View Full Version : Wild arms (open)

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 12:07:08 AM
A man walks through the street after a long night of building a new wapon and wanted to try it out so he was looking for a fight and he dont care with who.

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 01:27:10 AM
(The night cast a pall over everything in the street. Mixed with the haze of streetlights and alcohol, everything ran in various speeds and shades, multiple layers of the same shot superimposed over itself hundreds of times. I was a constant in a sea of inconstants, the night shifting with the pulse of the music either in my head or echoing in the distance. The taste of whiskey on my breath was an aftermath of the past few minutes that might as well have been a past life. I lived for the now...hungry as a wolf, but with no direction but the wind.

Down the road...I spotted another person, walking in my general direction. His eyes shifted with the wind, restless for a restless night. Either another prowler on the night...or somebody stupid enough to cross my path.)

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:10:16 AM
Crono looks up the street and see a figure walking toward the man looking at him .he thinks that It would be a nice time to test his new wapon.He starts walking up the street to the figure then yells with hate in his voice "what do you want".

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 10:57:10 AM
(The silhouetted figure approaching was either high or crazy. Either way, if common sense was measured in inches, he was high on his way to being a mental midget. In tricky situations like these, prerogative fell to those who weren't high, weren't insane, or maybe were, but to a lesser degree. Hell, if the blind can lead the blind, anything's possible. At any rate, the sheer freak factor of the encounter was wearing away the residuals of my debaucherous evening. I'm never too drunk to not like somebody's tone.

What did I want? What was it, a rhetorical question? Did I ask for anything? There was lots of stuff I wanted. A few million credits...enough breathing room in my leash to keep me away from Sasseeri, and maybe some stock options, mutual funds, and a Twi'Lek party dancer to match the color of my jacket. By the looks of this guy, the only thing in his pockets was trouble.

I lit a stim, tossing a match away as the puff of white smoke wafted up.)

Did I ask for anything?

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 01:05:50 PM
Crono looks at the man" What ever" Crono looks for places around him in case this goes bad. Then says"Ha Sanis Ive seen you around and I was wandering if you wanted to help me test my wapon".

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:14:16 PM
Am I wearing a shirt that says "weapon tester"?

(I'd be less suprised if he was spouting a haiku about purple mushrooms in huttese. Test his weapon? It almost sounded like a code phrase, it was so out of the blue.)

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:18:31 PM
"so I will take that as a no, good thats what I hoping you say"
Crono reaches down and pulls out his light saber and puts it to the man neck "Now are you going to fight or stand there and die".

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:44:28 PM
(I suppose that due to his saber's snap-hiss, the man couldn't hear the double hammer click, as I drew both barrels of my shell gun, pivoting it upwards in its sling holster, against the pit of his stomach. But to enforce the obvious, I glanced down, waiting for his eyes to follow mine to my piece. Except for the saber's hum, the scene was eerily silent.)

I don't know who you are...

(I activated the tight-pattern deflector on my left glove, pressing my hand to the blade of the lightsaber, the potent shield pushing the saber away from my neck. Stepping away politely, I tapped a small device on my belt, and it emanated a brief and nearly-inaudible whine for a split second. My shell gun didn't waver. After having a saber drawn on me, the bourbon had evaporated in the presence of my wits. Nothing like the prospect of death to bring yourself fully to sobriety.)

...and thats why I've got no fight with you. There's no money in it. Take your toy, and find somebody else to bug, or better yet...take it to the house.

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:54:24 PM
Crono puss the button on the saber and puts it away
"ok pass if you want"
Crono wanders if it was trick to let his gaurd down or what so he stands there ready to attack in case this was some kind of trick.

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 04:06:11 PM
ooc-- so are we going to fight or do you want to quit?

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 04:44:53 PM
Crono looks at the man* You no what I dont have a problem with you but.." Crono pulls out his two light sabers and throws them into the ground and then pulls out his gunblade" So if you want to pass you have to go through me" Crono rans at Sanis with his gunblade and slash his right arm. Then jumps back and get ready for sanis attack.

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 04:57:18 PM
(The man attacked very quickly, but his blade clashed against my personal shield generator, a splattering of blue energy visible as his arcing slash was slowed. As his attack slowed, I pivoted out of his path, allowing him to stumble forward. Flicking my left wrist, my derringer popped free from its spring holster, into the palm of my hand. I unloaded its three shot charge at the man's back as he passed, while I unhinged my shellgun's breech with my right. In two deft motions, I slid a black and a blue shell inside. Snapping the breech closed and popping my derringer back up my sleeve, I unholstered my dual broom-handled corellian heavy blasters, spinning them once in my hands as I anticipated another attack)

crono katon
Nov 11th, 2001, 05:04:06 PM
Crono yells in pain from the shots in the back. He uses all his strengh to get up.then he looks for the shield generator when he see it he uses the force the smash it. Then he picks up his two light sabers amd rans and shoves one in each shoulder.

"No so big when you dont have a generator"

ooc-- ya im sorry man I was being buged when i was writing it and it came out really bad wont happen again.

Sanis Prent
Nov 13th, 2001, 08:56:39 PM
(A smouldering pop came from my belt, as my shield shimmered and died away. Cursing, I holstered my double blasters as the man charged. Activating the small-field deflector in my left glove, I slapped away the saber blade as it came toward my right shoulder, only to have the other blade pierce into the fleshy part of my left shoulder.)

You steaming pile of dren!

(I turned my torso so that my left shoulder was facing him. With my right hand, I pivoted my shell gun in its sling holster, aiming the barrels toward the saber blade, and beyond that, Crono's chest.)

That's my favorite jacket, you prick. It cost more than a night with your mother!

(I fired the black shell chambered into the left barrel. The cortosis slug screamed out with a loud retort at hypersonic speed, slamming into the saber blade and deactivating it, dropping it to the ground. Contact with the blade was enough to break apart the brittle slug, turning it into a maelstrom of schrapnel that blasted into Crono's chest like a load of buckshot, blowing him 6 meters away, onto his back.

Unhinging the breech, I slid a yellow shell into the free barrel, and snatched up the dropped lightsaber before I turned and ran down the street, making a turn at an intersection. The moron had already ruined a good jacket and taken a 20,000 credit mandalorian black shell. He might as well make some compensation from the encounter.)

Sanis Prent
Nov 23rd, 2001, 09:00:44 AM
OOC: Crono...did you forget about this one?

Sanis Prent
Dec 5th, 2001, 08:51:17 PM
(ducking down the alley, I ejected the ruined power core in my deflector shield's slot, placing a new charge in its place)

crono katon
Dec 7th, 2001, 05:12:37 PM
*Crono flys back into the wall. He reachs down to his chest and see's blood all over him self. He looks up as Sanis rans around the corner. Crono puss on his scare to stop some of the blood flow. Then he uses all his strength to get up. He thinks to his self
I can go after Sanis or go to the Doctor. He walks the oppesite way to the Doctor.

Sanis Prent
Dec 7th, 2001, 05:42:22 PM
OOC: I have your lightsaber. Also, you've been practically hit in the chest with buckshot, which isn't exactly a scratch on the arm.