View Full Version : What a sad commercial.

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:11:58 PM
I just heard part of the new Domestic Disturbance commercial on the tv in the other room.

"...with John Travolta as the good guy hero, the way you like to see him...."

Is that pathetic or what? It sound like s really desperate plea.

The movie opened with an OK 14 million bucks at the number 3 spot. It's not going to make more than 40-60 million. Why remind everyone of Travolta's recent 'box office dissapointments'?

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:33:08 PM
Get Shorty
Pulp Fiction
Broken Arrow
Mad City

Doesn't matter what he does from now on, he is in my cool book

And Swordfish did great, remember? :)

Besides, this is the other Buscemi film you got this week. You should be flockiing to both, you ungratful gits! :)

Nov 10th, 2001, 03:46:06 PM
Yeah, it's like the studio has Battlefield Earth on the brain or something. :p

Swordfish did better than thsi movie is going to do. Plus his big 'comeback' movie had him playing a hit man. He was a bad guy in Broken Arrow too. I didn't like him in that role, but the movie did fairly well.

I think Travolta's people should go after the studio about the commercial. I thought the original commercials weren't that good either. With movies like this is really important to play up the bad guy as a threat. I can imagine Vince Vaughn playing a GREAT bad guy- but I didn't see that in the first commercial at all.

DD dropped almost 50% on Friday, so maybe the studio is desperately trying to stop what they know will be a short run.

Nov 10th, 2001, 09:24:20 PM
I'm a Travolta fan but I've got no desire to see DD. My wife likes him too and she's more than willing to wait for it to show up on cable. I think DD was lucky to get 14M. It could have easily bombed with an under $10M opening. This seems like one of those "in between" films of his. Some turkey he does between decent movies that gets dumped in the fall or winter.

Nov 11th, 2001, 04:39:50 PM
I don't like Travolta at all. I used to think he was decent, and I liked him in Pulp Fiction, but after that movie came out, I just got so sickened by seeing him in so many movies. After PF, he's been doing like 3-4 movies per year. Everywhere you turn around, he's got a movie out. That, along with the fact that I don't find him a very good or convincing actor, has just kinda turned me off from the whole Travolta thing... So its likely I won't be going to see DD...

And yeah, I did hear that tagline on the commercial and I thought it sounded like a lame attempt to get people to go to the theater...

Nov 12th, 2001, 02:08:02 PM
Well he was good in Pulp Fiction, but his best movie is definitely Lucky Numbers ;)

Now that's a great film, haha. Riiiight.

Mu Satach
Nov 13th, 2001, 12:58:09 PM
My absolute favorite John Travolta movie is Primary Colors. =)

heehheheheheehhe.... it's cool. >=)

DD, the story just doesn't appeal to me... I mean it's a cool idea... but the whole plot and ultimate ending are given away in the trailers.

There is no way that a movie is going to have the evil step father win so you already know the ending... and there's no mystery because they show the dude whackin a person and the kid seeing it... plus they show that Travolta believes his kid. Therefor why should I see the movie? I know the plot, I know the outcome, I know the standard crap thats going to come in between... no suspense, no mystery, no surprises.... no ticket sales plain and simple.

It could contain oscar award winning drama, dialogue and performances (which I doubt) and it still wouldn't get any ticket sales with the sloppy marketing job they've done with it.