displeased with you -- double the Snowtrooper amount of every fire team. If we plan on fending for ourselves we need more pearl mines. Double the scout efforts btoh on ground and by space. Find all signs of bases they have acquired on this planet, and scout for a possible amount of how much aircrafts they are bringing forth. "I want this done as fast as possible, Magor Grenuff. Your rank -- and life -- will be determined on how well you do.
Sumor Rayial
Nov 13th, 2001, 06:05:02 PM
"Entering Alzoc system in three... two... one..."
**In the blink of an eye, the mammoth Apocalypse-Class Star Destroyer and her 10 escorts apeared in the Alzoc system.**
Helm, bring us into range of that Imperial fleet.
"Aye sir."
Communications. Open a channel, all bands.
"Channel open sir."
**Sumor took a deep breath and collected his thoughts before finally speaking.**
Imperial fleet, this is Sith Lord Sumor Rayial of the Sith Empire. You are in violation of our territory, and are in the process of attacking one of the planets in our control. You have ten minutes to cease your attacks and respond, or you will be destroyed.
**Slicing his thumb across his neck Sumor signalled for the channel to be closed.**
Get me the commanding officer on the ground.
"Aye sir."
**A few minutes later Sumor was looking at a holographic image of the General he had spoken to previously.**
Report General.
"Yes sir... We have engaged the enemy in a series of pitched battles around the pearl mines. We are currently awaiting the invid to arrive so that we may conduct an offensive push against these forces. ETA on the attack is 30 minutes."
**Sumor was somewhat disapointed that these fools hadn't been wiped off the face of the planet, but they would be soon enough if they did not surrender immidiately.**
Very well General. If you do not recieve a message from me before hand, contact me before undertaking the offensive.
"Understood sir."
**With that done Sumor sat back in his command chair and waited the response of the opposing fleet commander.**
Sumor Rayial
Nov 13th, 2001, 06:06:33 PM
"Entering Alzoc system in three... two... one..."
**In the blink of an eye, the mammoth Apocalypse-Class Star Destroyer and her 10 escorts appeared in the Alzoc system.**
Helm, bring us into range of that Imperial fleet.
"Aye sir."
Communications. Open a channel, all bands.
"Channel open sir."
**Sumor took a deep breath and collected his thoughts before finally speaking.**
Imperial fleet, this is Sith Lord Sumor Rayial of the Sith Empire. You are in violation of our territory, and are in the process of attacking one of the planets in our control. You have ten minutes to cease your attacks and respond, or you will be destroyed.
**Slicing his thumb across his neck Sumor signal led for the channel to be closed.**
Get me the commanding officer on the ground.
"Aye sir."
**A few minutes later Sumor was looking at a holographic image of the General he had spoken to previously.**
Report General.
"Yes sir... We have engaged the enemy in a series of pitched battles around the pearl mines. We are currently awaiting the invid to arrive so that we may conduct an offensive push against these forces. ETA on the attack is 30 minutes."
**Sumor was somewhat disappointed that these fools hadn't been wiped off the face of the planet, but they would be soon enough if they did not surrender immediately.**
Very well General. If you do not receive a message from me before hand, contact me before undertaking the offensive.
"Understood sir."
**With that done Sumor sat back in his command chair and waited the response of the opposing fleet commander.**
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 13th, 2001, 06:33:22 PM
The Sith Lord -- Sumor Rayial -- of the Sith Empire was heard over the ComLink channel. "You have ten minutes to cease your attacks and respond, or you will be destroyed." The last words of Sumor Rayial floated through his head. It was too late; now he could not stop the Sith Empire from arriving at Alzoc III. He showed no signs of concern in his actions, as he spoke to another one of his Magors, "Get me back on that channel, Magor Dryuil."
"Sumor Rayial -- this is Captain Vriss -- commander of the Imperial Fleet. We will stop are progression forward into your planet . . . Only if you let my fleet have a nice smooth ride home. Which exlcudes you tailing our asses." He spoke in a harsh manner at the Sith Lord.
Turning his head away from the ComLink, he gestured with the shake of his head for the half a dozen Magors to evacuate from the premises in the arranged ships he had reserved just for this case.
"Now, do you accept my offer?"
Sumor Rayial
Nov 14th, 2001, 04:32:53 PM
**A deep laugh escaped from Sumor's throat. Did this fool actually think that he could dictate to a Sith Lord of TSE?**
You presume to demand things of me? My friend you are in no position to negotiate.
**Sumor muted the channel and fired off a quick series of orders.**
Helm move us in to optimum firing position... Comm send out an order to the fleet They are to move into attack formation Alpha Three. Have the Dominators power up their gravity wells... Tactical, charge the super laser, launch our SE-1's and 1 wing of Devistators, I don't want to get caught off guard. Keep them out of range of their weapons though.
**With those orders given Sumor continued his "conversation" with the Imperial Captain as his ships launched and moved into position around the oppositions fleet.**
Demand? No, you can't demand. Me on the other hand... See I'm in a position to demand. So here is what you are going to do. Your going to pull your troops off our planet, load them and the crews of all your ships into transports and escape pods and then you are going to take that nice smooth ride home as you so eloquently put it.
If you choose not to follow my orders you will be destroyed. So you have to ask yourself Captain, do you feel lucky? You have 20 minutes to decide and begin following my orders. Apocalypse out.
**Cutting off the comm channel Sumor's eyes began growing dark and a sinister grin slipping across his lips.**
Check and mate.
**A low maniacal laugh slowly began filling the command deck of the Star Destroyer as Sumor leaned back in his chair.**
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 17th, 2001, 06:55:50 PM
"****." Captain Vriss shouted to himself, he got out of his seat in a quick pace as he jogged to the door. He pressed the circular azure-blue button, and spoke into the intercom that could be heard throughout the planet.
"All of you that have not boarded space-craft's do so now. Pull back away from the mines, get out." He shouted loudly through the intercom at all the lower ranking officers.
He turned to his side, his right hand searching through his pockets for his weapon. He pulled out the crude, BlasTech DH-44 heavy blaster. If anyone wants to play with fire while I am out there, they will play with fire. He stepped out the electronic doorway, and onto the steps. Like expected his Lambda-class Imperial shuttle was there waiting. The door was opened already, as he stepped into it. The pilots quickly shut down the door, locking it tightly. "Get out of here as fast as you can," He shouted, which sounded asa hum from the multi-engined starcraft as it sprung from it original position away from the gargantula sized starcraft.
Telan Desaria
Nov 19th, 2001, 01:55:18 PM
OOC&IC-As an emissary of the Empire, I say it should be noted that the current attack upon the sovereignty of the Sith Empire is in no way endorsed by the Galactic Empire, and the aforementioned soldier/officer-Captain Vriss-holds no rank or stature in the Imperial Office of Personnel and Logistics.
Fleet Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet
Inspector General of the Destoryerate
Sumor Rayial
Nov 19th, 2001, 04:03:49 PM
OOC: Neither Vriss nor I ever said he was a member of the TGE. All refrences to "Empire" or "Imperial" as it directly relates to Vriss is in refrence to the Empires lack of knowledge of The Imperial Remnant, of which Vriss is a part of. No action will be taken against the TGE by TSE because of this thread.
If you have any other OOC comments please keep them in OOC or PM them to me, so not to clutter this thread.
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 23rd, 2001, 06:43:29 PM
I am guessing most likely that this thread is now closed.
Sumor Rayial
Nov 25th, 2001, 03:02:21 PM
OOC: No, I haven't replied IC due to you not responding to me <a href=>here</a>
I am also having computer problems that may keep me from replying for a couple more days.
Grand Admiral Vriss
Nov 25th, 2001, 04:45:33 PM
OOC: I have responded to your post in the OOC forum. And, I understand what is happening with your computer and will stroll past this thread once a day :)
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